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1. Define inertia. Give its classification.
Inherent property of a body to resist any change its state unless influenced by external
unbalanced force
Types of inertia
Inertia of rest
Inertia of motion
Inertia of direction
2. Classify the types of force based on their application.
Like parallel force , unlike parallel force
3. Differentiate mass and weight.
Mass Weight
Scalar quantity Vector quantity
Unit : kilogram Unit : newton
Quantity of matter Gravitational force
Same everywhere variable
4. Define moment of a couple.
Moment of couple = force x perpendicular distance
5. State the principle of moments
Moment in clockwise direction = moment in anticlockwise direction
F1 X d1 = F2 X d2
6. State Newton’s second law.
Force on a body directly proportional to the rate of change of momentum
7. Why a spanner with a long handle is preferred to tighten screws in heavy vehicles?
Spanner is long, need less force
Moment of force = F X d
8. While catching a cricket ball the fielder lowers his hands backwards. Why?
Time increases, momentum decreases
Force = momentum / time
9. How does an astronaut float in a space shuttle?
Huge orbital velocity, free fall condition

1. State Newton’s laws of motion?

Newton’s first law
Everybody is in the state of rest or state of uniform motion unless an external force acting on it
Newton’s second law
Force acting on a body is directly proportional to the rate of change of momentum
Newton’s third law
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
2. Deduce the equation of a force using Newton’s second law of motion.
Force is directly proportional to the rate of change of momentum
Mass of moving body = m
Initial speed = u
Final speed = v
Interval of time = t
Initial momentum = mu
Final momentum = mv


Change of momentum = mv – mu
By Newton’s second law of motion,
F ∞ change in momentum / time
F ∞ mv – mu /t
F = km (v – u) / t
F = ma
Force = mass x acceleration
3. State and prove the law of conservation of linear momentum.

A, B = two bodies
Mass of the bodies = m1, m2
Initial velocity = u1, u2
U1 > u2
Interval of time = t
They tend to have collision
Final velocity = v1, v2
FA = m2 (v2 – u2 ) / t
FB = m1 (v1 – u1 ) / t
FB = - FA
m1 (v1 – u1) / t = - m2 (v2 – u2 ) / t
M1V1 + M2V2 = M1U1 + M2U2

4. Describe rocket propulsion.

Based on the law of conservation of linear momentum and Newton’s third law
Rockets are filled with fuel. Hot gas is ejected.
To balance the momentum, an equal and opposite reaction force is produced
Mass of rocket decrease with altitude, increasing in the velocity
At one stage, it reaches the velocity, sufficient to just escape from the gravitational pull of the
earth. It’s called as escape velocity.
5. State the universal law of gravitation and derive its mathematical expression
Every particle in universe attracts other particle with a force which is directly proportional to the
product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
m1 and m2 are the masses of A and B
r – distance between them
F ∞ m1 x m2
F ∞ 1 / r2
F ∞ m1m2 / r2
F = Gm1m2 / r2
G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2Kg-2
6. Give the applications of gravitation.
Dimensions of heavenly bodies can be measured
Helps in discovering new stars and planets


Helps to explain germination of roots
Help to find the path of the astronomical bodies.
1. What is refractive index?
Ratio of speed of light in vaccum to speed of light in medium
µ = sin i / sin r
2. State Snell’s law.
Ratio of sine of angle of incidence to sine of angle of refraction is equal to ratio of refractive
sin i / sin r = µ2 / µ1
3. Differentiate convex lens and concave lens.
Convex lens Concave lens
To correct To correct myopia
Forms real image Forms virtual image
Thicker in middle Thinner in middle
Converging lens Diverging lens
4. State Rayleigh’s law of scattering
Amount of scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wave length
S ∞ 1 / 4
5. What are the causes of ‘Myopia’?
Lengthening of eye ball
Focal length reduced
6. Why does the sky appear in blue colour?
Blue colour is scattered
7. Why are traffic signals red in colour?
Red light – highest wavelength
1. List any five properties of light
Light is a form of energy
Travels in a straight energy
No need of any medium
C – 3 x 108ms-1
Different colour light – different wave length and frequency.
Violet colour light – lowest wavelength
Red light – highest wavelength
2. Explain the rules for obtaining images formed by a convex lens with the help of ray diagram.
Rule 1


Rule 2

Rule 3

3. Differentiate the eye defects: Myopia and Hypermetropia

Short sightedness Long sightedness
Corrected by concave lens Corrected by convex lens
Lengthening of eyeball Shortening of eyeball
Falls before retina Falls behind retina
Distance object cannot be seen Nearby object cannot be seen
Far point closer Near point further
4. Explain the construction and working of a ‘Compound Microscope’.

Two convex lenses

Objective lens are placed near object
Eye lens are placed near eye
The object AB is placed away from the focus of Objective lens
Real, inverted and enlarged image A’B’ is formed
This image behave as object for eye lens
The eyepiece form virtual, enlarged and erect image A”B”
VI. Book Exercise – Answer in briefly
1. Define one calorie.
Amount of heat need to raise the temperature of 1 gm of water by 10C
2. What is co-efficient of cubical expansion?
Volume of the body per degree rise in temperature / unit volume
3. State Boyle’s law
At constant temperature, P ∞ 1/V
4. State-the law of volume
At constant pressure V ∞ T


V – volume
T – temperature of gas
5. Distinguish between ideal gas and real gas
Ideal gas Real gas
Atoms or molecules do not interact Atoms and molecules interact
Weak force Lack force
VIII. Answer in detail
1. Derive the ideal gas equation.
Ideal gas equation obeys Boyle”s law, Charles law and Avagadro’s law
Boyle’s law PV = Constant
Charle’s law V/T= Constant
Avagadro’s law V/n = Constant
PV / nT = constant
n = µ NA
PV / µ NA T = KB
PV = PV / µ NA KB T
-1 -1
R = 8.31 J Mol K
2. Explain the experiment of measuring the real and apparent expansion of a liquid with a neat

Pour the liquid in container, Mark as L1

Burn the container
Volume of the liquid appears to reduced. Marks as L2
On further heating, expansion takes place
Liquid rises to L3
Real expansion = L3 – L2
Apparent expansion = L3 - L1

VI. Book Exercise – Very short answer questions.
1. Define the unit of current.
1 ampere =1 coulomb/ 1 second.
2. What happens to the resistance, as the conductor is made thicker?
low resistance .


3. Why is tungsten metal used in bulbs, but not in fuse wires?
It is because tungsten has a very high melting point. Fuse wires should have low melting point.
4. Name any two devices, which are working on the heating effect of the electric current.
Electric Heater
Electric Iron.
VII. Book Exercise – Short answer questions.
1. What is the role of the earth wire in domestic circuits?
Save us from electric shocks
Sent current to the earth
2. State Ohm’s law.
At a constant temperature the current is directly proportional to potential difference V = IR
3. What connection is used in domestic appliances and why?
Parallel connection
Device gets full voltage
Each device can be on/ off independently
VIII. Book Exercise – Long answer questions.
1. With the help of a circuit diagram derive the formula for the resultant resistance of three
resistances connected:
a) in series and b) in parallel

Resistors in series:
R1, R2, R3 – Resistors connected in series
V1, V2, V3 – Potential difference between them
I – current
In series connection, current – same, potential difference – different
V = V1 +V2 + V3
By Ohm’s law
IRS = IR1 + IR2 + IR3
RS = R 1 + R 2 + R 3

Resistors in parallel
R1, R2, R3 – Resistors connected in parallel
I1, I2, I3 – current passing through R1, R2, R3
V – Potential difference


In parallel connection, current – different, potential difference – same
I = I1 + I2 + I3
V/RP = V/R1 + V/R2 + V/R3
1/RP = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
2. a) What is meant by electric current?
Rate of flow of charges in a conductor
b) Name and define its unit.
1 ampere = 1 coulomb / 1 second
c) Which instrument is used to measure the electric current? How should it be connected in a
Ammeter connected in series
3. a) State Joule’s law of heating.
H ∞ I2
H = I2Rt
H – heat, I – current, t – time, R – resistor
b) An alloy of nickel and chromium is used as the heating element. Why?
High melting point
High resistivity
Not easily oxidised
Low melting point connected in series
c) How does a fuse wire protect electrical appliances?
Large current passes through the circuit, fuse wire melts.
4. a) What are the advantages of LED TV over the normal TV?
Brighter picture
Thinner size
Less power
Life span
More reliable
b) List the merits of LED bulb.
No loss of energy
Need low power
Different colour light
Low cost
Not harmful to the environment


1. What is the audible range of frequency?
between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz.
2. What is the minimum distance needed for an echo?
17.2 m.
3. Name three animals, which can hear ultrasonic vibrations.
Bat, Mosquito, Dogs.


1. Why does sound travel faster on a rainy day than on a dry day?
Humidity increases, sound increase
2. Why does an empty vessel produce more sound than a filled one?
More free space
3. Explain why, the ceilings of concert halls are curved.
Multiple reflection
4. Mention two cases in which there is no Doppler effect in sound?
Source and listener are rest
They are moving in perpendicular direction.
1. What are the factors that affect the speed of sound in gases?
V – Velocity of sound
d – Density of gas
T – Temperature
Humidity increases with speed of sound increases
2. a) What do you understand by the term ‘ultrasonic vibration’?
Sound frequency greater than 20KHz
b) State three uses of ultrasonic vibrations.
Tracking a satellite
c) Name three animals which can hear ultrasonic vibrations.
Dogs, Bats, Mosquito
3. What is an echo?
Reflection of the original sound
Ex: walls, mountains
a) State two conditions necessary for hearing an echo.
Time gap between original sound and echo = 0.1 sec
Minimum distance to hear an echo = 1/20th part of the velocity of the sound in air.
b) What are the medical applications of echo?
No harmful radiations
c) How can you calculate the speed of sound using echo?
Speed of sound =
IX. Book Exercise – Answer in one or two word (VSA)
1. Who discovered natural radioactivity?
Henri Becquerel.
2. Which radioactive material is present in the ore of pitchblende?


3. Write any two elements which are used for inducing radioactivity?
Boron, Aluminium.
4. Write the name of the electromagnetic radiation which is emitted during a natural radioactivity.
α – rays.
5. If A is a radioactive element which emits an α - particle and produces 104Rf259. Write the
atomic number and mass number of the element A.
106Sg263 Atomic number of A = 106, Mass number of A = 263.
6. What is the average energy released from a single fission process?
3.2 × 10-11J.
7. Which hazardous radiation is the cause for the genetic disease?
GAMMA– rays.
8. What is the amount of radiation that may cause death of a person when exposed to it?
Acute radiation Syndrome is a collection of health effects that are present within 24 hrs of
exposure to ionizing radiation. It is also called radiation poisoning, radiation sickness and radiation
9. When and where was the first nuclear reactor built?
Chicago, USA 1942.
10. Give the SI unit of radioactivity.
11. Which material protects us from radiation?
X. Book Exercise – Answer the following in few sentences
1. Write any three features of natural and artificial radioactivity.
Natural radioactivity Artificial radioactivity
Cannot be controlled Can be controlled
Atomic no more than 83 Less than 83
Alpha, beta, gamma radiations Neutron, positron
Spontaneous process Slow process
2. Define critical mass.
The minimum mass of a fissile material necessary to sustain the chain reaction
3. Define one roentgen.
One roentgen is defined as the quantity of radioactive substance which produces a charge of
2.58 × 10–4 coulomb in 1 kg of air under standard conditions of pressure, temperature and Humidity.

4. State Soddy and Fajan’s displacement law.

A A–4
ZX Z–2 Y
ZX Z Y A +1

5. Give the function of control rods in a nuclear reactor.

They absorb neutrons.
6. In Japan, some of the new born children are having congenital diseases. Why?
It is because atom bombs are exploded, harmful radiations
7. Mr. Ramu is working as an X - ray technician in a hospital. But, he does not wear the lead
aprons. What suggestion will you give to Mr. Ramu?
To wear lead coated apron
8. What is stellar energy?
Stars emit a large amount in the form of light and heat


9. Give any two uses of radio isotopes in the field of agriculture?
P-32 – Increase the productivity of crops
Radiations kill insects and parasites

1. Compare the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiations.

Properties α rays β rays ϒ rays

Define Helium nucleus electrons Electromagnetic
Charge Positive charge Negative charge Neutral
Ionising power greater less Very less
Speed 1/10 times of speed 9/10 times of speed Speed of light
of light of light
Penetrating power low high Very high
Electric and Deflected by both Deflected by both No deflection
magnetic field

2. What is a nuclear reactor? Explain its essential parts with their functions.
Nuclear reactor
Nuclear fission
Controlled manner
Parts and functions
Fissile material used
Uranium used
Slow down the high energy neutrons
Graphite, heavy water
Control rod
Sustained chain reaction
Boron or cadmium rods used
Absorbs neutron
Remove heat
Produce steam
Run turbine – produce electricity
Protection wall
Lead wall – prevent harmful radiations

10 | P a g e [ 1 0 T H S C I E N C E – E A S Y S T U D Y ]
1. Write the different types of isotopes of oxygen and its percentage abundance.
8O 99.75
8O 0.038
8O 0.205
2. Define : Atomicity
Number of atoms present in a molecule
3. Give any two examples for heterodiatomic molecules.
4. What is Molar volume of a gas?
Volume occupied by one mole of gas at STP = 22.4 L
5. Define: Relative atomic mass.
average mass of its isotopes / 1/12th part of the mass of a carbon-12 atom
1. Calculate the number of water molecule present in one drop of water which weighs 0.18 g.
Number of mole = = 0.18/18 = 0.01 mole
Water molecule = 0.01 x 6.023 x 1023 = 6.023 x 1021
2. N2 + 3 H2 → 2 NH3 (The atomic mass of nitrogen is 14, and that of hydrogen is 1)
1 mole of nitrogen (_______g) +3 moles of hydrogen ( _________ g) ?
2 moles of ammonia ( _________ g)
1 mole of Nitrogen (28g) + 3 mole of hydrogen (6g) → 2 mole of ammonia (34g)
3. Calculate the number of moles in
a. 27g of Al ii) 1.51 × 1023 molecules of NH4Cl
Number of moles = mass / atomic mass = 27/27 = 1 mole
1.51 x 1023 number of molecules of NH4Cl = 1.51 x 1023 / 6.023 x 1023 = 0.25 mole
4. Give the salient features of “Modern atomic theory”.
Atoms are divisible
Atoms of the same element may have different atomic masses
Atoms of the different elements may have same atomic masses
Atom is the smallest particle that part in the chemical reaction
Mass of an atom can be converted into energy
5. Derive the relationship between Relative molecular mass and Vapour density.

VD =

2 x VD = RMM


1. Calcium Carbonate is decomposed on heating in the following reaction.

CaCO3 → CaO + CO2

11 | P a g e [ 1 0 T H S C I E N C E – E A S Y S T U D Y ]
i) How many moles of Calcium Carbonate are involved in
this reaction?Ans : 1 mole of Calcium carbonate.
ii) Calculate the gram molecular mass of Calcium Carbonate involved in
this reaction.Ans : GMM of CaCO3 = 40 + 12 + 48 = 100 g.
iii) How many moles of CO2 are there
in this equation?Ans : 1 mole of
1. How many grams are there in the following?
i) 2 moles of hydrogen molecule, H2. Mass = No. of moles × Molecular Mass.
Mass = 2 × (2×1) = 4 g.
ii) 3 moles of chlorine molecule, Cl2. Mass = No. of moles × Molecular Mass.
Mass = (35.5×2) × 3
= 213 g.
iii) 5 moles of sulphur molecule, S8. Mass = No. of moles × Molecular Mass.
Mass = (8×32) × 5
= 1280 g.
iv) 4 moles of phosphorous molecule, P4.Mass = No. of moles × Molecular Mass. Mass = (4 ×
31) × 4
= 496 g.
2. Write the difference between atoms and molecules.
Atom Molecule
An atom is the smallest particle of an A molecule is the smallest particle of an
element element or compound.
Atom does not exist in free state except in Molecule exists in free a state
a noble gas
Except some of noble gas, other atoms are Molecules are less reactive
highly reactive
Atom does not have a chemical bond Atoms in a molecule are held by chemical

1. A is a reddish brown metal, which combines with O2 at < 1370 K gives B, a black coloured
compound. At a temperature > 1370 K, A gives C which is red in colour. Find A,B and C with
A – copper
B – Copper (I) oxide
C – copper (II) oxide
2. A is a silvery white metal. A combines with O2 to form B at 800oC, the alloy of A is used in
making the aircraft. Find A and B
A – aluminium
B – aluminium oxide

12 | P a g e [ 1 0 T H S C I E N C E – E A S Y S T U D Y ]
3. What is rust? Give the equation for formation of rust.
hydrated ferric oxide (Fe2O3. xH20 )
4. State two conditions necessary for rusting of iron.
Presence of moisture, presence of oxygen


1. a) State the reason for addition of caustic alkali to bauxite ore during purification of bauxite.
Aluminium hydroxide
b) Along with cryolite and alumina, another substance is added to the electrolyte mixture.
Name the substance and give one reason for the addition.
Lowers the fusion temperature
2. The electronic configuration of metal A is 2,8,18,1. The metal A when exposed to air and
moisture forms B a green layered compound. A with con. H2SO4 forms C and D along with
water. D is a gaseous compound. Find A, B, C and D.
A – Copper
B – Basic copper carbonate
C – Copper sulphate
D – Sulphur di oxide
3. Explain smelting process.
Smelting is the process of reducing the roasted metallic oxide from the metal.
1. Metal A belongs to period 3 and group 13. A in red hot condition reacts with steam to
form B. A withstrong alkali forms C. Find A,B and C with reactions.
compound molecular formula name
A Al aluminium
B Al2O3 aluminium oxide
C NaAlO2 sodium meta aluminate

2. Name the acid that renders aluminium passive. Why?

It renders aluminum passive due to the formation of an oxide film on its surface.
3. i) Identify the bond between H and F in HF molecule.
ii) What property forms the basis of identification?
iii) How does the property vary in periods and in groups?
Along the period, the electronegativity increases.
down a group,the electronegativity of the elements decreases.
4. What are the reasons for alloying.
 To modify appearance and colour.
 To modify chemical activity.
 To lower the melting point.
 To increase hardness and tensile strength.
 To increase resistance to electricity.
5. Write the methods of preventing corrosion.
i) Alloying
ii) Surface Coating

13 | P a g e [ 1 0 T H S C I E N C E – E A S Y S T U D Y ]
a) Galvanization
b) Electroplating
c) Anodizing
d) Cathodic Protection

1. Define the term: Solution
Homogeneous mixture of two or more substance
2. What is mean by binary solution
Solutions made of one solute and one solvent
3. Give an example
i) gas in liquid – soda water
ii) solid in liquid - sodium chloride in water
iii) solid in solid - alloys
iv) gas in gas – air
4. What is aqueous and non-aqueous solution? Give an example.
Water act as a solvent is aqueous solution. Example: salt in water
Any liquid other than water act as a solvent is non-aqueous solution. Example: sulphur in CS2.
5. Define Volume percentage
x 100
6. The aquatic animals live more in cold region. Why?
Solubility of oxygen is more.
7. Define Hydrated salt.
Number of molecules of water. Example : CuSO4.5H2O
8. A hot saturated solution of copper sulphate forms crystals as it cools. Why?
Five water molecules lose. Water of crystallisation.
9. Classify the following substances into deliquescent, hygroscopic. Conc. Sulphuric acid, copper
sulphate penta hydrate, Silica gel, Calcium chloride, and Gypsum salt.
Deliquescent: calcium chloride
Hygroscopic: Copper sulphate penta hydrate, Silica gel, and Gypsum salt.
1. Write notes on;
i) Saturated solution.
ii) Unsaturated solution.
Saturated solution: a solution in which no more solute can be dissolved
Ex: 36gm of NaCl in 100g of water.
Unsaturated solution: a solution contains less solute than that of saturated solution
Ex: 20gm of NaCl in 100gm of water
2. Write notes on various factors affecting solubility.
i) Nature of the solute and solvent.
ii) Temperature.
iii) Pressure.
3. a) What happens when MgSO4.7H2O is heated? Write the appropriate equation
It loses 7 water molecules and becomes anhydrous MgSO4
MgSo4. 7H2O --------------→ MgSo4 + 7H2O

14 | P a g e [ 1 0 T H S C I E N C E – E A S Y S T U D Y ]
b) Define solubility
Solubility = x 100
4. In what way hygroscopic substances differ from deliquescent substances.
In the atmosphere, absorb moisture and In the atmosphere, absorb moisture
do not dissolve and dissolve
Do not change its physical state Change its physical state
Amorphous solids or liquids Crystalline solids
5. A solution is prepared by dissolving 45 g of sugar in 180 g of water. Calculate the mass
percentage of solute.
Mass percentage = x 100
= x 100
= 20%
6. 3.5 litres of ethanol is present in 15 litres of aqueous solution of ethanol. Calculate volume per
cent of ethanol solution
Volume percentage = x 100
= x 100
= 23.33%

1. When an aqueous solution of potassium chloride is added to an aqueous solution of silver
nitrate, a white precipitate is formed. Give thr chemical equation of this reaction.
KCl + AgNO3 →AgCl + KNO3
2. Why does the reaction rate of a reaction increase on raising the temperature?
Heat gives energy to break bonds.
3. Define combination reaction. Give one example for an exothermic combination reaction.
two or more reactants combine to form a compound
C + O2 → CO2 + HEAT
4. Differentiate reversible and irreversible reactions
slow Fast
Attain equilibrium Not equilibrium
Can be reversedf Cannot be reversed


1. Explain the factors influencing the rate of a reaction.
Ans : Important factors that affect rate of reaction are;
i) Nature of the reactants.
ii) Concentration of the reactants.
iii) Temperture.
iv) Catalyst.
v) Pressure.
vi) Surface area of the reactants.

15 | P a g e [ 1 0 T H S C I E N C E – E A S Y S T U D Y ]
1. How does pH play an important role in everyday life?
Human body 7 – 7.8
blood 7.35 – 7.45 (7.4 ideal)
Stomach fluid 2
saliva 6.5 – 7.5
Tooth paste Basic
agriculture Alkaline – citrus fruits
Acidic – rice
Neutral – sugarcane
Rainwater 7

2. What is a chemical equilibrium? What are its characteristics?

Rate of forward reaction = rate of backward reaction
Rate of forward reaction and backward reaction same
Pressure, colour, density are unchanged with time
Volume remain constant
Dynamic equilibrium
VIII. Solve the following problems :
1. Lemon juice has a pH 2, what is the concentration of H+ ions?
pH = - log10 [H+]
[H+] = 10-2 mole
Therefore concentration of [H+] ions is, 0.01 M (mole litre-1)
2. Calculate the pH of 1.0 ×10–4 molar solution of HNO3.
pH = - log10 [H+]
pH = 4
3. What is the pH of 1.0 × 10–5 molar solution of KOH?
pOH = - log10 [OH-]
pOH = - log10 [1.0 ×10–5]
pOH = 5
pH + pOH = 14
pH = 14 – 5 = 9
4. The hydroxide ion concentration of a solution is 1 × 10–11M. What is the pH of the solution?
pOH = - log10 [OH-]
pOH = - log10 [1.0 ×10–11]
pOH = 11
pH + pOH = 14
pH = 14 – 11
pH = 3

1. Name the simplest ketone and give its structural formula.

16 | P a g e [ 1 0 T H S C I E N C E – E A S Y S T U D Y ]
Common name : Acetone
IUPAC name : Propanone
Structural formula : CH3COCH3

2. Classify the following compounds based on the pattern of carbon chain and give their structural
formula: (i) Propane (ii) Benzene (iii) Cyclobutane (iv) Furan

3. How is ethanoic acid prepared from ethanol? Give the chemical equation.

4. Differentiate soaps and detergents

Not effective in hard water Effective in hard water
Biodegradable Non-biodegradable


1. Differentiate soaps and detergents.
Sodium salt of long chain fatty acid Sodium salt of sulphonic acid
biodegradable Non-biodegradable
Poor foaming Rich forming
Scum in hard water No scum in hard water
Prepared from animal fat and vegetable oil Hydrocarbons – crude oil
2. What is called homologous series? Give any three of its characteristics?
Group of organic compounds having have same general formula and same chemical properties
Contain the same elements and functional groups Prepared by common method.
Chemical properties are similar
3. How is ethanol manufactured from sugarcane?
Molasses – dark colour liquid, 30% sucrose
Dilution of molasses
Addition of Nitrogen
Addition of yeast

17 | P a g e [ 1 0 T H S C I E N C E – E A S Y S T U D Y ]
C12H22O11 + H2O--------------→ C6H12O6 + C6H12O6
C6H12O6--------------→ 2C2H5OH + 2CO2
Distillation of wash
95.5% rectified spirit
100% absolute alcohol

Unit 12
1. What is collateral vascular bundle?
Vascular bundle with Xylem lies towards the centre and phloem lies towards the
2. Where does the carbon that is used in photosynthesis come from?
carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air.
3. What is the common step in aerobic and anaerobic pathway?
Glycolysis (glucose splitting)
4. Name the phenomenon by which carbohydrates are oxidized to release ethyl alcohol.
Anaerobic respiration.
5. Give an account on vascular bundle of dicot stem.
conjoint, collateral, endarch and open, arranged in the form of a ring around the pith.
6. Write a short note on mesophyll.
The tissue present between the upper and lower epidermis of leaf and is divided to Palisade
and Spongy parenchyma.
7. Draw and label the structure of oxysomes.

8. Name the three basic tissues system in flowering plants.

i) Dermal
ii) Ground
iii) Vascular tissue system
9. What is photosynthesis and where in a cell does it occur?
Carbon dioxide + water  glucose + water + oxygen
This occurs in green parts of the plant
10. What is respiratory quotient?
Volume of CO2 liberated
RQ = ----------------------------------
Volume of O2 consumed
11. Why should the light dependent reaction occur before the light independent reaction?
The first step the light energy is converted in to ATP and NADPH2. The second step CO2 is
reduced into carbohydrates with the help of light generated ATP and NADPH2.
12. Write the reaction for photosynthesis?

18 | P a g e [ 1 0 T H S C I E N C E – E A S Y S T U D Y ]
6 CO2 + 12 H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 H2O + 6 O2
Carbon dioxide + water  glucose + water + oxygen

13. Long answer questions :

1. Differentiate the following :
a) Monocot root and Dicot root

b) Aerobic respiration and Anaerobic respiration

S NO Aerobic Respiration Aerobic Respiration
1 presence of oxygen absence of oxygen
2 food is completely oxidized Glucose is converted into ethanol
with the help of oxygen

3 C6H12O6 + 6 O2 -> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP C6H12O6 -> 2 CO2 + 2 C2H5OH + ATP

14. Describe and name three stages of cellular respiration that aerobic organisms use to obtain
energy from glucose.
Stages of Aerobic respiration
a. Glycolysis: glucose into two molecules of pyruvic acid in cytoplasm.
b. Krebs Cycle : occurs in mitochondria matrix. pyruvic acid into CO2 and water.
c. Electron Transport Chain : inner membrane of the mitochondria. NADH2 and FADH2 release
the energy via electrons. makes ADP to ATP.
15. How does the light dependent reaction differ from the light independent reaction?
What are the end product and reactants in each? Where does each reaction occur
within the chloroplast?
Light dependent reaction Light independent reaction
presence of light absecnce of light
The light energy to ATP and NADPH2 CO2 is reduced into carbohydrates with ATP
and NADPH2
in Grana in the Stroma

Unit 13

1. Give the common name of the Hirudinaria granulosa.
Indian Cattle Leech
2. How does leech respire?

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3. Write the dental formula of rabbit.

4. How many pairs of testes are present in leech?

5. How is diastema formed in rabbit?
Canines are absent in Rabbits so there is a gap present in dentition called diastema.
6. What organs are attached to the two bronchi?
7. Which organ acts as suction pump in leech?
Muscular Pharynx
8. What does CNS stand for?
Central Nervous System.
9. Why the teeth of rabbit are called heterodont?
Three different types of teeth are present so it is called as heterodont.
10. How does leech suck blood from the host?
Leech attaches strongly by the posterior sucker.
Makes a Y shaped incision in the skin of the host.
The blood is sucked by muscular pharynx.
1. Why are the rings of cartilages found in trachea of rabbit?
It helps in the free passage of air.
2. List out the parasitic adaptations in leech.
1. Blood is sucked by pharynx.
2. Anterior and posterior suckers for attachment.
3. Three jaws inside the mouth, causes a painless Y-shaped wound.
4. Saliva with hirudin makes the blood not to coagulate
1. How is the circulatory system designed in leech to compensate the heart structure ?
no true blood vessels. And are filled with blood like fluid with haemoglobin Four longitudinal
channels. connects at 26th segment. two channels lie on either side of the alimentary canal serve
as heart and have inner valves.
2. How does locomotion take place in leech?
(i) Looping or crawling movement
(ii) Swimming movement

3. Explain the male reproductive system of rabbit with a labelled diagram. ™

a. a pair of testes enclosed by scrotal sacs in the abdominal cavity. consists of fine
seminiferous tubules, lead into epididymis, into duct called vas deferens joins with the
urethra passes into the penis.
Also contains glands such as prostate, cowper’s and perineal gland.

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Unit 14
1. What causes the opening and closing of guard cells of stomata during transpiration?
The change in turgidity of the guard cells.
Turgidity increases -stoma open.
Turgidity decreases - stoma closes.
2. What is cohesion?
The force of attraction between molecules of water
3. Trace the pathway followed by water molecules from the time it enters a plant root to the
time it escapes into the atmosphere from a leaf.
Soil -> Root hairs-> cortex of the root -> xylem -> stem

4. What would happen to the leaves of a plant that transpires more water than its absorption in
the roots?
The leaves will start wilt and it may die
5. Describe the structure and working of the human heart.
Muscular pumping organ that pumps blood to the blood vessels.
The heart is made of cardiac muscle.
The human heart is four chambered 2 upper auricle and two lower ventricles.
The chambers are separated by septum.
The left and right ventricles have thick walls to pump out blood away from the heart.
The right and left pulmonary arteries supply deoxygenated blood to the lungs
The coronary arteries supply blood to the heart.
6. Why is the circulation in man referred to as double circulation?
Blood circulates twice through the heart in one complete cycle
7. What are heart sounds? How are they produced?
LUBB - closure of the tricuspid and bicuspid valves
DUPP - closure of semilunar valves

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8. What is the importance of valves in the heart?
Regulate the flow of blood in a single direction and prevent back flow of blood.
9. Who discovered Rh factor? Why was it named so?
A protein present on the RBC. By Landsteiner and Wiener in 1940 in Rhesus monkey.
10. How are arteries and veins structurally different from one another?
Artery Vein
Distributing vessels Collecting vessels
Pink in colour Red in colour
Deep in location Superficial in location
Walls are strong, thick and elastic Walls are weak, thin and non elastic

11. Why is the Sinoatrial node called the pacemaker of heart?

Sino-atrial node is capable of initiating impulse which can stimulate the heart muscles to
12. Differentiate between systemic circulation and pulmonary circulation.
Systemic circulation
oxygenated blood -> the left ventricle -> organs -> deoxygenated blood ->right atrium.
pulmonary circulation
Deoxygenated blood –> right Ventricle -> lungs -> oxygenated blood -> left atrium.
13. The complete events of cardiac cycle last for 0.8 sec. What is the timing for each event?
a) Contraction of auricles (0.1 sec)
b) Contraction of ventricles (0.3 sec)
c) Relaxation of ventricles (0.4 sec)
1. Minerals cannot be passively absorbed by the roots.
The minerals are present in the soil as charged particles (ion) and cannot move across the cell
membrane. The concentration of minerals in the soil is lower than the concentration of minerals
in the root.
Guard cells are responsible for opening and closing of Stomata.
The change in turgidity of the guard cells.
Turgidity increases -stoma open.
Turgidity decreases - stoma closes.
2. The movement of substances in the phloem can be in any direction.
The food to reach the plant parts like stem, leaves, flower, bud, seeds etc, so the movement can
be upwards or downwards.
3. Minerals in the plants are not lost when the leaf falls.
Minerals are remobilised from older drying leaves to younger leaves
4. The walls of the right ventricle are thicker than the right auricles.
The right ventricle has to pump out the blood with force so they have more thicker.
5. Mature RBC in mammals do not have cell organelles.
Absence of organelles - accommodates more haemoglobin
loss of mitochondria - RBC to transport all the oxygen to tissues
loss of endoplasmic reticulum - more flexibility for RBC
VIII. Long Answer Questions.
1. How do plants absorb water? Explain.
There are millions of root hairs absorb water and minerals by diffusion.
a. Apoplast
b. Symplast

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Once the water enters the root hairs, due to change in concentration, water enters to Cortex
and xylem.Then Due to transpiration, a pressure is created at the top to pull more water from
the xylem to the leaves. This extends till roots.
2. What is transpiration? Give the importance of transpiration.
The loss of water from the aerial parts of plant is called transpiration.
a. Creates transpirational pull for transport of water.
b. Supplies water for photosynthesis.
c. Transports minerals from soil to all parts of the plant.
d. Cools the surface of the leaves by evaporation.
3. Why are leucocytes classified as granulocytes and agranulocytes? Name each cell and mention
its functions.
two categories based on presence or absence of granules in their cytoplasm:
1. Granulocytes: contain granules in their cytoplasm. Their nucleus is lobed.
a. Neutrophils
b. Eosinophils
c. Basophils:
2. Agranulocytes: Granules are not found in the cytoplasm:
a. Lymphocytes
b. Monocytes
4. Differentiate between systole and diastole. Explain the conduction of heart beat.
systole:-The contraction of heart
diastole:-The relaxation of heart
The impulse from the sino-atrial starts
Two special cardiac muscles fibres - the ‘bundle of His’ and ‘Purkinje’ extend the impulse to all
the heart muscle.
5. Enumerate the functions of blood.
1. Transport of Oxygen and CO2
2. Transport of digested food.
3. Transport of hormones.
4. Transport of nitrogenous excretory products
5. protection of the body and defence against diseases.
6. regulation of pH and body temperature.
7. It maintains proper water balance in the body.

VI. Short answer question:
1. Define stimulus.
‘Stimulus’ refers to the changes in the environmental condition that are detected by receptors
present in the body.
2. Name the parts of the hind brain.
cerebellum, pons and medulla oblongata.
3. What are the structures involved in the protection of brain?
i) Duramater
ii) Arachnoid membrane
iii) Piamater

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4. Give an example for conditioned reflexes.
Playing harmonium seeing a music note
5. Which acts as a link between the nervous system and endocrine system?
6. Define reflex arc.
The pathway taken by nerve impulse to accomplish reflex action.
VII. Differentiate between:
1. Voluntary and involuntary actions.
Voluntary Involuntary
Actions performed with our will Actions performed without our will
controlled by Cerebellum controlled by Medulla and Spinal cord

2. Medullated and non-medullated nerve fibre.

Medullated Non-medullated
The axon is covered with myelin sheath. The axon is not covered by myelin sheath.
form the white matter of the brain. form the grey matter of the brain.

VIII. Long answer question

1. With a neat labelled diagram explain the structure of a neuron.

i) Cyton : cell body, with a central nucleus, neuroplasm. With Nissl’s granules and no centrioles
ii) Dendrites : branched cytoplasmic processes that project from the surface of the cell body.
They conduct nerve impulses towards the cyton.
iii) Axon : The axon is a single, elongated projection covered myelin sheath . It carries impulses
away from the cyton.
2. Illustrate the structure and functions of brain.

Brain id divided into three main parts

a. Forebrain
b. Midbrain
c. Hindbrain

a. Forebrain

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i. Cerebrum
1. Cerebral cortex (outer grey matter) voluntary actions, Memory etc
2. Cerebral medulla (inner white matter) voluntary actions, Memory etc
ii. Thalamus - Acts as relay station
iii. Hypothalamus - Temperature control, thirst, hunger, urination, link between nervous
system and endocrine glands
b. Mid brain - control visual and auditory (hearing) reflexes.
c. Hind brain
i. Cerebellum - Maintenance of balance, coordinates voluntary muscle activity
ii. Pons - controls respiration and sleep cycle.
iii. Medulla Oblongata - cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive control centers

3. What will you do if someone pricks your hand with a needle? Elucidate the pathway of response
with a neat labeled diagram.

I will immediately pull my hand to protect myself.

The pathway is
i) Pricks with a needle, triggers sensory neuron.
ii) transmits the message to the spinal cord.
iii) Spinal cord interprets the stimulus to the relay neuron and to a motor neuron.
iv) Motor neurons carry command from spinal cord to our arm.
v) Muscle in our arm contracts and we withdraw our hand.

4. How nerve impulses are transferred from one neuron to next neuron?
a. Information from the receptors is transmitted as electrical impulse and is received by the
dendritic tips of the neuron. Then dendrite to the cell body into the axon to its terminal end.
b. At axonal end the nerve endings to release a chemical (neurotransmitter) which diffuses
across a synapse (gap between neurons) starts a similar electrical impulse to the next
5. Classify neurons based on its structure.
i) Unipolar neurons : Only one nerve process
ii) Bipolar neurons : The cyton gives rise to two nerve processes
iii) Multipolar neurons : The cyton gives rise to many dendrons and an axon.

VI - Answer in a word or sentence
1. Which hormone promotes the production of male flowers in Cucurbits?
2. Write the name of a synthetic auxin.
2, 4 D

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3. Which hormone induces parthenocarpy in tomatoes?
4. What is the hormone responsible for the secretion of milk in female after child birth?
5. Name the hormones which regulates water and mineral metabolism in man.
6. Which hormone is secreted during emergency situation in man?
Adrenaline and Noradrenaline
7. Which gland secretes digestive enzymes and hormones
8. Name the endocrine glands associated with kidneys.
Adrenal gland
VII Short answer questions
1. What are synthetic auxins? Give examples.
Artificially synthesized auxins E. g. 2,4,D
2. What is bolting? How can it be induced artificially?
Treatment of Rosette plants with gibberellins induces sudden shoot elongation followed By
3. Bring out any two physiological activities of abscisic acid
Promotes the process of abscission, causes stomatal closure.
4. What will you do to prevent leaf fall and fruit drop in plants? Support your answer with reason.
Spray auxin. Auxins prevents the formation of abscission layer.
5. What are chemical messengers?
6. Write the differences between endocrine and exocrine gland.
Endocrine glands : Ductless, secrete hormones diffuse into blood E.g. Pituitary gland
Exocrine gland : Have ducts to carry their secretions. E. g. Salivary gland
7. What is the role of parathormone?
Regulates calcium and phosphorus. Act on kidney, bone and intestine.
8. What are the hormones secreted by posterior lobe of the pituitary gland? Mention the tissues
on which they exert their effect.
ADH- kidney tubules for reabsorption of water
Oxytocin- smooth muscles of uterus
9. Why are thyroid hormones refered as personality hormone?
It is essential for normal physical, mental and personality development.
10. Which hormone requires iodine for its formation? What will happen if intake of iodine in our
diet is low?
Thyroxine. Less intake lead to hypothyroidism, simple goitre, cretinism and myxodema.

VIII. Long answer questions

1. (a) Name the gaseous plant hormone. Describe its three different actions in plants.
(b) Which hormone is known as stress hormone in plants ? Why?
a) Ethylene.
Ripeing of fruits, breaks the dormancy of buds and seeds.
b) Abscissic acid. It increases the tolerance of plants to stress.
2. Describe an experiment which demonstrates that growth-stimulating hormone is produced at
the tip of the coleoptile?
a. Remove the tips of coleoptiles. No growth

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b. Placed the agar blocks on the decapitated coleoptile tips, did not show any response.
c. Placed the detached coleoptile tips on agar blocks and place this on the decapitated
coleoptile. It grows. indicating that some chemical had diffused from the cut coleoptile,
which stimulated the growth.
3. Write the physiological effects of gibberellins
elongation of internode, production of male flowers, breaks the dormancy of potatoes.
4. Where are estrogens produced? What is the role of estrogens in the human body?
Produced at Graafian follicles. Brings changes occur during puberty, initiates oogenesis,
maturation of ovarian follicles, development of secondary sexual characters.
5. What are the conditions which occur due to lack of ADH and insulin? How are the conditions
different from one another?
Deficiency of ADH increase in urine output called diabetes insipidus.
Deficiency of insulin increases blood sugar level causes diabetes mellitus.

Reproduction in Plants and Animals
V. Answer in a sentence
1. If one pollen grain produces two male gametes, how many pollen grains are needed to
fertilize 10 ovules?
Ten pollen grains
2. In which part of the flower germination of pollen grains takes place?
3. Name two organisms which reproduces through budding.
Yeast, Bryophyllum
4. Mention the function of endosperm.
It provides nutrition to the developing embryo.
5. Name the hormone responsible for the vigorous contractions of the uterine muscles.
6. What is the enzyme present in acrosome of sperm?
7. When is World Menstrual Hygiene Day observed?
May 28
8. What is the need for contraception ?
For birth control measures
9. Name the part of the human female reproductive system where the following occurs.
a. Fertilization. b. Implantation
Fertilization : ampulla of fallopian tube
Implantation : uterus

VI. Short answer question (2 mark)

1. What will happen if you cut planaria into small fragments?
Each piece will regenerate to a mature planaria.
2. Why is vegetative propagation practiced for growing some type of plants?
a. Some plants have reduced power of sexual reproduction.
b. It is a rapid and easier method.
c. Good characters can be preserved.
3. How does binary fission differ from multiple fission?
S.No. Binary fission Multiple fission

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1 A single parent cell divides into two A single parent cell divides into many
daughter cells daughter cells

2 It occurs during favourable conditions It occurs during unfavourable

eg: Amoeba conditions
eg: Plasmodium

4. Define triple fusion.

Second sperm (n) + Secondary nucleus (2n) = Primary endosperm nucleus (3n).
This fertilization is called as triple fusion in plants.
5. Write the characteristics of insect pollinated flowers.
are brightly coloured, have smell and nectar.
The pollen grains are larger in size
6. Name the secondary sex organs in male.
Epididymis, Vas deferens, Sperm duct, Prostate gland, Urethra and Penis.
7. What is colostrum? How is milk production hormonally regulated ?
The first fluid which is released from the mammary gland after child birth
Prolactin and oxytocin regulate milk production.
8. How can menstrual hygiene be maintained during menstrual days?
I. Sanitary pads should be changed regularly
II. Use of warm water to clean genitals
III. Wearing loose clothing
9. How does developing embryo gets its nourishment inside the mother's body?
Through placenta.
10. Identify the parts A, B, C and D

A : Exine.
B : Intine.
C : Generative cell.
D : Vegetative nucleus.
11. Write the events involved in the sexual reproduction of a flowering plant.
a. Discuss the first event and write the types. b. Mention the advantages and the
disadvantages of that event.
i) Process of sexual reproduction in flowering plants. It involves :
I. Pollination.
II. Fertilization.
Pollination : The transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma
Types of Pollination :
Self-pollination (Autogamy): pollination happens in same flower
Cross pollination (Allogamy): transfer of pollen from the between different flowers
Advantages of self-pollination
I. not depend on agents for pollination.
II. There is no wastage of pollen grains.

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Disadvantages of self-pollination
I. The seeds are less in numbers.
II. New varieties of plants cannot be produced
Advantages of cross pollination
I. More viable seeds are produced.
Disadvantages of cross-pollination
I. More wastage of pollen grains.
II. Flowers depend on the external agencies for pollination.
12. Why are the human testes located outside the abdominal cavity? Name the pouch in which
they are present.
Formation of sperms need slightly lower temperature than the normal body temperature
13. Luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is also called the secretory phase. Give reason.
Female hormones like oestrogen and progesterone secreted in peak level.
14. Why are family planning methods not adopted by all the people of our country?
I. Due to lack of awareness
II. Long distance to Health facility.
VII. Long answer question
1. With a neat labelled diagram describe the parts of a typical angiospermic ovule.

I. The main part of the ovule is the nucellus which is enclosed micropyle.
II. The embryo sac contains seven cells and the eighth nuclei located within the nucellus.
III. Three cells at the micropylar end form the egg apparatus and the three cells at the chalaza
end are the antipodal cells.
IV. The remaining two nuclei are called polar nuclei found in the centre.

2. What are the phases of menstrual cycle? Indicate the changes in the ovary and uterus.
S.No. Phase Days Changes in Ovary Changes in Uterus

1 Menstrual 4–5 days develops primary

phase follicles Breakdown of uterine
lining leads to bleeding

2 Follicular 6th – Primary follicles grow to endometrium regenerates

phase 13th day become a fully mature through
Graafian follicle proliferation

3 Ovulatory 14th day The Graafian follicle Increase in endometrial

phase ruptures and releases the thickness
ovum (egg)

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4 Luteal 15th – Emptied Graafian follicle Endometrium is prepared for
phase 28th develops into corpus implantation if fertilization
day luteum takes place, if not, corpus
luteum degenerates,
uterine wall ruptures,
bleeding starts and
unfertilized egg is expelled

V. Answer in a sentence
1. What is a cross in which inheritance of two pairs of contrasting characters are studied?
Dihybrid cross.
2. Name the conditions when both the alleles are identical?
3. A garden pea plant produces axial white flowers. Another of the same species produced
terminal violet flowers. Identify the dominant trait?
Axial white flower.
4. What is the name given to the segments of DNA, which are responsible for the inheritance of a
particular character?
5. Name the bond which binds the nucleotides in a DNA.

VII. Short answer question (2 mark)

1. Why did Mendel select pea plant for his experiments?
i) naturally self–pollinating
ii) short life span
iii) easy to cross–pollinate.
iv) It has contrasting characters.
v) The flowers are bisexual.
2. What do you understand by the term phenotype and genotype?
i) Phenotype : External expression of a gene.
ii) Genotype : Genetic expression of a gene
3. What are allosomes?
Chromosomes, responsible for determining the sex of an individual.
4. What are Okazaki fragments?
short sequences of DNA nucleotides are synthesized in the lagging strand in DNA replication
5. Why is euploidy considered to be advantageous to both plants and animals?
Triploid (3n) plants and animals - sterile.
Tetraploid (4n) plants - increased fruit and flower size.
6. A pure tall plant (TT) is crossed with pure dwarf plant (tt), what would be the F1 and F2
generations? Explain.
F1 - generation plants are tall and heterogeneous
F2 generation plants are in 3:1 ratio (tall : dwarf).
homogeneous = 1 (TT)
tall heterogeneous = 2 (Tt)

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dwarf homogeneous = 1 (tt)
7. Explain the structure of a chromosome.
a. The chromosomes are thin, long and thread like DNA structures consisting of two identical
b. They are held together by the centromere.
c. chromosomes - DNA,RNA, chromosomal proteins and certain metallic ions.
d. A chromosome consist of
i. Primary Constriction
ii. Secondary Constriction
iii. Telomere
iv. Satellite

8. Label the parts of the DNA in the diagram given below. Explain the structure briefly.
DNA is a large molecule consisting of millions of nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of three
i) A sugar molecules
ii) A nitrogenous base. Combines with 2 or 3 Hydrogen bonds - (A = T) (C ≡ G)
a. Purines A and G (Adenine and Guanine).
b. Pyrimidines C and T (Cytosine and Thymine).
iii) A phosphate group.
two polynucleotide chains forms double helix.
Nitrogenous bases is linked by sugar-phosphate - form the backbone of the DNA.
Pairing between the nitrogenous bases is linked by hydrogen bonds.
Purine with pyrimidine links with hydrogen bonds
Each turn of the double helix is 34 A° (3.4 nm) with ten base pairs in a complete turn.

VII. Long answer question

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1. Explain with an example the inheritance of dihybrid cross. How is it different from monohybrid
i) Dihybrid cross involves the inheritance of two pairs of contrasting characteristics
ii) pure breeding round-yellow (RRYY) seeds (X) plants having wrinkled-green (rryy) seeds
iii) only round-yellow (RrYy) hybrid seeds were produced in the first generation (F1).
iv) When F1 generation pea plants were cross-bred by self pollination obtained four types. They
were round yellow, round-green, wrinkled yellow and wrinkled-green seeds
v) ratio in F2 generation is 9:3:3:1. This is known as the Dihybrid ratio.

Differences between Monohybrid and Dihybrid cross.

S.No Monohybrid cross Dihybrid cross
1 The inheritance of one pair of The inheritance of two pairs of
contrasting characteristics contrasting Characteristics
2 phenotypic ratio is 3:1 phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1

2. How is the structure of DNA organised? What is the biological significance of DNA?
A sugar molecules
A nitrogenous base. Combines with 2 or 3 Hydrogen bonds - (A = T) (C ≡ G)
c. Purines A and G (Adenine and Guanine).
d. Pyrimidines C and T (Cytosine and Thymine).
A phosphate group.
DNA molecule consists of two polynucleotide chains form a double helix structure
Nitrogenous bases is linked by sugar-phosphate units
Pairing between the nitrogenous bases is always between purine and pyrimidine linked
by hydrogen bonds.
Each turn of the double helix is 34 A° (3.4 nm) with ten base pairs in a complete turn.
Biological significance of DNA
i) transmission of hereditary information from one generation to next generation.
ii) contains information required for the formation of proteins.

3. The sex of the new born child is a matter of chance and neither of the parents may be
considered responsible for it. What would be the possible fusion of gametes to determine the
sex of the child?

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1. Total Chromosome of human is 44+XY (Male) = 46 chromosomes
Sperms – 2 types (22 + X) and (22 + Y)
2. Total Chromosome of human is 44+XX (Male) = 46 chromosomes
Egg – 1 Type (22 + X)
If the egg (22+X) is fused with sperm (22+X) a (44+XX) (female) is produced.
If the egg (22+X) is fused with sperm (22+Y) a (44+XY) (male) is produced.
Thus the sperm, produced by the father, determines the sex of the child.
The mother is not responsible in determining the sex of the child

UNIT -19
Origin and Evolution of Life
V. Answer in a sentence
1. A human hand, a front leg of a cat, a front flipper of a whale and a bat’s wing look dissimilar and
adapted for different functions. What is the name given to these organs?
Homologous organs.
2. Which organism is considered to be the fossil bird?
3. What is the study of fossils called?
VI. Short answer question
4. Why is Archaeopteryx considered to be a connecting link?
It had wings with feathers, like a bird. It had long tail, clawed digits and conical teeth, like a
5. Define Ethnobotany and write its importance.
Ethnobotany is the study of a region’s plants and their practical uses through the traditional
knowledge of the local peoples’ culture.
It provides traditional uses of plant.
It gives information about unknown and known useful plants.
6. How can you determine the age of the fossils?
The age of fossils is determined by radioactive elements present in it.
VII. Long answers questions.
1. Natural selection is a driving force for evolution-How?
Origin of new species takes place through the following steps.

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Overproduction causes Struggle for existence in organisms. This makes some variations in
organisms. Among this the fittest will survive or Naturally selected. This gradual accumulation of
favourable variations for a number of generations makes a new species.

2. How do you differentiate homologous organs from analogous organs?

S.No. Homologous organs Analogous organs

1 They have inherited from common They have different origin with
ancestors with similar developmental different development pattern
2 look dissimilar and look similar and perform
different functions similar functions

3 Forelimb of a cat and man Wings of birds and bats look


3. How does fossilization occur in plants?

Petrifaction – minerals replaces the tissues
Mold and Cast – hollow depression of original shape of an organism.
Preservation – original remaining or entire organisms preserved in ice or amber
Compression – dead bodies of organisms struck under the sea bed covered by sediments.
Infiltration or Replacement – Hard parts of organisms are replaced by precipitated minerals

UNIT - 20
Breeding and Biotechnology
VI. Answer in a sentence
1. Give the name of wheat variety having higher dietary fibre and protein.
Atlas 66
2. Semi-dwarf varieties were introduced in rice. This was made possible by the presence of
dwarfing gene in rice. Name this dwarfing gene.
Dee-geo-woo-gen (DGWG)
3. Define genetic engineering.
Genetic engineering is the manipulation and transfer of genes from one organism to another
organism to create a new DNA called as recombinant DNA (rDNA).
4. Name the types of stem cells.
a. Embryonic stem cells.
b. Adult stem cell
5. What are transgenic organisms?
Plants or animals expressing a modified gene
6. State the importance of biofertiliser.
a. They are cheaper and economical
b. They are ecofriendly
c. They do not cause pollution
d. They improve the yield.
VII. Short answers questions.
4. Discuss the method of breeding for disease resistance.

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Breeding for disease resistance van be done by Selection, Mutation, Hybridization, Somaclonal
Variation, and Genetic engineering.
5. Name three improved characteristics of wheat that helped India to achieve high productivity.
Sonalika, Kalyan, Sona
6. Name two maize hybrids rich in amino acid lysine Protina,
Shakti and Rathna
7. Distinguish between
a. somatic gene therapy and germ line gene therapy
b. undifferentiated cells and differentiated cells
a. Somatic gene therapy - replacement of defective gene in somatic cells
Germ line gene therapy - replacement of defective gene egg and sperm.
b. differentiated cells - The specialised cells that can carry out specific functions
undifferentiated - unspecialized mass of cells
8. State the applications of DNA fingerprinting technique.
a. forensic applications, paternity testing
b. helps in the study of genetic diversity
9. How are stem cells useful in regenerative process?
Tissues and organs in the body may be permanently damaged or lost. In such situations stem
cells are used to replace the damaged or lost tissues.
10. Differentiate between outbreeding and inbreeding.
Inbreeding - refers to the mating of closely related animals.
Outbreeding - is the breeding of unrelated animals

VIII. Long Answer Questions

1. What are the effects of hybrid vigour in animals.
a. Increased production of milk by cattle.
b. Increased production of egg by poultry.
c. High quality of meat is produced.
d. Increased growth rate in domesticated animals.
2. Describe mutation breeding with an example.
Mutation is defined as the sudden heritable change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA physical
mutagens or chemical mutagens
The utilization of induced mutation in crop improvement is called mutation breeding.
Eg: Atomita -2 Rice
3. Biofortification may help in removing hidden hunger. How?
Hidden hunger is a lack of vitamins and minerals in food.
Biofortification is the scientific process of developing crop plants enriched with high nutrition.
So eating this, will removing hidden hunger.
4. With a neat labelled diagram explain the techniques involved in gene cloning.
Isolation of desired DNA fragment
Insertion of the DNA fragment into a suitable vector
Transfer of rDNA into bacterial host cell
Selection and multiplication of recombinant host
Expression of cloned gene in host cell.

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5. Discuss the importance of biotechnology in the field of medicine.
a. pharmaceutical products for treatment of various diseases, Eg: Insulin
b. Human growth hormone
c. Blood clotting factors are developed to treat haemophilia.
d. Development of vaccines
VII. Answer in a sentence
1. What are psychotropic drugs?
The drugs which act on the brain and alter the behaviour, power of thinking
2. Mention the diseases caused by tobacco smoke.
1. Lung cancer 2. Bronchitis 3. tuberculosis 4. Emphysema 5. Hypoxia
3. What are the contributing factors for Obesity?
Genetic factors, physical inactivity, eating habits (overeating)
4. What is adult onset diabetes?
Type-2 Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)
5. What is metastasis?
The cancerous cells migrate to distant parts of the body and affect new tissues
6. How does insulin deficiency occur?
Destruction of β-cells of the pancreas.
VIII. Short answer questions
1. What are the various routes by which transmission of human immuno deficiency virus takes
place ?
i) Sexual contact with infected person
ii) Use of contaminated needles
iii) By transfusion of infected blood
iv) From infected mother to her child through placenta
2. How is a cancer cell different from a normal cell ?
Cancer cell Normal cell

1. Uncontrolled cell division divide in a regulated manner

2. life span is not definite They have a definite life span.

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3. Differentiate between Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes mellitus.

Factors Type-1 Insulin dependent Type-2 Non-insulin dependent

diabetes mellitus (IDDM) diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)

Age of onset < 20 years >30 years

defect Destruction of β-cells Target cells do not respond to

4. Why is a dietary restriction recommended for an obese individual?

Obese individuals has a high risk of getting hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.
So a low calorie food is recommended to reduce these risks.
5. What precautions can be taken for preventing heart diseases ?
i) Diet management
ii) Physical activity
iii ) Alcohol and smoking are to be avoided.
IX. Long answer questions
1. Suggest measures to overcome the problems of an alcoholic.
i) Education and counselling
ii) Physical activity
iii) Seeking help from parents and peer groups
iv) Medical assistance
2. Changes in lifestyle is a risk factor for occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Can it be
modified ? If yes, suggest measures for prevention.
Yes, it can be modified.
i) Diet management
ii) Physical activity: Regular exercise, walking and yoga
iii) Alcohol consumption and smoking are to be avoided.
iv) Aim for a healthy weight
v) Reduce stress

V. Answer in a sentence
1. What will happen if trees are cut down?
Soil erosion
Loss of wild life
Alteration of climatic conditions and Desertification.
2. What would happen if the habitat of wild animals is disturbed?
The animals become endangered or they will come to our farm lands
3. What are the agents of soil erosion?
i) High velocity of wind,
ii) Air currents,
iii) Flowing water,
iv) Landslide,
4. Why fossil fuels are to be conserved?
i) They are limited and takes a long time to form.

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ii) There are no alternative for fossil fuels.
5. Solar energy is a renewable energy. How?
Solar energy is a renewable energy since it is available in unlimited amount in nature. It is
inexpensive and can be harvested continuously
6. How are e-wastes generated?
Electrical and electronic devices.
VI. Short answer questions.
1. What is the importance of rainwater harvesting?
i) Overcome depletion of ground water levels.
ii) To Meet the increase demand of water.
iii) Reduces flood and soil erosion
2. What are the advantages of using biogas?
i) It burns without smoke and therefore causes less pollution.
ii) It is safe and convenient to use
iii) It can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted.
3. What are the environmental effect caused by sewage?
Untreated sewage or wastewater generated from domestic and industrial process is the leading
polluter of water sources in India.
4. What are the consequences of deforestation?
Deforestation gives rise to problems like floods, drought, soil erosion, loss of wild life, extinction
of species, imbalance of biogeochemical cycles, alteration of climatic conditions and
VII. Long answer questions.
1. How does rainwater harvesting structure recharge ground water?
The main purpose of rainwater harvesting is to make the rainwater percolate under the ground
so as to recharge ‘groundwater level’. Methods of rainwater harvesting are,
i) Roof top rainwater harvesting
ii) ii) Recharge pit :
these methods, the rainwater is first collected from the roof tops or open spaces and is
directed into the recharge pits or ground wells.
2. How will you prevent soil erosion?
a. Cattle grazing should be controlled.
b. Crop rotation and soil management improve soil organic matter.
c. Runoff water should be stored in the catchment.
d. Reforestation, terracing and contour ploughing.
3. 3. What are the sources of solid wastes? How are solid wastes managed?
Solid wastes mainly include municipal wastes, hospital wastes, industrial wastes and e-wastes
a. Segregation : It is the separation of different type of wastes
b. Sanitary landfill : Solid wastes are dumped and undergoes decomposition.
c. Incineration : It is the burning of nonbiodegradable solid wastes
d. Composting : Biodegradable digested by microbial action or earthworms
4. Enumerate the importance of forest.
 Economic development
 Provide wood, food, fibre, fodder and medicine
 Renewable natural resources
 Maintaining ecological balance
 Increase rain fall

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 Reduce global warming
 Prevent flood
5. What are the consequences of soil erosion?
 Humus, mineral, salts are help to plant growth will be removed
 damages crops, lives and property
 Dry and nutrient deficient land
 Reduce food chain
 Desertification
6. Why is the management of forest and wildlife resource considered as a challenging task?
 Increase human population
 Killing of animals and trees
 Cutting down trees
 Global warming and climate change
 Water scarcity and change in rain fall
 Lack of public awareness
 Wildlife peaching

Visual Communication
V. Answer the following
1. What is Scratch?
‘Scratch’ is a software used to create animations, cartoons and games.
2. Write a short note on editor and its types?
An editor refers to a program capable of correcting (editing) the files, pictures etc. The Scratch
editor has three main parts: They are Stage, Sprite and Script editor.
3. What is Stage?
Stage : Stage is the background appearing when we open the scratch window. The background
will most often be white. We may change the background colour as we like.
4. What is Sprite?
Sprite : The characters on the background of a Scratch window are known as Sprite. Usually a
cat appears as a sprite when the Scratch window is opened.

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