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Vedic maths

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Vedic maths questions with solutions and elaborated explanations are provided here for practice.
Students must practice these questions based on the Vedic maths sutras to develop mental maths
skills, which is essential for any examinations.
There are sixteen sutras and their sub-sutras (corollaries) in Vedic mathematics which are used for
almost every type of mathematical calculation.

Sutras Sub-sutras (corollaries)

1. Ekadhikena Purvena (also a corollary) 1. Anurupyena

2. Nikhilam Navatascaraman Dasatah 2. Sisyate Sesasam

3. Urdhva-tiryagbhyam 3. Adyamadyenantya-mantyena

4. Paravartya Yojayet 4. Kevalaih Saptakam Gunyit

5. Sunyam Samyasamuccaye 5. Vestanam

6. (Anurupye) Sunyamanyat 6. Yavadunam Tavadunam

7. Sankalana-vyavakalanabhyam 7. Yavadunam Tavadunikrtya Varganca Yojayet

8. Puranapuranabhyam 8. Antyayordasakepi

9. Calana-Kalanabhyam 9. Antyayoreva

10. Yavadunam 10. Samuccayagunitah

11. Vyastisamastih 11. Lopanasthapanabhyam

12. Sesanyankena Caramena 12. Vilokanam

13. Sopantyadvayamamtyam 13. Gunitasamuccayah Samuccayagunitah

14. Ekanyunena Purvena

15. Gunitasamuccayah

16. Gunakasamuccayah
Multiplication by Nikhilam Sutra:
The Vedic sutra – “Nikhilam Navatascaraman Dasatah” means “all from nine and the last from ten ”
Let us take an example of 1-digit number 7 × 9, both the numbers are close to 10. 7 is 3 less than 10
and 9 1 less than 10.

 7 | – 3, 7 is 3 less than 10
 9 | –1, 9 is 1 less than 10
 Take either 7 – 1 = 6 or 9 – 3= 6, this will make the first part of the product
 Multiply (-3) by (-1), –3 × ( –1) = 3
∴ 7 × 9 = 63

Any number can be multiplied by this sutra with few modifications, let us take another example 13 ×

 13 | + 3, 13 is 3 more than 10
 7 | – 3, 7 is 3 less than 10
 Take either 13 – 3 = 10 or 7 + 3 = 10 as the first half of the product
 Now 3 × ( –3) = –9, since the other half is negative number
 Multiply the half of the product by 10, 10 × 10 = 100
 Subtract 9 from it, 100 – 9 = 91
∴ 13 × 7 = 91
If numbers are bigger and closer to 100, for example 98 × 91

 98 | –02, 98 is two less than 100

 91 | –09, 91 is 9 less than 100
 Take 98 – 09 = 89 or 91 – 02 = 89, as the first half of the number
 (–02) × (–09) = 18. This is the other half of the number
∴ 98 × 91 = 8918.

We shall use more sutras while solving problems.

Vedic Maths Questions With Solutions

Question 1:
Solve the following using Nikhilam sutra:
(i) 12 × 13
(ii) 9 × 8
(iii) 16 × 11
(i) 12 × 13

 12 | +2
 13 | +3
 Taking 12 + 3 = 15
 3×2=6
∴ 12 × 13 = 156.
(ii) 9 × 8

 9 | –1
 8 | –2
 Taking 9 – 2 = 7
 –1 × –2 = 2
∴ 9 × 8 = 72.
(iii) 16 × 11

 16 | +6
 11 | +1
 Taking 16 + 1 = 17
 6×1=6
∴ 16 × 11 = 176
Question 2:
Solve the following using Nikhilam sutra:
(i) 97 × 89
(ii) 91 × 92
(iii) 99 × 101
(i) 97 × 89

 97 | –03
 89 | –11
 Taking 89 – 03 = 86
 –03 × –11 = 33
∴ 97 × 89 = 8633
(ii) 91 × 92

 91 | –09
 92 | –08
 Taking 91 – 08 = 83
 –9 × –8 = 72
∴ 91 × 92 = 8372
(iii) 99 × 101

 99 | –01
 101 | +01
 101 – 01 = 100
 –1 × 1 = –1
 100 × 100 = 10000
 10000 – 1 = 9999
∴ 99 × 101 = 9999.

Subtraction by Nikhilam sutra:

To subtract any number by 10, 100, 1000, 10000, … etc, we use this sutra – “all from nine and the last from
ten ”
For example, 10000 – 7456, we only subtract the unit place digit by 10, and rest of all by 9
10 – 6 = 4
∴ 10000 – 7456 = 2544.
Also refer:

 Mental Maths for Class 2

 Mental Maths for Class 5
 Maths Quiz Questions
Question 3:
Solve the following using Nikhilam sutra:
(i) 1000 – 62
(ii) 1 – 0.654
(iii) 80.000 – 0.7312
(i) 1000 – 62
We take 1000 – 062
10 – 2 = 8
∴ 1000 – 62 = 938
(ii) 1 – 0.654
We take 1.000 – 0.654
10 – 4 = 6
∴ 1 – 0.654 = 0. 346
(iii) 80.000 – 0.7312
The main operation here is 10000 – 7312 where one is borrowed from the left number
10 – 2 = 8
Since 1 is borrowed, 80 – 1 = 79
∴ 80.000 – 0.7312 = 79.2682

Multiplication by Anurupyena:
When the numbers given for multiplication are not close to any 10n (n = 1, 2, 3, ..), in that case, we use a
corollary sutra, “Anurupyena” means “Proportionately”.
For example, 41 × 49, these numbers are closer to 50, which is a multiple of 10.
Now doing as previous,

 41 | –9, 41 is 9 less than 50

 49 | –1, 49 is 1 less than 50
 Taking either 41 – 1 = 40 or 49 – 9 = 40
 And –9 × –1 = 9
 Since 10 × 5 = 50, we multiply just first part of the number by 5, 40 × 5 = 200
∴ 41 × 49 = 2009
Question 4:
Solve the following by the Nikhlam sutra:
(i) 23 × 25
(ii) 46 × 49
(iii) 65 × 69
(i) 23 × 25
 23 | –7
 25 | –5
 Taking 25 – 7 = 18
 –7 × –5 = 35
 Since 10 × 3 = 30, we multiply just the first part of the number by 3, 3 × 18 = 54

Multiplication by Urdhva-tiryagbhyam:
Another Vedic maths sutra, “Urdhva-tiryagbhyam”, means “Vertically and crosswise”. To see the application let us take an
example 34 × 12. The Nikhilam sutra cannot solve this.

 Vertical multiplication: Multiplication of both the unit digits, 4 × 2 = 8

 Crosswise multiplication: Multiply 3 by 2 and 4 by 1 and add. (3 × 2) + (4 × 1) = 6 + 4 = 10, so zero becomes the tens
digit of the product, and one is carried over to the left.
 Vertical Multiplication: Multiply 3 by 1, 3 × 1 = 3, carry 1
∴ 34 × 12 = 408.
This method could be followed both from right to left and left to right as per convenience.

∴ 23 × 25 = 54+ 35 = 575.
(ii) 46 × 49

 46 | –4
 49 | –1
 Taking 46 – 1 = 45
 –4 × –1 = 4
 Since 10 × 5 = 50, we multiply just the first part of the number by 5, 5 × 45 = 225
∴ 46 × 49 = 2254
(iii) 65 × 69

 65 | –5
 69 | –1
 Taking 65 – 1 = 64
 –5 × –1 = 5
 Since 10 × 7 = 70, we multiply just the first part of the number by 7, 7 × 64 = 448
∴ 65 × 69 = 4485.
Question 5:
(i) 23 × 33
(ii) 12 × 26
(iii) 34 × 23
(i) 23 × 33

 3×3=9
 (2 × 3) + (3 × 3) = 6 + 9 = 15; 5 carry 1
 2×3=6
∴ 23 × 33 = 759
(ii) 12 × 26

 2 × 6 = 12; 2 carry 1
 (1 × 6) + (2 × 2) = 6 + 4 = 10; 0 carry 1
 1×2=2
∴ 12 × 26 = 312
(iii) 34 × 23

 4 × 3 = 12; 2 carry 1
 (4 × 2) + (3 × 3) = 8 + 9 = 17; 7 carry 1
 3×2=6
∴ 34 × 23 = 782

Duplex Method of Squaring Numbers:

„Dwanda‟ or „Duplex‟ is denoted by D.

 D(a) = a2
 D(ab) = 2ab
 D(abc) = 2ac + b2
 D(abcd) = 2(ad + bc)
 D(abcde) = 2(ae + bd) + c2, where a, b, c, d, and e are digits of a number.
Let us see how use this to find square of a number:
(ab)2 = D(a)/D(ab)/D(b)
(abc)2 = D(a)/D(ab)/D(abc)/D(bc)/D(c)
For example, we have to find 352
352 = D(3)/D(35)/D(5)
= 32/2.3.5/52
= 9/30/25
= 9/32/5….keep 5 and carry over 2
= 12/2/5….keep 2 and carry over 3
∴ 352 = 1225

Question 6:
Find the square of the following:
(i) 27
(ii) 78
(iii) 45
(i) 27
272 = D(2)/D(27)/D(7)
= 4/28/49
Passing on the double digits, we get,
= 4/32/9
= 7/2/9
∴ 272 = 729.
(ii) 78
782 = D(7)/D(78)/D(8)
= 49/112/64
Passing on the double digits, we get,
= 49/118/4
= 60/8/4
∴ 782 = 6084.
(iii) 45
452 = D(4)/D(45)/D(5)
= 16/40/25
Passing on the double digits, we get,
= 16/42/5
= 20/2/5
∴ 452 = 2025.
Question 7:
Find the squares of the following numbers:
(i) 234
(ii) 123
(iii) 168
(i) 234
2342 = D(2)/D(23)/D(234)/D(34)/D(4)
= 4/12/25/24/16
Passing on the double digits, we get,
= 4/12/25/25/6
= 4/12/27/5/6
= 4/14/7/5/6
= 5/4/7/5/6
∴ 2342 = 54756
(ii) 123
1232 = D(1)/D(12)/D(123)/D(23)/D(3)
= 1/4/10/12/9
Passing on the double digits, we get,
= 1/5/1/2/9
∴ 1232 = 15129
(iii) 168
1682 = D(1)/D(16)/D(168)/D(68)/D(8)
= 1/12/52/96/64
Passing on the double digits, we get
= 1/12/52/102/4
= 1/12/62/2/4
= 1/18/2/2/4
= 2/8/2/2/4
∴ 1682 = 28224.
Also Read:

 Maths Tricks
 Multiplication Tricks
 Divisibility Rules

Factorisation by Anurupyena:
Let us take an example to understand this sutra: 2x2 + 5x + 2

 Split the middle coefficient in such a way that the ratio of the coefficients of the first teo terms is
equal to the ratio of the last two terms.
Here 5 = 4 + 1, such that 2 : 4 = 1 : 2 and 1 : 2 = 1 : 2

 Therefore, the first factor is x + 2.

 The second factor is obtained by dividing the first and the last terms by the first factor, respectively.
2x + 2 = 2x + 1

∴ 2x2 + 5x + 2 = (x + 2) (2x + 1)
Question 8:
Factorise the following:
(i) 2x2 + 5x – 3
(ii) 3x2 + x – 14
(iii) 7x2 – 6x – 1
(i) 2x2 + 5x – 3
Such that 2 : 6 = 1 : 3 and –1 : –3 = 1 : 3
∴ the first factor is (x + 3)
For the second factor,
2x2 – 3 = (2x – 1)
∴ 2x2 + 5x – 3 = (x + 3)(2x – 1)
(ii) 3x2 + x – 14
Such that 3 : (–6) = 1: –2 and 7: –14 = 1: –2
∴ the first factor is x – 2
For the second factor,
3x2 – 14 = (3x + 7)
x –2
∴ 3x2 + x – 14 = (x – 2)(3x + 7)
(iii) 7x2 – 6x – 1
–6x = 1 – 7
Such that 7 : –7 = 1: (–1) and 1 : ( –1)
∴ x – 1 is the first factor
For the second factor,
7x2 – 1 = 7x + 1
x –1
∴ 7x2 – 6x – 1 = (x – 1)(7x + 1)

Division by Ekadhikena Purvena:

“Ekadhikena purvena” simply means “by one more than the previous one”. We will use this technique to
perform a division whose divisor ends with 9. Steps are

 Add 1 to the denominator, that will be the divisor

 Remove the zero from the divisor and place the decimal point appropriately in the numerator.
 Carry out a step-by-step divisi. Each step will have a quotient which will be the next dividend with
the remainder of the previous step.
For example 6/19

 We have to divide 6 by 20
 Removing zero and placing decimal, 0.6/2
 Carrying out step-by-step division
6/2 → 0.3
3/2 → 0.311 (sub 1 is the remainder)
11/2 → 0.3115 (sub 1 is the remainder)
15/2 → 0.31517 (sub 1 is the remainder)
17/2 → 0.315718 (sub 1 is the remainder)
18/2 → 0.315789
9/2 → 0.31578914 (sub 1 is the remainder)
14/2 → 0.31578947
∴ 6/19 = 0.31578947
Question 9:
Evaluate using the sutra Ekadhikena Purvena:
(i) 22/39
(ii) 12/29
(iii) 3/9
(i) 22/39

 Adding 1 to the denominator, 39 + 1 = 40

 We have to divide 22 by 40
 Removing zero and placing decimal, 2.2/4
 Carrying out step-by-step division
22/4 → 0.25 (sub 2 is the remainder)
25/4 → 0.516 (sub 1 is the remainder)
16/4 → 0.564
4/4 → 0.5641
¼ → 0.564110 (sub 1 is the remainder)
10/4 → 0.5641022 (sub 2 is the remainder)
22/4 → 0.56410225 (sub 2 is the remainder)
25/4 → 0.564102516 (sub 1 is the remainder)
16/4 → 0.56410256
∴ 22/39 = 0.56410256
(ii) 12/29

 Adding 1 to the denominator, 29 + 1 = 30

 We have to divide 12 by 30
 Removing zero and placing decimal, 1.2/3
 Carrying out step-by-step division
12/3 → 0.4
4/3 → 0.411 (sub 1 is the remainder)
11/3 → 0.4123 (sub 2 is the remainder)
23/3 → 0.41327 (sub 2 is the remainder)
27/3 → 0.41379
9/3 → 0.413793
3/3 → 0.4137931
∴ 12/29 = 0.4137931
(iii) 3/9

 Adding 1 to the denominator, 9 + 1 = 10

 We have to divide 3 by 10
 Removing zero and placing decimal, 0.3/1
 Carrying out step-by-step division
3/1 → 0.3
3/9 = 0.333333…

Divisors ending with 1:

Steps of division:

 Subtract 1 from the denominator

 Subtract 1 from the denominator and this will the new divisor
 Remove zero from the divisor to put decimal point in the numerator at appropriate position
 Perform step-by-step division
 Subtract the quotient from 9 at each step to form the next dividend.
For example, 4/21

 Subtract 1 from the numerator and denominator

 We have 3/20
 Removing the zero and placing the decimal, 0.3/2
 Carrying out step-by-step division
3/2 → 0.11 subtract quotient 1 from 9, we get 0.18
18/2 → 0.19 subtract quotient 9 from 9, we get 0.0
0/2 → 0.190 subtract quotient 0 from 9, we get 0.9
9/2 → 0.19014 subtract quotient 4 from 9, we get 0.15
15/2 → 0.190417 subtract quotient 7 from 9, we get 0.12
12/2 → 0.190476 subtract quotient 6 from 9, we get 0.3
3/2 → 0.19047611 subtract quotient 1 from 9, we get 0.18
and so on.
∴ 4/21 = 0.1904761
Question 10:
Evaluate the following (up to 4 decimal point):
(i) 12/21
(ii) 7/11
(iii) 22/31
(i) 12/21

 Subtract 1 from numerator and denominator

 We have 11/20
 Removing the zero and placing the decimal, 1.1/2
 Carrying out step-by-step division
11/2 → 0.15 subtract quotient 5 from 9, we get 0.14
14/2 → 0.57 subtract quotient 7 from 9, we get 0.2
2/2 → 0.571 subtract quotient 1 from 9, we get 0.8
8/2 → 0.5714
∴ 12/21 = 0.5714.
(ii) 7/11

 Subtract 1 from the numerator and denominator

 We have 6/10
 Removing the zero and placing the decimal, 0.6/1
 Carrying out step-by-step division
6/1 → 0. 6 subtract quotient 6 from 9, we get 0.3
3/1 → 0.63 subtract quotient 3 from 9, we get 0.6
6/1 → 0.636 subtract quotient 6 from 9, we get 0.3
3/1 → 0.6363
∴ 7/11= 0.6363…
(iii) 22/31

 Subtract 1 from the numerator and denominator

 We have 21/30
 Removing the zero and placing the decimal, 2.1/3
 Carrying out step-by-step division
21/3 → 0.7 subtract quotient 7 from 9, we get 0.2
2/3 → 0.720 subtract quotient 0 from 9, we get 0.29
29/3 → 0.7029 subtract quotient 9 from 9, we get 0.20
20/3 → 0.70926
∴ 22/31 = 0.7096
1. Evaluate the following:
(i) 18 × 11

(ii) 98 × 97 made by dhruv

(iii) 15 × 14
(iv) 25 × 31
(v) 46 × 48
(vi) 88 × 87
2. Evaluate the following:
(i) 23 × 18
(ii) 28 × 17
(iii) 18 × 21
(iv) 34 × 96
3. Evaluate the following:
(i) 100 – 78
(ii) 1000 – 378
(iii) 10000 – 7786
(iv) 8 – 0.562
4. Evaluate the following:
(i) 12/19
(ii) 23/39
(iii) 8/21
(iv) 14/31
(v) 23/41


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