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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

for Grade 8

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. unlock difficult terms;
b. evaluate an oratorical speech;
c. describe nonverbal communication strategies; and
d. present an oratorical speech;

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Delivering an Oratorical Piece Using Appropriate Nonverbal

Communication Strategies

• Practical English 8 – Unit IV – Lesson 2 “Changing the World pg.
• 2004 Former US President Obama keynote speech.

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, pictures, and video.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation

1. Opening Prayer
2. Greetings Good morning, teacher.
Good morning, class.
I am John Carlo Flores, but you can call
me Teacher Carlo.
3. Attendance
(The teacher starts checking the
4. Short Conversation
(The teacher will engage students in a
short conversation about themselves, their
studies, and life and give hints about
today’s topic.)

B. Motivation

Class, when was the last time you attended (Students will respond)
events like wedding ceremonies, graduation
rites, or important family events like
anniversaries or debuts?
Did you enjoy it?
What part of the programme is your favorite?

C. Presentation of the Topic

I have here pictures, what can you say about (Students will give their
the pictures? How do you describe it? answers. Answers may
(Teacher will pick volunteers to share their vary depending on their
answers with the class) interpretation)

Very Good!

Since you already gave insights with my

given sample, today we will discuss how to
deliver an Oratorical Piece using Nonverbal
Communication Strategies

So, listen well, class.

D. Unlocking of Difficulties

So, before I start our discussion; first, let us (Students will answer)
find out the meaning of the following phrases
that you see on the slide. Match the following
phrases to the correct definition.

(“A” will be the words/phrases and “B” will be

the definitions)

A. Words/Phrases
__ Formal Speech
__ Oration
__ Nonverbal
__ Communication
__ Strategies

B. Definitions
a. a formal public speech, especially one
delivered on a special occasion, such
as on an anniversary, at a funeral, or
at academic exercises.
b. such as eye contact, facial
expressions, gestures, posture, and
body language.
c. a preplanned type of speech that is
usually given to a large audience at
formal or professional events, such as
business lectures or family
d. the act of transferring information from
one place, person, or group to another.
e. a general plan to achieve one or more
long-term or overall goals under
conditions of uncertainty.

Now, let’s find out how many you got correct.

(The teacher presents the correct answer)

E. Discussion

Now we have unlocked the terms related to Yes, Teacher

today’s discussion, are you ready to listen to our
discussion for today?

You may see or hear people delivering

messages during these kinds of events, and
these are called “orations” as much as the
content is important in delivering an oratorical
piece. The delivery is also important.

People can see and observe you while you

deliver your speech, so you have to make sure
that you are an effective speaker with the help of
nonverbal communication strategies.

Today we will discuss four (4) different types of

nonverbal strategies that you can use to
emphasize your message.

But before that, what is nonverbal


Nonverbal Communication - is the transmission

of messages or signals through a nonverbal
platform including the use of social cues,
kinesics, distance, and physical

Four Types of Nonverbal Communication:

• Facial expression – these refer to the

observable results of moving one or more
facial muscles or parts thereof to express
emotions or feelings.
• Eye contact – this means directly looking
at the eyes of the audience and is
considered to be one of the most
important nonverbal cues.
• Posture – this refers to how the speaker
sits, stands, and carries himself or herself.
• Gestures – these refer to the movement of
the speaker’s hands, arms, feet, head,
shoulders, and other body parts to
communicate emotions or messages
F. Application

(Teacher prepares the students for the

activities about the topic)

Now, I will show you former US President

Barack Obama’s 2004 keynote address. After
that, critique Obama’s delivery in the context
of using appropriate nonverbal strategies.

I will give you a chart for your initial (Students will start doing
assessment. Put a “check” mark in the box if the first activity)
the nonverbal strategies used by the speaker
are excellent (5), very good (4), good (3), or
fair (2). Add the total score then write your
reason for your overall rating.

Seems like everyone is ready for another Yes, Teacher.

activity, am I right?


Now, I want you to write a short speech about (Students will start doing
yourself. You will deliver your speech in front the second activity)
of the class.

G. Generalization

(Teacher ends the discussion proper and

asks students a few questions)

Did you guys have fun with your activity?

How many nonverbal communication (Students will respond)

strategies did we discuss today?

So, for a recap…

What nonverbal communication strategy uses

the face to convey emotions?
What about looking into the eyes of the

The hands, arms, feet, and other body parts?

About how the speaker stands or carries


Very Good!

H. Evaluation

This time, I have here short speeches. You

choose any of these speeches individually
and present them to the class.

You will be graded with the same rubrics that

we use when we critique President Obama’s
speech earlier.

Do not forget about the nonverbal

communication strategies.

IV. Assignment

Find a speech delivered by an Asian speaker and write a critique about

the speech considering the nonverbal communication strategies. Critiques
will be passed next meeting.

Prepared by:

John Carlo C. Flores


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