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My taseup Deeane

ldardus drcam slari uth te edea te nduibuial teuslintan the

Aa 19t% cotuy, pesp lack lan had aLat ideas Hegasdug e dealopnas
the tockology. udeai Nai-a-days tere is olss a Bend mle dauedshi
LAwbios My idea iu tb átablikad a mustasd ril pactoy and ohr aqupuoduch. Fout

th te help ny kags,dRdaui a amal jaclory in y illagg wheve1 an

wugate and hasuet ustand ua uey fne aud pure Conduliou as aa market
may not ga tefoueak qualdy.Tlon almg uth ny joo, slonslyand pesely dhssse
a ecohn m4acdayonda seagecmpasincht asa, iuthar e muataed pau
stirage . uidot oj elelay shdauoge,I mill fius camaultaprapeuinal ajee
inustng he makeling,I uill do enseanclhes aa uy enu pea pickung up and educr
myproduck,Takng machnes , land, and ptur bauc nteds, ' Hugusiy ta uosleye
ople and gue thoun emplayuentToe they l l alp gat an dhjundy and ugne-
tun a it bonunor publicadty qe ampan Thiu time Tuill get alete ensleyes n
a thert period tie od can ckeae uy_pududindyday by day. By t I car e
gue stu poduak too & in food udustiy , Henuusonwuf and puoduciudy ill áz eg
ancd peof wlte token caxe af eauly

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