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kgulationsfor thu pruvention o pcllulion by avbogt ficm

Enbend nto foeCn 31 Dxconlu 193
Reed avu 1 Januay 2013

GTorbage aincdudes al kinds ood dormehc and operahiano

unuteexcduding fruh hsh,qunusatedduring tha nozma
opurabion o th euulardLiablu to be dispcsed ol tntinauly
o periodicallu

Annes totally prohibib o th disposal of platic anyuhart

to thesta and serrly reotricL dischugt ogaubagt
inho special aeak

Special Aras Annux Y

MeditRranean Sea
Balbi Sea Aea
Blac Sto Area
Red Sea Aneo
The Gu Aea
he Noth Sea
h oidu carnbbean Reagian
Antatuc Ana.
Shiphoard wate Managemeni
Even shup ooGT and abov Or eivery ship autied to ca
oore than l5 perxamb shallcaya gabag managema
plan tbautd on iMO Gudelinns ard aluo ontaining

Teacher's Signature. . ...

DYDLLdwres on:
Gbage minumiaahiom
Garbag Coltchion
O.Gavbaq stDragE
Grau bag proun
Grnuboge diposa
quipmtnt and ontead fer handling e garbagt
he digmation th penona1 perns anchargudtor Implameb
the garbmqr managutnt plan
E y ship 400GT ad above_01 Cbiied to tasry rort tha
15 puon should maintaun a Gartoge Record bcok n tha form

sxaked n the appendiz o reisud anua

Ditchavge noicted to food uwnute idunhiped cargo
SLdLuLSanimal carcaus and idunhhecd clianung agn
not hammu to the_marin enirommenl
Gabaae dischaurgerqulahoms do not opply when thz

daschageabag fioa shxp uns nuuary achion

t pugoe oseunng tu sacbyofshipand thex
boare or saing dLik al seaSuth caus entry muut te
mad un Gartagt AecmdBock eital logboak f shi

ozg.onssGazbaqu per Annez V

H OPlauhc :
Gavbaogg bat onuusbs el o includes plautic un y

o m uncluding syrthchic ropeh,sunthutic fishing nua,

plautic gartag bagm and inenarakor anh from plahic
producn Crorlaq un thiu caleqony u prchibited fer dischag
BFcodautei Spoailed orunspold frsd substantus

Teacher's Signature:.....
Domuhic Waute: taubage gunuattd un auomodahion spa
on baartl (Orinkirg botlo,paper, cardboard et). Prohibittd
glau, mtal
to discharqe at sta. ag,

Cookung oil Edibl oll oT animal fat ud for prparation

T oking of foctd.Rohubited fer disdawgeat sea
Tncinurator Ash:Ash and linkuy Uulhng Pron shipboavd
uinuntor> uutd fbr the inunèration of gastoq. Yohubtes
Operahional wautt: Solid unte that ar collected onbravd
durirg nomal maintenanu ar operahonn qa ship
C n d fe Cargo stouage and handlung. Incudes deanin4
agenta Does noi uinduda grtu uater, blae wate Bohib1tre
Cargo Renidue Remnanh oany cacgo whith remin or deck
r hdd follouinq Jooding oILunloading-
H Animal Carcases
Fehin4 Ceas Pnyital durice tha.con be plaud cn t
water or seabed uith inttnd1d pupoe e captuing
maine duk

Cecuning Agerda and addichvts.

Centaindiun hold waph water,deck and tutema sutau
unh unter art conaidurtd optratioa unte and a r
clouuied uundor Mapol anne
Thuyant conadartd not houmul when i
Tha chumicad d uw not a hamul substanta ptr
ann L
T h dhumicaldoes not contain any component uwhih
a t knoun to be carcinogenic,mutagenic or reprotoruc

Teacher's Signature:... *****

M a i n inunraor) an predominantly dauinud fo
inlttmittunt opratian,hond hrrd and ftd by hand
Th ash vaptw maybe h0nardou.
Ininatom installed muud be approved a per y th
a t e1 Ja
adminubation auLorcling to mnRfoL ANNEX band
n m 1MO Naohion MEPC 7640) on standad spe.ahcation
shipboud wd itinvatzrs.
BnL I prohbiu th ininuation omAR POL Z,IAm
Lovgo riidus
h ah hom thu combuution plauticoduuhich
may contoain huarymuta ar other aidus which con e
tezit b nd to bt distharpunto aDischargd at
pot epiom fauiuien
Bannud n pot,baoun ond esturio
Special pmcautian ua nequied due to the potential
tnnirmmandoul cund health ehe Pm Combwtion o
y produ» egiscraped paint,imprgnated wmcd ard Pvc
boud plauhic
Gabagc colltktd cn beord to be dulivertd to dutgnated
proCLAirgo storoug locationm
Long term stoung dapending on voyage length
Stond a mannu that avoicl healthsakty harad
Seperate cansdwmo bous orcontauns muut be
wed Fo each cakegory owade
ProC d and unpDLLLd gavbaqe mudk stord un
tightiy seoued condauines
Teacher's S i g n a t u r e*: .*
. ***
Veu e 12m or mort un lurgth mud displcug
qiving inomation aboul qaybagr lau. Mut
a vistbu spalt uwhr gatage genurated,
Enti to be mada on following Ocaui on
whn garbagr uw disdhougud to atuphon failty oshore
0to other shups
Date timm o dischage
Pot OTfauitu o nama oshup
Esbmated amouunt un ubic metes
Signahur oohtrunchargr e operation
Whan gataqr up unineraded
Date time o stat ond stop
Position g shup hom stot to Stop inttnexation
Sigrout ohor ircharged
When dushauged wnbo sea
Date timu
Estmaleod amownt (m3
Signatartohiur unchorgt
enceptianal dischauqe_o dos bgaubage ino

Reauon/Remark fo dischauge.
Teacher's Signature....... **
ood Wate.lomm
nuted rounded
D1scAAGt PmyrreD Prom
frmited 212M Permitted
Necurtut land
23NM Aom nratu enndut
nrd and enrqute-
Food ubuut not 212NM from PrCH1BITEDn Peow1TED-
Communuleo Necutut land enroutc
nof containgd Amitted 2 12NM
fron neartel lond-
uOLAhwater enrout e a fa a
Taugotdeluus 212NMenroute
Prachcabu a faur as prechi cabb
ontauncd in ww subjeted to addior
Ueanina Apet 212m enroute.
taddtin ontaind as jarqpia
Susjeted to addihod
n CH Walee wsh
leanng Agtnt amT6O- Tuwo conditionn

Dech 4 ectenal PekoTED'_

Surats nitr uo-
AnimalCarcaes PERmTTED but
CLa fau away C -
dixd duu voyaqe| possi b 4 ehrout e
AUothu gaubage
Plan spesO
ash a
he, incn
Dg2,Looking eil
inung tia pocifna
ragla mtad

fxed GoRe More Shingent requuiremat shau


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