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College of Education

Pocholo Ross F. Diuyan BPEd - 2

Reflective Log 2

As school administrators and facilitators have great authority in

handling the system, they have loads of responsibilities to fulfill as well.
Teacher evaluation is a very important matter that is included in their list.
Just like students, teachers are also evaluation in order to monitor
their performance level for their respective positions. The primary source
of feedback and information for a teacher’s performance would be none
other than the students. They are directly relevant to the teacher’s
outputs and performance. Gathering data from students about the
teacher’s methods and way of teaching will be helpful to evaluate if a
teacher is performing well for the improvement of their students.
As future educators, we can also try to learn from our students
while they learn from us as well. This can build a good student-teacher
relationship since the students are also considered as the both
consumers and stakeholders of the institute.

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