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Manifest Destiny

Questions (36 answers)

1. What area of land was received because of the French and Indian War?
2. What land was bought for the transcontinental railroad?
3. Where was the U. S. Mexican War started?
4. What land in the west is the most fertile?
5. What two areas of land were bought for 15 million dollars each?
6. What land was bought just for its port?
7. What land was bought because of the U. S. - Mexican War?
8. What part of the country is the most diversified?
9. What land was won by the U. S. in order to settle our borders in the north?
10. What was the first permeant English settlement in the Americas?
11. What geographic feature is part of the Proclamation of 1763?
12. What geographic feature stopped the National Road from going any further?
13. What geographic feature stopped the transcontinental railroad from being built?
14. What was acquired by the Adams-Onis Treaty?
15. What area did U.S. pay $5 Million for?
16. Name the part that cost $10 million.
17. What specific area made the most people move west?
18. What part on your map made people move west to grow large foods? It was a fertile area.
19. What coast is on the west? Do not put west coast.
20. What coast was used by England to start their colonies in America?
21. Mormons:
a. Who are they?
b. Where did they settle in the west?
c. Why did they settle where they did?
22. Louisiana Purchase:
a. What did it do to the size of our country?
b. What country did we buy it from?
c. What did we really want to purchase?
d. What year did we buy it?
23. Which president used the latitude to settle the Oregon Territory in his campaign speech?
24. Name the 7 states that are completely or partially part of the Mexican cession.

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