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Sharjah American International School


English Department

Moral Education
Mid Semester Project Guidelines

Name: _________________________________
Grade: 6 Section: _________

Teacher: _________________________________

You will be able to

• recognize the meaning of the terms diverse and unique
• understand that diversity and uniqueness are normal traits among humans
• be aware of the importance of diversity and uniqueness in cultures
• understand how each person is unique
• identify tolerance as the method of accepting diversity and uniqueness
• have the ability to dialogue constructively about diversity and uniqueness

Your project has two sections: artistic and written.

• For the artistic section, you need to follow your teacher’s instructions in class. This
section is not graded, but it is the base of your written section.

• After you are done with the artistic section, for the written section, you need to:

1. DOK1: Write a short descriptive paragraph about the new character you made up
using the different body parts which were given to you.

2. DOK1: Write a short paragraph explaining how your character is unique and can add
to the diversity of your classroom. In this paragraph, you need to use the following
vocabulary words that we had discussed in class: unique-diverse-tolerance-respect-
sympathy-empathy-compassion. You can use them in any part of speech (noun, verb,
adjective, or adverb).

3. DOK3: Challenge Yourself: Based on your knowledge of your classmates, your

school, and your family and community, write a paragraph explaining what challenges
you think your character will face and how you can help him/her overcome them.

Grading System:
You will be graded based on the rubric on the next page.

Enjoy your project! Good luck! ☺

Teamwork Respect Responsibility Uniqueness Success Tolerance

5 points 4 points 3 points 1-2 points

Students accurately use
all accurately use
most ofaccurately use some
of the
accurately use very few or none of
recalling and using
acquired Moral Education
the acquired Moral Education
acquired Moral Educationthe acquired Moral Education vocabulary
targeted concepts vocabulary words in their
vocabulary words in their
vocabulary words in theirwords in their paragraphs. Targeted words
(DOK1) paragraphs. Targeted words
paragraphs. Targeted words
are: Targeted words
are: unity-diversity-sympathy-
tolerance. tolerance.
Students use a varietyStudents
of use some descriptive
Students use few descriptive
wordsuse very few or no descriptive
writing a descriptive
descriptive words to tell
to tell about their
to new
tell about their new character.
words to tell about their new character. Their
paragraph their new character. Their
ideas Their ideas Their
are notideas are somehowideas
are not creative, organized, or
are creative, organized,
andcreative, organized,
and and appealingappealing
to the to the reader.
word choice, ideas,
appealing to the reader.
appealing to the reader. reader.
mechanics, and Many errors in sentence construction,
organization (DOK1)
Sentence constructionVaried
is and correct sentence
Contains some distracting spelling
errors and
in punctuation; incorrect language
sophisticated and varied;
construction; Few errors punctuation,
in spelling, and
flawless spelling, punctuation,
punctuation, languageusage.
and language usage. and spelling.
It is evident that the student
Some details and effortMore
are details are needed Lack
to showof details and incorrect answers make
anticipating problems
masters the targeted concepts
displayed in answers. evidence
Not all of mastery of targeted
it clear the targeted concepts were not
and assuming solutions
and is able to link themtargeted
to realconcepts wereconcepts. comprehended or mastered by the student.
for them (DOK3) life situations. mastered.

Handwriting is flawless;
task is is clear; task
is is not very Messy
clear; task
and unorganized handwriting and/or
presentation (DOK1)
very neat and organized.
neat and organized. is somehow neat and organized.

Teamwork Respect Responsibility Uniqueness Success Tolerance

Name________________________________________ Grade/Section ______________
Final Grade: ____________________/20

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