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1. What was Suresh Jayakar’s project/idea?

While we are taught to think convergently as we grow up, design thinking encourages us to think
divergently, according to Suresh Jayakar. It instructs us to take the big picture into account. Suresh
covers the fundamentals of design thinking and what makes it such a potent tool in his session.

2. Do you think Jayakar’s idea is feasible here in the Philippines? Specifically, in provinces? Why?

Yes, in my opinion, it is conceivable, but since fresh agricultural produce is readily available in the
Philippines' provinces, it is not necessary. Although the Philippines' province regions already have easy
access to fresh fruits and veggies, the product truckor Jayakar's goal is merely to sell driver make it
simpler for other people to receive those goods.

3. With Suresh Jayakar’s idea, how did design thinking solve life’s problems?

Design Thinking is particularly suited to address problems at the confluence of several areas, including
logic and emotion, logic and creativity, human needs and economic demands, between systems and
people, and at the nexus of business and society. Unless we were searching for an unique or innovative
strategy to attack the problem with a desired goal that was not achievable through the standard
possibilities, we would probably not need Design Thinking to confront large challenges that are simple
and have set and known answers.

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