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Tamar Facade Pictured

BLOCK 29.40m


Residence 191.56 m2 The Highton Warralily

The Outdoor Living 13.46 m2
Due to the popularity of the

standard Highton we decided to
Garage 38.37 m2 create a new design called the
Highton Warralily which features

TOTAL 243.39 m2 larger bedrooms, a second kitchen,
26.20 sq improved ensuite and re-designed
living areas.
Width Length
12.70m 22.32m
Block sizes are estimates only and based on standard Developer setback and Rescode setback of 4 - 5m front only and 3m rear setback. Plans,facades and specifications vary depending on
The Highton Warralily | zone and region. All IBN designs are priced to the traditional facade associated with the range, all other facades are considered upgrades and will incur charges unless otherwise specified.

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