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P 120 Track 61

Cubicle: (大房間中分隔出來的)小房間,小隔間 multimedia: (尤指在電腦上或娛樂事業)應用

多媒體的 Accommodate: 為…提供住宿;容納;為…提供空間 Wing: (常指後來增建的)建築翼
部,廂房,側廳 Hold your breath: to wait for something to happen, often feeling anxious 屏息以待
Misguided: 被誤導的;被引入歧途的;判斷失誤的 Hard copy: 硬拷貝,硬副本,列印件(指列印
出來的資訊) Outdated: 過時的,陳舊的 Concept: 原則;概念;觀念;想法 Acquire: 取得,獲

A. Universities plan: (3-4 sentences) B: Whether the speaker agrees or disagrees + reasons for
agreement/disagreement. (10 sentences)
Agree Disagree
The man/woman agrees with the The man/woman agrees with the
announcement/letter/article, which is about _____. announcement/letter/article, which is about _____.
There are two reasons why (sby) supports (doing There are two reasons why (sby) doesn’t support/is
sth)/is in favor of (doing sth). not in favor of (doing sth).
One reason is that _____. One reason is that _____.
Another reason is that _____. Another reason is that _____.
Therefore, these reasons are why the man/woman Therefore, these reasons are why the man/woman
believes that ____ is a good idea. believes that ____ is not a good idea.
Announcement: Expanding the size of the library by adding more space and more books to the library
Student’s reason for agree with/disagreeing with the announcement: A) The whole concept of expanding
the library is misguided. She holds the view that there is no need for the school to build a new wing if the
school is only purchasing more electronic materials/resources instead of hard-copy books/resources. She
thinks that e-books do not take up/occupy any physical shelf space and they are easy to upgrade/update.
B) She thinks it would be a better idea for the university to invest their money in making an addition to the
student cafeteria so that students would have a place to study in because students don’t have sufficient
space to study on that part of the campus. That would make it possible for students to buy food during
their study breaks.
P 122 (track 63)
Announcement: The man is happy about the news that City University is going to expand. He believes that
when the station adds jazz and folk, instead of classical music, it will create more opportunities for students
to work in the radio business. For example, students can learn how to be DJs and host radio programs. B) In
addition, the man says he supports the plan to add new transmitters so that the station can expand the size
of their listening audience to other communities/can widen their broadcasting area, because there will be a
greater demand for more work-study students to carry out the technical production work. This new
plan/initiative will work to bring a greater sense of unity between college students and the youth in the
new listening areas/it will bring the university community closer to residents in surrounding areas. He holds
the view that the new transmitters can help to create more jobs/create more employment opportunities in
technical production.
P 124 (track 66)
Convert: (使)改變,(使)轉變 shortage: 缺乏,缺少 Unforeseen: 未預見到的;意料之外的
Basic amenities: 基本生活設施 house: 為…提供住處,收容;為…提供空間
Announcement: the university experiencing a shortage of housing due to the fact that there have been a
large number of first year students enrolling in the university. To solve this problem, the university is
planning to convert lounges and study areas in the main campus dormitories into very large open rooms
that can house 3 students/accommodate 3 students. A) The first point that the woman makes is the fact
that the university shouldn’t remove lounges and study areas from the dorm as students need these spaces
to escape from their roommates when the environment is noisy, and be able to focus on preparing for their
exams. B) Another key point that the woman makes is, although she is against the idea of converting
rooms, if it is necessary to have them, first-year students shouldn’t be told to live in them because they
should be able to experience campus life in a normal way (should be given chances to socialize on campus
and experience normal campus life). Second-year students should be asked volunteer to live in converted
P 126 (track 68)
affiliated: 附屬(某組織)的;(與某組織)有關連的 varsity: 大學體育代表隊的,校隊的
therapy: 治療;療法 cater for sby/cater to sby: 迎合;滿足
The university has announced that only university team athletes will be given access to sports medicine
services. Students who don’t belong to a team will now have to arrange to see regular Health Center
doctors. The man is in favor of the university’s decision and gives two main reasons. A) Firstly, the university
believes that having successful athletic teams is a top priority. He points out the fact that if the university
wishes to recruit elite athletes from high schools, they need to provide them with excellent facilities, which
include sports medicine facilities. A) The man also makes the point that many students on the campus
engage in exercise and there has been large numbers of students who don’t belong to university teams
going to the Sports Medicine Clinic for treatment/therapy. The clinic can’t cater for so many students and
that is why it wants to limit these medical services to just team athletes.
P 128 (track 70)
Steam table: 保溫檯,蒸汽表 food court: 美食廣場 contractor: 承辦人;承辦商;承包方;訂約人
Prospect: (發生好事情的)可能,可能性,機會 outsource: 外包,委外;(將…)委外辦理
Contract: (verb) (與…)訂立合同;(與…)訂契約 vendor: 小販;攤主;賣主 buzz: 繁忙;充滿
活力 put it this way:这样说吧! lean meat: (肉)瘦的 Balance the budget: (賬目)使收支平衡
sodium: 鈉
Student’s letter: A student named ___ has written a letter to the college newspaper, praising the university
for its decision to replaced the dormitory dining hall with the new food court. The university has started to
outsource food services to private contractors because students weren’t happy with the quality of food
being served. The higher quality of fast food being served has attracted/drawn a large number of students
to the food court/has made the food court a lot more popular with the students. Overall, Mark believes it’s
a win-win situation for both students and the administration.
Woman: Even though the woman admits that many students will find the food court’s food choices
appealing, she doesn’t share Mark’s point of view. She agrees/disagrees with the university’s decision for
two reasons. A) Firstly, she thinks that the vendors don’t offer students many healthy choices of food as
much of the food is greasy and salty fast food. She believes that the university is obliged to give students
food choices that are healthier.
B) Secondly, she believes that the vendors and university administration have hired private
contractors/outsourcing companies to sell food there just to make extra profit. She thinks that the least the
university can do is to hire a nutritionist to work with the vendors and sell food that is low in fat, sodium
and salt (offer students a balanced diet so they students can be healthier.)
P 131 (Track 73)
Fume: 發怒;生悶氣 (I’m fuming at ____.) circulation: (資訊)流傳,傳播;(貨幣或商品)流通
undergraduate: 大學本科生 graduate: 大學畢業生,學士學位獲得者 plough through sth:
to finish reading, eating, or dealing with something with difficulty 費勁地做(某事)supposedly: 想像
上;大概;恐怕 core: 核心 address: 對付,應付;處理 specialized: 專門的;專科的 branch: 一部
分;支族,旁系 overdue: 過期的;延誤的;遲的
The woman is not at all happy with the new library policy. She points out that there already aren’t enough
books for undergraduates and the problem won’t be solved by buying multiple copies of books in core
subjects. Her reasoning is that there are simply too many branches of academic knowledge and it will be
impossible for the library to obtain/acquire multiple copies of all the books on specialized topics. Another
point that the woman makes is that the new borrowing period is impractical/unrealistic for students and it
won’t be obeyed. She believes that it is unwise to reduce the borrowing period to one month as one month
isn’t long enough for undergraduate students to make good use of the books to finish their research
papers. Students will end up ignoring the due date until they have finished writing up their paper and the
library will see an increase in the number of overdue books and may even have a hard time keeping track of
overdue books.
P 133 (Track 75)
Eligible:具備條件的/有資格的/合格的 reside:居住/定居 grant:(通常指官方)同意/准予/授予
Conceive: 構想,想出,設想出(計劃或主意) Chaos: 混亂;無秩序狀態 coordinate: 協調;使相配
合 Forfeit: (因違規而)喪失,被沒收 compatible: 可共存的;協調的;相容的
The university is making dorm room available to returning students because there aren’t enough beds for
all students and therefore students have to take part in a lottery. The students who have their names drawn
will get a dorm and others will be put on a waiting list. Although she supports the idea of saving dorm
spaces for incoming freshmen, she thinks the lottery is unhelpful for returning students as (they will have to
plan ahead/it will be impossible for them to plan ahead). For example, she says that she wants to rent a
room with her roommate, but the new lottery system will make it hard for them to whether they will both
get a space and or having to live in separate dorms. The other thing that the woman dislikes about the
lottery system is the waiting list. If the uni puts her on the waiting list, and finds out too late, for example,
the summer, that she has to wait for someone to forfeit their space, then all of the good, cheap apartments
will be gone/she will have to rent an expensive room/she will end up having to rent a low-quality cheap
P 136 (Track 77)
Lot: 一塊地,場地 puzzling: 令人困惑的;令人費解的;含糊不清的 privilege: (特定個體或群體
的)特權,特別待遇 even up: 平整;使…相等 hassle: 麻煩,困難 How come? 為甚麼?怎麼會?
Commute: 上下班往返;往返於工作地點與家之間;通勤 commuter: 上下班往返的人,通勤者 have
your way/get your way: (說服別人以便)達到自己的目的,能按自己的主意行事,隨心所欲
Proximity: 接近,鄰近;臨近
A student has written a letter in order to address the parking problem on campus/address the lack of
parking space. She describes how the main lot, which is in close proximity to campus buildings, is always
full, while B-Lot, the faraway lot, always sits empty. She questions the logic of charging the same monthly
fee for both parking lots. She proposes to charge more for the nearby main lot and less for the far lot. The
man, who is a commuter student/who has to commute to and from school, is supportive of this proposal.
First, he thinks that having a different fee structure makes economic sense (he believes that from an
economic perspective it makes sense to have a different fee structure). A nearby parking spot is more
convenient and that is why the students should be charged more. (Those hundreds of parking spots in B-Lot
should go unused/go to wasted.) Second, owing to the fact that resident students rarely use their cars, they
will be willing to park faraway. If the monthly parking fee is appealing to them/cheap enough, the resident
students won’t mind walking to their cars. He also adds that resident students should be charged more
parking fees than students who commute to school, no matter which lot they park their car in.
P138 (Track 80)
Phase: (發展或變化的)階段,時期 crumble: (使)粉碎;(使)成碎屑 infrastructure: 基礎建設
precise: 精確的;準確的,確切的 acknowledge: 承認;認可…屬實或存在 rust: 銹;鐵銹 cite: 舉
例,引證 drainage: 排水系統;排汙系統 the humanities: 人文學科(如文學、語言、歷史、哲學
等)scrape/scratch the surface: 僅觸及問題的表面 sustainability: (可)持續性,永續性
The woman isn’t supportive of the university’s eight year phased plan for building maintenance as she
thinks that it should be spread over eight years. She believes the scale/severity of the problem is too large
and more work should be done within a shorter period of time. For example, the university is planning to
carry out repairs on only two buildings next year. One great disadvantage of postponing repairs on all the
old buildings is that they might have to do emergency repairs, which are more costly and more disruptive
to people’s lives. Another issue she takes with this plan is the fact that this proposed plan doesn’t take
energy use/sustainability into consideration (doesn’t consider the amount of energy used). In other words,
they are not thinking about how much energy that will be wasted in the old buildings/thinking about the
fact that old buildings waste a lot of energy. She holds the view that the university should complete
maintenance on all the buildings within two years, they could cut down on the cost of energy.
P 140 (track 82)
Credit: 學分 stream: 在線收聽(或收看)macroeconomics: the study of financial systems at
a national level 總體經濟學,宏觀經濟學 microeconomics: the study of the economic problems
 of businesses and people and the way particular parts of an economy behave 微觀經濟學 inflation: 通
The man is not in favor of the universities practice of moving their classes online/switch many of their
classes to an online format. He doesn’t agree with the letter writer and says that students who are serious
about their studies won’t like to learn in this way. He believes allowing so many students to sit in their
dorms and listen the professor give lectures/deliver lectures is a bad idea for two reasons. A) Firstly, he
thinks that learning is more than just taking notes in front of a computer screen, it is also important for
student to have face-to-face contact with their professor and interact with other students in a physical
classroom because it is more motivating for students/it motivates students to learn more. B) Another point
he made is that certain classes certain classes, such as languages are especially unsuited for online lectures
and should be taught in a real classroom. He cites language classes as one example and states that
university language courses shouldn’t be taught online because it is hard for people to learn how to speak a
language without interacting and communicating with others face-to-face. (He can learn economics from
his textbook, but he wonders how students can learn to actually speak Spanish if they are not able to
practice talking in a classroom.)

P 142 (track 84)

Insufficient 不夠的,不足的;不充分的 Honors degree 榮譽學位
Qualified 有資格的;合格的,勝任的 Tough 困難的;棘手的
Instructor 教練/大學講師 Elective 選修課
Notify (正式)通知,告知 Sarcastically: 諷刺地,挖苦地
Registrar Office 注冊辦公室;注冊組;注冊主任辦公室 Scramble to (do sth): 爭搶
Space permitting: if there is enough space Irritate 激怒,使惱火
The university has released an announcement regarding the cancellation policy for fall classes. The woman
expresses dissatisfaction with the university’s announcement regarding the cancellation plan for fall classes.
She is displeased with the plan, especially because her Honors Seminar in World History was one of the
classes that suddenly got canceled. She believes that the school isn’t good at handling cancellations and
shouldn’t cancel classes after the schedule is already in place/several days before the classes are to begin.
This makes it hard for students to find a suitable replacement/That will result in students having to quickly
find a course that will fit into their schedule. She also is unhappy with the fact that the university advertises
many kinds of elective courses in their course catalog, but then doesn’t feel committed to actually
holding/offering the classes. In her opinion, this is “false advertising” and is not fair for the students at the
university. She is scared/worried about having to take any class that she takes no interest in just because it
fits into her schedule.

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