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The Halloween night

It is Halloween and Matei and Jamie are trick or treating. Suddenly they heard a
strange noise coming from a house across the road. They go to check it out.
While walking towards it they heard the noise again! The house is haunted Said
Jamie in a gasp! It doesn't matter were going in anyway! The boys
knocked on the door... The door open slowly while creaking. The boys enter then the
door slammed shut! It was pitch black inside, damp and creaky. They looked for the
light switch to turn the lights on but it wasn't there. Jamie remembered he had a
torch he switched it on!

Chapter 2

in the haunted house

All they see is a staircase going up and one going down. The one going
down looked really old and cracked not safe at all. The one going up looked
safe and steady but it seemed that it never ended. The boys taught for a moment....
Matei said that we should go up rather then going down, It is safer
Jamie agreed. So they took a deep breath and followed the staircase going up. 15
minutes of going up they were tired so they took a break to eat some
sweets they had from trick or treating. After the boys finished eating they kept
going it was late they had to sleep. So they ran up the stairs as fast their legs
could carry them.

Chapter 3

Finally reached the top

Finally we reached the top Matei said in a sarcastic happy voice. Look a trapdoor
said Jamie. We should see what it is!! They enter as they stare inside
someone or something shut the trapdoor and locked it. They were traped inside. Oh
no were traped!! That's why it is called a trap
door a mysteorios voice answered mwahahaha. Did you hear that said. Yes and it
didn't sound very friendly

Chapter 4
inside a mysterios chamber

The boys look inside and see some toys and a key, it had a really strange shape it
was weird they wondered what it was for. After staring at it for a couple of
moments Jamie shoved it in his pocket. Look a painting of the key we have found!
Wait a minute what is behind that painting. Look there is two tunnels,
one going left and one going right. They look the same. I have an idea we get one
of the toys and slide it down both tunnels and wich ever toy bangs first is the
toy we follow! Great idea said Jamie . And that is what they did. The one going
left is the one the toy banged first so they slide down the left tunnel.

Chapter 5

Going down the tunnel

They reached the end of the tunnel it was dark. I mean really dark and even worse
Jamie's flashlight ran out of batteries!! The boys were very scared. What
should we do now Jamie wondered. We look for a way out of here what else can we do,
but it is pitch black in here! The boys heard a pair mysterios footsteps.Sudenly
they hear a door open and shortly after slam shut. They hear the same creak that
they heard when they enter the house! Remember the two staircases one going up and
one going down, well I think were in the chamber the staircase going down lead to.
Your right Jamie!

Chapter 6

Finally know where we are

Then that means that we should look for some stairs. So put your hands in front of
you and take very small steps. They both walk the same way. Suddenly
Jamie fell in hole dug in the floor he was trapped in there. Matei had to chose
either look for the staircase or help Jamie. While Matei was thinking Jamie wich
fell into the hole saw a secret passage. That must be another way out of here he
wondered so he start running he escaped he forgot about Matei he got home
safely.But no worries Matei found the staircase and escaped he ran home as fast as
he could. He told his parents everything and that Jamie is still there but then
Jamie appeared he was just about to tell his parents what happend but Matei was
there safely. So Matei and Jamie remain friends to this day!


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