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MATHEMATICS 6 Quarter 4 Week 1

Name: __________________________________________ Gr.&Sec.:_____________________

Determines the relationship of the volume between a rectangular prism and a pyramid;
a cylinder and a cone; and a cylinder and a sphere. M6ME-IVa-95

To the Learners:
Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you while
enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this
kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module.
2. Writing enhances learning. Keep this in mind and take note of the important concepts in your
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze the post-test and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


This module is designed to help you determine the relationship of the volume between a
rectangular prism and a pyramid; a cylinder and a cone; and a cylinder and sphere.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

⮚ Determine the relationship of the volume between a rectangular prism and a pyramid; a
cylinder and a cone; and a cylinder and sphere.


Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is an amount of space a three-dimensional figure occupied.

A. Surface area B. Area C. Volume D. Perimeter
2. Study the figures below, given a rectangular prism and pyramid with same base and height.
What can you conclude about their relationship when it comes to volume?

Fig.1: Rectangular prism and pyramid

Volume of ________________.
2 1
A. the prism is 3 of pyramid. C. the pyramid 2 the volume of prism.
1 1
B. the prism is 3
of the pyramid. D. the pyramid is 3
the volume of prism.

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3. How cylinder and cone are related to each other?
A. They have the same volume.
B. Their volumes are not related at all.
C. The cone is the volume of the cylinder.
D. The cylinder is 3
the volume of the cone.
4. The volume of a sphere is 3 of the volume of a _______.
A. Cone B. circle C. hemisphere D. cylinder

5. Which formula can you use to solve the volume of a cube?

A. V = s x s x s B. V = s + s + s C. V = 3s D. V = s x 3

Looking Back to your Lesson

From your previous lesson, you have learned that the surface area of three-dimensional solids
refers to the total area, in square units, of all the surfaces of objects like cubes, spheres, prisms and
pyramids. You also learned to solve word problems involving measurement of surface area.
In order to solve for the surface area of the solid figure you can use the different formula shown
on the table below.

Try This
Directions: Read and understand the problem in order to solve it correctly.

1. A 400-g box of cereal measures 20cm by 7cm by 31cm. Find its surface area. ______________
2. A shoebox measures 30cm by 20cm by 12cm. Find the surface area of each box. ___________

3. Find the surface area of a cube whose lateral faces are bounded by length of 10 cm?_________

4. What is the surface area of a sphere with a radius of 9 in? ____________________

5. A cylinder has a diameter of 8 in and a height of 12 cm. Find the total surface area of the cylinder.

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Introduction of the Topic

All solid occupy space. Volume is the amount of space a 3-dimensional object occupies. In order
to tell the amount of space occupied by a solid, we must have a volume unit. Volume is measured
in cubic units such as cubic centimeters (𝑐𝑚3 ), cubic decimeters (𝑑𝑚3 ) or cubic meters (𝑚3 ). Different
objects have different formula to find its volume.

Consider the rectangular solid on the right.

It is made up of unit cubes which are 1 cm cubes.
Each of these cubes occupies a space of 1 𝑐𝑚3 .
Therefore, the solid figure shows a volume of 36 𝑐𝑚3 .

If the pyramid is filled with sugar and then its contents are poured into the prism, only a third
of the prism will be filled. So, the volume of a pyramid is 3
the volume of prism with the same base
and height.

Volume of a Rectangular Prism

The volume of a rectangular prism is the product of length (l), width (w), and height (h).



Volume of Pyramid
The volume of a pyramid is one-third the area of the base (B) times the height (h)

B = area of the base

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A cone, like the cylinder has a circle as its base and a curve face with a vertex. If the cone is
filled with sand and then its contents are poured into cylinder. Only one-third of the cylinder will be
filled, this explains that the volume of a cone is 3
the volume of a cylinder with the same radius and

Volume of a Cylinder
The volume of a cylinder with radius (r) is the area of the base B times the height h .

Volume of a Cone
The volume of a cone is 1/3πr2h, where r denotes the radius of the base of the cone,
and h denotes the height of the cone.

Volume of a Sphere and Cylinder

We must now make the cylinder's height 2r so the sphere fits perfectly inside.

The volume of the cylinder is: π × r2 × h = 2 π × r3

The volume of the sphere is: πr3
So the sphere's volume is 3
vs 2 for the cylinder

Or more simply the volume of a sphere is equal to two-thirds of the volume of

a cylinder whose height and diameter are equal to the diameter of the sphere.


Activity 1.1 Examine Me

You may need sand, monggo seeds, or rice to carry out this activity. First, fill up the rectangular
pyramid and pour it into the rectangular prism as shown in the picture below. Repeat the process
until the rectangular prism was filled up.

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How many times did you transfer the content of the rectangular pyramid to fill up the
rectangular prism? Based on the activity that you have done, how could you describe the relationship
of volume of rectangular pyramid to the volume of rectangular prism?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 1.2 Examine Me

Using the models from the picture, pour a sand or seeds in the cone until it filled up. Then,
pour the content of the cone into the cylinder. Repeat the process until the cylinder was filled up.
Refer the figure below on how to carry it out.

How many times did you transfer the content of the cone to the cylinder until it was filled up?
Based on the activity, how do you describe the relationship of the volume of a cone and the volume
of a cylinder?

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 1.3 Examine Me

Using the models from the picture, first, fill the sphere with sand or monggo seeds. Then, pour
the content of the sphere into the cylinder. Refer the figure below on how to carry it out or watch the
process on youtube using this link

Based on the activity, how do you describe the relationship of the volume between the volume
of a sphere and the volume of a cylinder?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________

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Activity 2 Tell Me the Truth
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.

1. Volume is an amount of space a three-dimensional figure occupied.

2. The unit of measurement used in volume is cubic unit.
3. When a prism and pyramid have the same base and height, the volume of the
pyramid is 4
of the volume of the prism.

4. If a cone and a cylinder have bases with equal areas, and both have identical heights,
then the volume of the cone is 4
the volume of the cylinder.
5. The volume of a sphere is equal to 3
of the volume of a cylinder whose height and

diameter are equal to the diameter of the sphere.


The relationship between the volumes of rectangular prism and pyramids is that
when a prism and pyramid have the same base and height, the volume of the pyramid is 3
the volume of the prism or V= Bh.

In a similar way, the volumes of a cone and a cylinder that have identical bases and
heights are proportional. If a cone and a cylinder have bases with equal areas, and both have
identical heights, then the volume of the cone is one-third the volume of the cylinder or
1 1
V= 𝐵h or V = 𝜋𝑟2 h.
3 3

The volume of a sphere is equal to two-thirds of the volume of a cylinder whose height
4 4
and diameter are equal to the diameter of the sphere or V = Bh or V = 3 𝜋𝑟 2h.

Check Your Understanding

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct word or group of words.
Choose your answer from the table found above.

Pyramid Sphere

Volume Rectangular Prism

Cone Cylinder

1. _________________ is an amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional figure.

2. The volume of a _____________________ is equal to 3
of the volume of a prism.
3. The volume of a __________________ is equal to 3
of the volume of a cylinder.
4. The volume of a __________________ is equal to 3
of the volume of a cylinder.
5. The volume of ____________________ is equal to length x width x height or (l) (w) (h).

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Post test
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is an amount of space a three-dimensional figure occupied.

A. Surface area B. Area C. Volume D. Perimeter
2. Study the figures below, given a rectangular prism and pyramid with same base and height.
What can you conclude about their relationship when it comes to volume?

Fig.1: Rectangular prism and pyramid

Volume of ________________.
2 1
A. the prism is 3 of pyramid. C. the pyramid 2 the volume of prism.
1 1
B. the prism is of the pyramid. D. the pyramid is the volume of prism.
3 3
3. How cylinder and cone are related to each other?
A. They have the same volume.
B. Their volumes are not related at all.
C. The cone is 3 the volume of the cylinder.
D. The cylinder is 3
the volume of the cone.
4. The volume of a sphere is of the volume of a _______.
A. Cone B. circle C. hemisphere D. cylinder

5. Which formula can you use to solve the volume of a cube?

A. V = s x s x s B. V = s + s + s C. V = 3s D. V = s x 3


3 things I’ve 2 things I found 1 question I still

learned… interesting… have…

Additional Activities

Video Lessons: Watch these links on Youtube

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