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Product Hunting Criteria

VA course by TEVTA
Mubashar Hussain
Hunting tools

 Helium 10
 AMZ scout
 Jangle Scout
 Merchant word
 Viral launch
What is keyword

 Keyword is necessary to analyze specific product or category.

 Broad keyword
 Specific keyword

 Short tail keyword

 Long tail keyword
Hunting criteria

 Product price should between 5$ to 20$.

 Profit margin should between 20 to 30%.
 Product variation and revenue
 From top 10 sellers at least 5+ sellers should have similar product according to
design and shape, size.
 From top 10 sellers at least 5+ sellers should have 5k revenue.
 Reviews
 From top 10 sellers, maximum 2-3 sellers should have 1k+ reviews.
 Rating
 At least 70-80% sellers from top 15 should have 4.5 ratings.

 Sellers
 From top 5 sellers there should not be more then 2 Amazon itself.
 From top 10 sellers there should be more then 60% of sellers using FMA model.
 Product material
 Exclude glass, electronics, battery, medicine,
 Product variation
 Product variation should not be more then 3. (size, color, variety)
 Production cycle
 Should be not more then 15 days
 Initial investment at US should be $15-$20k
Hunting techniques

 Search by using tools

 - string formula
 Best sellers store
 Social media pages and groups
 Local markets idea

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