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A TINY blood vessel that allows for exchange between blood and cells in the tissue in the body is?
A. Capillary
B. Vein
C. Blood vessel
D. Artery
Ans: A
2.Tubes containing blood are called ...
A. Capillaries
B. Veins
C. Blood vessels
D. Arteries
Ans: C
3.What are the 5 parts of the Cardiovascular System?
A. Blood vessels, heart, blood, heart & 3 blood vessels
B. Heart, blood, & 4 blood vessels
C. Heart, blood, & 3 blood types
D. Heart, blood, and 4 blood types
Ans: A
4.What is a system of organs that transport blood throughout the body called?
A. Lymphatic System
B. Blood System
C. Circulatory System
D. Digestive System
Ans: C
5.The heart is the size of your fist and is a/an ...
A. Organelle
B. Organ/muscle
C. Organelle/muscle
D. Muscle
Ans: B
6.The upper chambers of the heart are the...
A. Artery
B. Ventricle
C. Vesicle
D. Atrium
Ans: D
7.The lower chambers of the heart are called the ...
A. Artery
B. Ventricles
C. Atrium
D. Vesicle
Ans: B
8.How many chambers does the human heart have?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans: C
9.A blood vessel that takes blood AWAY from the heart to the body’s organs is called ...
A. Vein
B. Capillary
C. Blood vessel
D. Artery
Ans: D
10.A blood vessel that carries blood TO the heart is called ...
A. Vein
B. Capillary
C. Blood vessel
D. Artery
Ans: A
11.When oxygen-rich blood from the lungs is pumped to the rest of the body so the cells can use the oxygen – oxygen-
poor blood is then returned to the heart is...
A. Circulation
B. Systemic Circulation
C. Pulmonary Circulation
D. Heart Circulation
Ans: B
12.What seeks out pathogens and destroy them to try to keep you healthy?
A. Red blood cells
B. Plasma
C. Platelets
D. White blood cells
Ans: D
13. White blood cells, red blood cells, plasma, & platelets are the 4 parts of what?
A. Blood vessels
B. Organs
C. Heart disease
D. Blood
Ans: D
14. What are the 4 blood types?
A. A - B - AB - C
B. A - B - AB - Z
C. A - B - AB -O
D. A - B - C – O
Ans: C
15. What allows the blood to clot?
A. Plasma
B. WBC's
C. RBC's
D. Platelets
Ans: D
16. Without the ability to clot our blood, we would ....
A. Get diseases
B. Bleed to death and die
C. Feel tired
D. Seep blood
Ans: B
17. True or False: The atriums are located below the ventricles.
A. True
B. False
Ans: B
18. What is the first step of the blood flow path?
A. Atriums fill with blood
B. Valves will with blood
C. Lungs fill with blood
D. Aorta fills with blood
E. Body fills with blood
Ans: A
19. Where does blood get oxygen from?
A. Liver
B. Brain
C. Heart
D. Lungs
Ans: D
20. What is the second step of the blood flow path?
A. Ventricles contract
B. Blood moves to ventricles
C. Blood goes to the vessels
D. Atria (atrium) contract
Ans: D
21. What is the third step in the blood flow path?
A. Ventricles contract
B. Atria open
C. Blood moves to the ventricles
D. Valves between ventricles shut
Ans: C
22. What is the fourth step in the path of blood through the heart?
A. Blood moves into ventricles
B. Ventricles contract
C. Atria contract
D. Valves between atria and ventricles shut
Ans: B
23. What is the fifth path of blood through the heart?
A. The valves between the atria and ventricles shut & blood moves to vessels
B. Atria contract
C. Ventricle contract
D. Heart relaxes
Ans: A
24. What is the last step in the pathway of blood through heart?
A. Atria contract
B. Ventricles contract
C. Valves between the ventricles and vessels shut
D. Valves between atria and ventricles shut
Ans: C
25. What do you think would happen if a valve in the heart did not close?
A. Blood would flow backward
B. Nothing would happen
C. Blood would flow endlessly
Ans: A
26. Blood flows from the right atrium to the _____
A. Left ventricle
B. Right ventricle
C. Left atrium
Ans: B
27. What does plasma in your blood do?
A. Carries nutrients, chemicals, and fats
B. Holds water and protein
C. Only carries waste
Ans: A
28. What do platelets aid in?
A. Fighting viruses
B. Transport in the blood
C. Clotting in the blood
D. Support in the body
Ans: C
29. Identify
A. Left atrium
B. Right atrium
C. Left ventricle
D. Right ventricle
Ans: B
30. Identify
A. Pulmonary veins
B. Pulmonary artery
C. Aorta
D. Vena cava
Ans: C
31. Identify
A. Left atrium
B. Right atrium
C. Left ventricle
D. Right ventricle
Ans: A
32. Identify
A. Left atrium
B. Right atrium
C. Left ventricle
D. Right ventricle
Ans: D
33. Identify
A. Left atrium
B. Right atrium
C. Left ventricle
D. Right ventricle
Ans: C
34. This chamber of the heart RECEIVES blood returning from the body
A. Right Atrium
B. Right Ventricle
C. Left Atrium
D. Left Ventricle
Ans: A
35. The _________ PUMPS blood to the lungs.
A. Right Atrium
B. Right Ventricle
C. Left Atrium
D. Left Ventricle
Ans: B
36. The _______ RECEIVES blood returning from the lungs.
A. Right Atrium
B. Right Ventricle
C. Left Atrium
D. Left Ventricle
Ans: C
37. This chamber of the heart PUMPS blood to the body.
A. Right Atrium
B. Right Ventricle
C. Left Atrium
D. Left Ventricle
Ans: D
38. Which is NOT a function of the circulatory system?
A. Deliver O2 and nutrients to cells
B. Remove CO2 and wastes from cells
C. Break down carbohydrates into glucose
D. Transport other materials through body
Ans: C
39. Arteries, veins, and capillaries are three types of __________
A. Heart valves
B. Blood vessels
C. Cells
D. Veins
Ans: B
40. What are structures that temporarily close a passage or permit blood flow in only one direction?
A. Heart
B. Atrium
C. Valves
D. Veins
Ans: C
41. What is the Circulatory System also known as?
A. The heart
B. Cardiovascular System
C. Nervous System
D. Aorta
Ans: B
42. What does Deoxygenated mean?
A. Oxygen-rich
B. Blood flow
C. Oxygen-poor
D. Water Flow
Ans: C
43. What do Red-Blood cells do?
A. Carry oxygen from the lungs to the body cells and transport carbon dioxide from the cells back to the lungs
B. Keeps blood flowing in one direction to the heart and prevent blood from flowing backwards
C. Collects blood from the capillaries and drain it into the veins
D. Bring nutrients to the cells and carries away waste materials.
Ans: A
44. What does blood do?
A. Carries Water to cells
B. Carries Oxygen to cells
C. Carries Food to cells
D. All of the above
Ans: D
45. What important process takes place in the lungs?
A. Food is digested here
B. Liquid waste is filtered from the blood.
C. Oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide.
D. The trachea is exchanged for the larynx
Ans: C

46. The only artery which carries deoxygenated blood is called?

A. Hepatic artery
B. Pulmonary artery
C. Aorta

D. Renal artery

Ans: B
47. Pulmonary vein carries
A. Oxygenated blood

B. Deoxygenated blood

C. Glucose-deficient blood

D. CO2 laden blood

Ans: A

48. The function of WBCs is to

A. Transport Oxygen

B. Help in the clotting of blood

C. Provide immunity

D. Provide storage of blood

Ans: C

49. Blood capillary is a

A. Broad tube
B. An artery with thick wall

C. Vein with a large lumen

D. A narrow tube made up of endothelium only.

Ans: D
50. The nucleus is absent in


C. All blood cells

D. Liver cells

Ans: A
51. Sphygmomanometer measures:

A. Pulse Rate

B. Heartbeat

C. Blood Pressure

D. Brain activity

Ans: C

52. The blood tastes saltish due to the presence of dissolved

A. Sodium chloride

B. Potassium Chloride

C. Ammonium Chloride

D. Sodium nitrate

Ans: A

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