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1. What was the speaker's project/idea?

Our relationship to technology isn't just about boredom; it's also about habits, neuroscience, and the
design of technology. These layered topics were together causing profound shifts in our communities,
society, and ourselves that we are all feeling. Manoush Zomorodi's project, "Bored and Brilliant,"
explores the fascinating side of boredom and discusses how technology is transforming humanity.

2. How did the speaker come up with the idea?

The speaker had this concept because she was curious about how boredom can effect creativity and
how technology might be influencing the brain. On the basis of her own challenges, the speaker then
came up with a number of experiments to do with the audience, including deleting the most frequently
used app from our phones and not using it for a day.

3. Was her project informative? List down all the information you learned from her TED talk.

Yes. Since her initiative teaches us that while being bored isn't always enjoyable, it frequently results in
excellent things that force us to come up with fresh approaches and solutions. However, many
individuals aren't doing that because it's simpler to find other things to do. Although boredom can be
counterproductive, it can also serve as a springboard for fruitful wandering since it forces our minds to

4. How frequently do you use your phone? Can you see yourself doing the speaker’s challenge?

I spent the entire day using it to explore social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, listen to music,
watch videos, work on projects or do my homework, and read some stories on my phone. I don't see
myself taking on her challenge because there are updates from other websites that I want to read, news
from various organizations, or group tasks that I need to finish right away.

5. What are the possible implications of multitasking? Do we finish more, or do we complete fewer
tasks than focusing on one (1) task at a time?

No. Because, in order to transfer your attention from one subject to another, the brain needs to activate
a neurochemical switch, which depletes nutrients in the brain, claims Dr. Daniel Levitin. Due to our
restricted glucose supply, if you multitask, your brain will not function.

6. According to the search engineer at Google, why is the technology built to trigger social media
users an itchy feeling if they are not with their phones?

Tristan Harris asserts that despite the fact that there are countless locations to focus your attention,
there is a battle for it due of Facebook, Snapchat, and other social media platforms. They must be
utilized. For instance, when you intend to go out but wind up spending the entire day on your phone
because it is trending online.

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