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1. Would you describe yourself as:
Very fit (в хорошей форме, здоровый) Average (нормальный,
обыкновенный, обычный, средний
Quite fit Unfit (нездоровый; негодный (по
состоянию здоровья)

2. Do you think physical fitness is important?( физическая подготовленность)

3. Do you ever get out of breath? (запыхаться, задыхаться)
Can you touch your toes(without bending your knees?)
Can you run for 1 km?
Can you hang from a bar, supporting your own weight for 20 seconds?
4. Does your daily routine involve any physical exertion?( физическое
5. If you take regular exercise how often do you take it?
every day More than once a week
every other day (через день) Once a week

6. If you take regular exercise, in which of the following ways do you take it?
sport dance yoga
jogging cycling walking
swimming keep-fit exercises

7. If you play a sport, is it

a team game amateur
competitive (соревновательный, professional

8. Do you possess any sports equipment?

9. Do you/Did you have to play any sports at school?
If so which ones?
How often?
10. Do you/Did you have Physical Education at school?
If so how often?
11. Do you think sports or P.E. should be a compulsory part of the school
curriculum? Why? Why not?
12. Have you ever taken up any other following because of your health?
running swimming regular exercise

Put a tick (ν) by the things that you think are good for your health and a
cross(x) by the things you think are bad for your health.
eating meat yoga crisps smoking sugar watching
living alone tea alcohol running coffee vitamin
keeping a salt flying sunbathing stress being
pet vegetarian

1. Match verbs 1-8 with phrases a-h to form collocations connected with a healthy
1 stay a enough sleep
2 keep b fit
3 avoid c a sensible diet
4 go d jogging
5 work out e in shape
6 get f weight
7 lose g stress
8 follow h in the gym

to stay fit= to keep fit-быть бодрым и здоровым

to stay in shape =to keep in shape- быть в хорошей (плохой) спортивной форме
to avoid stress-избегать стресс; напряженное состояние
to go jogging- бег трусцой (в том числе как вид спорта)
to work out in the gym- work out at a gym twice a week — тренироваться в
спортзале два раза в неделю
get enough sleep- достаточно спать
get fit
get in a shape-
lose weight-похудеть
follow a sensible diet (целесообразный_

2. Match the phrases with their definitions.

put on weight start (a new hobby)
give up grow fatter
cut down on (сокращать, урезать) have less of
take up stop (doing)

3. Read the following leaflet giving advice on leading a healthy life. Some
phrases have been left out of the text. Choose from phrases A-I below to
complete the gaps. There is one phrase you’re not going to need.


* Reduce calories and cut down on sweets, cakes and chocolate. If you are
overweight, try to lose weight. Being overweight increases your (1)……………..of
developing circulation problems.
* Follow a sensible diet-eat as much low-fat food as possible: chicken, fish and
yogurt are good for you. Aim to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a
day to ensure your (2)……………….of Vitamin C and health-giving minerals.
*Give up smoking-every cigarette shortens your life.
* Lead an active lifestyle. Keep fit and stay in shape: (3)………………out in the
gym or take up jogging? Choose an activity that you(4)………………….. .
Exercise should be a pleasure, not a duty. Aim to exercise for about 30 minutes at
least five times a week. If you work sitting down, (5)…………………up as often
as you can and walking around for a while.
*Don’t go to bed late: if you don’t get enough sleep, you will lack energy and you
will age faster. Sleep replenishes the energies spent during the day and aids the
natural healing process of the body.
*Don’t get stressed: (6)……………….. and avoid stress at home, school or work.
Learn to relax, and when you feel that your stress level is rising, take a break.
*Don’t eat between meals: it’s the fastest way to put on weight. If you (7)
…………snacks, try at least to eat healthy snacks, like fruit or yogurt.
*Don’t be a fitness fanatic! You need to stay in shape but remember to (8)

A why not work D chances G maintain a balanced

B it’s worth practicing E can’t give up H enjoy doing
C keep calm F try getting I intake

intake- поглощение, потребление

hospital больница
ward палата
ache Продолжительная боль
toothache Зубная боль
headache Головная боль
Stomach-ache Боль в желудке
Heart attack Сердечный приступ
cold простуда
Cold in the head насморк
Chicken-pox ветрянка
disease болезнь
flu грипп
pain Боль (острая, внезапная)
pneumonia Воспаление легких
cups банки
drops капли
medicine лекарство
treatment лечение
dentist Зубной врач
patient пациент
surgeon хирург
To bandage перевязывать
To be down with pneumonia Лежать с воспалением легких
To be operated on for(cancer) Перенести операцию(рака)
To bring down the temperature Сбить температуру
To catch a cold простудиться
To cough кашлять
To cure Вылечить, излечить
To examine a patient Осмотреть больного
To fall ill заболеть
To feel one’s pulse Щупать пульс
To give an injection Сделать укол
To have a bad cold простудиться
To keep one’s bed Оставаться в постели, соблюдать
постельный режим
To listen to one’s heart Выслушать сердце
To make out a prescription Выписать рецепт
To measure one’s blood pressure Измерить давление крови
To prescribe some medicine Выписать лекарство
To recover выздороветь
To sneeze чихать
To suffer from Страдать от
To take a medicine Принимать лекарство
To take one’s temperature Измерять температуру
To treat лечить
I am running a temperature У меня температура
I am sick Меня тошнит
I have a sore throat У меня болит горло
I have a pain in my back У меня болит спина
It is hard to swallow Трудно глотать
What do you complain of? На что вы жалуетесь
What do you take for a headache? Что вы принимаете от головной
Where do you feel pain? Где у вас болит?
How are you? Как вы себя чувствуете?
I don’t feel well Я плохо себя чувствую
What’s the matter with you? Что с тобой?
You don’t look very fit. Ты плохо выглядишь
We’d better send for a doctor Не лучше ли послать за доктором?
hurt Причинить боль, повредить,
ушибить2) болеть, испытывать боль
ache болеть, испытывать боль
болеть; сострадать (кому-л.) ;
переживать (о чём-л., за кого-л. - for)
pain боль

be in shape быть в форме

exercise упражняться, тренироваться
lose weight похудеть
ride a bike ездить на велосипеде
run бегать
stretch растягиваться
tone up muscles укреплять мышцы
train тренироваться

athletic спортивный
energetic энергичный
healthy здоровый
muscular мускулистый
strong сильный

drinking alcohol пить алкоголь

eating fatty foods есть жирную пищу
living a stressful life жить жизнью, полной стрессов
overworking переутомляться/работать слишком
smoking cigarettes курить сигареты

cereals злаки
fruit фрукты
honey мед
milk молоко
rice рис
vegetables овощи
wholemeal bread ржаной хлеб
yoghurt йогурт

Word list
aerobics аэробика
avoid избегать
Build up укрепить
cereals злаки
cigarettes сигареты
classes занятия
muscles мускулы
opportunity возможность
Press-ups отжимания
Sit-ups приседания
smoke курить
Sports centre Спортивный клуб
stressful растянуть
vegetable овощи
Warm up разминка
Wholemeal bread Ржаной хлеб
yoga йога

1. What does it mean to you to be healthy?
(To be healthy means that every organ works well. I don’t think being healthy
means beautiful or muscular. Your body is in good condition.
2. I think it is important to be healthy, isn’t it?
(Yes, it is. If you are healthy, you are happy, you can work and rest well. Sick
people usually have bad characters, they are never pleased or satisfied. They are
not easy to deal with)
3. Do you think it is important to lead a healthy way of life?
(Yes, I think. Otherwise you can easily fall ill and lose the possibility to lead a
happy life. Nobody likes to be ill. Sick people usually have bad characters, they are
never pleased or satisfied. They are not easy to deal with. They usually have few
friends, and have to spend much money on medicines and doctors instead of
having fun.)
4. What do you think one can do to be healthy? Does it have much with what
you eat?
(I think that a healthy way of life is eating healthy food and exercising regularly.
Giving up bad habits and going in for sports can make you healthy.)
5. Do you think going in for sports can make you healthy?
(Yes, I do. Exercise makes us strong and healthy, make our muscles work well)
6. What sports do you go in for? Are you good at sport?
(I do not want to go in for professional sport because it can be harmful and cause
injuries. I think if you are choosing a sport for keeping fit you should choose
something like jogging or table tennis, swimming. The possibility of injuring while
doing these sports is very low.
7. Do you keep to a certain diet? What is it if you do?
(I’m not really on a diet. What I can say I try to eat less of sugar, bread, sweets and
alike things)
8. Do you think it is OK to take pills to be healthy?
(I think if a doctor prescribes you to take medicines, that’s OK. But taking pills or
vitamins without consulting a doctor can be dangerous. )
9. Keeping your normal weight is very important for being healthy, isn’t it?
(Yes, I think one should exercise watch one’s weight)
10. What about exercising?
(Exercises make us strong and healthy because our muscles work well and get
enough food)
11. What else do you have to do to lead a healthy way of life?
(There are several hygienic procedures, which are necessary to be health, such as
visiting a dentist, cleaning your teeth correctly, taking shower every day. If you
don’t have any bad habits, watch your weight and exercise regularly, then your
way of life can be considered healthy.)


There are several places in the world that are famous for people who live a
very long time. These places are usually in mountainous areas, far away from
modern cities. Doctors, scientists, and public health experts often travel to these
regions to solve the mystery of a long, healthy life; the experts hope to bring to the
modern world the secrets of longevity.
Hunza is high in the Himalayan Mountains of Asia. There, many people
over one hundred years of age are still in good physical health. Men of ninety are
new fathers, and women of fifty still have babies. What are the reasons for this
good health? Scientists believe that the people of Hunza have these three benefits:
1) physical work in the fields or with animals; 2) a healthful environment with
clean air and water; and 3) a simple diet high in vitamins and nutrition but low in
fat, cholesterol, sugar, and chemicals.
People in the Caucasus Mountains are also famous for their longevity. In this
area, there are amazing examples of very long-lived people. Although birth records
are not usually available, a woman called Tsurba probably lived until age 160; a
man called Shirali may have lived until 168. His widow was 120 years old. In
general, the people not only live a long time, but they also live well. They are
almost never sick, and when they die, they have not only their own teeth, but also a
full head of hair, and good eyesight.
Vilcabamba, Ecuador, is another area famous for the longevity of its
inhabitants. This region-like Hunza and the Caucasus-is also in high mountains, far
away from cities. In Vilcabamba, too, there is very little serious disease. One
reason for the good health of the people might be clean, beautiful environment.
The temperature is about 700 Fahrenheit all year long; the wind always comes from
the same direction; and the region is rich in flowers, fruit, vegetables, and wildlife.
In some ways, the diets of the inhabitants in the three regions are quite
different. Hunzukuts eat mainly raw vegetables, fruit (especially apricots) and
chapatis – a kind of pancake; they eat meat only a few times a year. The Caucasain
diet consists mainly of milk, cheese, vegetables, fruit, and meat; most people drink
the local red wine daily. In Vilcabamba, people eat a small amount of meat each
week, but the diet consists largely of grain, corn, beans, potatoes and fruit.
Experts found one surprising fact in the mountains of Ecuador: Most people
there, even the very old, consume a lot of coffee, drink large amounts of alcohol,
and smoke forty to sixty cigarettes daily.
However, the diets are similar in two general ways: 1) the fruits and
vegetables that the inhabitants of the three areas eat all natural; that is, they contain
no chemicals; and (2) the people consume fewer calories than people do in other
parts of the world. A typical North American takes in an average of 3,300 calories
every day; a typical inhabitant of these mountainous areas, between 1,700 and
2,000 calories.
Inhabitants in the three regions have more in common than calories, natural
food, their mountains, and their distance from modern cities. Because these people
live in the countryside and are mostly farmers, their lives are physically hard.
Thus, they do not need to go to health clubs because they get a lot of exercise in
their daily work. In addition, although their lives are hard, the people do not seem
to have the worries of city people. Their lives are quiet. Consequently, some
experts believe that physical exercise and freedom from worry might be the two
most important secrets of longevity.

Write T (True) or F (False)

1. Doctors and scientists study certain people to learn their secrets of long life.
2. The areas of the world where people live a very long time are usually near the
sea, and the weather is very hot.
3. There is one reason for the good health and long lives of these people.
4. According to experts, most people in these regions eat mainly junk food, drink a
lot of alcohol, and smoke cigarettes.
5. The secrets of long life might be lots of rest and no hard work.

1. Are there many places in the world where people can live a very long
healthy life? Where are they?
(These places are usually in mountainous areas far away from modern cities)
Hunza in the Himalayan Mountains of Asia; Caucasus Mountains; Vilcabamba,
2. What are the reasons for this good health?
(1. physical work in the fields or with animals
2. a healthful environment with clean air and water
3. a simple diet high in vitamins and nutrition but low in fat, cholesterol, sugar and
3. What are people in Caucasus Mountains famous for?
(They are almost never sick and when they die, the have not only their own teeth
but also a full head of hair and good eyesight)
4. Do people in these regions eat the same food?
(People in Hunza eat mainly raw vegetables, fruit; they eat meat only a few times
a year)
The Caucasain diet consists of milk, cheese, vegetables, fruit and meat and most
people drink the local red wine daily)
In Vilcabamba people eat a small amount of meat each week, but the diet consists
of grain, corn, beans, potatoes and fruit)
5.What are the diets similar in?
1) the fruits and vegetables that the inhabitants of the three areas eat all natural
without chemicals
2. the people consume fewer calories than people do in other parts of the world.
6. Do they have to go to health clubs to keep fit?
(No, because they get a lot of exercise in their daily work)
7. What are the secrets of longevity?
Physical exercise and freedom from worry)

You are going to hear a radio interview with an elderly man. Choose the
correct option a, b, or c, according to the information you hear in the

Brian has decided to join a Health Club. First, the instructor helps him to plan his
fitness programme. Write the instructor’s questions. Read the whole conversation
before you begin.

Instructor: -OK, Brian. Let’s find out how fit you are.
(1) First of all, how old are you?
Brian: -I’m thirty –two.
Instructor: -(2) And……………………………………………
Brian: -About 75 kilos.
Instructor: -(3) And………………………………….
Brian: -One metre eighty.
Instructor: -(4)…………………………………………….
Brian: -I’m a bus driver.
Instructor: -Really? (5) So,…………………………………….
Brian: -Well, I take some exercise, but it’s not regular.
Instructor: (6) ……………………………………………….
Brian: -No, I haven’t done any sport since I left school. I just work in
the garden and sometimes go for a walk on my day off.
Instructor: -I see. (7) ……………………………………………….
Brian: -Yes, I admit I do. Not more than a packet a day, though.
Instructor: -That’s quite a lot, actually,
Brian: -I tried once, about a year ago, but I got so impatient I nearly
crashed my bus.
Instructor: -Well, perhaps we can give you some help. It’s really important,
you know. Now if you’ll come with me, I’m going to do a few
checks and then we’ll make a plan for you.
Brian: -OK, Thanks.

1- How much do you weigh?

2. How tall are you?
3. What do you do (for a living) What’s your job?
4. Do you take regular exercise?
5. Do you take any sport?
6. Do you smoke?
7. Have you ever tried to give up?

Give an advice on leading a healthy life.

1. Give up smoking
2. Eat healthy food: a lot of fruit and vegetables (cut down on sweets, cakes and
3. Lead an active lifestyle.(Choose an activity that you enjoy doing)
4. Don’t avoid hardship and physical work


be in shape быть в форме

exercise упражняться, тренироваться
lose weight похудеть
ride a bike ездить на велосипеде
run бегать
stretch растягиваться
tone up muscles укреплять мышцы
train тренироваться

athletic спортивный
energetic энергичный
healthy здоровый
muscular мускулистый
strong сильный
drinking alcohol пить алкоголь
eating fatty foods есть жирную пищу
living a stressful life жить жизнью, полной стрессов
overworking переутомляться/работать слишком
smoking cigarettes курить сигареты

cereals злаки
fruit фрукты
honey мед
milk молоко
rice рис
vegetables овощи
wholemeal bread ржаной хлеб
yoghurt йогурт

Word list
aerobics аэробика
gym гимнастика (гимнастический зал)
jogging бег трусцой
running бег
weight training упражнения с гантелями
avoid избегать
Build up укрепить
cereals злаки
cigarettes сигареты
classes занятия
muscles мускулы
opportunity возможность
Press-ups отжимания
Sit-ups приседания
smoke курить
Sports centre Спортивный клуб
vegetable овощи
Warm up разминка
Wholemeal bread Ржаной хлеб
yoga йога

Emily Привет, Джорж!
George Привет, Эмили, как дела?
E Я прекрасно себя чувствую. Я только что вернулась из спортивного
G Я не знал, что ты занимаешься спортом.
E О, да, у меня достаточно много спортивных занятий. По
понедельникам и средам я хожу на аэробику. Это по-настоящему
полезно для сердца и помогает мне сохранять форму.
G Это правда. Ты прекрасно выглядишь. Ты занимаешься каким-либо
другим видом спорта?
E По вторникам я хожу на йогу. Это помогает растянуть тело и
G А что с пятницей? Ты что-нибудь делаешь по пятницам?
E Конечно, я хожу в тренажерный зал и тренируюсь с гантелями в
течение двух часов. Это самый хороший способ на укрепление
мышц. А ты, Джорж, делаешь что-нибудь, чтобы вести здоровый
образ жизни?
G Я тоже делаю кое-какие упражнения. Бегаю каждый день перед
завтраком. И упражняюсь каждый вечер перед сном. Я отжимаюсь и
E А почему бы тебе не пойти со мной в спортивный клуб? У тебя
будет возможность потренироваться побольше. Твои упражнения
это просто разминка перед настоящей тренировкой.
G Ты права. Стоит попробовать. А ты делаешь еще что-нибудь, чтобы
оставаться здоровой?
E Как ты знаешь, я не курю сигареты и не пью алкоголь. Я стараюсь
избегать стрессовых ситуаций и не переживать по различным
поводам. Кроме того, я ем только здоровую пищу.
G Здоровую пищу?
E Да, овощи, фрукты, злаки, ржаной хлеб….
G Я думаю, что я тоже постараюсь сделать мой образ жизни более
здоровым. Я буду есть только здоровую пищу. И… когда мы идем в
спортивный клуб?

Emily: - -Hi. George!

George: - Hi, Emily! How are you?
Emily: -I feel great. I have just got back from the sports centre.
George: -I didn’t know you were doing any sports.
Emily: -Oh, yes, I have got quite a few exercise classes. On Mondays and
Wednesdays I go to aerobics. It’s really good for my heart and it helps
me keep fit.
George: -That’s true. You look great. Do you do any other kind of sport?
Emily: -On Tuesdays I go to yoga. It is good for stretching the body and for
George: -What about Fridays? Do you do anything on Fridays?
Emily: -Of course I do. I go to the gym and do weight training for two hours. It
is the best way to build up your muscles. But George, do you do
anything to make your life healthier?
George: -I also do some exercises. I go running every day before breakfast. And I
do exercises every night before I go to bed. I do press-ups and sit-ups.
Emily: -Why don’t you come with me to the sports centre? You will have the
opportunity to train more. Your exercises are simply a warm up before
real training.
George: -You are right. I should try it. But do you do anything else to stay
Emily: -As you know, I don’t smoke cigarettes and I don’t drink alcohol. I try to
avoid stressful situations and not to worry about any problems. I also
only eat healthy food.
George: -Healthy food?
Emily: -Yes, vegetables, fruit, cereals, wholemeal bread …
George: -I think I will also try to make my way of living healthier. I’ll eat only
healthy food. And… When are we going to the sports centre?

1. Who are talking in this dialogue?
(George and Emily)
2. What are they talking about?
(About healthy living)
3. Do they go in for sports?
(Yes, Emily goes to aerobics and to yoga. She also goes to the gym and does
weight training for two hours)
(As for George he goes running every day before running and does exercises
before going to bed. He does press-ups and sit-ups)
4. Does Emily look great?
5. Why does she go to aerobics?
(It’s really good for her heart and helps her to keep fit)
6. What helps her to build up her muscles?
(She goes to the gym and does weight training for two hours)
7. Which is better to go to the sports centre or go running every day before
(I think both are useful)
8. What else does Emily do to stay healthy?
(She doesn’t smoke and she doesn’t drink alcohol and she tries to avoid stressful
Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter
A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
Exercise has become a huge part of our world. There are gyms everywhere,
but if you’re not keen on them, there are hundreds of exercise videos to choose
from. Exercise is good for you. It makes you feel better, look better and can help
you live longer.
But what happens if you are the kind of person who would do anything
rather than spend five minutes on an exercise bike, including cleaning the house,
visiting a boring relative or watching a terrible TV programme? If you are that
kind of person, you need a plan!
First of all decide when you are going to exercise. Choose three times
a week, like me. Write EXERCISE in your diary, on your calendar, on the wall if
necessary! Then make sure you do it. Don’t do anything else. I never make other
Next, vary what you do. I went to the same aerobics class for two
years! No wonder I was bored! Now I use different machines at the gym, I often
change my jogging route and I never do aerobics.
Make exercise fun and find an exercise you enjoy. Why not play a sport, or
join a dance class? I recently started a modern dance class. It’s great fun and I’ve
met lots of new people, but as soon as I get bored I’ll find something else!

1. What is the writer’s main aim in writing the text?

A- to describe different ways of keeping fit
B –to persuade people about the benefits of exercise
C – to encourage people to take exercise
2. What does the writer say about herself?
A –She prefers to exercise at home.
B –She isn’t kee4n on joining classes
C –She likes to do different kinds of exercise
D She doesn’t like watching TV
3. What does the reader learn about the writer’s habits?
A- She exercises three times a week.
B- She often exercises with friends.
C –She does aerobics regularly.
D – She runs the same route every day.
4. What does she say about her dance class?
A – She sometimes finds it boring.
B – She may not do it forever.
C –She thinks some people are unfriendly.
D –She prefers doing sport.
5. What would be another good title for the article?
A. Exercise may be boring, but it’s good for you.

B Many people do too0 much exercise.

C Regular exercise is best.

D Exercising once a week is better than nothing.

1-D; 2-C;3-A; 4-B; 5-C

Over the years, I’ve done many types of exercise but in my
opinion the 1)_________ of them all is running. GOOD
It 2)__________what age, shape or sex you are: NOT MATTER
running suits everyone.
There are many things that make running a great physical
activity for 3)_________who does it. BODY
4)_________benefits include lowering your blood pressure IT
and, although you may feel tired as you jog, helping to
increase your energy levels.
It is also a great way of 5)___________weight, burning LOSE
around 450 calories in half an hour, compared with 250 when
6)__________, what I like most about running is that it has a HOW
wonderful effect on the mind.
This is because running releases substances in the
body7)________ endorphins, which are responsible for CALL
making us feel good.

1-best; 2-doesn’t matter; 3- everybody; 4- its; 5-losing; 6- However; 7=called

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

You’re rarely far from a good walk in Britain-(1)……………… live in

the town or the country. From mountains in the North to gentle hills in the South,
you’re (2)…………….to find some wide open spaces you will like. People (3)
………….live in the city can enjoy walks (4)…………..canals and in the many
beautiful parks to be found.
Walking gives you the (5)……………of exercise and at the same time
allows you to experience wonderful scenery. You can also (6)………………about
local wildlife. On foot, in the countryside, you see much more than you’d (7)
………..see from a car or on a bike.
However, if you are out and about in the countryside make sure you follow
the rules. You mustn’t go (8)…………….that’s private, you (9)…………….stay
on public footpaths and (10)…………….animals in fields!

A whether B while C because D although
A confident B sure C definite D clear
A who B whom C whose D which
A round B through C along D between
A help B benefit C assistance D allowance
A know B find C learn D look
A ever B never C yet D always
A any B anywhere C anyway D anyhow
A could B ought C would D should
A stay B avoid C keep D let

1-A; 2-B; 3-A; 4-C; 5-B; 6-C; 7-A; 8-B; 9-D; 10-D

Read the rules of the Fitness Centre. Complete what the instructor says with
must(n’t), need(n’t), or should(n’t).
MUST-потребность, необходимось (Я должен)
Must=have to- Разница состоит в том, что must употребляется, когда мы
чувствуем или считаем, что должны что-либо сделать, а have tщ – означает
необходимость совершения действияч, вызванную обстоятельствами.
MUSTN’T-запрет (этот глагол не является отрицательной формой глагола
must. Отрицательные формы глагола must –это выражения needn’t and don’t
have to –не обязан
SHOULD- обязанность, долг. Употребляются с целью дать совет, выразить
мнение, а также указать на то, что данная особа должны сделать.


1. It is vital to have a health check before using the gym for the first time.
2. It isn’t necessary for members to pay for towels, but guests are charged ₤1 per
3. It is recommended that you begin with light exercises to warm up.
4. It is not recommended that you exercise after a heavy meal.
5. It’s a good idea to ask a member of staff if you’re not sure how to use the
6. It is forbidden to use the Fitness Centre against the advice of the staff.

You (1) must have a health check before using the gym for the first time.
You (2)………… for towels, but your guests (3)………… ₤1.
You (4)………….begin with light exercises to warm up.
You (5)…………exercise after a heavy meal.
You (6)………….ask a member of staff if you’re not sure how to use the
You (7)………..use the Fitness Centre against the advice of the staff.
2-needn’t; 3-must; 4- should; 5-shouldn’t; 6-should; 7- mustn’t

Read what James did. Then complete what the instructor says with must(n’t),
need(n’t) or should(n’t)

James became a member of the Sports Club yesterday. he used the gym without
having a health check. He paid for a towel. He didn’t begin with light exercises. He
exercised soon after eating a big lunch. He didn’t ask a member of staff how to use
the equipment. His back is very painful today.

James (1)………………have used the gym without having a health check, so it’s
not my fault his back is very painful.
He (2)………………….have paid for a towel.
He (3)…………………. have begun with light exercises.
He (4)…………………..have exercised soon after lunch.
He (5)…………………..have asked me how to use the equipment.
He (6)…………………..,have injured his back.

1-shouldn’t; 2-needn’t; 3-should; 4-shouldn’t; 5-should; 6-must

Read the text and questions below.
For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer – A, B, C or D
The government published a report yesterday saying that we need to eat
more healthily- more fruit and vegetables, less fat and sugar. So that means fewer
burgers, chips and fried food as well as cutting down on sweet things. We went
into central London yesterday at lunchtime and asked people what they thought
about it. ‘It’s got nothing to do with the government what I eat,’ says Paul Keel, a
building worker, as he eats a beefburger and chips washed down with strawberry
milkshake. ‘ I think I have a healthy diet. You see, I don’t normally eat a
beefburger for lunch. Normally I just have the chips.’ Any fish? ‘I like cod. But
I’ve only ever had it once.’ Tim Kennor, a librarian, welcomes the government
advice. But he also has his own rules. ‘I think,’ he explains, eating his fried
chicken and chips,’ it’s important to eat a variety of food’. We then asked Dorothy
Matthews, aged 74. ‘I don’t think it’s the government’s business to tell us what to
eat.’ We went into Simpson’s restaurant and asked the manager if people had
changed what they were eating. ‘I don’t think people believe all these reports any
more. What they say is good for you in June, they say is bad for you in July.
People have stopped taking notice. We serve what we’ve always served. Almost all
of it is fattening.
1. What is the writer trying to explain in the text.
A what people think
B his own opinion
C the government report
D the popularity of certain foods
2. What can the reader learn from the text?
A what is government is going to do
B which meals are healthiest
C whether the advice will be followed
D what kind of people like beefburgers
3. What is Paul Keel’s opinion?
A The government’s advice is wrong
B Fish isn’t good for you.
C He doesn’t need to change his habits
D He eats too many beefburgers.
4. What does the manager think of the report?
A People don’t understand the advice given.
B People think they will soon be given different advice.
C People don’t bother to read these reports.
D People are more concerned about losing weight
5. Which of the following is part of the government report?

A The population of this country should eat less.

B Bad health in this country is caused by people eating the wrong kinds of food.
C People should take the time to prepare their food at home instead of eating in
D Working people should make sure they have a good hot meal in the middle of
the day.

1-a; 2-c’; 3-c; 4-b; 5-b

Imagine that your friend and you have decided to get fit. What will you choose?
* Join a university volleyball team
* Take special pills to get fit
* Keep to a diet
* Go to University on foot

- +
Join a university *If you are shy it’ll be *You may become a hero
volleyball team rather difficult to play on at University
a public eye *It’s both physical and
*You might be strongly mental development.
hurt *You’ll meet new friends.
* You might not be *You’ll learn how to
successful in this game work in team.

Take special pills to get *It is very expensive * You needn’t go in for
fit *It may be harmful for sports
your health *You may eat what you
* You may get used to want
taking them *It will help you very

Keep to a diet *You feel hungry all the *You needn’t spend much
time money on food
*The healthy food might * You needn’t cook a lot
be not to your taste *You will eat healthy
*It’s difficult to avoid food
your favourite products *It works out a strong will

Go to University on foot *You might be late for *It’ll cheer you up

classes *You needn’t spend time
*You will be already tired for sport
long before your classes *You’ll save your money
start * Fresh air in the morning
*You’ll have to get up is very good for your
earlier health
*You may get into

Read the magazine article below which gives you advice about the prevention and
treatment of colds. Fill in the gaps with the best word: a, b, c or d to form a
coherent, logical and grammatical text.
The cold and flu season is back again, so it’s time to 1________up on
prevention and treatment. 2_________to popular belief, cooler weather doesn’t
cause cold. What is more likely is that we stay indoors more, giving viruses
________to spread from person to person. In addition, the cold months are
associated 4________low humidity, and the dry air makes the nasal cavity more
susceptible to bugs. Consequently, cases of colds and flu surge between the
beginning of autumn and spring (the5_________adult gets two to four respiratory
infections a year; children even more). Because the season is upon us, it is a good
__________to revise a few cold and flu tactics.
To prevent an infection, the best defence is a good offence. The first step is
to _________physical contact with the cold sufferer. When someone with a cold
sneeze, coughs or sniffles, 8__________your distance. Hugging, kissing and
shaking hands are sure ways to catch a cold.
a bring b brush c get d take
a Contrary b Opposite c Similar d Unlike
a chance b chances c the opportunities d an opportunity
a for b on c to d with
a average b different c ordinary d same
a idea b suggestion c sense d advice
a break b control c limit d lose
a cover b judge c keep d remember

Decide is statements 1-6 are true (T) or false (F)

1. Cold weather is the main cause of colds.
2. In the drier seasons we are more prone to illnesses like colds and flu.
3. Most people suffer from colds, especially between early autumn and the spring.
4. Children suffer from colds and flu less often than adults.
5. It’s best not to have any physical contact with the person who suffer from a cold.
6.You can’t get ill from shaking hands with someone with a cold.
Our eating habits affect how we feel during the day. What happens if I have
no breakfast, or poor breakfast? I’m likely to be tired or cross, and of course,
hungry till having lunch.
There is a ring of truth in that well-known saying: “A man is what he eats”.
Food is a form of fuel. It gives us energy, helps us to grow, resist disease and form
strong teeth and bones. No single food can take care of all body’s needs. Different
foods do different things for the body. Some foods are better than others in helping
make strong muscles. Among them are meats, eggs, fish and poultry. Some foods
are better in helping keep bones, skin and blood healthy. Among these foods are
fruit, vegetables, milk, and cheese.
There are certain sayings about foods from long ago. “Fish is ‘brain’ food”,
people say it’s good for brain. They say carrots are good for eyes. Another saying
is: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, - meaning that you will be healthy if
you eat an apple every day.
There are so many kinds of food – fast food, snacks, junk food that it may be
difficult to follow a healthy diet. Fresh fruit and vegetables are important for a
healthy diet. In the past, sailors who went on long sea voyages stayed on their
ships for many months without going ashore. They did not get fresh food and so
often suffered from a disease called scurvy. Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin
C, which is found in fruit and vegetables.
In our country, bread is an important part of our everyday food. When we sit
down for a meal, there is always bread on the table. For breakfast, we have bread
with butter or cheese. Some people have jam or olives. For lunch, we have bread
with a meat or vegetable dish. Again at dinner, we eat bread with whatever food
there is on the table. When there is rise or potatoes, we have bread too. My granny
says that if there is not bread, there is no food.

habit привычка
To be tired утомляться
To be cross Сердиться, раздражаться
A ring of truth правдоподобно
fuel Топливо, горючее
To resist disease Сопротивляться болезни
muscles мускулы
poultry Птичье мясо
skin кожа
blood кровь
certain Некоторый, определенный
brain мозг
snack закуска
Junk food Бесполезная еда

1. What will happen if you have no breakfast?
(If I have no breakfast I’m likely to be tired or cross)
2. Why do we say that food is a form of fuel?
(Because food gives us energy, helps us to grow, resist diseases and form strong
teeth and bones)
3. What food helps make strong muscles?
(Among them are meats, eggs, fish and poultry)
4. What food helps make bones, teeth, skin and blood healthy?
(Among them are fruit, vegetables, milk and cheese)
5. What are carrots good for?
6. Have you heard similar expressions?
Eating carrots is good for eyes.
Fish is good for brain.
Eating cheese at night makes you dream.
Garlic stops you getting cold.
Drinking coffee stops you sleeping.
A hot milky drink helps you go to sleep.
Crusty bread makes your hair curly.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Do you agree or disagree with them?
7. Why is it sometimes difficult to follow a healthy diet?
(There are so many kinds of food- fast food, snacks, junk food – that it may be
difficult to follow a healthy diet)
8. What disease can be caused by lack of vitamin “C”?
(scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C which is found in fruit and vegetables)
9. Is bread important part of our everyday food?


A: Hi, Helen, what are you doing here?
B: Hi, Mike. I’m on my lunch break and I’m going to eat something.
A: I’m on mine too. Can I join you?
B: Sure. Where do you want to go?
A: Let’s go to Central Park for a hot dog with double ketchup and mayonnaise.
B: What? Do you really want to eat that unhealthy food?
A: What do you mean? I always have a hamburger or hot dog during my lunch
B: You can’t be serious! It’s so fattening and unhealthy! It’s not good for you
at all!
A: You must be kidding! It’s tasty and you don’t waste your time waiting to be
served as you would in a restaurant.
B: Maybe you don’t waste your time eating in hot dog stalls but you definitely
waste your health!
A: But this kind of food is very nutritious and contains fibre, protein,
carbohydrates, and some vitamins.
B: Come on, it’s junk food!
A: Do you want to tell me that you never eat any takeaway food?
B: I sometimes eat Chinese food, but I try to lead a healthy life. I have my
lunch in a small vegetarian restaurant just round the corner from here where
the service is very quick and you don’t waste your time. Apart from eating
a tasty, low-fat meal, you can spend some time there with your friends, and
instead of standing up in a fast food bar, you can sit in comfortable
armchairs. Then afterwards you can have a delicious Italian coffee.

A: You’ve convinced me. Let’s go there.

B: But look what time it is! We have been arguing for ages and now we don’t
have time to eat anything.
A: Yes, we do. We can always have a hot dog in Central Park.


Mike: -Привет, Элен, что ты здесь делаешь?
Helen: -Привет, Майк. У меня обеденный перерыв, и я иду что-нибудь
Mike: - У меня тоже перерыв. Я могу к тебе присоединиться?
Helen: -Конечно. Ты куда хочешь пойти?
Mike: -Давай пойдем в Центральный парк на «хот-дог» с двойной
порцией кетчупа и майонеза.
Helen: -Что? Ты серьезно хочешь есть эту вредную еду?
Mike: -Что ты имеешь в виду? Я всегда ем гамбургер или «хот-дог» во
время обеденного перерыва.
Helen: - Ты не говоришь серьезно! Это такое жирное и нездоровое! Это
тебе вредит!
Mike: - Ты наверное шутишь! Это очень вкусно и не нужно тратить
времени в ожидании пока тебя обслужат, если бы ты был в
Helen: -Может ты и не теряешь время, когда ешь в ларьке «хот-дог», но
уж определенно наносишь ущерб своему здоровью!
Mike: -Но эта еда очень питательная, и содержит в себе клетчатку, белки,
углеводы и некоторое количество витаминов.
Helen: -Но в ней нет питательной ценности!
Mike: -Что ты хочешь этим сказать, что никогда не берешь никаких
готовых блюд на вынос?
Helen: -Я иногда ем китайские блюда, но стараюсь вести здоровый образ
жизни. Обедаю в небольшом вегетарианском ресторане, здесь за
углом, где обслуживание очень быстрое и не приходится терять
времени. Кроме того, что там можно съесть вкусную диетическую
еду, ты еще можешь провести там немного времени с друзьями, а
вместо того, чтобы стоять в ресторане быстрого обслуживания,
можно посидеть в удобных креслах. Затем можешь выпить
восхитительный итальянский кофе.
Mike: - Ты меня убедила! Пойдем туда!
Helen: -Но посмотри, который час! Мы так долго спорили, что теперь у
нас уже не осталось времени, чтобы съесть хоть что-нибудь.
Mike: - Да есть же! Мы всегда можем съесть «хот-дог» в Центральном

hot dog stalls- ларек “хот-дог”

fibre-клетчатка, волокно
junk food-пища, богатая калориями, но имеющая низкую питательную
takeaway food- готовые блюда на вынос
low-fat meal- еда с низким содержанием жира

Is it good or bad for people to eat in fast-food restaurants?

1) the fast-food restaurant is good for people who must have a quick bite because
of a busy schedule.
2) the food is inexpensive yet tasty
3) the food is usually consistent (плотная)

The title of the article below is The history of dieting. Paragraphs B-H are in
the wrong order. Decide on the correct order for the paragraphs, and write
the letter next to the number below. The first and last paragraphs are correct.

A The word “diet” originally meant ‘things that people usually eat’, but these days,
we use the word to mean an eating pattern or programme designed to change
B But it has taken a long time to find out exactly what these are. Sea travel led to
some increase in understanding. When it became possible to build ships that could
go on long voyages, sailors started to spend many months at sea. They also started
getting a strange disease called ‘scurvy’. Eventually, it became clear that they
needed fruit or vegetables to survive. Today, we know that Vitamin C is the
C But when did it all start? There’s a story that in 1087, William the Conqueror,
King of England, had become so fat that he could no longer ride his horse. he
stayed in bed and drank alcohol instead of eating food to try and lose weight.
D Although the discovery helped their lives, there was much more that wasn’t
known. Nobody knew, for example, why some people got fat and others didn’t, or
what to do about it.
E Now, it may or may not have worked for him, but we can’t really recommend it
as an approach for most people. What’s important is the kinds of food you eat,
because different foods contain different things our bodies need.
F However, despite all these, we usually say ‘diet’ about losing weight. This is
certainly the area where the money gets spent. And it has a long history.
G We could be talking about any one of many different kinds. There are diets for
avoiding certain chemicals, like salt, and there are diets to increase amounts of
certain things, like potassium. There are even diets to help people put on weight.
H Then, in the 1890s, a chemist called Wilbur Atwater began investigating how
foods consisted of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. he found that he could
measure the heat value of these by burning them and called a unit of this heating a
I This measurement he created can be seen as the start of modern food science and
dieting. Since then, knowledge has come quickly-some people say too quickly!
Keys: A-this paragraph introduces the topic and the general idea of diets;
G- this paragraph goes on to explain ‘the different kinds ‘ of diets introduced in the
previous paragraph;
F- this paragraph picks up ‘all these’ the list of kinds in the previous paragraph-
and focuses on the modern meaning;
C-This paragraph begins with’ it’ meaning the ‘history’ at the end of the previous
E- this paragraph links to ‘William the Conqueror’ in the previous paragraph with
B-this paragraph talks about these, linking back to different things our bodies need
in the previous paragraph
D- this paragraph links the discovery to the realization about Vitamin C in the
previous paragraph;
H- moves on from the previous one-‘nobody knew’ to the work of Atwarter;
I-links this measurement’ to the calorie.

Read the text and fill in the gaps 1-6 from phrases A-G below to complete the
gaps. There is one phrase you’re not going to need.


Children at Southdown Infants School in Bath enjoy tasty homemade meals
such as roast turkey with fresh vegetables, chicken, salad and fresh fruit for
pudding. vegetables are 1_______________________. Instead of crisps, chocolate
and sweets, the school canteen serves organic carrots, dried fruit and fresh seasonal
fruit in bags for 10p, 2_____________________.
Southdown’s healthy eating initiative began four years ago with the start of a
breakfast club.
now Ms Culley, the head teacher of the school, says that the teachers very
clearly see the link between diet and concentration. “Children’s concentration and
behaviour 3__________________.” The teachers would also like to give the
children the experience of eating together. It turned out that some children weren’t
used to that.
Pupils are also encouraged to find out more about where their food comes
from by 4______________________________.
Parents are also involved and are invited in to try school dinners on special
occasions, 5_____________________________.
The efforts of staff, pupils and parents to create a healthy, eating
environment were recognized earlier this month6________________the Best
School Dinner award.
Ms Culley said: “We are happy to win this award. Healthy eating is at the
centre of everything we do. It’s really rewarding to see so many children enjoy real

A. such as Easter and Christmas

B. visiting a local farm
C. local, fresh and organic where possible
D. provide good quality food
E. definitely improve after a good meal
F. and about 100 bags are sold each day
G. when the school was awarded

1 2 3 4 5 6

The modern way of life, when people have little physical activity, use cars instead
of walking, watch television for many hours, and work on computers is turning
them into legless creatures. Although a lot of people are interested in staying
healthy, not many people do very much about it. Only 10% of adults take part in
sport more than twice a week.
The majority of people live in towns and cities, where space for team sports is
limited. To keep fit, most people take part in individual sports. They usually go
walking, swimming, cycling, or do aerobics. Taking part in all of these sports is
informal and casual. Most people just want to relax. If they do aerobics or go
swimming, they usually go to the sports centre; but not many people join a sport
Some people argue that sports are not very useful. It takes a lot of energy and time.
As a result of going in for sports, people have broken legs and arms and other
injuries. Besides, it makes you unhappy when you lose. A lot of people prefer to
watch sports competitions rather than take part in sports. Thousands of people go
to the stadiums to support their favourite teams and sportsmen. The most popular
spectator sports are football, hockey and figure skating. Most of the important
competitions are televised, and people enjoy watching sports programmes on TV.
They needn’t buy tickets and go to a stadium, especially in cold and rainy weather.
But certainly watching sports events and going in for sports are two different
In my opinion, people can’t do without sports. Sports play an important part in our
lives. I think sports help us in different ways. First of all, it helps us to stay in good
shape, to keep fit and to be healthy. It makes people strong, fast and agile. What is
more, sport builds character; it teaches us to compete and practice sportsmanship.
It makes us more organised and better disciplined in our daily activities. Besides, it
is a good way to meet people and to make new friends.
Sports are essential part of our everyday life. To have a healthy mind, you must
have a healthy body. But to be healthy, it is not necessary to become a professional
sportsman. You may go in for sports just for pleasure, when you have free time.
As for me I go in for table tennis ( ping-pong). It needs mobility, liveliness and
much energy. It keeps a person in form. I have been playing tennis for several
years but the more I play the more I like it. I get a real joy taking part in
competitions or simply playing with my friends.
I. Read the text about changing your lifestyle. Choose the correct alternative.
Many/Much/A lot health experts believe that children and young people
today are more unhealthy than they used to be. So why has this happened?
One reason is bad eating habits. A little/lot/many of young people don’t
have a healthy diet. They eat too much fast food like3 hamburgers and pizza and
not enough fruit and vegetables. In the US, many children eat/ are eating/have
been eating fast food regularly since they were very young. In fact, almost one
third of American children aged four to nineteen have eaten/ have been eating/ eat
fast food nearly all the time. They also don’t do exercise and spend too
few/much/many of their time watching TV, surfing the internet or playing
computer games.
So how can you change your habits if you’ve followed/’re following/’ve
been following an unhealthy lifestyle for a long time? First, change your diet and
eat more fruit and vegetables, next, find an activity you enjoy. Why not try
something different like rock climbing, surfing or hiking? Many young people
have found/ found/ been finding that becoming fit and healthy can be much/ little/
a lot of fun.

Mary: -Hi, Jane, how are you? I’ve heard you have become a vegetarian.
Jane: -Yes, that’s true. How did you know?
Mary: -Mary told me. She was very surprised.
Jane: -Why? I’ve always felt that eating meat is not healthy and that we should
protect animals.
Mary: -Is it only meat that you don’t want to eat?
Jane: -I avoid eating eggs too because in my view egg-eaters are really no
better, as eggs as future chickens.
Mary: -Are you such a passionate believer in vegetarianism? Are you one of
those vegetarians who regard people who eat meat as worse than
Jane: -No, of course not. But I feel that everybody should think about their
eating habits and decide what is more important for them: pleasure and
killing or a healthy way of living and saving animals’ lives. I suspect a lot
of people never even think about animals and environmental protection
when they eat meat.
Mary: -Maybe you’re right but I suspect that all vegetarians harbour a secret
desire for a nice juicy steak from time to time.
Jane: -Even if that’s true, I’m not one of them. I prefer vegetables and I reckon
that nearly all consumers of such poisonous things as meat, sugar, white
bread and so on will die young.
Mary: -I hope you are not correct, although I admire your strong will. I doubt I
could ever give up eating meat, eggs, and cheese. But what about other
areas of life? I know that vegetarianism does not only concern food.
Jane: -Yes, vegetarianism in my personal philosophy. I fight against whaling
and seal-hunting and I would never buy a fur-coat. I refuse to accept that
zoos serve any useful purpose and I am in favour of wildlife parks and
nature reserves.
Mary: -That sounds interesting. Do you think that I could join you in your fight
but at the same time not change my eating habits?
Jane: -I’m sure I’ll convince you that eating meat is unhealthy sooner or later.
But it’s great that you want to fight for animal rights.

Mary: -Привет, Джейн. Как дела? Я слышал, что ты стала вегетарианкой.

Jane: -Да, это правда. Откуда ты знаешь?
Mary: -Мэри мне сказала. Она была очень удивлена.
Jane: -Почему? Я всегда думала, что вредно есть мясо и что мы должны
защищать животных.
Mary: -Ты не ешь только мясо?
Jane: -Я также избегаю яиц, потому что, по моему мнению, люди, которые
едят яйца, на самом деле, ничем не лучше, потому что яйца, это ведь-
будущие цыплята..
Mary: -Ты такая страстная сторонница вегетарианства? И одна из тех
людей которые относятся к людям, употребляющим в пищу мясо,
хуже, чем к преступникам?
Jane: -Нет, конечно, нет. Но я чувствую, что каждый должен думать о
своих предпочтениях в еде и решить, что более важно для него:
удовольствие и убийство или здоровый образ жизни и жизнь
животных. Я подозреваю, что многие люди даже и не думают о
животных и о защите окружающей среды, когда они едят мясо.
Mary: -Возможно, ты права, но я подозреваю, что все вегетарианцы, время
от времени, по секрету мечтают о вкусном, сочном куске мяса.
Jane: -Даже если это правда, я не принадлежу к их числу. Я предпочитаю
овощи и считаю, что почти все потребители таких вредных вещей,
как мясо, сахар, белый хлеб и так далее, умирают в молодом
Mary: -Я надеюсь, что ты не права, хотя восхищаюсь твоей сильной волей.
Я сомневаюсь, что когда-либо смогу перестать есть мясо, яйца и сыр.
А что относительно других областей жизни? Я знаю, что
вегетарианство касается не только пищи.
Jane: -Да, вегетарианство –это моя личная философия. Я борюсь против
охоты на китов и тюленей, и я никогда не купила бы шубу. Я не могу
согласиться, что зоопарки служат какой-либо положительной цели и
предпочитаю парки дикой природы и заповедники..
Mary: -Это интересно звучит. Как ты думаешь, я могу присоединиться к
тебе в твоей борьбе, но в то же самое время не изменять своих
предпочтений в еде?
Jane: -Я уверена, что рано или поздно мне удастся тебя убедить в том, что
есть мясо- это вредно для здоровья. Но это замечательно, что ты
хочешь бороться за права животных.

Read and discuss.

One must keep fit to do well at the University. One has to get up early to get
to the University in time, one has to spend long hours indoors attending lectures
and seminars or reading in the library. One has to stay up late getting ready for
seminars, writing essays or doing exercises for one’s English class. So one needs
to be strong and healthy. What are they ways to keep fit?
First of all you must miss no chances of outdoor activities as an antidote to
our sedentary lives (сидячий образ жизни). Of course, there is your physical
training class but that’s definitely not enough. Skating or skiing in winter and
swimming in summer must become part of your everyday life. Second, exercise.
You must exercise whenever you can – in the morning, after your classes, in the
evening. Jogging has become quite popular nowadays and a lot of people run
before breakfast. If you’re too busy in the morning, find some time for it in the
evening. Third, regular meals are a must if you want to keep fit. Try to avoid going
without any food for hours. Some students actually live on sandwiches. Remember
that an apple, a glass of milk or just a raw carrot that you brought from home is a
better snack than sandwiches and coffee. Fourth, and this is very important,
smoking is something you must give up for good if you want to keep fit.
There is nothing new in all this. It’s everything your mother told you, but
sometimes you didn’t listen. The key word is everything. You must work on
everything at once-exercise, diet, health habits. There are basic principles. Try to
build in at least a few routines that will last, something you’ll do every day from
now on.

1. Why is physical fitness necessary for your good progress at the University?
2. What are the four rules you must follow to keep fit?
3. What outdoor activities do you practice in winter/summer?
4. Do you exercise regularly?
5. When do you exercise?
6. Describe your eating habits. Do you think they are healthy?
7. Why is smoking harmful for your health?

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