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Assignment # 3

TECHNICAL Submitted To:

Miss Fareeha Zaheer

AND Submitted By:

Aleeza Zaman




DATE: 5-12-2022
The Instruction Manual for Life

The main theme of the story is the respect for other people's points of view and the
fear of change and diversity.

As in the narrative, the boy's parents feel bad for the boy's uncle for having a
different cupboard design and also said that his friends cupboard design is also
wrong because he follows a wrong instruction manual since we all tend to follow
the latest trends and feel superior to those who live by a different set of rules. We
tend to believe that what the majority believes to be true is the sole true course of
action, and because we are afraid of upsetting the status quo, we do not alter our
behaviors to suit our own preferences. This is essentially the main cause of
society's failure. Look around you to see what other parts of the world are doing;
we are only constrained by the avoidable social customs.

The boy studied the entire solution handbook and realized there are many different
designs to construct, not just one, so we must read and follow the appropriate path.
Instead of rejecting those who differ from us, we accept them. Since everyone has
their own beliefs and ways of thinking, we must respect theirs if we want others to
do the same for ours. Bring about the change or accept it without hesitation since
the public will grow accustomed to it.

The tale foreshadows a powerful lesson: We learn through books, experiences,

and what society accepts, but we must learn how to arrange them all in their
proper contexts.

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