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Organ System assesses this information and responds by activating

the appropriate body effectors (muscles or glands,

Integumentary System
which are organs that produce secretions).
The integumentary (in-teg″u-men′tar-e) system is the
Endocrine System
external covering of the body, or the skin, including
the hair and fingernails. It waterproofs the body and Like the nervous system, the endocrine (en′do-krin)
cushions and protects the deeper tissues from injury. system controls body activities, but it acts much more
With the help of sunlight, it produces vitamin D. It slowly. Endocrine glands produce chemical
also excretes salts in perspiration and helps regulate molecules called hormones and release them into the
body temperature. Sensory receptors located in the blood to travel to relatively distant target organs. The
skin alert us to what is happening at the body surface. endocrine glands include the pituitary, thyroid,
parathyroids, adrenals, thymus, pancreas, pineal,
Skeletal System
ovaries (in the female), and testes (in the male). The
The skeletal system consists of bones, cartilages, and endocrine glands are not connected anatomically in
joints. It supports the body and provides a framework the same way that the parts of other organ systems
that the skeletal muscles use to cause movement. It are. What they have in common is that they all
also has protective functions (for example, the skull secrete hormones, which regulate other structures.
encloses and protects the brain), and the cavities of The body functions controlled by hormones are many
the skeleton are the sites where blood cells are and varied, involving every cell in the body. Growth,
formed. The hard substance of bones acts as a reproduction, and the use of nutrients by cells are all
storehouse for minerals. controlled (at least in part) by hormones.

Muscular System Cardiovascular System

The muscles of the body have only one function—to The primary organs of the cardiovascular system are
contract, or shorten. When this happens, movement the heart and blood vessels. Using blood as a carrier,
occurs. The mobility of the body as a whole reflects the cardiovascular system delivers oxygen, nutrients,
the activity of skeletal muscles, the large, fleshy hormones, and other substances to, and picks up
muscles attached to bones. When these contract, you wastes such as carbon dioxide from, cells near sites of
are able to stand erect, walk, jump, grasp, throw a exchange. White blood cells and chemicals in the
ball, or smile. The skeletal muscles form the muscular blood help to protect the body from such foreign
system. These muscles are distinct from the muscles invaders as bacteria, viruses, and tumor cells. The
of the heart and of other hollow organs, which move heart propels blood out of its chambers into blood
fluids (such as blood or urine) or other substances vessels to be transported to all body tissues.
(such as food) along definite pathways within the
Lymphatic System
The role of the lymphatic system complements that of
Nervous System
the cardiovascular system. Its organs include
The nervous system is the body’s fast-acting control lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and other lymphoid
system. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, organs such as the spleen and tonsils. When fluid is
and sensory receptors. The body must be able to leaked into tissues from the blood, lymphatic vessels
respond to stimuli coming from outside the body return it to the bloodstream so that there is enough
(such as light, sound, or changes in temperature) and blood to continuously circulate through the body. The
from inside the body (such as decreases in oxygen or lymph nodes and other lymphoid organs help to
stretching of tissue). The sensory receptors detect cleanse the blood and house white blood cells
changes in temperature, pressure, or light, and send involved in immunity.
messages (via electrical signals called nerve
Respiratory System
impulses) to the central nervous system (brain and
spinal cord) so that it is constantly informed about The job of the respiratory system is to keep the body
what is going on. The central nervous system then supplied with oxygen and to remove carbon dioxide.
The respiratory system consists of the nasal passages, provides the site for the development of the fetus
pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Within (immature infant) once fertilization has occurred.
the lungs are tiny air sacs. Gases are exchanged with
the blood through the thin walls of these air sacs.
Directional Terms
Digestive System
Directional terms describe the positions of structures
The digestive system is basically a tube running
relative to other structures or locations in the body.
through the body from mouth to anus. The organs of
the digestive system include the oral cavity (mouth),
esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, and
rectum plus a number of accessory organs (liver, Superior or cranial - toward the head end of the body;
salivary glands, pancreas, and others). Their role is to upper (example, the hand is part of the superior
break down food and deliver the resulting nutrients to extremity).
the blood for dispersal to body cells. The breakdown Inferior or caudal - away from the head; lower
activities that begin in the mouth are completed in the (example, the foot is part of the inferior extremity).
small intestine. From that point on, the major function
of the digestive system is to reabsorb water. The Anterior or ventral - front (example, the kneecap is
undigested food that remains in the tract leaves the located on the anterior side of the leg).
body through the anus as feces. The liver is Posterior or dorsal - back (example, the shoulder
considered a digestive organ because the bile it blades are located on the posterior side of the body).
produces helps to break down fats. The pancreas,
which delivers digestive enzymes to the small Medial - toward the midline of the body (example,
intestine, has both endocrine and digestive functions. the middle toe is located at the medial side of the
Urinary System
Lateral - away from the midline of the body
A normal part of healthy body function is the (example, the little toe is located at the lateral side of
production of waste by-products, which must be the foot).
disposed of. One type of waste contains nitrogen
(examples are urea and uric acid), which results when Proximal - toward or nearest the trunk or the point of
the body cells break down proteins and nucleic acids, origin of a part (example, the proximal end of the
which are genetic information molecules. The urinary femur joins with the pelvic bone).
system removes the nitrogen-containing wastes from Distal - away from or farthest from the trunk or the
the blood and flushes them from the body in urine. point or origin of a part (example, the hand is located
This system, often called the excretory system, is at the distal end of the forearm).
composed of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and
urethra. Other important functions of this system
include maintaining the body’s water and salt Planes of the Body
(electrolyte) balance, regulating the acid-base balance
of the blood, and helping to regulate normal blood Coronal Plane (Frontal Plane) - A vertical plane
pressure. running from side to side; divides the body or any of
its parts into anterior and posterior portions.
Reproductive System
Sagittal Plane (Lateral Plane) - A vertical plane
The role of the reproductive system is to produce running from front to back; divides the body or any
offspring. The male testes produce sperm. Other male of its parts into right and left sides.
reproductive system structures are the scrotum, penis,
accessory glands, and the duct system, which carries Axial Plane (Plane Transverse) - A horizontal plane;
sperm to the outside of the body. The female ovaries divides the body or any of its parts into upper and
produce eggs, or ova; the female duct system consists lower parts.
of the uterine tubes, uterus, and vagina. The uterus
Median plane - Sagittal plane through the midline of Essential characteristics of life
the body; divides the body or any of its parts into
right and left halves.
True – DNA replicates in S Phase
False – late cytokinesis
True – similar flagella and cilia
True – 64 forms of amino acid
False – translation process mRNA
Life (environmental factors)
Transcription mRNA is the right answer
Skin – the largest part of the body
Liver is the largest internal part
Posterior – kidney in intestine
Medial – nose to the body
Stop Codon
Horizontal – one’s parallel divide superior
Right Hypochondriac – region occupies the abdomen
All of the above – functions of water
4 Objectives
None of the above – not true about water
Scanning – 4x
Negatively particles – not true about atomic nucleus
LPO – 10x
None of the above – not true about energy
HPO – 40x
Tertiary – protein has 3 dimensional arrangement
High immersion oil – 100x
mRNA – long strain chain of nucleotides
S phase – DNA replication
3 basic feedback system
G0 – resting phase cycle
Stable cells – multiply when needed
Ribosomes – site RNA cytosis
Nucleus – site of RNA synthesis
Gravity – not essential for survival
DNA replication
Pinocytosis – movement of extracellular in to cell
Mitochondria – power house of the cell
DNA template
Condenser – important part help correct light
ATG – CCG – TAT Integumentary system – protects the deeper tissues
from injury
Reproductive system – offspring
Lymphatic system – protect from harmful pathogen
Amino acids
Respiratory system – gas exchange
Methionine, Proline, Tyrosine
Skeletal system – protect and support body organ

Cell Cycle

Draw and describe anatomical position

G1 phase
S phase
G2 phase
 Prophase
Anatomical position refers to the positioning of the
 Metaphase
body when it is standing upright and facing forward
 Anaphase
with each arm hanging on either side of the body, and
 Telophase
the palms facing forward.

Immune system – destroy body bacteria/ tumor cell

Urinary system – removes the nitrogen-containing
wastes from
Muscular system – facial expression
Nervous system –

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