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The University of Jordan

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Department of Civil Engineering
Dr. Laith Tashman
Deema Hamed Ahmad Sultan 0182370
Banan Ahmad Abdel Razzaq Alhiary 0187417

Redesign of Al-Mashagel Intersection

Al-Mashagel Intersection is an Unsignalized Intersection which is defined as any at-grade
junction of two or more public roads at which the right-of-way for motorists, bicyclists,
and pedestrians is not controlled by a highway traffic signal. It is an intersection with
four approaches and a roundabout in the middle.

With regard to unsignalized intersections, two basic groups of nontraditional designs

include the circular intersection and the U-turn-centered intersection. The aim of this
project is to redesign the intersection to reduce traffic congestion on it.

We came up with three alternatives that may be done to achieve our goal, first
alternative is to use signalization and turn it into a signalized intersection. The second
alternative is to make a bridge between the two approaches. The third alternative is to
use the second unconventional way to design an Unsignalized Intersection which is the
U-turn-centered intersection, especially Restricted Crossing U-Turn (superstreet or J-turn),
and to compare the results of our design with the existing design to decide with
alternative is the best. We will choose one of these alternatives for our project.

Data will be extracted by reference to the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) and other

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