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Multigene creator, Vega, AutoCAD, 3Dmax, VRAY Map, Images, and Google
Sketch Up are the most often used tools for urban 3D representation. Visual
simulation, virtual battlefield, virtual city, simulation design, and interactive games
all have distinct qualities. Various popular 3D model software platforms
Traditional 3D visualization makes use of a specialized modelling and display
platform. In general, there is no analytic function that corresponds to the 2D data
analysis function. Except for 3D visualization, Digital City requires the matching
spatial analysis function. In other words, it is owing to a consistency issue with
two-dimensional GIS systems. The subject of the consistency of a 2D platform
with a 3D platform is concerned. Furthermore, ArcGIS controls a sizable portion
of the conventional GIS business. If 3D data visualization and spatial analysis
employ the ArcGIS platform, they will definitely benefit greatly. The original
ArcGIS data format and platform, on the other hand, make 3D modelling of
ArcGIS problematic. Furthermore, the emergence of Google Sketch Up allows for
3D representation of cities utilizing the ArcGIS platform [1].
Sketch Up modelling in 3D
Sketch Up provides consumers with a way known as the sketch master of the
computer. It might be a wonderful combination of two classic design processes of
a "working model" and a “hand-drawn drawing".
The simplicity of modelling and altering polygons and volumes is the cause behind
such a Sketch up model's scalability and versatility. "Polyline" and "Polygon" are
the two primary mapping components in Sketch up. Polylines create polygons, and
polygons create substance [2].
Modeling using Polygons
Polygons in Sketch up often have area and circumference perimeter features, such
as buildings, football fields, and grass modelling. The modelling procedure is
separated into two stages. Geometric modelling is one example.
Initially, a reference map is imported into Sketch up (Remote sensing pictures,
CAD data, Ship format, etc.) and the contour of buildings is created, followed by
extending a rough framework and adjusting detail. Texture modelling is another.
Taking images of all features of the building with a digital camera and fixing them
in Photoshop, these photos are loaded into the model in Sketch up as a material and
then mapped. Furthermore, the programme has a huge number of widely used
materials [3].

Figure 1 Cycle of 3D Design

Figure 2 3D Model By Sketch Up

[1]Jianhua Wan, Zhengfeng Pan and Qingquan Li, "The focus of several questions on Urban
geographical information system,” Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping. 11-13(2002).
[2]Ziyu Tong, [Sketchup architectural modeling steps tutorial], China architecture & building
press, Beijing, 1-8(2007).
[3] Defa Hong, Guodong Yang, Zhi Wang, "Construction of Virtual Campus Based on ArcScene
and SketchUp,"Computer Technology and Development.Papers18 (12), 41-46(2008).

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