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FORM: infinitive without TO

1. After verbs such as demand, suggest, ask, order, request, advise, recommend, insist, etc. + THAT +

Dad suggested that my sister start taking swimming lessons.

The doctor recommended that he give up smoking.
Kate requested that her guests be on time for the party.

2. After expressions such as It’s necessary, It’s important, It’s essential, It’s crucial, etc + THAT +

It’s necessary that we organize the room before the meeting.

It’s essential that all students bring their books to class.

3. After the structure May + SUBJECT (expressing hope)

May you have a safe flight.

May she rest in peace.
May all your dreams come true.

• Same as the SIMPLE PAST: had, knew, spoke, played, could, etc.
• Verb TO BE: were


1. 2nd conditional (expressing hypothetical situations in the present)

If I were you, I wouldn’t trust him.

Helen would live in Beverly Hills if she had money.
If I could, I would travel all over the world.
If I weren’t at home, I would be at the mal.
If I didn’t have to work, I would travel to the mountains.

2. After the verb WISH (expressing a wish about the present)

REALITY: I don’t have money.

WISH: I wish I had money.

Frank wishes he could drive.

Lucy and Mary wish they knew how to play the violin.
Polly wishes she were in Paris right now.
Sam wishes he weren’t in the office.
Luke wishes he didn’t have homework to do.

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