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- The best known military strategist of more recent history is

Carl Von Claussewitz (1832).

-According to him, good strategies are inherently simple but

hard to conceive.

- Good strategies are difficult to implement so that only very

few people ever succeed as strategist

- If we accept the analogy that business is a war then the

military model of strategy can be as important starting point
for an exploration of business strategy


Niccolo Machiavelli added a political dimension to the study of

strategy. The Prince published in the early sixteenth century
was notable for its detached observation of events.

His advice was that it was necessary either to treat the

powerful citizens well or to crush them so completely so that
they could not retaliate .

It is parallel in how to manage companies which have been

recently taken over and advice on such matters is rarely
available in conventional management books.

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