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Department of Computer Engineering


Assignment No.1
Occupational Health
and Safety

Name: Hassan Ali Shahbaz

En: 01-132202-012

Submitted to: Maria Akhtar Abbasi

In simpler words, define & differentiate the terms hazard & risk.
Enlist the example of Risks and Hazards from daily life scenarios. (2 from home
& 2 for workplaces)

A hazard is a potential source of harm. Substances or circumstances can become
hazards when their nature would allow them and they can cause damage to
health, life or property.
A possibility of harm or damage against which something is insured. In simple
terms, risk is the possibility of something bad happening. Risk involves uncertainty
about the effects of an activity.
Hazard Risk
A hazard is anything that could cause Risk is a combination of two things –
harm. the chance that the hazard will cause
harm and how serious that harm could
Electricity is Hazard at workplace Using Electricity carelessly is a risk
Gasoline is Hazard at workplace Lightning a match near it is a risk
Knife is Hazard at home Playing with it or using it carelessly is a
Wet Floor is a Hazard at home Walking or running on wet floor is a risk

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