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Circle the best answer for the following sentences

1. What makes up around 55% of the blood?

A. Plasma

B. Red Blood Cells

C. White Blood Cells

D. Platelets

2. What carries oxygen around the body?

A. Plasma

B. Red Blood Cells

C. Platelets

D. White Blood Cells

3. What is the function (job) of the platelets?

A. To form clots (i.e. scabs) when you have cuts and grazes.

B. To transport oxygen to the muscles

C. To carry dissolved sugars.

D. To produce antibodies

4. What is the function (job) of the white blood cells?

A. To transport oxygen around the body.

B. To carry dissolved sugars.

C. To clot and cover wounds like cuts and grazes.

D. To release antibodies to help destroy infections.

5. What is the function (job) of the plasma?

A. To release antibodies to fight infections.

B. To transport oxygen around the body.

C. To carry dissolved nutrients and sugars.

D. To transport oxygen around the body.

6. What is the function (job) of the red blood cells?

A. To transport oxygen around the body and to the muscles.

B. To release antibodies to fight infections.

C. To carry dissolved nutrients and sugars.

D. To clot and form scabs if there is a wound on the body.

7. What part of blood carries hemoglobin?

A. Red blood cells

B. Plasma

C. Platelets

D. White blood cells

8. The lack of sufficient red blood cells in the blood system is called ______.

A. cyanosis (tím tái)

B. anemia (thiếu máu)

C. hemochromatosis

D. hypoxia (thiếu oxi)

9. Another name for white blood cells is ______.

A. erythrocytes

B. plasmocytes

C. leukocytes

D. thrombocytes

10. The liquid portion of the blood is ______.

A. leukocytes

B. erthryocytes

C. plasma

D. thrombin

11. What part of blood is responsible for fighting infections?

A. Red Blood Cells

B. White Blood Cells

C. Platelets
D. Plasma

12. These blood cells are the protectors and help fight off disease.

A. Red blood cells

B. White blood cells

C. Plasma

D. Platelets

13. What part of blood is responsible for carrying wastes, nutrients, and minerals?

A. Red Blood Cells

B. White Blood Cells

C. Platelets

D. Plasma

14. What part of blood is responsible for carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide to or from
body cells?

A. Red Blood Cells

B. White Blood Cells

C. Platelets

D. Plasma

15. What can happen if you receive the wrong blood type?

A. It changes your blood type.

B. You might need new white blood cells.

C. Your cells will clump together and you could die.

D. You will get too much oxygen.

16. The study of blood in health and disease

A. Hemoglobin

B. Hematology huyết học

C. Blood Types

D. Marker Molecules

17. What causes the blood to be the distinct red colour?

A. Hemoglobin

B. Glucose

C. Hormones

D. Oxygen

18. Which cell engulfs and digests bacteria/pathogens?

A. lymphocytes

B. phagocytes

C. platelets

D. granulocytes

19. Which cell releases antibodies to the blood?

A. phagocytes

B. lymphocytes

C. platelets

D. granulocytes

20. Which of the following is not a primary function of blood?

A. help fight disease

B. transports nutrients, oxygen, wastes, and hormones

C. to provide structure

D. distributes heat

21. Blood is classified as ___ tissue.

A. connective

B. circulatory

C. epithelial

D. muscular

22. Blood becomes bright red in color because of the

A. amount of folic acid present

B. amount of hemoglobin present

C. amount of oxygen present

D. amount of iron present

23. Where does hematopoiesis take place, producing new red blood cells?

A. red bone marrow

B. yellow bone marrow

C. synovial membrane

D. articular cartilage

24. The process of stopping bleeding is called ______.

A. homeostasis cân bằng nội mô

B. hemostasis

C. phagocytosis thực bào

D. dermatographia

25. Irregularly shaped cell fragments that help clot blood is (are) ______. Mảnh tb có hình
dạng bất thường…

A. Platelets

B. Lymph

C. Plasma

D. White Blood Cells

26. A condition that develops when your blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells or
hemoglobin is ______.

A. Lymphatic System

B. Not Anemia

C. Platelets

D. Anemia

27. Fight bacteria and viruses by entering infected tissue, destroying bacteria/viruses and
absorb dead blood cells are ______.

Chống lại vi khuẩn và vi rút bằng cách xâm nhập vào mô bị nhiễm bệnh, tiêu diệt vi khuẩn /
vi rút và hấp thụ các tế bào máu chết là

A. White Blood Cells

B. Red Blood Cells

C. Platelets

D. Plasma

28. The liquid part of blood made of mostly water; nutrients, minerals and oxygen are

A. Marrow

B. Plasma

C. Proteins

D. Urea

29. The cells in the blood that help fight germs and illnesses are the ______.

A. white blood cells

B. red blood cells

C. plasma

D. platelets

30. What part of the blood is the liquid part that carries nutrients?

A. plasma

B. white blood cells

C. red blood cells

D. platelets

31. Which of the following delivers oxygen to cells?

A. Red Blood cells

B. White blood cells

C. Platelets

D. Plasma

32. Which of the following blood groups is known as the universal donor?

A. A

B. B


D. O

1. Which of the following is NOT a type of blood vessel?

A. Artery

B. Capillary

C. Vein

D. Ventricle

2. Which blood vessels take blood TO the heart?

A. Veins

B. Arteries

C. Capillaries

D. Arteriole

3. Which blood vessels take blood AWAY from the heart?

A. Veins

B. Arteries

C. Capillaries

D. Venule

4. Which blood vessel has valves to prevent the back-flow of blood?

A. Veins

B. Arteries

C. Capillaries

D. Aorta

5. Which blood vessel transports oxygenated blood to the rest of the body?

A. Pulmonary artery

B. Aorta

C. Hepatic artery

D. Renal artery

6. Which of the following is NOT a type of blood vessel?

A. Artery
B. Capillary

C. Vein

D. Ventricle

7. Blood enters the right atrium through ______.

A. pulmonary veins

B. vena cavaes

C. pulmonary arteries

D. aorta

8. Which part of the heart pumps deoxygenated (oxygen-poor) blood?

A. Left side

B. Right side

C. Top side

D. Bottom side

9. Which part of the heart pumps oxygenated blood?

A. Left side

B. Right side

C. Top side

D. Bottom side

10. The bottom chambers of the heart are called ______.

A. ventricles

B. atria

C. vena cava

D. valves

11. The upper chambers of the heart are called ______.

A. ventricles

B. atria

C. vena cava

D. valves
12. Which is a function of the cardiovascular system?

A. to move water throughout the body

B. to transport gases throughout the body

C. to eliminate waste from the body

D. to provide structural support for the body

13. Which system permits blood to circulate and transports nutrients around the body?

A. Nervous

B. Respiratory

C. Circulatory

D. Digestive

14. When oxygen-rich blood is carried AWAY from the heart, it travels through a (an)

A. artery

B. neuron

C. vein

D. straw

15. The smallest type of blood vessel is the ______.

A. nerve

B. vein

C. capillary

D. artery

16. How many chambers does the heart have?

A. 4

B. 6

C. 3

D. 1

17. Which of the following is associated with oxygenated blood?

Điều nào lq đến máu có oxy?

A. Aorta

B. Pulmonary Artery

C. Septum

D. Right Ventricle

18. Which of the following is associated with deoxygenated blood?

A. Aorta

B. Left Ventricle

C. Tricuspid valve

D. Septum

19. What part of the heart divides the heart into two?

A. Biscuspid valve

B. Septum

C. Pulmonary artery

D. bicep

20. Which of the following is a Blood vessel?

A. Ventricles

B. Heart

C. Arteries

D. Septum

21. What is the role of veins in the cardiovascular system?

A. Carry blood away from the heart

B. Carry blood back to the heart

C. Carry blood to the lungs

D. Allows the exchanges of gases, nutrients and wastes between blood and the tissues

22. What are the 3 main types of blood vessels?

A. Capillaries, veins, aortas

B. Capillaries, arteries, platelets

C. Capillaries, veins, platelets

D. Capillaries, veins, arteries

23. The heart is a ______ which contracts and expands like a pump to circulate blood
throughout the body.

A. bone

B. spongy tissue

C. muscle

D. blood vessel

24. What is the main function of the heart?

A. exchange gases

B. circulate blood throughout the body

C. produce red blood cells

D. remove waste materials from the body

25. The circulatory system works with the ______ system to provide our body with oxygen.

A. muscular

B. digestive

C. respiratory

D. skeletal

26. What heart is about the size and shape of ______.

A. basketball

B. baseball

C. toe

D. fist

27. Which of the following are the blood vessels that act as a bridge between the arteries
and veins?

A. Veins

B. Arteries

C. Capillaries

D. Aorta

28. Blood enters the heart at the ______.

A. Right Atrium

B. Left Atrium

C. Right Ventricle

D. Left Ventricle

29. What is the function of a valve?

A. Helps blood to clot

B. Keeps blood flowing in all directions

C. Keeps blood flowing in one direction

D. Stops blood from flowing


1. Inside the lungs there are lots of little sacks called ______ . Here, oxygen passes into the
blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood.

A. lungs

B. alveoli

C. bronchus

D. bronchioles

2. What is the main function of the respiratory system?

A. to provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the body

B. to bring oxygen to the body

C. to break down food and absorb nutrients

D. to remove oxygen from the body and deliver carbon dioxide

3. The only externally visible part of the respiratory system is ______.

Phần duy nhất có thể nhìn thấy bên ngoài của hệ hô hấp là

A. Eyes

B. Nose

C. Pharynx
D. Larynx

4. Which part of the Respiratory System plays a major role in speech?

Bộ phận nào của hệ hô hấp đóng vai trò chính trong lời nói?

A. nose

B. pharynx

C. larynx

D. trachea

5. Which is not a job of the respiratory system?

A. takes in oxygen

B. gets rid of carbon dioxide

C. moistens air

D. makes ATP (Adenozin triphotphat)

6. Tiny hairs that move particles in the nose are called ______.

A. mucus

B. vocal cords

C. cilia

D. flagella

7. A small flap of tissue that covers the trachea is called ______.

A. bronchi phế quản

B. larynx thanh quản

C. pharynx hầu họng

D. epiglottis nắp thanh quản

8. When you breathe, your lungs take in ______ and remove ______.

A. air/oxygen

B. oxygen/carbon dioxide

C. carbon dioxide/waste

D. waste/air

9. The air sacs that are covered with capillaries where gas exchange takes place are ______.
A. bronchi

B. lungs

C. oxygen

D. alveoli

10. A chamber behind the nose and mouth that leads to the trachea is ______.

A. pharynx

B. trachea

C. epiglottis

D. larynx

11. The process of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and the blood
in the pulmonary capillaries is ______.

A. inspiration

B. expiration

C. internal respiration

D. external respiration

12. The windpipe, a passage through which air moves in the respiratory system is also called

A. trachea

B. lungs

C. larynx

D. bronchi

13. Which 2 substances are exchanged in the Respiratory System?

A. oxygen and nitrogen

B. carbon dioxide and oxygen

C. oxygen and glucose

D. glucose and carbon dioxide

14. What does the respiratory system release?

A. oxygen

B. glucose
C. carbon dioxide


15. Which is known as the voice box?

A. pharynx

B. larynx

C. trachea

D. bronchi

16. Which are (is) the main organs (organ) in the respiratory system?

A. Heart

B. Stomach

C. Lungs

D. Nose

17. The nose has two holes called ____ where the air enters our body.

A. Trachea

B. Nostrils

C. Bronchi

D. Bronchioles

18. The trachea is a tube that divides into two smaller tubes called ______.

A. Bronchi

B. Nostrils

C. Lungs

D. Epiglottis

19. Where do we have our vocal cords?

A. In the larynx

B. In the pharynx

C. In the trachea

D. In the mouth

20. They are two bag-shaped spongy organs.

A. Lungs

B. Vocal cords

C. Bronchi

D. Bronchioles

21. Little bags where the change between oxygen and carbon dioxide happens

A. Alveolus

B. Bronchioles

C. Lungs

D. Trachea

22. Where does air go after the pharynx during inhalation?

A. nose

B. trachea

C. bronchi

D. alveoli

23. Which system shares the pharynx with the respiratory system?

A. circulatory

B. digestive

C. excretory bài tiết

D. skeletal xương

24. When you exhale, air goes out of the trachea to the ______.

A. bronchi

B. alveoli

C. pharynx

D. esophagus

25. Where would you find cilia?

A. nose and alveoli

B. bronchioles and mouth

C. trachea and nose

D. all of the above

26. What connects the larynx to the lungs?

A. trachea

B. pharynx

C. nasal cavity

D. diaphragm

27. A chamber behind the nose and mouth that leads to the trachea and is part of the
digestive system and respiratory system is ______.

A. pharynx

B. trachea

C. epiglottis

D. larynx

28. The large muscle that contracts and relaxes and moves air in and out of the lungs is

A. epiglottis

B. alveoli

C. diaphragm

D. trachea

29. The air tubes in your lungs branch off into smaller, narrower tubes called ______.

A. bronchioles

B. trachea

C. larynx

D. cilia

30. Tiny hairlike structures that line your nose and most other airways of the respiratory
system is _______.

A. larynx

B. alveoli

C. cilia

D. diaphragm

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