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After discussing the plan for my roof with Mrs. Dahl, we decided to go with the right triangle design.

reason we went with this is because of how much time I have left to do my capstone. With it being the
last week before winter break, I talked to my teachers and decided that I would work in the woodshop
for the entire day for the last three school days. Making the roof was simple and easy except for making
the small triangular side wall for it because they had to fit under the lip of the roof and be flush against
the wall at the same time. Although the concept does not seem that hard it took a lot of time to hand
sand down the two pieces so that they would fit properly and be suitable for the overlapping siding I am
going to do around the full house. Hopefully, the process does not take too too long but after talking
about how I am going to do it with Mrs. Dahl it seems like it is going to take an exceptionally long time to
do it so my goal for the end of the last week is to finish all the siding for the house and be ready to stain
it when I come back from winter break. If I do not finish the siding of the house in time I will have to take
it home and find some way for me to finish it in my garage over the break.

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