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Topic : The application of artificial intelligence

General purpose: to inform

Specific purpose: to inform the audience about the examples of the application of artificial
Central idea: Artificial intelligence have many benefits for our life.

1. Have you ever using Instagram or Tiktok? Of course most of us at least having one
account on each social media such as, facebook, instagram, TikTok and etc.
2. Now, did you ever searching for cat or maybe some most current viral things on that
social media? Do you know, several times you see the same content on the same time, the
social media algorithm will start to remember, recognize, and analyze the content,
therefore event if you close the social media and go back later, the same content will be
appear again but of course on the different content maker.
3. Those kind of repetitive activities was done by the Artificial Intelligence team from each
social media.
4. Artificial Intelligence is a combination of two words Artificial and Intelligence, which
refers to man-made intelligence. Therefore, when machines are equipped with man-made
intelligence to perform intelligent tasks similar to humans, it is known as Artificial
5. We can define AI as, "Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals
with developing intelligent machines which can behave like human, think like human,
and has ability to take decisions by their own."

I. The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Education
1. Creating smart content
Digitization of content like video lectures, conferences, and text book guides can
be made using Artificial Intelligence. We can apply different interfaces like
animations and learning content through customization for students from different
2. Voice Assistants
Without even the direct involvement of the lecturer or the teacher, a student can
access extra learning material or assistance through Voice Assistants. Through
this, printing costs of temporary handbooks and also provide answers to very
common questions easily.
3. Personalized learning
Using AI technology, hyper-personalization techniques can be used to monitor
students’ data thoroughly, and habits, lesson plans, reminders, study guides, flash
notes, frequency or revision, etc., can be easily generated.

II. The Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Lifestyle

1. Autonomous Vehicles
Automobile manufacturing companies like Toyota, Audi, Volvo, and Tesla use
machine learning to train computers to think and evolve like humans when it
comes to driving in any environment and object detection to avoid accidents.
2. Spam Filters
The email that we use in our day-to-day lives has AI that filters out spam emails
sending them to spam or trash folders, letting us see the filtered content only. The
popular email provider, Gmail, has managed to reach a filtration capacity of
approximately 99.9%.
3. Facial Recognition
4. Our favorite devices like our phones, laptops, and PCs use facial recognition
techniques by using face filters to detect and identify in order to provide secure
access. Apart from personal usage, facial recognition is a widely used Artificial
Intelligence application even in high security-related areas in several industries.

III. The Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Social Media

1. Instagram
On Instagram, AI considers your likes and the accounts you follow to determine
what posts you are shown on your explore tab.
2. Facebook
Artificial Intelligence is also used along with a tool called DeepText. With this
tool, Facebook can understand conversations better. It can be used to translate
posts from different languages automatically.
3. Twitter
AI is used by Twitter for fraud detection, removing propaganda, and hateful
content. Twitter also uses AI to recommend tweets that users might enjoy, based
on what type of tweets they engage with.

1. Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly a trending and emerging technology. It is growing
very fast day by day, and it is enabling machines to mimic the human brain.
2. Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the industries with its applications and helping
solve complex problems.
3. Due to its high performance and as it is making human life easier, it is becoming a highly
demanded technology among industries.
4. Therefore, we can conclude that it is a great technology, but each technique must be used
in a limited way in order to be used effectively, without any harm.


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