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#kindlenuggets(enablers group for kdp knowledge)

kdspy tool buy one time in 50$ and helium 10 use for keyword research and its
cyrebro for reverse Asin.

demand must exist check from google trends

check 3 things:

1:top competitor(check dominating 2 to 3 best sellers which have lowest bsr and
highest reviews and low price) so check that sellers dominancy and avoid that
niche.Top competitor should not be below 1000 bsr(2000 and 3000 bsr is good) and no
of reviews should not be more than 2000 and if price is low then not go in that

2:main/direct competitor(15,000 to 40,000 consistent bsr in last 6 months).We have

to beat this competitor(its bsr range 15,000 to 40,000) no of ratings 200 to 300
should not be famous author, should not have series of book in same niche.

3:keywords(long tail keywords 3 to 5 ,specific keywords, always check relevency in

keywords and check search volume too)
All these criterias should match 80 to 90 Percent.
Must make better book cover than competitor

------>Amazon auto complete feature is best for getting best keywords.......type

two keywords and then type space then check one by one all its suggestions or write
2 keywords then type all aplhabets one by one and check its suggested keywords.

Check for workbooks and journals (create workbooks)

go to books and different categories then search journals
low content books
(write 'how to a,b,c' in search bar to get ideas)

VA services for amazon kdp

-->Book hunting
-->book cover designing(make better cover than competitor)
-->book writting(min pages 25)
-->book formatting
-->book proof reading
-->sponsor adds for kindle
-->account management,competitor analysis,keyword analysis

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