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p 181 (Track 122) 

understatement: a statement that describes something in a way that makes

it seem less important, serious, bad, etc. than it really is, or the act of making such statements
保守的陳述;輕描淡寫 plumbing: 管道;水管裝置;管路系統 leak: (液體或氣體)漏,洩漏
rust: 銹;鐵銹 landlord: 房東;地主 labor: 勞動;(尤指)體力勞動 lease:租約,租契
mediation: 調解,調停,斡旋 terms: 條件;條款 dispute: (尤指勞資雙方或相鄰兩國之間的)爭
執,爭端,糾紛 tenant: 租戶;佃戶;房客 unit:  (傢俱或設備的)組合件,配件
The lady has just moved into an apartment and found out that there are serious problems with the
plumbing. There are major problems with the sink and the bathroom. The repairman/plumber, who
visited the apartment, estimated that it will cost over six hundred and seventy dollars to complete
all of the repairs, which includes the fee for making a house call. The lady isn't willing to pay the
bill by herself/can't afford all of those fees. The repairman gives/offers her two solutions. His first
suggestion is that she call up her landlord and talk him into paying the bill for the repairs. Second,
he suggests that she get in touch with a mediator at the university to help her resolve this
dispute/make good use of the mediation program at university and ask them to help her resolve
the dispute with her landlord.. 
p 183 (track 124) 
shoot someone an email: send someone an email receipt: 發票;收據;收條
flat-out: (用於強調時)完全地 (tell someone a flat-out lie) sympathetic: 有同情心的,同情的
The problem that the man is facing is that he slept in and missed his math test. His professor has strict rules
regarding students taking make-up exams and that is why he is uncertain what he should say to his professor.
The first course of action he could take is to contact his professor and tell her that he missed the test because
he fell ill. The risk with this approach is that the professor might ask him to produce a note from his doctor
and he is unsure if he wants to do this. His second thought is to go to the professor’s office and tell her the
exact truth about his absence; namely the fact that he stayed up late studying for the math exam and that is
why he overslept. This could be problematic because she might think that sleeping in isn’t a legitimate (合理
的,可接受的,得到認可的) reason for missing a test and refuse to let him take the make-up exam. My
solution would be to _____.
P 185 (track 126)
stain: 沾汙,染汙;留下汙跡 carpet: 地毯;地毯織物 inspection: 檢查;視察 deposit: 押金
The woman’s problem is that her landlord is convinced that her cat left stains/made stains on the carpet in
her apartment. She is getting ready to move out and the landlord is demanding her to pay to replace the
carpeting. However, the woman strongly believes that the stains were caused by her cat. While chatting
with friend, she considers two possible solutions. Firstly, she could possibly use her four-hundred-dollar
deposit to pay for carpet cleaning. As an alternative, she is also considering threatening to take her landlord
to court. She could possibly ask the landlord to produce inspection reports and receipts to prove how old
the carpet is/when the original carpet was installed.

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