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Topic 2: what are the most important skills a university student should learn?

- Hook: which are the most important soft skills for students?. This question are basically the title
of my presentation today that I will tell you about the three most crucial skills which student
should prepare for themselves.
- Preview: firstly I will start off by the team work, then I will look at the communication skill, after
that I will move on to the point of leadership skill.
1. Teamwork.
- In the first point of my presentation, I would like to talk about the teamwork skill. This skill is
popular in many universities that students usually have it in almost subjects. Working in group is
a plus point for their career because there will be a lot of business require to work alongside
others at every level, then doing so in an empathetic, efficient and responsible manner can help
them accomplish their career goals. To illustrate, when they are interviewing, and their resume
with some positively contribution they achieved will catch attention of the interviewer.
Additionally, this skill can help them expand some wholesome relationships when working in
- Okay, let me come back what I have just said. Teamwork is a best way for student to learn
because it can bring some advantages in their career future.
2. Communication skill.
- Here is my next point, that student should improve their communication skill. A good
communication skill can improve the way we operate our life and smooth our relationship with
other .This is not less important than the teamwork skill, when students are good at listening,
speaking, observing and emphasizing, it is helpful to understand differences in how to
communicate through face-to-face interactions, phone conversations and digital communication
like email and social media.
- This brings me to the end of my second point, let me summarize again that communication skill
can help students make life better.
3. Leadership skill:
- In my final point , I would like to talk about the leadership skill. Every leaners should improve
this skill carefully because there are many workplaces requiring a leader to operate the whole
things such as arranging duty, solving problems, and bonding with other members. When we
having a good leadership skill, there will be a lot of advantages like better financial performance
and increased business agility.
In sum, let me run over the key points agains that student can learn more about the teamwork skill,
communication skill and leadership skill all of them are the most significant skill in student’s life.
Students should practice more these skill in school because school is the best place for them to get
these skills, so to make life more comfortable let start learning and try hard one these skills.

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