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MATH 5-Lesson 69-Q3-Week 5.

Visualizes and describes solid figures

M5GE- IIIe – 25 pp.62, Lesson Guide 6 pp.360
Solving for Perimeter and Area
a) Divide the class 5 groups. (per column)
b) Teacher provides an illustration board for each group
c) Teacher flashes a pictures of a plane figure with given measurements
of sides.

5 cm 6 cm 4 cm
14 cm h-3cm

d) The first student from each group solves for the perimeter and area of the figure.
He/she writes his/her answer on the illustration board provided for each group.
e) The first to give the correct answers ( with the proper labels) and raises his/her
board first, gets 2 points.
f) Continue the game until everyone in the column has participated.
g) The group with the most number of points wins.
Review the previous lesson. Give 2 examples.

Play the "Concentration Game."
a) Teachers prepares 12 cards consecutively numbered.
At the back of each number card are the following:

1. cube 2. 3. Rectangular 4. 5. cylinder


6. pyramid 7. sphere 8. 9.

10. cone 11. 12.

b) Teacher divides the class into 2 groups.
c) A student from a group chooses 2 numbers, say 1 and 9.
d)Teacher opens the number cards and finds out if the
drawing word match. If they match, another student from
the same group chooses another pair of numbers and so on.
e) If the contents of the numbers don't match, the teacher
flips the cards again to show the numbers (not the word or
drawing). Then a player from another group chooses the next
pair of numbers, and so on.
f) The group with the most number of correctly matched pairs

a) Showing videos introducing spatial figures.

Visualizing Spatial FIgures.mp4

To open the video, @ pptx normal view only, right click and select packager shell
object then click activate contents…
b) Activity
1) Introduce the different spatial figures.
Let the pupils describe the characteristics of each figure.
2) Ask what is common among all the spatial figures?
3) Present a paper robot whose parts are made3 up of spatial figures.
4) Ask the pupils to identify the spatial figures represented by each part completing
the chart below.

Parts of the Robot Spatial Figures Represented

Head Ex. : cube
Body Rectangular prism
Performing the Activity:
Use of Real Situation Problem
1) Bring the students outside the classroom.
2) Let them observe their surroundings and jot down the
different spatial figures they see.
3) Let them tabulate the answers.
example Object Spatial Figure
Basketball Sphere
Water jug Cylinder

4) Afterwards they go back to the classroom and share what

they have listed on paper.
5) Discuss the importance of being aware of different spatial
figures as seen and experienced through the environment.
Processing the Activities:
How did you find the activity?
How did you visualize spatial figures?
Were you able to differentiate spatial figures correctly?
Did you identify the common characteristics of spatial

Reinforcing the Concept and Skills:

a. Discuss the presentation under Explore and Discover on page
__of LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 69.
b. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises under Get Moving on
page__ of LM Grade 5. For extra
practice, give the exercises under Keep Moving on LM Grade 5
page __
Explore and Discover!

What is Spatial Figure?

Spatial figure is a three
dimensional figure. It is
made up of plane figure
whose all sides are joined
together to form a close
figure . Some examples
of spatial figures include
cubes, cylinders, cones,
prisms, pyramids,
spheres and rectangular

Name the objects that resemble to the following Spatial Figures shown on the
Get Moving!
Identify the spatial figure represented by the following:
1) ball ______ 3) funnel ______ 5) tent ______
2) globe _______ 4) test tube _______ 6) dice ______

Keep Moving

Give 5 objects that are models of the following spatial figures:

1) cone 3) cube 5) sphere
2) cylinder 4) prism
Summarizing the Lesson:
What is Spatial Figure?
Spatial figure is a three dimensional figure. It is made up of
plane figure
whose all sides are joined together to form a close figure .
Some examples of spatial figures include cubes, cylinders,
cones, prisms, pyramids, spheres and rectangular prisms.

What are the different spatial figures. Describe each one.

What are their common characteristics?
Give examples of real life objects that represent each
spatial figure.
Applying to New and Other Situations:
Match Column A with Column B.
1) The base is a polygon and its faces a) rectangular prism
are triangles b) cone
2. A spatial figure with a polygonal base c) pyramid
whose edges meet at a common vertex. d) cylinder
  e) triangular prism
3. A spatial figure having a circular base
and one vertex.
4) A spatial figure with 2 parallel
congruent faces called bases and the
other faces are parallelograms.
5) A spatial figure with 2 circular bases,
no edge and no vertex.
A. Draw in your notebook objects that resemble the following
space figures

1. 2.

4. 5.
B. Name the spatial figures that resemble the following
objects below:
1) box 6) tin can
2) ball 7) camping tent
3) dice 8) funnel
4) ice cream cone 9) water pipe
5) globe 10) glass
Home Activity:
Bring objects that resemble to the following Spatial
1.Cube 2. Cylinder 3. Pyramid
4. Cone 5. Rectangular prism

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