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University of Mumbai

Examination 2020
Program: BE Civil Engineering
Curriculum Scheme: Revised 2016
Examination: Third Year Semester VI
Course Code: CE-C601 and Course Name: Geotechnical Engineering-II
Time: 1 hour Max. Marks: 50
Note to the students:- All Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks .

Q1. When degree of consolidation is 50%, then time factor is about

Option A: 0.196
Option B: 0.848
Option C: 0.500
Option D: 0.230

Q2. The average effective overburden pressure of 10 m thick homogeneous

saturated clay is 150 kPa. The consolidation test shows that void ratio decrease
From 0.6 to 0.5 by increasing stress intensity from 100 kPa to 300 kPa. ( G= 2.65)
The initial void ratio of clay layer is
Option A: 0.209
Option B: 0.563
Option C: 0.746
Option D: 1

Q3. Consolidation in soils

Option A: Does not depend on present stress
Option B: Is a fuction of pore water pressure
Option C: Is a fuction of total stress
Option D: Is a fuction of effective stress

Q4. A soil sample is subjected to a hydrostatic pressure σ . The Mohr circle for any
point in the soil sample would be
Option A: a circle of radius σ and center at the origin
Option B: a circle of radius σ and center at a distance σ from the origin
Option C: a point at a distance σ from the origin
Option D: a circle of diameter σ and center at the origin

Q5. In a triaxial test carried out on a cohesionless soil sample with a cell pressure of
20 kPa. The observed value of applied stress at the point of failure was 40 kPa.
The angle of internal friction (degree) of the soil is
Option A: 15
Option B: 10
Option C: 30

University of Mumbai
Examination 2020
Option D: 25

Q6. For a sample of dry, cohesionless soil with friction angle, Φ, the failure plane will
be inclined to the major principal plane by an angle equal to
Option A: 45 + Φ/2
Option B: Φ
Option C: 45
Option D: 45 - Φ/2

Q7. In friction circle method of slope stability analysis, if r defines the radius of the
slip circle, the radius of friction circle is
Option A: r sinΦ
Option B: r tanΦ
Option C: r cosΦ
Option D: r

Q8. An infinite soil slope with an inclination of 35 degree is subjected to seepage

parallel to its surface. The soil has c¢ = 100 kN/m2 = f¢=30 degree. Using the
concept of mobilized cohesion and friction, at a factor of safety of 1.5 with
respect to shear strength, the mobilized friction angle is ( in degree)
Option A: 21.02
Option B: 20.02
Option C: 22.02
Option D: 23.02

Q9. A deep cut of 7m has to be made in a clay with unit weight 16 kN/m3 and a
cohesion of 25 kN/m2. What will be the factor of safety if one has to have a
slope angle of 30 degree? Stability number is given to be 0.178 (from Taylors
chart) for a depth factor of 3
Option A: 0.8
Option B: 1
Option C: 1.25
Option D: 1.1

Q10. When a retaining wall moves away from the back-fill, the pressure exerted on
the wall is termed as
Option A: Active earth Pressure
Option B: Passive earth Pressure
Option C: Swelling pressure
Option D: Pore pressure

Q11. To have zero active pressure intensity at the tip of a wall in cohesive soil, one
should apply a uniform surcharge intensity of
Option A: - 2 c tan α
Option B: 2 c tan α

University of Mumbai
Examination 2020
Option C: 2 c cot α
Option D: -2 c cot α

Q12. If σh', σv' ,σh', and σv represent the total horizontal stress, total vertical stress,
effective horizontal stress and effective vertical stress on a soil element,
respectively, the coefficient of earth pressure at rest is given by
Option A: σh/σv
Option B: σh/σv'
Option C: σv/σh
Option D: σv/σh'

Q13. Which type of retaining wall is more suitable for greater heights?
Option A: Cantilever Retaining Wall
Option B: Counterfort retaining wall
Option C: Gravity Retaining Wall
Option D: Semi- Gravity Retaining Wall

Q14. The minimum allowable factor of safety against sliding in the case of a Cantilever
retaining wall is
Option A: 2
Option B: 3
Option C: 2.5
Option D: 1.5

Q15. A 3 m high retaining wall is supporting a saturated sand (saturated due to

capillary action) of bulk density 20 kN/m3 and angle of shearing resistance 30
degree . The change in magnitude of active earth pressure at the base due to
rise in ground water table from the base of the footing to the ground surface
shall (unit weight of water= 10 kN/m3 )
Option A: increase by 20 kN/m2
Option B: increase by 20.1 kN/m2
Option C: Decrease by 20 kN/m2
Option D: Decrease by 20.1 kN/m2

Q16. A footing is resting on the ground and having bearing capacity of 'X' unit when
water table is at greater depth. During rainy season footing site gets flooded,
what will be the it's bearing capacity?
Option A: X/2
Option B: 2X
Option C: X/4
Option D: 4X

Q17. Two footings, one circular and the other square, and founded on the surface of a
purely cohesionless soil. The diameter of the circular footing is same as that of

University of Mumbai
Examination 2020
the side of the square footing. The ratio of their ultimate bearing capacities is

Option A: 1/2
Option B: 4/3
Option C: 3/4
Option D: 1.3

Q18. The width and depth of a footing are 3 and 2.5 m respectively. The water table
at the site is at a depth of 4 m below the ground level. The water table
correction factor for the calculation of the bearing capacity of soil is
Option A: 0.875
Option B: 1
Option C: 0.916
Option D: 1.1

Q19. A plate load test was conducted in sand on 300 mm diameter plate. If the plate
settlement was 5 mm at a pressure of 150 kPa, the settlement (in mm) of a 5m x
8m rectangular footing at the same pressure will be
Option A: 9.4
Option B: 17.8
Option C: 18.6
Option D: 12.7

Q20. Two circular footings of diameters D1 and D2are resting on the surface of the
same purely cohesive soil. The ratio of their gross ultimate bearing capacities is
Option A: D1/D2
Option B: 1
Option C: D2/D1
Option D: 0.5

Q21. Which of the following is a characteristic of general shear failure?

Option A: Failure is accompanied by compressibility of soil
Option B: Failure is sudden
Option C: Bulging of shearing mass of soil
Option D: No shear failure

Q22. Negative skin friction in a soil is considered when the pile is constructed through
Option A: Fill materials
Option B: dense coarse sand
Option C: over consolidated stiff clay
Option D: Dense fine sand

Q23. A pile of 0.50m diameter and length 10m is embedded in a deposit of clay. The 2
undrained strength parameters of the clay are cohesion = 60kN/m2 and the

University of Mumbai
Examination 2020
angle in internal friction = 0. The skin friction capacity (kN) of the pile for an
adhesion factor of 0.6, is
Option A: 67
Option B: 565
Option C: 281
Option D: 134

Q24. A precast concrete pile is driven with a 50kN hammer falling through a height of
1.0m with an efficiency of 0.6. The set value observed is 4mm per blow and the
combined temporary compression of the pile, cushion and the ground is 6mm.
As per Modified Hiley Formula, the ultimate resistance of the pile is
Option A: 3000 kN
Option B: 4285.7 kN
Option C: 8333 kN
Option D: 11905 kN

Q25. The group efficiency of pile group

Option A: will be always less than 100%
Option B: will be always greater than 100%
Option C: may be less than 100% or more than 100%
Option D: will be more than 100% for pile groups in cohesion less soils and less than 100%
for those in cohesive soils.

Curriculum Scheme: Revised 2016
Examination: Third Year Semester VI
Course Code: CEC601 and Course Name: GTE II
Time: 1hour Max. Marks: 50
Note to the students: - All the Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks .
Q1. Horizontal backfill of a smooth retaining vertical wall is required to be placed
surcharged loading so as to completely eliminate tensile crack is
Option A: 2c
Option B: 2c ka
Option C: 2c/√ka
Option D: 2c √ka

Q2. Assumption of Rankines theory of earth pressure that the back of the wall is
Option A: Plane and Rough
Option B: Vertical and Rough
Option C: Plane and Smooth
Option D: Vertical and Smooth

Q3. Passive earth pressure in a soil mass is proportional to

Option A: µ/ (1-µ)
Option B: tan2 (450 - ϕ/2)
Option C: tan2 (450 + ϕ/2)
Option D: cot2 (450 + ϕ/2)

Q4. Which of the following clays behave like a dense sand

Option A: Normally consolidated clay
Option B: Under consolidated clay
Option C: Over consolidated clay with a low OCR
Option D: Over consolidated clay with a high OCR

Q5. A direct shear test was conducted on a cohesionless soil (c = 0) specimen under a
normal stress of 200kN/m2. The specimen failed at a shear stress of 100 kN/m2.
The angle of internal friction of the soil (degree) is
Option A: 26.6
Option B: 29.5
Option C: 30.0
Option D: 32.6

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Q6. Height vertical earth retaining wall = 3m retains a dry granular backfill with ϕ=
30° and ᵞ = 20 kN/m3. If the wall is prevented from no movement, the total
horizontal thrust (in kN per unit length) on the wall is

Option A: 30
Option B: 45
Option C: 60
Option D: 210

Q7. Assumption of Rankines theory is

Option A: Soil mass is Homogeneous
Option B: Soil mass is Stratified.
Option C: Soil mass is Submerged.
Option D: Soil mass is Cohesive.

Q8. In a plot between normal stress on X axis and shear stress on Y axis, if the failure
envelope passes through the origin and has an angle of shearing resistance, it 2
Option A: Cohesive soil
Option B: Cohesion less soil
Option C: Pure clay
Option D: Plastic soil

Q9. For Dense sand Coefficient of earth pressure at rest Ko is

Option A: 0.8
Option B: 0.5
Option C: 0.4
Option D: 0.6

Q10. What will be the factor of safety with respect to cohesion of a clay slope laid at 1
in 2 to a height of 10 m, if the angle of internal friction ϕ = 10° ; c = 25 kN/m2 and
γ = 19 kN/m3 ?
Option A: 4.34
Option B: 2.06
Option C: 1.02
Option D: 3.06

Q11. For hard clay Coefficient of earth pressure at rest Ko is

Option A: 0.8
Option B: 0.5
Option C: 0.4
Option D: 0.6

Q12. Lateral Earth pressure on retaining wall is

Option A: Proportional to the depth of soil
Option B: Proportional to internal friction of soil
Option C: Proportional to the square of depth of soil
Option D: Equal to the mass of the soil retained

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Q13. If the no movement of the wall from the back fill then the pressure acting on the
retaining wall is
Option A: Active Earth pressure
Option B: Passive Earth pressure
Option C: Positive earth Pressure
Option D: At Rest earth pressure

Q14. Which pile is used to resist horizontal pull of structure?

Option A: Sheet Pile
Option B: Fender Pile
Option C: Anchor Pile
Option D: Batter Pile

Q15. Pressure distribution from wedge theory assumption is

Option A: Distributed
Option B: Equal
Option C: Planar
Option D: Hydrostatic

Q16. Settlement of Pile group in clay can be computed on assumption that

Option A: Analytical method
Option B: Considering approximate value
Option C: Graphical method
Option D: Analytical and Graphical method

Q17. According to IS code, there are __________ types of failures of soil support
beneath the foundation
Option A: 2
Option B: 4
Option C: 3
Option D: 5

Q18. When a pile hammer hits the pile, the total driving energy is equal to _________
Option A: Weight of hammer times the height of the drop
Option B: Weight of the ramming time times the height of the stroke
Option C: Sum of the impact of the ram
Option D: Sum of the impact of ram plus the energy delivered by the explosion

Q19. Culmann gave a graphical solution to evaluate the active earth pressure by

Option A: Rankine’s
Option B: Rebhann’s
Option C: Mohr
Option D: Coulomb’s

Q20. The lateral earth pressure coefficient of a soil, Ka for active state, Kp for passive
state and Ko for at rest state condition, compare as
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Option A: Ka < Ko < Kp
Option B: Ko < Kp < Ka
Option C: Kp < Ka < Ko
Option D: Kp < Ko < Ka

Q21. From Coloumb’s wedge theory, the active earth pressure theory slides the wedge

Option A: Horizontal inward and parallel to the base

Option B: Down and Upward on a slip surface
Option C: Horizontal upward and parallel to the base
Option D: Up and Inward on a slip surface

Q22. The angle λ is referred as _______ in Coulomb’s wedge theory.

Option A: Critical slip angle

Option B: Surcharge angle
Option C: Angle of wall friction
Option D: Angle of wall load

Q23. The piles that are used for protecting structures from ships and floating object is
Option A: Anchor piles
Option B: Fender piles
Option C: Compaction piles
Option D: Batter piles

Q24. Jacky give the expression for K0 is

Option A: K0 = 1 + Sinϕ
Option B: K0 = 1 - Sinϕ
Option C: K0 = 1+ Cosϕ
Option D: K0 = 1 -Cosϕ

Q25. Active pressure in soil is associated with

Option A: Lateral expansion of the soil
Option B: Lateral compression of the soil
Option C: Zero lateral strain
Option D: Zero lateral stress

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Program: BE Civil Engineering
Curriculum Scheme: Revised 2016
Examination: Third Year Semester VI
Course Code: CEC601 Course Name: Geotechnical Engineering-II
Time: 1hour Max. Marks: 50
Note to the students:- All the Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks .

Q1. For a loose sand sample and a dense sand sample consolidated to the same
effective stress
Option A: ultimate strength is same and also peak strength is same
Option B: ultimate strength is different but peak strength is same
Option C: ultimate strength is same but peak strength of dense sand is greater than that of
loose sand
Option D: ultimate strength is same but peak strength is low

Q2. Over consolidation of soil is caused due to

Option A: Erosion of over burden
Option B: melting of ice sheet after glaciations
Option C: permanent rise of water table
Option D: continuously loading over structure

Q3. The shearing strength of a cohesion-less soil depends upon

Option A: Dry density
Option B: Rate of loading
Option C: Confining pressure
Option D: Nature of loading

Q4. In a drained triaxial compression test , a saturated specimen of a cohesionless

sand fails under a divatric stress of 3kgf/cm2 when the cell pressure is 1kgf/cm2
.The effective angle of shearing resistance of a sand about
Option A: 37⁰
Option B: 45⁰
Option C: 53⁰
Option D: 20⁰

Q5. What will be the shearing resistance of a sample of clay in an unconfined

compression test, falls under a load of 150 N? Take change of cross-section
Af=2181.7 mm2.
Option A: 68.75 kN/m2
Option B: 34.38 kN/m2

Option C: 11.35 kN/m2
Option D: 0.6875 kN/m2

Q6. Which of the following cannot be obtained by using un-drained test?

Option A: Effective stress failure envelope
Option B: Shear strength
Option C: sensitivity
Option D: shear failure

Q7. Stability number Sn is defined as

Option A: Sn =Cm / ϒH
Option B: Sn =Cm / γ
Option C: Sn =Cm / H
Option D: Sn =Cm / Fc γH

Q8. The mobilized shear strength is referred as

Option A: Shear strength
Option B: May shear stress
Option C: Applied shear stress
Option D: Min shear stress

Q9. A long natural slope in an over consolidated clay c’=20 kN/m2 , φ’= 30° ,γsat= 20
kN/m3 is inclined at 10° to the horizontal . the water table is at the surface &
seepage is parallel to the slope . if a plane slip had developed at a depth of 5m
below the surface . Determine the factor of safety . assume γw=10 kN/m3
Option A: 1.96
Option B: 2.18
Option C: 1.85
Option D: 2.35

Q10. For submerged slope , the stability number is computed using

Option A: Dry unit weight
Option B: Saturated unit weight
Option C: Unit weight of soil
Option D: Submerged unit weight

Q11. In stability of slopes the stress system is assumed to two dimensional . the
stresses in the third direction is taken as
Option A: 0
Option B: 1
Option C: 2
Option D: 3

Q12. In sudden drawdown conduction , The total cohesion mobilized ( c’m ) is equal
Option A: Cm = C’m - Ca

Option B: Ca= C’m- Cm
Option C: C’m= Cm+ Ca
Option D: C’m= Cm- Ca

Q13. With the increase in cohesion in soil

Option A: Decrease active pressure and increase passive resistance
Option B: Decrease both active and passive resistance
Option C: Increase active pressure and decrease passive resistance
Option D: Increase both active and passive resistance

Q14. A vertical cut is to be made in a soil mass having cohesion c, angle of internal
friction φ , and unit weight γ . Considering Ka and Kp as the coefficients of active
and passive earth pressures, respectively, the maximum depth of unsupported
excavation is
Option A: 2c/(γ√Ka)
Option B: 4c/(γ√Ka)
Option C: 2c/(γ√Kp)
Option D: 4c/(γ√Kp)

Q15. A verticall wall with smooth face is 7.2m high and retains soil with a uniform
surcharge angle of 9°.If the angle of internal friction is 27°.Compute the
coefficient of active earth pressure.
Option A: 0.392
Option B: 0.998
Option C: 2.488
Option D: 1.345

Q16. The material retained by the retaining wall is called

Option A: Back fill
Option B: Surcharge
Option C: Active Pressure
Option D: Passive Pressure

Q17. According to assumptions of Rankine's theory of earth pressure the back of the
retaining wall is
Option A: Plane and smooth
Option B: Vertical and smooth
Option C: Vertical and rough
Option D: Plane and rough

Q18. According to Terzaghi's theory, the ultimate bearing capacity at ground surface
for a strip footing in purely cohesive soil is given as
Option A: 2.57 C
Option B: 5.14 C
Option C: 5.7 C
Option D: 6.2 C

Q19. In the plate load test for determining the bearing capacity of soil, the size of
square bearing plate should be
Option A: less than 300 mm
Option B: between 300 mm and 750 mm
Option C: between 750 mm and 1 m
Option D: greater than 1 m

Q20. The maximum pressure which a soil can carry without shear failure is called
Option A: Safe Bearing Capacity
Option B: net safe bearing capacity
Option C: net ultimate bearing capacity
Option D: ultimate bearing capacity

Q21. A shallow footing is provided in a sandy soil, it carries an inclined load. Its
bearing capacity can be determined by
Option A: Hansen's Theory
Option B: Skempton's Method
Option C: Terzaghi's Analysis
Option D: Boussinesq's equation

Q22. According to Rankine’s equation, The bearing capacity of cohesion-less soil at

the ground surface is
Option A: unity
Option B: zero
Option C: less than unity
Option D: greater than unity

Q23. Precast concrete pile is driven with a 50kN Hammer having a free fall of 1m. if
the penetration in the last below is 0.5cm, determine the load carrying capacity
of the pile using engineering news record formula. F.S. is equal to 6
Option A: 274 kN
Option B: 280 kN
Option C: 264 kN
Option D: 250kN

Q24. The bearing capacity of a single pile in clay is mainly due to _________
Option A: Friction
Option B: Shear strength of soil
Option C: Allowable load
Option D: Ultimate load

Q25. Negative skin friction occurs when…..

Option A: upward drag exists in the pile
Option B: surrounding soil settles more than the Pile
Option C: the pile passes continuously through a from soil

Option D: the driving operation begins

Program: BE Civil Engineering
Curriculum Scheme: Revised 2016
Examination: Third Year Semester VI
Course Code: CEC601 Course Name: Geotechnical Engineering-II
Time: 1hour Max. Marks: 50

Question Correct Option

(Enter either ‘A’ or ‘B’ or
‘C’ or ‘D’)

Q1. C

Q2. D

Q3. C
Q4 A
Q5 B
Q6 A
Q7 A

Q8. C

Q9. D

Q10. D

Q11. A

Q12. C

Q13. A
Q14. B
Q15. A

Q16. A

Q17. B

Q18. C

Q19. B

Q20. A

Q21. A

Q22. B
Q23. A

Q24. A

Q25. B

These are sample MCQs to indicate pattern, may or
may not appear in examination

Mahatma Education Society’s

Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology

Program: BE CIVIL Engineering

Curriculum Scheme: Revised 2016
Examination: Third Year Semester VI
Course Code: CEC601 and Course Name: GE - II
Time: 1hour Max. Marks: 50
Note to the students:- All the Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks .

Q1 A load is inclined at an angle of 30o from vertical for a square footing,

what are the values of inclination factors ic and iq
Option A 0.521
Option B 0.401
Option C 0.444
Option D 0.373
Q2 A retaining wall retains a sand strata With angle of internal friction is equal
to 30 degrees up to its top. If a uniform surcharge of 12 t/m2 Is
subsequently put on the sand Strata then the increase in the lateral Earth
pressure intensity on the retaining wall will be
Option A t/m2
Option B t/m2
Option C t/m2
Option D t/m2
Q3 A square footing of size 2 m is resting on clayey soil, its ultimate bearing
capacity is 168. 5 kN/m2. when the size of footing increased to 4 m. what
will be the new ultimate bearing capacity?
Option A 674
Option B 421.25
Option C 252.75
Option D 168.5
Q4 A square footing of size 2 m is resting on clayey soil, its ultimate bearing
capacity is 201. 25 kN/m2. when there is a rise of water table upto the
ground surface, g is 17 kN/m3. What will be the new ultimate bearing
Option A 3421.25
Option B 201.25
Option C 11.84
Option D 1140.4
Q5 A square pile of section 30cm × 30cm and length 10 m penetrate a deposit
of clay having cohesion 5 kN/m2 and the mobilizing factor is 0.8, what is
the load carried on a pile by skin friction
Option A 192
Option B 75
Option C 60
Option D 48
Q6 Coefficient of Consolidation is effected by
Option A Compressibility
Option B Permeability
Option C Both A and B
Option D None of the above
Q7 Consider the following assumptions
1.The backfill is dry and Homogeneous
2. Sliding wedge acts as a rigid body
3. the back face of the wall is a plane
The position and direction of the earth thrust are known

Option A 1 and 3
Option B 2 and 4
Option C 1 and 4
Option D 2 and 3
Q8 Consider the following statements.
which if the statements are correct
1. culmann's graphical method of determining the Earth pressure is based
on coulomb’s wedge theory
2.Rankine's theory of lateral Earth pressure is more versatile than columns
3.A gravity retaining wall together with the retained Bank fill and
supporting soil is an indeterminate system

Option A 1 and 2
Option B 1 and 3
Option C 2 and 3
Option D 1,2, and 3
Q9 For sandy soils, define the relation between shear strength and effective
Option A directly proportional to the effective stress.
Option B directly proportional to the square of the effective stress.
Option C inversely proportional to the effective stress.
Option D inversely proportional to square of the effective stress.
Q10 if sliding moment is 1800KNm and restoring moment is 2970 KNm factor
of safety against sliding is
Option A 1.55
Option B 1.6
Option C 1.65
Option D 1.7
Q11 If the effective stress within a clayey soil mass is zero, what will be its
shear strength?
Option A zero
Option B half of the effective stress
Option C effective stress cohesion value of the soil
Option D effective stress angle of internal friction of the soil
Q12 if the soil properties for all identical depths below the surface are constant
of semi infinite soil mass slope is called
Option A finite slope
Option B infinite slope
Option C stable slope
Option D constant slope
Q13 In the case of pile foundation, negative skin friction may occur at a load
which is
Option A Lower than the design load
Option B Higher than the design load
Option C Equal to any designed load
Option D of any magnitude
Q14 Minimum center to center spacing of friction piles of diameter as per IS
Option A 1.5D
Option B 2D
Option C 2.5D
Option D 3D
Q15 The cohesion value for a medium stiff clay is 50 kN/m2. In order to
determine the bearing capacity using Terzaghi's general equation for a
strip footing, local shear failure to be used. What will be the modified
value of cohesion?
Option A 75
Option B 50
Option C 33.33
Option D 25
Q16 The concept of shear strength is not required directly to analyse the
problems related to which one of the following?
Option A bearing capacity of foundations
Option B stability of earth slopes
Option C flow through the soil mass
Option D lateral earth pressure from soils on retaining structures
Q17 the factor of safety of an infinite slope of a cohesionless soil is thus
_______ of the depth of assumed failure plane
Option A dependent
Option B independent
Option C relative
Option D irrespective
Q18 The ratio of bearing capacity of, double under reamed pile to that of single
reamed pile is nearly
Option A 2
Option B 1.5
Option C 1.2
Option D 1.7
Q19 The recompression index is about ______ of the compression index
Option A 5 times
Option B 1/5
Option C 1/2
Option D 1/20
Q20 The use of plate load test for non uniform soil is justified.
Option A Not justified
Option B Justified
Option C Can not say
Option D Non of these
Q21 The value of bearing capacity factor Nq as per Vesic equation for f value
Option A 15
Option B 18.4
Option C 16.3
Option D 14.1
Q22 Vertical cut is to be made in saturated clay with C = 15 kN/m2 And angle of
internal friction Is 0 degrees And Density = 20 kN/m3. what is the
theoretical depth to which the clay can be excavated without side
Option A 6m
Option B 2m
Option C 2.5 m
Option D 3m
Q23 What is the compression of clay layer in mm due to lowering of the water
Option A 100
Option B 125
Option C 25
Option D 0
Q24 What is the intensity of active Earth pressure at the depth of of 10 m in
dry sand with an angle of shearing resistance of 30° and Unit Weight of 18
Option A 50 kN/m2
Option B 60 kN/m2
Option C 70 kN/m2
Option D 80 kN/m2
Q25 What is the minimum size of plate in plate load test?
Option A 0.45 m
Option B 0.3 m
Option C 0.4 m
Option D 0.25 m
University of Mumbai
Examination 2020 under cluster ___ (Lead College Shortname)
Program: Civil Engineering
Curriculum Scheme: Rev 2016
Examination: Third Year Semester: VI
Course Code: CE-C601 and Course Name: Geotechnical Engg.-II
Time: 1 hour Max. Marks: 50
For the students: - All the Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks .
Q1. Major principal stress in the soil is represented by the symbol_______
Option A: σ1
Option B: σ2
Option C: σ3
Option D: σ4

Q2. The radius of the friction circle is equal to ____

Option A: R Sin Φ
Option B: R cosΦ
Option C: R tan Φ
Option D: RΦ

Q3. Expulsion of water from soil is known as____

Option A: Consolidation
Option B: Compaction
Option C: Density
Option D: Shear strength

Q4. The stages of consolidation are _______

Option A: Primary consolidation and Secondary consolidation
Option B: Primary compaction and Secondary compaction
Option C: Primary shear strength and Secondary shear strength
Option D: Porosity and density

Q5. Maximum value of normally consolidated soil is ____

Option A: 2
Option B: 1
Option C: 8
Option D: 5

Q6. The ratio of maximum applied effective stress in the past to the present applied
effective stress is known as _____
Option A: Over consolidation ratio
Option B: Degree of consolidation
Option C: Time factor
Option D: Density

Q7. The planes that exist in soil mass is _____

Option A: Principal plane

University of Mumbai
Examination 2020 under cluster ___ (Lead College Shortname)
Option B: Principal stress
Option C: Stress plane
Option D: Strain plane

Q8. Minor principal stress in the soil is represented by the symbol_______

Option A: σ1
Option B: σ2
Option C: σ3
Option D: σ4

Q9. The unconfined compression test is generally applicable to ____________

Option A: Saturated clay
Option B: Unsaturated clay
Option C: Fine grained soil
Option D: Consolidation

Q10. The factor of safety with respect to cohesion is given by the equation _______
Option A: FC = HC / H
Option B: FC = C / Cm
Option C: FC = τf / τ
Option D: FC = HC + H

Q11. What will be the factor of safety with respect to cohesion of a clay slope laid at 1
in 2 to a height of 10 m, if the angle of internal friction φ=10° ; c=25 k N/m 2 and
γ = 19 k N/m3?
Option A: 4.34
Option B: 2.06
Option C: 1.02
Option D: 20.8

Q12. If the failure occurs along a surface of sliding that intersect the slope at its toe, the
slide is known as ___________
Option A: Base failure
Option B: Slope failure
Option C: Face failure
Option D: Shear failure

Q13. In the friction circle method, it is assumed that the resultant reaction is
___________ to the friction circle.
Option A: Perpendicular
Option B: Tangential
Option C: Parallel
Option D: Inclined

Q14. Based on the assumptions of Rankine’s theory, the soil mass is __________
Option A: Stratified

University of Mumbai
Examination 2020 under cluster ___ (Lead College Shortname)
Option B: Submerged
Option C: Homogeneous
Option D: Constant

Q15. On designing retaining walls it is necessary to take care of __________ exerted

by soil mass.
Option A: Erosion
Option B: Lateral pressure
Option C: Surcharge
Option D: Lateral strain

Q16. The material retained or supported by the retaining structure is called __________
Option A: Surcharge
Option B: Support wall
Option C: Back fill
Option D: Compression

Q17. The coefficient of earth pressure when the soil is at equilibrium is ___________
Option A: σv /σh
Option B: σh /σv
Option C: σv × σh
Option D: σ1 / σ3

Q18. According to the assumptions in Terzaghi’s analysis, the soil is

Option A: Homogeneous and Isotropic
Option B: Non Homogeneous
Option C: Non Isotropic
Option D: poor

Q19. The bearing capacity equation for strip footing as given IS standard, can be
modified on the basis of ___________
Option A: Shape of the footing
Option B: Type of soil
Option C: Bearing capacity
Option D: Shear failure

Q20. If the water table is located at the depth D, then the value of W’ is taken as
Option A: 0.5
Option B: 1
Option C: 0
Option D: 2

Q21. When the water table is above the base of the footing, the submerged weight ‘γ’
can be used to compute __________
Option A: Effective pressure and Surcharge

University of Mumbai
Examination 2020 under cluster ___ (Lead College Shortname)
Option B: Pore pressure
Option C: Porosity
Option D: Void ratio

Q22. Which of the following piles is used to compact loose granular soil?
Option A: Friction piles
Option B: End bearing piles
Option C: Compaction piles
Option D: Tension piles

Q23. Piles are commonly driven in to ground by means of special device called
Option A: Pile driver and Hammer
Option B: Driller
Option C: Rotator
Option D: Grouting

Q24. Dynamic formulae are best suited for _________ type of soil.
Option A: Fine grained soil
Option B: Coarse grained soil
Option C: Cohesive soil
Option D: Clayey soil

Q25. The bearing capacity of a single pile in clay is mainly due to _________
Option A: Friction
Option B: Shear strength of soil
Option C: Allowable load
Option D: Ultimate load

Program: Civil Engineering
Curriculum Scheme: Rev2016 (CBCS)
Examination: Third Year Semester VI
Course Code: CEC601 and Course Name: Geotechnical Engineering - II

Time: 1 hour Max. Marks: 50

All the Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks .
Q1. The decrease in the volume of soil mass under stress is known as ?
Option A: compression
Option B: consolidation
Option C: tension
Option D: compaction

Q2. The compression resulting from a long term static load and consequent escape of
pore water is ?
Option A: compaction
Option B: consolidation
Option C: swelling
Option D: saturation

Q3. The mechanics of consolidation was demonstrated by

Option A: Taylor
Option B: Skempton
Option C: Terzaghi
Option D: Darcy

Q4. The reduction in volume of soil which is due to squeezing out of water from the
voids is
Option A: primary consolidation
Option B: secondary condition
Option C: effective pressure
Option D: load increment

Q5. The equation given by Skempton for compression index for a remoulded sample
Option A: Cc=0.009(wL-10%)
Option B: Cc=0.007(wL-10%)
Option C: Cc=0.007(wL-20%)
Option D: Cc=0.007(wL-30%)

Q6. The expansion index is also known as

Option A: compressibility index

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Option B: compression index
Option C: swelling index
Option D: consolidation index

Q7. In an un-drained test on saturated clays, both σ1’ and σ3’ is independent of
Option A: Pore pressure
Option B: Shear strength
Option C: Cell pressure
Option D: Effective pressure

Q8. What will be the shearing resistance of a sample of clay in an unconfined

compression test, falls under a load of 160 N? Take change of cross-section
2181.7 mm2.
Option A: 73.15 kN/m2
Option B: 36.57 kN/m2
Option C: 13.15 kN/m2
Option D: 0.07315 kN/m2

Q9. The shear strength of a soil

Option A: Is directly proportional to the angle of internal friction of the soil
Option B: Is inversely proportional to the angle of internal friction of the soil
Option C: Decreases with decrease in normal stress
Option D: Decreases with increase in normal stress

Q10. Which one of the following clays behaves like a dense sand?
Option A: Over-consolidated clay with a high over-consolidation ratio
Option B: Over-consolidated clay with a low over-consolidation ratio
Option C: Normally consolidated clay
Option D: Under-consolidated clay

Q11. A long natural slope of cohesion-less soil is inclined at 12° to the horizontal.
What will be the factor of safety of the slope if φ = 30°?
Option A: 0.13
Option B: 0.4
Option C: 2.72
Option D: 0.4

Q12. Failure of the stability of slopes, generally occurs along

Option A: Slip plane
Option B: A curved surface
Option C: A horizontal surface
Option D: All the surfaces

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Q13. If the failure occurs along a surface of sliding that intersect the slope at its toe, the
slide is known as
Option A: Base failure
Option B: Face failure
Option C: Slope failure
Option D: Combined failure

Q14. The ratio of total depth to depth H is called

Option A: Depth factor
Option B: Slope depth
Option C: Depth failure
Option D: Base failure

Q15. Based on the assumptions of Rankine’s theory, the soil mass is

Option A: Stratified
Option B: Submerged
Option C: Isotropic
Option D: Homogeneous

Q16. The factor that is responsible for inclination of resultant pressure to the retaining
wall is
Option A: Frictional force
Option B: Surcharge
Option C: Earth pressure
Option D: Weight of the wall

Q17. On designing retaining walls it is necessary to take care of __________ exerted

by soil mass
Option A: Erosion
Option B: Lateral pressure
Option C: Surcharge
Option D: Lateral stress

Q18. Rankine's theory of earth pressure assumes that the back of the wall is
Option A: Plane and smooth
Option B: Plane and rough
Option C: Vertical and smooth
Option D: Vertical and rough

Q19. The resultant active pressure per unit length of wall for dry backfill with no
surcharge is
Option A: Pa=1/2(KaγH2)
Option B: Pa= KaγH2
Option C: Pa= γH2
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Option D: Pa= KaH2

Q20. If the angle of internal friction decreases, then Ka

Option A: decreases
Option B: increases
Option C: equal to zero
Option D: does not change

Q21. Which of the following, is a type of shallow footing?

Option A: Spread footing
Option B: Pile foundation
Option C: Pier foundation
Option D: Well foundation

Q22. The rise of water table below the foundation influences the bearing capacity of
soil mainly by reducing
Option A: Cohesion and effective angle of shearing resistance
Option B: Cohesion and effective unit weight of soil
Option C: Effective unit weight of soil and effective angle of shearing resistance
Option D: Effective angle of shearing resistance

Q23. If a hammer is raised by steam and allowed to fall by gravity on top of the pile, it
is called as
Option A: Single acting hammer
Option B: Vibratory hammer
Option C: Diesel hammer
Option D: Drop hammer

Q24. The piles that are used for protecting structures from ships and floating object is
Option A: Anchor piles
Option B: Compaction piles
Option C: Fender piles
Option D: Batter piles

Q25. Dynamic formulae are best suited for _________ type of soil.
Option A: Fine grained soil
Option B: Coarse grained soil
Option C: Cohesive soil
Option D: Organic soil

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Program: BE Civil Engineering
Curriculum Scheme: Revised 2016
Examination: Third Year SemesterVI
Time: 1hour Max. Marks: 50
Note to the students:- All the Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks .

Q1. The coefficient of compressibility is the ratio of

Option A: Change in void ratio to change in effective stress
Option B: Volumetric strain to change in effective stress
Option C: Change in thickness to change in effective stress
Option D: Stress to strain

Q2. Under load, the void ratio of a submerged saturated clay decreases from 1.0 to
0.92. the ultimate settlement of a layer 2 m thick layer will be
Option A: 2 cm
Option B: 4 cm
Option C: 16 cm
Option D: 8 cm

Q3. When the primary consolidation process in a soil is complete. Then

Option A: The hydrostatic pressure will become zero
Option B: The excess pore water pressure will become zero
Option C: Both the hydrostatic and excess pore water pressure will become zero
Option D: The effective stress will become zero

Q4. The relation between undrained cohesion Cu and unconfined compressive

strength (qu) for cohesive soil is
Option A: 𝐶 =2𝑞
Option B: 𝐶 = (𝑞 )/2
Option C: 𝐶 = 3𝑞
Option D: 𝐶 = (𝑞 )/3

Q5. If the angle of shearing resistance is 30°, the angle which the failure plane makes
with the major principal plane is
Option A: 15°
Option B: 30°
Option C: 45°

Option D: 60°

Q6. If 600 kN/m^2 is the undisturbed shear strength of a soil and 300 kN/m^2 is it’s
remoulded shear strength, then sensitivity is
Option A: 0.5
Option B: 1
Option C: 1.5
Option D: 2

Q7. if an infinite slope of clay at a depth 5 m has cohesion of 1 t/m2 and unit weight
of 2 t/m2 then the stability number is
Option A: 0.1
Option B: 0.2
Option C: 0.3
Option D: 0.4

Q8. The method of the slices is applicable to

Option A: Homogenous soil
Option B: Stratified soils
Option C: Non Homogeneous soils
Option D: Non uniform slopes

Q9. In friction circle method of slope stability analysis . if r defines the radius of slip
circle , the radius of friction circle is
Option A: r sin φ
Option B: r
Option C: r cos φ
Option D: r tan φ

Q10. The ratio of horizontal and vertical principal effective stresses when a retaining
wall is forced against a soil mass is called as
Option A: Active Earth pressure
Option B: Passive Earth pressure
Option C: Pore Pressure
Option D: Swelling Pressure

Q11. A rigid retaining wall having the backfill consisting of cohesion less soil having ϕ
= 300. What will be the coefficient of earth pressure at rest?
Option A: 0.8
Option B: 0.5
Option C: 0.4
Option D: 0.6

Q12. If the movement of failure wedge is upward then the pressure is acting on the
soil is
Option A: Active Earth pressure

Option B: Passive Earth pressure
Option C: Pore Pressure
Option D: At Rest earth pressure

Q13. Cohesion in soil

Option A: Decreases active pressure and increases passive resistance
Option B: Increases both active pressure and passive resistance
Option C: Increases the active pressure and decreases th passive resistance
Option D: Increases both active pressure and passive resistance

Q14. Earth pressure for retaining walls, of less than 6m are obtained by
Option A: Analytical method
Option B: Considering approximate value
Option C: Graphical method
Option D: Analytical and Graphical method

Q15. Pressure distribution from wedge theory assumption is

Option A: Distributed
Option B: Equal
Option C: Planar
Option D: Hydrostatic

Q16. A shallow foundation is usually defined as a foundation which has

Option A: Depth less than 0.6m
Option B: Depth less than or equal to its width
Option C: Depth less than 1m
Option D: Depth greater than width

Q17. The value of shape factor Sc, Sq and Sγ for circular base is _________
Option A: 1.3, 1.2, 0.8
Option B: 1.3, 1.2, 0.6
Option C: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
Option D: 1.2, 1.0, 1.3

Q18. The standard penetration resistance is determined at a number of selected

points at interval of
Option A: 80 cm
Option B: 100 cm
Option C: 75 cm
Option D: 10 cm

Q19. In general shear failure, continuous failure developed between

Option A: Ground surface and footing
Option B: Foundation and the ground surface
Option C: Middle of the footing
Option D: Edge of the footing and ground surface
Q20. As per IS Code, maximum permissible differential settlement of clayey soil is
Option A: 25 mm
Option B: 40 mm
Option C: 65 mm
Option D: 100 mm

Q21. The seating load for plate load test is__________

Option A: 2 kN/m2
Option B: 3 kN/m2
Option C: 4 kN/m2
Option D: 7 kN/m2

Q22. The bearing capacity of a single pile in clay is mainly due to _________
Option A: Friction
Option B: Shear strength of soil
Option C: Allowable load
Option D: Ultimate load

Q23. The load-carrying capacity of a pile CANNOT be determined by which of the

following methods?
Option A: Dynamic formulae
Option B: Static formulae
Option C: Pile load test
Option D: Plate load test

Q24. Which instrument is used to measuring displacement in pile load test load test
Option A: Sand bag
Option B: Dial Gauge
Option C: Reaction Beam
Option D: Hydraulic pump

Q25. Settlement of Pile group in clay can be computed on assumption that

Option A: The load is spread at an angle 30° with Horizontal
Option B: The load is spread at an angle 90° with vertical
Option C: The load is spread at an angle 30° with vertical
Option D: The load is spread at an angle 60° with vertical


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