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Social Media: Positive and Negative Effects On Students Academic Performance at SIMALA NHS

Rationale of the Study:

Any digital technology that allows users to instantly generate and share material with the public is
referred to as social media. The term "social media" refers to a variety of websites and apps. Some, such
as Facebook, are solely dedicated to sharing links and messages. Others, such as Instagram and TikTok,
are designed to make photo and video sharing easier.

In particular, social media has become a popular venue for remote learning. It is beneficial to young
people and students when it is used consciously. Facebook, for example, allows students to support one
another while also learning about their personal identities. It assists students in adjusting to the new
normal of learning and participating in school activities. On the other side, students who spend too
much time on social media may develop a variety of issues. Suffering from mental health concerns, low
self-esteem, sadness, a sense of isolation, and a social media addiction, for example.

The overall goal of this research is to learn more about the effects of social media on students' academic
performance at Simala National High School and how to avoid any negative consequences that may

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