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Good morning/afternoon/evening!
Are you all right today? This is an online English class.
Good bye! See you soon!
Ha megértette ezt a pár szót, már nincs olyan nagy baj...
Ha nem, akkor sincs semmi elveszve, hiszen biztos vagyok benne, hogy az 1. pontban felsorolt szavakat – és még
milyen sokat – pontosan ismeri, sıt használja is nap mint nap.
Akkor nézzük ıket:

English Words everybody knows: (mindenki ismeri ezeket a szavakat)
Black and white, standard, colour, yellow submarine, computer, laptop, television and radio, taxi and car, street, metro,
monitor, test, school, unit, training, sport, football, basketball, goal, tennis, printer, pullover, user, instruction, sector,
system, video and film, tea, water, file and folder, floppy and disk, drive and mouse, cursor, character, window,
interface, number and digit, icon, edit, cut and paste, insert, scroll, lock etc.
Mit kell tudnunk róluk?
a. A jelentésüket
b. A kiejtésüket
c. A helyesírásukat

Az a. Nyilvánvaló, ebben az esetben nem probléma.

A b. Pont az angolban már probléma, hiszen a kiejtésben nincsenek örökérvényő szabályok. Ehhez segítenek az
un. Nemzetközi fonetikai jelek, amelyeket minden szótár felsorol, illetve az szavak mellett szögletes zárójelben megad.
(ezt kérem nézzék meg bármelyik szótárban!!!!) Mivel a korábban felsorolt szavakat ismerjük, ki is tudjuk ejteni ıket –
néhány kivétellel. Figyeljünk pl. a „digit” szó kiejtésére, illetve gyakorlatilag mindegyik szónál figyeljünk arra, hogy a
magyar kissé eltorzítva ejti ıket.
c. A helyesírás nem könnyő, hiszen itt sincsenek örökérvényő szabályok. Ugyanakkor megfigyelhetık bizonyos
ismétlıdések, amelyek a késıbbiekben fognak segíteni.

2. Nézzünk meg egy egyszerő angol mondatot, hogy levonhassuk az alapkövetkeztetéseket.

The car is black.
Látjuk, hogy az ismert szavakon kívül bekerült az „is” szócska, amely a létige, és amely azt mutatja, hogy az angolban
ige szerepel minden mondatban.
Ez alapján:
The monitor is new. The street is long. The taxi is white. The printer is good...
Tegyük többesszámba:
The cars are black.
A fınév tbsz.-a „s”, a létige tbsz.3.személyben „are”.
The monitors are new. The streets are long...

3. A személyes névmás alanyesetben + a létige „to be”:

I am
You are
He/she/it is – Himnem minden himnemő élılény, nınem minden nınemő, semlegesnem minden más
We are
You are
They are – nincs megkülönböztetés a nemek között

4. A szavakat elıljárószavak segítségével kapcsoljuk mondattá:

I am in the office. (ban-ben)
You are on the chair. (on-en-ön)
He is at the table. (nál-nél)
She is near the door. (közel, mellett)
It is behind the desk. (mögött)

We are in front of the monitor. (elıtt)
You are under the table. (alatt)
They are over the desk. (fölött)
Home Work
a. Írja be a hiányzó „to be” alakokat:
1. Mr. Smith .... in the office.
2. Sue and Mary .... at school.
3. The boys ..... in the computer room.
4. I .... in front of the display.
5. The girl ..... in the kitchen.
6. You ..... at the window.

b. Írja be a hiányzó elıljárószókat:

1. The printer is not .... the desk, it is ..... the table.
2. A mouse is ..... the mouse pad, ..... the monitor.
3. The cars are ..... the street, not ...... the park.
4. You are ..... home, not .... the office.
5. Peter and Tom are .... the English lesson, not ..... the computer room.
6. She is .... the door.

c. Fordítsa le:
1. A szoba a házban van, és fekete.
2. Az ikonok nagyok a képernyın.
3. Az irodában a számítógépek a fal közelében vannak.
4. A sárga taxik és a fekete autók az utcán vannak.
5. A betők nagyok a papíron. (paper)
6. Az asztalok a fal mellett vannak, de a székek az ajtó mögött.

1. Birtokos személyes névmás – mindig jelzıként, egyedül soha nem állhat!
My book
Your pen
His pendrive
Her phone
Its colour
Our classroom
Your laptop
Their lesson

2. To „have” – birtokolni, azaz nekem van. Ragozzuk a következı módon:

I have an orange.
You have an apple.
He/she/it has a house.
We have a problem.
You have a task.
They have a good program.

3. Névelı: Határozott „the”. Határozatlan „a” illetve „an”. A table, an apple – magánhangzóval kezdıdı fınév
elıtt kötıhangként belép egy „n”.

4. Összevont alakok: a beszédben általában ezeket használjuk, írásban „’”-val jelöljük.

a. I’m, you’re, he’s, she’s, it’s, we’re, you’re, they’re.
b. Tagadó alakban általában a not-tal vonjuk össze: I’m not, de you aren’t, he/she/it isn’t, we
aren’t, you aren’t, they aren’t.

5. Story:

Mr. Smith is in his office. He is in front of his computer. He has no laptop, but he has a printer in his room. His
chair is at the desk and his photos are on his table. He is a programmer. He has a colleague, Mr. Brown, who is
not in the room now. His desk is at the window with his computer, but he has no printer. (val-vel)

Válaszoljunk a következı kérdésekre:

a. Where is Mr. Smith?
b. What has he in his room?
c. Where is his chair?
d. Where are his photos?
e. Is Mr. Brown in the room now?
f. Who has no printer?

a. Írjuk be a hiányzó személyes névmásokat:
1. Peter is in ..... room.
2. We have a printer. ..... printer is at the window.
3. This is ..... laptop. I have it on my table.
4. Where is .... pen? My pen is near the TV.
5. Mother is at home. .... is in the kitchen with ..... book.
6. The boys are in the park with .... ball and dog.

b. Fordítás:
1. Nekem nincs angol szoftverem.
2. A kutyának nincs háza a kertben. (garden)
3. A mi telefonunk az ajtó mögött van.
4. Az ı naptára az asztalán van. (calendar)
5. Neked nincs kólád, a vized a szobában van.
6. A képernyıd sötét (dark), hol van a dokumentumom?

c. Vond össze a következı alakokat:

1. I am in the room but my friend is not.
2. If you are not at home, your phone is not in the kitchen.
3. They are not happy because their program is not very good.
4. His lunch is not good because he has no money.
5. The floppy-drive is not here because it is not good.

1. Kérdı névmások:
Who (ki) Who are you? Who is at home? Who has a car? ...
What (mi) What is under your bed? What is near my home? ....
How (hogyan) How are you? How do you do? ....
Why (miért) Why are you in the office? Why is your monitor dark? ...
Where (hol) Where is my pen? Where are the girls? ....
When (mikor) When is your English lesson? When is the end of the program? ....

2. Kérdések – fordított szórenddel.

He is at home. Is he at home? Where is he? When is he at home?
I have a car. Have I a car? – sokszor a „have got” alakot használjuk:
I have got a car. Have you got a car? Who has got a car? What have you got?
The books are on the desk. What are on the desk? Where are they? Are they on the desk?
Mary has got an elephant. Who has got an elephant? What has she got? Has she got a lion?

3. Story
Little Judy is in her room. She has a nice book in front of her. Her dog is near the book, on her bed. The book is
about animals. (ról-rıl) Her room is big and modern. She has got books, records and toys in the room. Her bed is

in the corner, her books are on her desk. Her mother is at home too, she is in the kitchen with her brother and
father. They have lunch soon. (hamarosan).

Answer the questions:

Who is in the room? What has she got in front of her? Where is her dog? What is the book about? Where is her
bed and where are her books? Is the mother at home? Who are in the kitchen? Where is her brother?

A. Tegye be a hiányzó kérdıszót (van, ahol több is helyes)
1. .... has lunch in the school?
2. .... are my books?
3. ..... is the end of this record?
4. ..... are you happy?
5. ...... are you today?
6. ..... have you got in your hand?

B. Tegyen fel kérdéseket az aláhúzott szavakra:

1. Judy is in her bed because she is not well.
2. The children are at school, the mother is in her office.
3. Mary and Joan are not in the garden.
4. The programmers are in the computer room every day.
5. My sister has a dog but he is always in the garden.
6. The teacher is in front of the board with the atlas.

C. Translate:
1. Nekem nincs pendrive-om, de a floppy-jaim a számítógép mellett vannak.
2. Hol vannak a te CD-id?
3. Mikor van az óra vége?
4. Ki van a konyhában a kutyával?
5. Mi van a mosógépben? Nekem nincs tiszta trikóm. (clean)
6. Nekünk angol óránk van. Hol van a tanár?

Szóképzés - szótanulás
1. Ha „process” jelentése „feldolgozni”, „word-processor” a szövegszerkesztı angol neve, mit jelent „food
2. Ha „actor” magyarul színész, mit jelent az „act” ige?
3. Ha „floppy drive” azt jelenti, hogy floppy meghajtó, mit jelent a „driver”?
4. Ha „customize” azt jelenti, hogy személyre szabni, mit jelent a „custom”?
5. Ha „network” azt jelenti, hogy hálózat, mit jelent a „network administrator”?

1. Folyamatos jelen idı – állító-tagadó-kérdı alakban (töltsük ki a hiányzó alakokat)
I’m working. Am I working? I’m not working.
You’re working.
He/she/it’s working.
We’re working.
You’re working.
They’re working.

2. Rövid válaszok – to be (a legrövidebb angol mondat személyes névmásból és segédigébıl áll)

Are you at home? Yes, I am/ No, I am not.
Have you got a helicopter? Yes, I have/No, I haven’t.
Is she English? Yes, she is/ No, she isn’t.

3. NUMBERS – tı- és sorszámnevek (rendhagyó alakok: first, second, third – elsı, második, harmadik).
Rövidítések: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, .... 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, ....

4. Story
Mr. King has three sons and two daughters. The first son is a banker. The second son is a businessman. The third
son is a singer. His first daughter is a doctor and the little daughter is at school. Mr. King is a happy man. When
he is at home, his children are around their father. (körül) The daughters are in the kitchen, the sons are in their
rooms, in front of their computer or with a book. It is a nice and big family.

Csináljunk kérdéseket az eddig tanult kérdınévmásokkal + a „which” (melyik) szóval.

A. Olvassuk el a mondatokat és tegyünk fel kérdéseket, felhasználva a megadott kérdıszót:
1. Mr. King is sitting in his room. Where...
2. He is happy because his family is around him. Why ....
3. His daughters are cooking in the kitchen. Who ....
4. His sons are reading in their rooms. What ....
5. His singer son is working in the TV. Who ...
6. His second son is writing an email to his company. What ...

B. Fordítás:
1. A gyerekek olvasnak az elsı órán.
2. Az állatok játszanak a parkban.
3. Mi nem fızünk, mert nincs vizünk.
4. Nem vagyok boldog, mert a gyerekek nem alszanak. (sleep)
5. A fiai nem dolgoznak, de nincsenek otthon.
6. A lányainknak nincs családja.

1. How are you today? Where are you now? Are you ready to learn English? It is Monday and we are learning
in front of the PC. Or have you got a laptop? What about a printer? Can you download the home work at
home? If you cannot, you can learn online. Are you ready? Let us start!
a. Fordítsd le ezt a pár mondatot, segítek néhány szóval:
i. To be ready – kész lenni
ii. To download – letölteni
iii. What about – és mi van/mi lenne ha ... (kifejezés)
iv. Let us (let’s) – felszólító mód
b. Fordítsuk le az alábbi mondatokat:
i. Kész vagyok tanulni a számítógéppel.
ii. Nem tudom letölteni ezt az angol szót.
iii. Nem vagyok otthon, nem tudom elolvasni az emailjeimet.
iv. Dolgozzunk a gép elıtt!
v. Ma nincs nyomtatónk.
2. CAN – segédige
I can work ...
You can learn ....
He/she/it can print ...
We can download ....
You can write ....
They can watch ....
(fejezzék be a mondatokat!)

a. Can you swim? Can you drive? Can you speak German?
b. Can your friend program? Can your sister/brother use the PC?
c. Írjunk egy pár mondatot magunkról és a családunkról a „can” felhasználásával.

3. Story
I live in Budapest, Hungary. I have a big family. I have two children, a son and a daughter. My son is 18
years old, he goes to a grammar school. My daughter is only 1. She goes to a primary school. My children
learn English and information technology (IT) at school. We love music, good films and travelling. We often
go to the cinema or theatre. Our flat is in the centre of the city, everything is near. At weekends we visit my
parents or go to Buda hills for a nice walk.

a. Vocabulary:
i. Grammar school – gimnázium
ii. Primary school – általános iskola
iii. Travelling – utazás
iv. Everything – minden

b. Answer the questions:

i. Where do you live?
ii. How many children have you got?
iii. What do they do?
iv. What do they learn at school?
v. What do they do at weekends?

c. Írjon egy pár hasonló mondatot a saját családjáról:

4. Általános jelen idı – kijelentı és állító mondatok

a. To work – levágjuk a fınévi igenév „to” jelét
b. I work, you work, he/she/it works, we work, you work, they work
c. Töltse ki az alábbi mondatokat a hiányzó ige megfelelı alakjával és fordítsa le:
i. I ....... a good book every evening.
ii. My daughters ....... films from the internet at weekends.
iii. His colleague ....... a lot of emails every day.
iv. You ....... in the hills every morning.
v. We ........ the printer only in the morning.
vi. She ....... in the kitchen in the evenings.

5. Birtokviszony (1) – of
a. Ha a birtokos élettelen, a szerkezet fordított szórendben áll: elıl jön a birtok + „of” + a birtokos.
Pl. The window of the house: A ház ablaka.
b. Fordítsuk le az alábbi kifejezéseket:
i. The colour of my mobile phone
ii. The photos of my house
iii. The helpdesk of this company
iv. The pages of your English book
v. The lense of this Japanese camera
vi. The problems of my operating system

c. Fordítsuk le az alábbi mondatokat:

i. Ennek a könyvnek az oldalai szépek.
ii. A ház falai tiszták
iii. A PCm hibái nagyok.
iv. A telefonom számai kicsik.
v. A teád színe sötét.
vi. A naptárad képei jók.

d. Tegyük a fenti mondatokat tagadóba.

A. Rakjuk rendbe az alábbi mondatokat úgy, hogy helyes angol mondatok legyenek, és utána fordítsuk le.
1. day, every, in, I, my, office, work
2. animals, are, of, photos, nice, the, very, your
3. every, evening, in, she, streets, the, walks
4. are, characters, of, small, the, this, word
5. cooks, in, lunches, nice, she, school, the

B. Változtattuk meg az alábbi mondatokat a zárójelben megadott szavak szerint:

1. I always have lunch in the school. (she)
2. They cook every day. (He)
3. The animals of this park are old. (not)
4. The icon on my monitor is big. (icons)
5. She has a good Japanese camera. (we)

C. Fordítás:
1. Hol vagy? Le tudsz tölteni zenét? Mikor tudsz sétálni a hegyekben? Ki tud dolgozni a szobádban?
2. Az újság oldalai fehérek. A szobám falai tiszták. A naptár képei szépek. A tollam színe piros.
3. Nem tudok olvasni ebéd után. (after) Neked nincs autód. Ez a kép nem szép. Az autó ablaka nincs

1. Story
Mrs. Brown lives in the country. She has a farm with a lot of animals. She works very hard all day. She
gets up very early and makes breakfast in the kitchen. Then she works with the animals. She has a lot of
chickens so she can make a nice omlette for breakfast. When the children go to school she goes to the
field where her workers work for her. She loves nature but her days are very long. In summer she starts at
5 in the morning and can go into the house only when the children get home from school. She stops work
only when it gets dark.
a. Vocabulary: hard – kemény/en
To make breakfast – reggelit készíteni
Nature – természet
Field – mezı/szántóföld
To get home – haza érni
To get dark besötétedni
b. Fordítsuk le a történetet és utána válaszoljunk az alábbi kérdésekre.
a. Where does she live?
b. Why does she work hard all day?
c. Why can she make omlette for breakfast?
d. When does she start work in summer?
e. When can she stop work?

2. Idıhatározó kifejezések:
i. In the morning/at noon/in the afternoon/in the evening/at night.
ii. At five o’clock. At half past 5. At a quarter past 5. At a quarter to 6. At 5 minutes to six.
iii. Fordítsák le az alábbi kifejezéseket:
Reggel hatkor. Este fél nyolckor. Déli tizenkettıkor. Öt perccel 3 után. Negyed tizenegykor. Éjjel
egykor. Délben.

Írjon egyszerő jelen idejő mondatokat a saját napjáról. Mindegyikben írja le, hogy pontosan mikor... (I
start my work at eight.)

3. Egyszerő jelen idı – kérdı mondatok

I work. Do you work?

She works. Does she work?
She reads the newpaper every morning. Does she read the paper every morning?
What does she read ...? When does she read ...?
The girls love dancing. Do they love dancing? What do they love?

a. Make a question to the underlined word/s:

1. Mr. Johnson telephones his wife every afternoon.
2. Mary sends a letter to every client today.
3. We love to live in the centre.
4. My son works hard at school.
5. The students love this teacher because he is very good.

4. Egyszerő jelen idı – tagadás

I do not (don’t) like bananas.
You don’t love Mary.
He/she doesn’t live in Paris.
We don’t eat fish.
You don’t drink beer.
They don’t sleep in a hotel.

a. Tegye az alábbi mondatokat tagadóba:

1. The little girl likes oranges.
2. Tom loves chocolate.
3. We eat ice cream every day.
4. I download software free.
5. You use the instruction book.
6. He always uses small characters.

b. Make a negative question to the following sentences (e.g. Why don’t you like Microsoft?)
1. My friend doesn’t use a word processor.
2. We don’t like classical music.
3. The dog doesn’t like its new home.
4. The teacher doesn’t correct our errors.
5. The lesson doesn’t end at five.
6. The book doesn’t show illustrations.

4. Prepositions – from, to, with, at, before, after.

a. I’m coming from school (ból-bıl, tól-tıl)
b. She works with Tom. (val-vel)
c. I am going to the post office. (ba-be, hoz-hez-höz)
d. The lesson starts at eight. (kor-kör)
e. I always wash hands before lunch. (elıtt)
f. After school we go home. (után)

1. Otthon vagyok ebéd elıtt.
2. Tizenegykor a gyerekek alszanak.
3. A gépem mindig jó a teszt után.
4. A fiad a lányommal játszik a kertben.
5. Nyolctól az étteremben vagyok.

5. Who/ki –re kérdezés:

a. Who is waiting for the doctor? (vár)
b. Who can answer my question?
c. Who writes emails in English?

d. Who is at home now?
e. Who has the English version of this software?

a. Kik vannak a boltban most?
b. Ki tudja lefordítani ezt a szót? (translate)
c. Kik jönnek el erre a programra?
d. Ki csinál ebédet a gyerekeknek?
e. Kiknek van meg ez a program?
f. Kinek van egy órája? Hány óra van? (watch, what is the time?)

A. Tedd bele a helyes elıljárószót:
1. They are ..... the restaurant .... a table .... the visitors from London.
2. She is learning ..... her friend .... the livingroom.
3. My parents work ..... a big IT company .... Berlin.
4. Her book is ...... the newspaper, this is why you cannot see it.
5. The system administrator works .... this office ...... 8 o’clock every day.
6. Where are you coming …. ? Is your computer …. you?

B. Egyszerő vagy folyamatos jelen? Párban vannak a mondatok, de melyik melyik?

1. İ nem eszi meg a gyümölcsöt. Éppen gyümölcsöt eszem.
2. Éppen dolgoznak a gépemen. Hol dolgozol?
3. Le szoktam tölteni a házi feladatot az internetrıl. Éppen zenét töltök le, tudsz várni?
4. Éppen levelet írok neked. Nem szeretek emailezni.
5. Az orvosra vár. İ mindig késın jön.
6. Bort iszik este. Nem iszom alkoholt, mert vezetek.

a. Győjtsünk „or/er”-re végzıdı szavakat és fordítsuk le ıket:

Teacher, singer, instructor, programmer, administrator, operator, writer, reader, user, waiter, worker, driver, printer ...
b. Győjtsünk „ing”-re végzıdı szavakat és fordítsuk le ıket:
singing, writing, reading, working, driving, printing...
Mi a különbség?
Képezzük tovább az alábbi igéket, és írjuk le a magyar jelentésüket:
a. to type (gépelni)
b. to visit (látogatni)
c. to draw (rajzolni)
d. to build (építeni)
e. to help (segíteni
f. to publish (kiadni)
g. to illustrate


1. Személyes névmások tárgy esete: me, you, him/her/it, us, you, them
a. Mikor használjuk:
i. Ha a mondatban tárgyként szerepel. E.g. I can see you. (látlak téged)
ii. Ha elıtte valamilyen elıljárószó áll. E.g. I am looking at you. (rád nézek éppen).
b. Mit jelentenek az alábbi kifejezések:
i. with him
ii. from us
iii. in front of me
iv. near him
v. behind it
vi. from her
vii. over them

viii. to you
ix. before it
x. after them.

2. Birtokviszony (2): Ha a birtokos élılény, a szórend a magyarral megegyezik. A két szó között egy „’s” ‘ áll.
Pl. The singer’s guitar.
a. Translate the following expressions:
i. A kutya háza
ii. A tanár könyvei
iii. A toll szine
iv. Az emberek újságjai (people)
v. A tanulók táskái
vi. A táskák zsebe
vii. A konferencia programja
viii. A CD borítója (cover)

b. Translate the following sentences into English:

i. A printer ajtaja nyitva van.
ii. Az épület balkonjai nagyok. (balcony)
iii. A rendszergazda gépe erıs.
iv. A mamám mobilja drága. (expensive)
v. A lakás bére magas. (rent, high)
vi. Ennek a terméknek az ára alacsony. (price, low)
vii. Az újság ára a TV mellett van.
viii. A dolgozó pénze nem magas.

3. Story
My brother works as a programmer in a big multinational company. He is in the IT department. He writes
programs in C sharp and Java. He makes good money because he is a good expert. He speaks English so he
reads manuals and software specifications in English. He often uses the internet; he downloads free software,
reads articles about high-tech gadgets and chats with people all over the world. He gets a lot of emails from other
programmers from Great Britain, France, and Germany etc. He is a happy man because he does what he likes.

Decide which sentence is True and which is False:

1. Your brother has a big company.
2. His salary is high.
3. He does not speak languages.
4. He can understand English instructions.
5. He often downloads music and videos.
6. He generally chats with people in Hungarian.
7. He wants to find a better job.

4. Kérdések az állítmányra – a “do” két használata

a. A “do” mint segédige mindig belép a kérdések szerkesztésébe, ha más segédige nincs. (eddig
tanult segédigék: be, have, do, can). E.g. Do you speak English? Ezekben az esetekben külön
jelentése nincs.
b. A “do” mint fıige jelentése “csinálni”. E.g. What are you doing? Mit csinálsz? What do you do?
Mivel foglalkozol?

1. Tegyük be a “do” megfelelı alakját és fordítsuk le:

a. I’m not ……….. anything, I’m only sitting here.
b. What do you ….. in the evenings?
c. He is ……… his homework in his room.
d. …… he like ham and eggs?
e. They …… not want to buy me a hamburger.
f. …. You want to go home now?

5. Szóképzés, “szócsinálás”
a. Drive (pendrive, floppy drive, disk drive)
b. Inform, operate, instruct, correct, explain (magyaráz), apply, ige + “tion” = elvont fınév (sajnos
elıfordulnak apróbb változások: information, operation, instruction, correction, explanation,
application. Mit jelentenek ezek a szavak?
c. Birtokviszony nélkül is összetehetık szavak a következı módon:
Kitchen door, bathroom window, instruction guide, software manual, program specification etc.
Találjunk még hasonló fınév+fınév összetételeket!

1. Story
My friend, Joe is a web designer. I think his work is very interesting. He has his own company and works for
the big firms as a free-lancer. He designs the home sites for e-business. I sometimes help him. We ask a lot
of questions about the company like:
What is their profile? What is their target group? What is their product range? Have they got a corporate
image? Have they got a logo? What information do they want to put on the home page? How much money
do they want to spend on the web development etc.
a. Vocabulary:
Free-lancer: szabadúszó
Target group: célcsoport
Corporate image: a cégre jellemzı egységes kép
To spend on: költeni (idıt vagy pénzt)
b. Are the following sentences True or False: (igaz/hamis)
a. My friend works for a big company.
b. I work for the same firm.
c. They always make the web sites together.
d. They ask a lot of questions about the company.
d. Read the following short form of the same story and fill in the blanks (töltse ki)
Joe is a ......... who works as a ....... He generally ...... web pages. The companies he works ...... have e-
business. He doesn’t always work alone because his …… helps him. They ask ……. about the firms. They
want to know what …… the firms want to put on their homepage. They ask ….. much money the companies
want to ….. on their home site.

2. Grammar
a. Velem, hozzád, elıttünk, utánuk, mögötte, az elıtt, rajtuk, fölöttem.
b. Make questions:
i. I have an English car.
ii. My friend lives in Budapest.
iii. Judy learns German at school.
iv. We design houses.
v. They love cocktails.
c. Answer: (short answers when possible)
i. Have you got a car? Can you drive?
ii. Has she got children? Does she work?
iii. Can you speak languages? Do you travel a lot?
iv. Are you at home now? Or are you working?
v. Do you like films? Do you go to the cinema with your friends or family?
d. Translate:
i. Nem szeretem az adatbáziskezelést.
ii. Péter nem lakik a szüleivel.
iii. Nekünk nincs TV-nk, gyakran megyünk moziba.
iv. A gyerekek nem tanulnak nyelveket, mert angol papájuk van.

v. A honlapod nagyon szép, én is akarok tervezni egyet.

3. New grammar:
a. “Want to” – I want to go home. What do you want to do at the weekend? Why don’t you write me
an email? Who doesn’t want to visit the IT show?
b. “sok” – many/much Megszámolható fınevek elıtt many (utána a fınév többesszámba kerül),
megszámlálhatatlanok elıtt much (+egyesszám)
i. Tbsz: many books, many friends, many laptops...
ii. Esz: much work, much time, much money, much gold...
Állító mondatokban sokszor mindkét alak helyett az „a lot of” kifejezést használjuk:
A lot of work, a lot of girls, a lot of water, a lot of coffee, a lot of papers ...
How much/How many – ugyanazzal a logikával:
How much money have you got?
How many people learn word processing?

1. Sok levelet akarok ma megírni.
2. Hány emailt kapsz egy nap?
3. Miért dolgozol olyan sokat?
4. Nem akar sok új angol szót tanulni.
5. Sok barátja van, de ık nem akarnak segíteni neki.

4. Word-formation:
a. Make the following words longer and write down their meaning (toldjunk az alábbi szavakhoz
toldalékokat, és írjuk mellé a jelentésüket:
i. Instruct
ii. Wait
iii. Use
iv. Play
v. Correct
vi. Read

1. Story
After school Mary usually goes home but today she wants to visit the international fair of IT products. At half past
two she meets her friends and they start. First they take a bus then they get on the metro. When they arrive, they
buy the tickets and at a quarter past three they are in front of the central gate of the fair. After they look at the map
they go to the pavilion of the high-tech gadgets where they can see a lot of robots and other interesting household
and industrial gadgets on display. They collect a lot of brochures because they want to read some information
about these devices at home. The weather is nice and they enjoy the pleasant afternoon. At about six o’clock they
are tired so they go home.
a. Vocabulary
a. International fair: nemzetközi kiállítás/vásár
b. Take/get on: felszállni
c. Gadget/device: eszköz, kis gép
d. Household/industrial: háztartási/ipari
e. Enjoy: élvezni
f. Be tired: fáradtnak lenni

b. Questions:
a. What does Mary want to do after school?
b. When does she meet her friends?
c. Where do they buy the tickets?
d. How do they go to the fair?
e. Where can they get information about the fair?
f. Why do they collect brochures?

g. At what time do they go home?

2. Time-expressions:
a. It’s six o’clock. It’s half past six. It’s ten past six. It’s a quarter to seven. It’s five minutes to
b. At six o’clock. At half past two….
c. First I go home then I have dinner. Before breakfast I dress. After dinner I watch TV. Sometimes
I go out to a pub. I never go to bed before ten. I usually read a good book in bed. When I start
work very early in the morning, I don’t read. When I go to bed very late, I’m tired next morning.
Jövı évben, kora reggel, az órák után, a szünidı elıtt, általában este, késı délután, múlt héten (last).
A jövı héten nem megyek suliba. A film elıtt megnézünk egy zeneclippet. Soha nem olvasom el a
sportoldalt. Általában otthon vannak kora délután. Elıször leírom az új szavakat, majd beleteszem ıket
egy mondatba. (sentence). Ötkor kel, mert messze lakik a cégtıl.

3. Elıljárószók ismétlés
a. Helyhatározói: to, from, at, in, on, in front of, behind, under, over, in the middle of (közepén),
round (körülötte), near, far from, next to (mellett), ...
b. Idıhatározói: after, before, at, around/about (kb), until/till (ig) by (idıpontra), from ... to (tól-
ig), between (között)
Öt körül jön be a céghez. A kávé után legépelem ezt a levelet. Az értekezlet elıtt (meeting) várlak az
irodámban. Ha hatig nincs kész a program (be ready), nem fizetünk.
Messze lakik, de van egy iroda a lakásuk mellett is. Az épület a város közepén áll, nem messze a
pályaudvartól. A szálloda mögötte van, virágok és egy park van körülötte.

4. There is/are – Mindig a mondat elején áll, valaminek a meglétét vagy hiányát fejezi ki. Utána vagy
határozatlan névelı, vagy nincs névelı. Pl. There is a pendrive on my desk. Kérdésben fordított a szórend: Is
there a PC in your room? Yes, there is one, but it does not work.
a. Short answers: Is there a garden around your house? Is there a TV in your bedroom? Are there
printers in your office room? Are there many shops near your home?
b. Translation: Van kész terv az új honlapra? Vannak angol szavak a füzetedben? Van egy
felhasználói kézikönyv a csomagban? Vannak új feladatok jövı hétre?

5. Dialogue: Peter and Frank are in the office. It is late afternoon and they are tired.

P: I would like to go home. What time is it?

F: It is half past seven. I’m tired too, but the program is not running.
P: What can we do now? Tomorrow we can test it again.
F: OK, but I cannot come in before ten. My son is ill. I’m taking him to the doctor.
P: When is the deadline?
F: I think it is tomorrow. Tomorrow is 1st October.
P: Then we can work on it until late.
F: I’m sorry, but tomorrow I’m going to the theatre with my wife. We have two tickets for a good musical…
P: Then I’m afraid we have to stay and work another hour.
F: OK….

6. Dates:
a. Today is 30th September. It is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you usually do on
Saturdays? On Saturday and Sunday I usually get up late. But on Monday, the 3rd October I have
an early meeting with my boss. Are you in on Tuesday and Wednesday too? I want to talk to you
about the new tasks for October. In October we will be very busy.

1. Write a short composition about your week. (what do you usually do on weekdays and at weekends)

2. Answer the following questions (longer answers)
a. When do you usually get up on weekdays? And at weekends?
b. How do you spend your mornings?
c. Where do you work and how do you go there?
d. Where do you have lunch and your other meals?
e. What do you do after work?
f. What are your favourite evening activities?
g. When do you go to bed?

3. Translate:
a. Pénteken edzésem van, késın jövök haza. Hétfınként álmos vagyok, korán hazamegyek és TV-t
nézek. Minden nap késın fekszem le, mert internetezek, vagy emaileket küldök.
b. Nem szeretem a pénteket, ha az tizenharmadika. Május elsején nem dolgozunk. A szülinapom
április másodikán van. A hétvégén meglátogatom a nagyszüleimet.
c. Minden nap fél nyolckor kezdıdik a hírmősor. Tízre a gyerekek ágyban vannak. Öt és hét között
angolt tanulunk. Csütörtökön a szövegszerkesztı óra után, tizenegykor hazamegyünk.

UNIT 10.

1. Dialogue:
Mr. Smith is the boss. He is very angry, because his computer always freezes down and he cannot work. He is
phoning to the system administrator, Mr. Johnson.
S: This is Mr. Smith from the R and D department.
J: Hello, Mr. Smith. I’m Fran Johnson. What is the problem?
S: I phoned yesterday and told you my computer always freezes down. Nobody came to have a look at it. I cannot
work like this …
J: I’m very sorry, but it was my colleague, I didn’t work yesterday. I’m on my way to your office. On which floor is
S: It is number 622 on the sixth floor. And if you are coming this way, could you bring a new cartridge for the
printer, my secretary says the old cartridge is not working. It needs shaking from time to time.
J: Certainly, Mr. Smith. I will have a look at it.

a. Vocabulary:
R and D department (Research and Development) Kutatási és fejlesztési osztály
Like this: így, ilyen módon
Shake: rázni
From time to time: idánként, idırıl-idıre.
b. Read the following story and fill in the blanks:
Mr. Smith is ….. because his computer ….. down from time …. Time. He phones the system ….., who tells him he
….. work yesterday. He asks him where his …. is. Mr. Smith asks him to bring a new …… because the old one
doesn’t …..
c. Translate:
Mr. S. A kutatási és fejlesztési osztályon dolgozik. İ a fınök. Ma nem tud dolgozni, mert a PC-je nem mőködik. İ
megkéri a rendszergazdát, hogy nézzen rá a gépére. A titkárnı kér egy új patront a nyomtatóba, mert az csak
akkor nyomtat, ha a titkárnı megrázza.

2. Grammar: Past tense of „to be”: I was, you were, he/she/it was, we were, you were, they were.
a. I ..... at home last night.
b. She ..... at school on 1st September.
c. We .... in the office all Saturday.
d. They .... in front of their monitor all night.
I wasn’t tired after the class.
We weren’t in Budapest in the summer.
Where were you yesterday?
Who was at home on Sunday?

3. Grammar: Past tense (simple)
a. She worked all night. A nem rendhagyó igéket a múlt idı jelével látjuk el „ed”. Minden személyben
ezt használjuk.

Turn into past tense:

i. She walks in the park.
ii. They watch TV in after dinner.
iii. Mr. Smith uses the computer every day.
iv. The students type emails in English.
v. The system administrator replaces the old cartridges.
b. Rendhagyó (irregular) igéknél meg kell tanulni az eltérı alakokat (ez a szótári második alak). Pl:
Come – came, drink-drank, go-went, sleep-slept read-read (!), sit-sat, begin-began.
Turn into past tense:
- She goes home early.
- They drink sherry after dinner.
- Mary sleeps from two to five every afternoon.
- My parents come home early from the cinema.
- She reads the news on the internet.
- They sit down and start reading.
- The lesson begins at a quarter past eight.
Look up the important irregular verbs in a dictionary!

4. Past tense – questions and negative sentences: Did you go to the cinema last night? I didn’t, but my
sister did.
Mindig a „do” segédige múlt idejő alakját használjuk, kivéve, ha alanyra kérdezünk. Pl. Who asked you this
interesting question?
a. Make questions to the following sentences (to the underlined word/s)
1. Mr. Green worked late last night.
2. He arrived with roses.
3. The students switched on the PCs.
4. This software didn’t run on my laptop.
5. She sent me a message in English.
6. The programmer finished his work before deadline.
b. Fill in the blanks:
1. How …. you know my email address?
2. Who ….. off my PC? I wanted to work …. it.
3. Why …… she buy a new car? Her old car …. very good.
4. Where ….. you buy this nice pullover?
5. When …. she download this film?

5. Story
The company ordered the web-designer to develop a new site because the old one looked uninteresting.
When they had the first meeting, the web-designer showed the manager of the marketing department some
of his prior web sites and told him that he needed about 50 hours to design a nice and up-to-date site. When
he asked him the price, he told him it was about one million forint. The manager liked his prior works but said
he couldn’t make a decision. He needed time because he wanted to talk to the general manager first.

a. Vocabulary:
Interesting/uninteresting – not interesting
Prior – korábbi
Need – szüksége van
Up-to-date – modern
Make a decision – döntést hozni
b. Translate the following sentences:

A web-fejlesztı megmutatta a korábbi munkáit. Az osztályvezetınek tetszettek azok, de nem akart egyedül
dönteni. A fejlesztı elmondta neki, hogy kb. 50 órára van szüksége a munkához. A munka ára nem volt túl

6. Word-formation: - ellentét képzık:

a. Kind/unkind, interesting/uninteresting, happy/unhappy
b. Upload/download, go up/down, scroll up/down, stand up/sit down
c. Turn on/off, switch on/off, be on/off


1. Write a few words about your work – use the following questions:
a. Where is your work place? How do you go there?
b. Working hours? When do you start and finish work?
c. IT at your work place: Have you got a printer/fax machine/ pendrive....? What operating system is
installed on your PC? Do you work in a network? Do you use the internet?
d. Your meals at the work place? Is there a canteen or cafeteria?
e. People/colleagues, team work

UNIT 11.
1. Story
Sue loves her computer. She spends emailing and accessing the internet all her free time. Yesterday she got
home after six and immediately sat down to her PC. First she checked her emails and answered some of them.
Then she wanted to look up some English words in an online dictionary. After finishing her English home work she
decided to read the news online. When she got tired and felt hungry she decided to make some nice dinner. First
she checked what she had in her fridge, and then she searched for an online cook book in Google search. The
problem was when she finished reading the recipes, it was too late. So she made a ham and eggs and quickly
went to bed.
Look up – kikeresni valamit
Dictionary – szótár
Cook book, recipe – szakácskönyv, recept
Quickly – gyorsan

True or False:
a. Sue often writes emails and browses the internet.
b. Yesterday she got home late so first she had dinner.
c. She needed a dictionary for her home work.
d. She decided to find some nice recipe online.
e. She found a nice dish so she started preparing it.
f. After dinner she accessed the internet before going to bed.

2. Read the following dialogue between Sue and her friend, Helen the next morning.

H: Hi, Sue, how are you? Did you have a nice evening yesterday?
S: Not bad, just the usual. I sat in front of my monitor and mostly used the internet.
H: What for?
S: First I looked up some English words, then I read the news.
H: Do you sometimes use some search engine?
S: Of course, Google. Do you know that there is a Google Image Search?
H: No, but what is it good for?
S: You type in a word and get hundreds or thousands of pictures. If you want to know more about the picture you
choose, you can click on it and you can read the original text going with it. Why don’t you try it once?
H: It’s a good idea. Just now I have no time for it. There are some letters to type…

Here you find the short summary of the dialogue but some words are missing. Fill in the blanks:
a. Helen asks Sue about her …… last night. Sue tells her that her evening was the ….. First she looked … some
English words then read the ….. Sue tells her friend about the Google ….. Search. She thinks it is very interesting
because if you click …. the image, you can find the ….. text about it. She tells Helen to ….. it once. Helen cannot
do it now because she has some letters to ….. first.

Choose/chose – választani
Original text – eredeti szöveg
Once – egyszer
Type – gépelni

3. Grammar: Past tense – irregular verbs – a szótárban 3 alakot adnak meg, a második alak a múlt idı, a
harmadik az un. befejezett melléknévi igenév, pl. az elolvasott levél. Ezt a három alakot meg kell tanulni.
Most csak a második alakra van szükség, a harmadik alak kell másik igeidıkhöz, szenvedı igeragozáshoz,
a. She sent an email.
b. He built a house in the country.
c. They saw a nice American musical.
d. We had an English lesson on Monday.
e. It stood at the river-side.
f. You made some mistakes in the home work.
g. Peter spent all his money on the new monitor.

Kérdésben, tagadásban ugyanúgy járunk el, mint az un. gyenge igéknél:

a. When did she send the email?
b. What house did he build?
Csináljuk meg a többi kérdést!

We did not have an English lesson on Monday.

A többit csináljuk meg!

4. Kérdıszó a Milyen-re: What is the new book like? What lessons have we got on Tuesday?
a. Ha a kérdıszó után közvetlenül jön a létige, a mondat végén a „like” szócskát használjuk.
b. Tegyük két csoportba a kérdéseket a szerint, hogy melyik kérdıszót használnánk:
A. Milyen ma az idıjárás? B. Milyen ruhát vegyek fel? C. Milyen monitort használsz? D. Milyenek a
tanáraitok? E. Milyen könyvet olvasol a vizsga elıtt? F. Milyen szótárt használsz? G. Milyen ez a

5. Can – Could: A can múlt idıben could: She couldn’t read her email for a week.
a. Translate:
i. Nem tudtam megcsinálni a házi feladatot.
ii. Nem tudtuk feltölteni az új fájlt.
iii. Nem tudták elolvasni a hibaüzenetet.
iv. Sue nem tudta felinstallálni az új egerét.
v. Mindenki el tudta olvasni az utasításokat angolul.

Tagadó és kérdı alakokban a Could-ot használjuk: Could you use Flash?

b. Tegyünk fel kérdéseket az elızı mondatokra.

6. Everybody, somebody, nobody, anybody…

a. Every és összetételei a “minden”-t jelentik. Everybody has a good program for tonight.
Everybody, everything, everywhere, every time. Az Every után a fınév egyes számban marad: Every
child loves icecream.

Minden nap használja a laptopját. Mindenhol volt egy printer. Minden tiszta volt. Minden teremben volt
egy vetítı a padok fölött. Mindenki lemásolta a szavakat a tábláról. Minden rajta volt a honlapon.
Minden alkalommal kivette a pendrávját a zsebébıl.

b. Some és összetételei állító mondatban a valami, néhány, pár kifejezéseket jelentik: Some books
– néhány könyv, something – valami, somebody, somewhere, sometimes …
A some után a fınév többesszámba kerül, ha megszámlálható, egyesszámban marad, ha
Csoportosítsuk a következı fıneveket a szerint, hogy tbsz.-ba vagy egyesszámba kerülnek-e a
some névmás után:
Money, girl, word, time, file, folder, gold, help, directory, error, happiness, friend, bread, operator.

c. Kérdımondatban a some helyett any-t és összetételeit használjuk: Is there anything in your

hand? Could anybody understand the question?
i. Alakítsuk át a következı mondatokat kérdıvé:
a. Most people use some software.
b. He has some bugs in his program.
c. We can see some spelling mistakes in this letter.
d. They have some problems with the antivirus software.
e. He went somewhere after the meeting because he had his bag with him.

ii. Fordítsuk le a következı mondatokat és utána tegyünk fel egy-egy kérdést a megadott
1. Valaki tegnap kicserélte a CDt a meghajtóban. Why…
2. Ebéd után letettem a mobilomat valahova. When …
3. Vett néhány könyvet angolul.
4. Volt néhány üzeneted, de kitöröltem ıket. Who …
5. Van néhány egér a raktárban, kihozok néhányat az irodába. Where …

d. Tagadóban szintén az Any és összetételei a helyesek: He did not see any errors in the flowchart.
i. Tegyük tagadóba az elızıt i. Feladat mondatait (vigyázzunk a múlt idı DID
ii. Fordítsuk le a következı mondatokat:
1. Nem láttam semmi új hírt az újságban.
2. Nem talált semmi hibát a feladatodban.
3. İk sehova sem mentek a hétvégén.
4. Mi semmit nem csináltunk az órán.
5. A tanár semmit nem mondott, csak emaileket küldött.

iii. Tegyünk fel kérdéseket az elızı mondatokra!

e. Alapszabály: az angolban nem szabad duplán tagadni. Tehát a sehol semmit nem láttam – féle
mondatot a következı képpen fordítjuk: I did not see anything. Azonban ha hangsúlyt akarunk
tenni a tagadásra, használhatjuk a no és összetételei (nothing, nobody, nowhere) szavakat.
Ilyenkor viszont az igét állító alakban kell hagynunk.
Pl: Nobody came to see you while you were out. He went nowhere during the week. We had no
time for the corrections.
i. Alakítsuk át a következı tagadó mondatokat úgy, hogy hangsúlyosak legyenek:
1. She did not go anywhere because she was ill.
2. I could not see anything because the screen was dark.
3. We did not have any money to buy a flatscreen.
4. Mr. Brown did not help anybody in the office.
5. The system administrator did not install any software on the PCs.

ii. Tegyünk fel kérdı mondatokat az elızı mondatokra!

iii. Fordítsuk le a mondatokat úgy, hogy hangsúlyosak legyenek:
1. Senki nem érkezett késın ma reggel.
2. Nem talált senkit az irodában 5 után.
3. Semmi hibám nem volt az angol levélben.
4. Sehova nem mentek, várják a karbantartókat.
5. Nem írt semmit az új programról.

iv. Tegyünk fel kérdéseket az elızı mondatokra!

7. Szóképzés,szóalkotás: Az angolban sokszor cask összeteszünk két szót, és így alkotunk egy fogalmat:
kitchen door, sitting-room window, anélkül, hogy birtokos szerkezetet használnák.
a. A két megadott listából rakjunk össze értelmes összetett szavakat:
A. user, bread, pocket, printer, error, photo, screen, dial, site, instruction, mouse,
B. album, book, knife, make, money, manual, map, pad, tone, message, saver.

b. Fordítsuk le az alábbi mondatokat:

1. Volt egy kis szebpénzem minden hónapban.
2. Elolvastam néhány hibaüzenetet.
3. Volt néhány szép kép az egéralátétemen.
4. Valaki az asztalon hagyott néhány kenyérvágó kést.
5. Senki nem ismerte a nyomtató márkáját.

Read the following story and make some questions:
Somebody visited me yesterday but I did not know him. He told me some names but I didn’t understand anything he
said. He showed me some photos with some children but nobody looked familiar (ismerıs). He wanted to take me out
somewhere but I didn’t want to go anywhere because I was tired. When I asked him some questions he didn’t want to
answer just repeated that he wanted to help me. When I asked him to get out of my flat he didn’t say anything just
looked at me. I decided to do something so I said I wanted to phone somebody. I was lucky because my son came
home some time later and sent my visitor away.

UNIT 12.

1. Story
The children started learning for their ECDL test in September. First they learned about DOS and the operation
systems then they began using Windows. The word processing lessons were easy for them but when the teacher
explained about the spreadsheet program, Sue seemed to be unhappy. First of all she didn’t understand why she
needed it as she didn’t want to become an economist or an analyst. Joe told her to wait for the database management
lessons because they were much harder. This is hard enough for me – said Sue but she felt better when they shifted
over to the internet lessons. She enjoyed browsing the internet, using the different search engines and sending emails
to her friends. It was even better when she learned how to use the image search part of Google. Her only problem was
that now she finally realized how much she needed English. She even decided to do much longer English homework
than before!

Need – szüksége van, to become – valamivé válik, enough – elég, eléggé, shift over – áttérni, to realize – rájönni

Answer the following questions with one word:

a. When did the children start this course?
b. What subjects did they have?
c. Which parts were easier for Sue?
d. Which part was hard for her?
e. What did she enjoy in the Internet part?

f. What did she decide?

Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks according to the vocabulary of the story:
Sue ….. greatly the Internet classes.
She realized how much she …… English.
She did not want to ….. an economist.
She thinks the …… program is for analysts.
…… was easy for the children.

2. Dialogue:
Sue and David are talking in the break of the ECDL course:
D: Sue, why don’t you practice the spreadsheet program a little at home? Everybody else already knows how to
use it. It’s very unpleasant…
S: I know, but I hate it. It is only numbers and mathematical operations, fractions and functions. I don’t want to
become a mathematician.
D: Not only mathematicians use this software. There are a lot of jobs where you need it. And you want to take
your test, don’t you? Remember, this is not the hardest part of this course. You will see when we get to database
S: Don’t even speak about it. Somebody said it is impossible to learn it.
D: There is nothing impossible about it. Of course it is not very easy, but with some practice and patience…
S: Practice! I’m practicing the internet quite hard. You should see how interesting images I have found ….
D: Well, with Google image search it is nothing! By the way have you seen my screen saver? I have found it on
Tom’s homepage. I think this is the most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen.
S: No wonder, it is the Niagara Fall…

a. Find the following expressions in English in the Dialogue (keressük meg az alábbi magyar
kifejezések angol megfelelıjét a párbeszédben)

gyakorolni a táblázatkezelést, utálni a matematikai mőveleteket, szükséged van türelemre, keményen gyakorolni,
találni egy monitorvédıt, képkeresı program.

b. Answer the following questions (short answers)

Is it impossible to learn database management? Does everybody in the class know how to use the
spreadsheet software? Is wordprocessing the hardest part? Do you need practice and patience to learn
database management? Is it easy to find nice pictures with the help of Google image search? Is the
Niagara Water Fall on the American Continent?

3. Grammar: melléknév fokozás

a. Alapfok: nice, easy, hard, long, short etc. Word processing is as easy as using the internet.
Középfok: My house is nicer than my parents’ home. Her hair is longer than her mother’s.
Felsıfok: Niagara is the nicest water fall in the world. The Danube is not the longest river int he world.
a. Tegyük a következı mellékneveket a helyes alakba a következı mondatokban:
a. Mary’s dog is ….(old) than our dog.
b. Flash programming was the …. (hard) subject in the first year.
c. Judy is ….(young) than her brother.
d. I get up ….(early) on Mondays than on Saturdays.
e. You can find the …..(nice) pictures on his home site.
f. Lunch in the canteen is ….(cheap) than in a restaurant.

b. Ha a melléknév hosszabb két szótagnál, a következı formákat használjuk:

Beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful
E.g. she was the most beautiful girl in the class..
b. Translate the following sentences:
1. A program legérdekesebb része a vége volt.
2. A krimi izgalmasabb volt ma, mint a múlt héten. (exciting)

3. A PowerPoint fontosabb az egyetemen, mint a középiskolában. (important)
4. A fınök értelmesebb, mint az üzletemberek. (intelligent)
5. A banán drágább az idén, mint a múlt évben volt. (expensive)

c. Most a kétféle fokozást keverve használjuk: tegyünk bele egy melléknevet a megfelelı alakban.
1. The houses in this street are …… than in the city.
2. The restaurant we went yesterday was very expensive. Today we are going to a ….. place.
3. My grandmother was ……… in the photos made 25 years ago.
4. The …… day of the year is in June.
5. The ….. …… thing is life is love.

c. Rendhagyó melléknevek:
Good, better, best
Bad, worse, worst
Much, more, most
Little, less, least

d. Translate the following sentences:

1. Tom volt a legrosszabb tanuló az osztályban.
2. Kevesebbet eszem nyáron, amikor meleg van.
3. Júniusban volt a legjobb idı ezen a nyáron.
4. Jobban eszik, ha sokan vannak az asztal körül.
5. Többet tanultál a vizsgák elıtt.

4. Szóképzés, szótanulás: fordítsuk le a következı angol mondatokat:

On/off , up/down
Why don’t you look up? If you go down the hill, you will find a lot of shops. Don’t open the washing machine, it is on. I
work offline because I pay for the internet per hour. There is the kitchen downstairs, but all the bedrooms are upstairs.
If the lights are on, they are at home.

Írjunk egy pár mondatot a családunkról, és használjuk benne a következı mellékneveket:
The oldest, younger than, the tallest, the cleverest, more beautiful than, work more than ….

UNIT 13.

1. Dialogue
Mary and Joe are going to the shop.
M: What do we need? We last went to the shop a week ago. The fridge is empty.
J: OK, but we don’t have too much money. Last time you bought the most expensive things!
M: I don’t want to buy the cheapest things because they are terrible. Anyway we need mineral water, coffee and
something for supper.
J: Let’s buy some ham and butter. We still have some tomatoes and cheese. Do we have eggs at home?
M: We have a lot of eggs but I’m afraid we are running out of cheese. And what about some fruit? I eat a lot of
fruit now that I’m on a slimming diet.
J: You and your diet! You always start a diet then give up before you lose a gram…
M: You are bullying me, Joe. I’m not going to the shop with you. You go and spend your money…

Run out of kifogyni valamibıl
To be on a slimming diet fogyókúrázni

Bully cukkolni, bosszantani

Read the short summary of the dialogue and put in the missing words:
Mary and Joe are going to the shop because the ….. is empty. Joe is asking Mary not to buy the ….. expensive things
in the shop. Joe wants to buy ham and …. for supper but Mary thinks they need …. too. She wants to buy some fruit
because she is on a ….. diet. In the end Mary is not going with Joe because she thinks Joe is ….. her.

2. Grammar Sok: Much, Many, A lot of

Much alakot használjuk, ha az utána álló fınév megszámlálhatatlan, a fınév egyes számban marad. E.g. much
water, much money.
Many alakot használjuk, ha az utána álló fınév megszámlálható, a fınév utána többes számba kerül. E.g. many
books, many computers etc.
A lot of alakot mind megszámlálható, mind megszámlálhatatlan fınevek elıtt használhatjuk, de csak állító
mondatokban. E.g. He eats a lot of fruit. She works a lot every day.

a. Tegyük a következı fıneveket két oszlopba aszerint, hogy megszámlálhatóak, vagy megszámlálhatatlanok.
Gold, dollar, boy, nation, exercise book, time, program, soup, help.

b. Tegyük be a következı mondatokba a hiányzó alakokat:

a. There are …………… people in the streets before Christmas.
b. Have you got …….. friends in the new school?
c. I did not sleep too …… because I got up very early.
d. If you eat ………. sugar, you will be fat.
e. There was not …… bread at home so I bought some on my way home.

c. How much/how many?

How much time do you want to spend here?
How many people do you invite to the party?

c. Translate:
1. Sok munkám van, nem tudok elmenni a bulira.
2. Hány kiló kenyeret vettél a hét végére?
3. Miért nem eszel többet? Sok szendvics van a tálon.
4. Sokat dolgozik, sosincs otthon.
5. Sok ember jött el, de nem költöttek sok pénzt.

3. Story
Tom spends a lot of time with his computer. He loves browsing the internet where he finds many interesting sites.
Yesterday he wanted to use some online dictionaries so he typed in “free online dictionaries, English”. There were a lot
of hits so he typed in “computer”. He found a very interesting and useful site, the name was Webopedia. There were
many computer related words with explanations and sometimes examples. He looked up the expression “key frame”
because he came across this work in a book on Flash. The problem was that the explanation contained too many new
words so he decided to check the meaning in a bilingual dictionary. The next day he bought a traditional English
Hungarian dictionary of computing and thought it could help him. The problem was that it was first published 5 years
ago. He did not find a lot of words and expressions so finally he went back to Webopedia.

New words:
Browse the internet szörfözni a neten
Hit találat
Come across véletlenül találkozni
Look up a word kinézni egy szót a szótárból, számot a telefonkönyvbıl
Mean (meaning) jelenteni, jelentés

Irregular past tenses:
Come, came
Find, found
Think, thought
Can, could
Buy, bought
Mean, meant

A. True/false:
1. Tom loves the internet
2. First he typed in “online computer dictionaries”.
3. In webopedia there are no examples with the words.
4. He bought an updated computing dictionary.
5. He wanted to find some multimedia related words in the dictionary.

B. Translate the following sentences:

a. Tom nem akart hagyományos szótárt venni.
b. Sok kifejezést nem talált meg a kétnyelvő szótárban.
c. Nem töltött sok idıt a képernyı elıtt.
d. Nem értette meg a kifejezés pontos jelentését. (exact)
e. Nem szerette kinézni az új jelentéseket a szótárból.


Unit 1.
c. 1. is, 2. are, 3. are, 4. am, 5. is, 6. are
d. 1. on, on, 2. on, near, 3. in, in, 4. at, in, 5. in, in, 6. near/behind/at.
e. 1. The room is in the house and it is black.
2. The icons are big on the display.
3. The computers in the office are near the wall.
4. The yellow taxis and the black cars are in the street.
5. The tables are near the wall, the chairs are behind the door.

Unit 2.
HW: a. 1. his, 2. our, 3. my, 4. your, 5. she, her, 6. their
b. 1. I have no English software. 2. The dog has no house in the garden. 3. Our phone is behind the door. 4.
His calendar is on his table. You haven’t got any coke, your water is in the room. Your monitor is dark, where
is my document?
c. I’m in the room, but my friend isn’t. If you aren’t at home, your phone isn’t in the kitchen. They aren’t
happy because their program isn’t very good. His lunch isn’t good because he has no money.The
floppy-drive isn’t here because it isn’t good.

Unit 3.
A Who, where, when, why, how, what
B. Why is she in her bed? Who are at school? Where are they? When are they in the computer room? What
has she got? Where is the teacher?
C. I haven’t got a pendrive but my floppys are near the computer. Where are your CDs? When is the end of the
lesson? Who is in the kitchen with the dog? What is in the washing machine? I haven’t got a clean shirt. We have got
an English lesson (now). Where is the teacher?

4. Melyik fia bankár? Which son is a banker? Melyik lánya orvos? Which daughter is a doctor? Melyik fia tud jól
énekelni? Which son can sing well? ...

A. Where is he sitting? Why is he happy? Who are cooking? What are the sons doing? Who is working in the
TV? What is his second son doing?
B. The children are reading in the first lesson. The animals are playing in the park. We are not cooking because
we haven’t got water. I’m not happy because the children are not sleeping. His sons are not working but they
are not at home. Our daughters haven’t got a family.

Unit 5.
4. I read a good book… My daughters watch films … His colleague reads/writes a lot of emails… You walk/jog
in the hills… We use the printer … She cooks in the kitchen…
5. b. a mobilom színe, a házamról készült fényképek, ennek a cégnek az ügyfélszolgálata, a te angol könyved
lapjai, ennek a japán fényképezıgépnek a lencséje, az operációs rendszeremmel kapcsolatos problémák.
d. The pages of this book are nice. The walls of the house are clean. The errors of mz PC are big. The
digits of my phone are small. The colour of your tea is dark. The pictures of your calendar are good.
e. The pages of this book aren’t nice…

A. I work in my office every day. The photos of your animals are very nice. She walks in the streets every
evening. The characters of this word are small. She cooks nice lunches in the school.
B. She always has lunch… He cooks every…The animals of this park aren’t old. The icons on my monitor are
big. We have a good …
C. Where are you? Can you download music? When can you walk in the hills? Who can work in your room?
The pages of the newspaper are white. The walls of my room are clean. The pictures of the calendar are
nice. The colour of my pen is red. I cannot read after lunch. You haven’t got a car. This picture isn’t nice. The
window of the car isn’t open.

Unit 6.
2. At six in the morning. At half past 5 in the evening. At noon. At 5 past three. At a quarter past ten. At one
a.m. At noon.
3. When does he phone? When does she send a letter? Where do you love to live? How does he work at
school? Why do they love this teacher?
4. a. She doesn’t like oranges. He doesn’t love chocolate. We don’t eat ice cream every day. I don’t
download software free.You don’t use the instruction book. He doesn’t always use small characters.
b. Why doesn’t he use ...? Why don’t you like ...? What doesn’t it like? Why doesn’t he/she correct
them? Why doesn’t it end at five? What doesn’t show illustrations?
Prepositions: I’m at home before lunch. The children are sleeping at 11. My Pc is always good after a test.
You son is playing with my daughter in the gardetn. I’m in the restaurant from 8.

Who are in the shop now? Who can translate this word? Who are coming to this program? Who is making
lunch for the children? Who have got this program? Who has got a watch? What is the time?

6. in, at, with
7. with, in
8. for/at, in
9. under
10. in, from
11. from, with
1. He doesn’t eat fruit. I’m eating fruit now.
2. Somebody is working on my PC. Where do you work?
3. I usually download the home work from the internet. I’m downloading music. Can you wait?

4. I’m writing a letter to you. I don’t like to write emails.
5. He usually drinks wine in the evening. I never/don’t drink alcohol because I drive.

A. the dog’s house, the teacher’s books, the colour of the pen, the people’s newspapers, the students’ bags, the
pocket of the bags, the program of the conference, the cover of the CD.
B. The door of the printer is open. The balconies of the building are big. The system administrator’s PC is strong. My
mother’s mobile is expensive. The rent of the flat is high. The price of this product is low. The price of the newspaper is
near the TV. The worker’s money is high.

F, T, F, T, F, F, F


1. I’m not doing anything. What do you do ….?d He is doing his homework. Does he like …? They
don’t want to… Do you want to…?


F, F, F, T
Joe is a web designer who works as a free lancer. He generally designs web pages. The companies he works for have
e business. He doesn’t always work alone because his friend helps him. They ask questions about the firms. They
want to know what information the firms want to put on their homepage. They ask how much money the companies
want to spend on their home site.

a. With me, to you, in front of us, after them, behind him/her, in front of it, on them, over me.
b. What have you got? Where does he live? What does she learn? What do we design? What do they love?
c. Yes, I have. Yes I can. No, she hasn’t. Yes, she does. Yes, I can. Yes, I do. No, I’m not. Yes, I am. Yes, I do. Yes, I
sometimes do.
d. I don’t like database management. Peter doesn’t live with his parents. We haven’t got a TV, we often go to the
cinema. The children don’t learn languages, because they have an English father. Your home page is very nice, I want
to design one.

I want to write a lot of letters today. How many emails do you get a day? Why do you work so much? He doesn’t want
to learn so many new words. He has got a lot of friends but they don’t want to help him.

B. She wants to visit the international fair of IT products. At half past two. They buy the tickets at the fair. They go by
bus and metro. They get info on the map. They want to read information about the IT devices at home. They go home
at about six.

Next year, early in the morning, after the lessons, before the holiday, generally in the evening, late afternoon, last
Next week we don’t go to school. Before the film we watch a music clip. I never read the spot page. Generally they are
at home in the afternoon. First I write the new words, then I put them into a sentence. He gets up at five because he
lives far from his company.


He comes into the company at about five. After the coffee I type this letter. I wait for you in my office before the
meeting. If the program is not ready until six, we don’t pay. He lives far but there is an office near their flat. The building
is in the middle of the city, not far from the station. The hotel is behind it, there are flowers and a park around it.

a. Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. There is only one. Yes, there are.
b. Is there a ready plan for the home page? Are there English words in your exercise book? Is there a users’ manual in
the package? Are there new tasks for next week?

I usually get up at six on weekdays but at weekends I get up late, at about eight or nine. In the morning I wash and
dress then I have breakfast in the kitchen. I eat bread and butter and drink tea, but sometimes I drink hot chocolate or
eat ham and eggs. I work for a big multinational firm. It is not far from my home so I generally walk in the morning. If it
is cold I take the underground. I usually have lunch in the canteen but sometimes I have dinner with my friends in a
restaurant. I never go to bars but sometimes have a drink in a café. After work I sometimes go to the cinema or see a
friend. In the evening I usually watch TV or play online games. I love bridge, I’m the member of an American online
bridge club. On weekdays I go to bed at about eleven because I get up early next morning.

On Friday I have training, I come home late. On Mondays I’m sleepy, I go home early and watch TV. Every day I go to
bed late because I access the internet or send emails.
I don’t like Fridays if it is the 13th. On 1st May we don’t work. My birthday is on the second of April. At the weekend I
visit my grandparents.
Every day the news program starts at half past seven. The children are in bed by ten. Between five and seven we learn
English. On Thursday we have a word processing lesson, we go home at eleven.

UNIT 10.

1- Dialogue
b. Mr. Smith is angry because his computer freezes down from time to time. He phones the system administrator who
tells him he didn’t work yesterday. He asks him where his colleague is. Mr. Smith asks him to bring a new cartridge
because the old one doesn’t work.
c. Mr. S. works in the Research and Development Department. He is the boss. Today he cannot work because his PC
doesn’t work. He asks the system administrator to have a look at his computer. The secretary asks for a new cartridge
because the printer works only if the secretary shakes it.

2. I was at home … She was at school…We were in the office…They were in front of the monitor…

a. She walked in the park. They watched TV after dinner. Mr. Smith used the computer every day. The students typed
emails in English. The system administrator replaced the old cartridges.
b. She went home early. They drank sherry… Mary slept from two. My parents came home… She read the news…
They sat down… The lesson began…

a. When did Mr. Green work? How did he arrive? What did they switch on? What didn’t run. Who sent me a message?
Did he finish his work before deadline?

b. How did you know…? Who turned off…? I wanted to work on it. Why did she buy …? Her old car was very good.
Where did you buy….? When did she download….?

B. The web designer showed his earlier works. The head of department liked them but he didn’t want to decide alone.
The developer told him that he needed about 5 hours for the task. The price of the work was not too high.

1. I work in Budapest and I go there by bus and underground. I work from about half past eight to about half past five. I
have flexible working hours. I have got a workstation with a printer in my office but I haven’t got a fax. The fax machine
is in the secretary’s room. XP Operation System is installed on my PC and I work in a network. I often use the internet,
I send emails with Microsoft Outlook and access search engines like Google. There is a canteen in the office building
where I have lunch. It isn’t too bad so I don’t cook at home only at weekends. There is a coffee shop too where I
sometimes buy a drink or some sweets. I like my colleagues we often work on projects in teams.

UNIT 11.

1. T, F, T, T, F, F

2. Program, usual, up, news, Image, on, original, try, type

3. What did they see? When did they nave an English lesson? Where didi t stand? What did you make int he
home work? Who spent all his money ….?

It didn’t stand at the river side. You didn’t make mistakes in the home work. Peter didn’t spend all …

4. What ………like? What?

A, D, G B, C, E, F

5. a. I couldn’t do the home work. We couldn’t upload the new file. They couldn’t read the error message.
Sue couldn’t install her new mouse. Everybody could read the instructions in English.
b. Who couldn’t do the ….? Why couldn’t you upload…? What couldn’t they read? Who couldn’t install
it? What could everybody do?

6. a. He uses his laptop every day. There was a printer everywhere. Everything was clean. There was
a projector in every classroom. Everybody copied the words from the board. Everything wan on the
homepage. Every time he took his pendrive out of his pocket.
b. Tbsz: Egysz.
Girl, word, file, folder, directory, error money, time, gold, help, happiness bread
friend, operator
Tbsz: Egysz.
Girl, word, file, folder, directory, error money, time, gold, help, happiness bread
friend, operator
c. Do most people use any software? Has he got any bugs in his program? Can we see any
spelling mistakes….? Do they have any problems….? Did he go anywhere….?

Somebody replaced the CD in the drive yesterday. After lunch I put my mobile somewhere. He
bought some books in English. You had some messages but I deleted them. There are some mice
in stock; I’m bringing some to the office.

Why did anybody replace the CD…? When did you put your mobile anywhere? Did he buy any
books in ….? Where are there any mice….?
d. I didn’t see any recent news in the newspaper. He didn’t find any mistakes in your task. They
didn’t go anywhere at the weekend. We didn’t do anything in the lesson. The teacher didn’t say
anything, he sent only emails.

Did you see any recent ….? Where didn’t he find ….? Why didn’t they go anywhere? When didn’t
you do anything? Who didn’t say anything?

e. She went nowhere because …. I could see nothing because …. We had no money to buy…Mr.
Brown helped nobody … The system administrator installed no software….

Why didn’t she go anywhere? Who couldn’t see anything….? Who didn’t have any money….? Who
didn’t help anybody….? Why didn’t he install….?
Nobody arrived late this morning. He found nobody in the office after 5. I had no mistakes in the
English letter. They went nowhere, they are waiting for the maintenance. He wrote nothing about
the new program.
When did everybody arrive this morning? When didn’t he find anybody in the office? Where didn’t
you have mistakes? Why didn’t they go anywhere? Why didn’t he write anything about …?

7. User manual, bread knife, pocket money, printer brand, error message, dial tone, screen saver, dial tone,
site map, instruction book, mouse pad.
I had some pocket book every month. I read some error messages. I had some nice pictures on my mouse
pad. Somebody left some bread knives on the table. Nobody knew the printer brand.

Who visited you yesterday? What did he say? What did he show? Who were on the photos? What did he want? Why
didn’t you want to go out with him? What questions did he ask? What did he repeat? What did you ask him to do?
What did you want to do? Why were you lucky? What did your son do?


1. September, wordprocessing, internet and spreadsheet management, word processing and internet, spreadsheet,
Google Image Search, to do a lot of English home work.

Enjoyed, needed, become, spreadsheet, Internet

2. Practice spreadsheet management, hate mathematical operations, need patience, practice hard, use a monitor
saver, image search program.

No, it isn’t; no, they don’t; no, it isn’t; yes, we do; yes, it is; yes, it is.

a. Older, hardest, younger, earlier, nicest, cheaper.

b.The most interesting part of the program was the end. The crime film was more exciting today than last week. PP is
more important at the university than int he secondary school. The boss is more intelligent than the businessmen.
Banana is more expensive this year than last year.

Bigger/higher/nicer/ cheaper; cheaper, younger/more beautiful, prettier; longest, most important/most beautiful.

c. Tom was the worst pupil int he class. I eat less in summer when it is warm. This summer the best weather was in
June. He eats better if there are a lot of people around the table. You learned more before the exams.

4. Miért nem nézel föl? Ha lemész a hegyrıl, sok boltot találsz. Ne nyisd ki a mosógépet, be van kapcsolva. Offline
dolgozom, mert órára fizetek az internetért. Van egy konyha lent, de az összes hálószoba az emeleten van. Ha égnek
a lámpák, otthon vannak.

My family is big. My oldest brother is 27, my sister is younger than I am. The tallest is my little brother. The cleverest
person in the family is my little sister who goes to primary school. She is cleverer than most of the children in her class.
Our house is big, it is more beautiful than the old one in the city. My parents work more now than in the city because
my mother looks after the animals and my father does the gardening after work.

Fridge, most, butter, cheese, slimming, bullying.
2. a.
Megszámlálható Megszámlálhatatlan
Dollar, boy, nation, exercise book, gold, time, soup, help

A lot of, many, much, a lot of, much

I have a lot of work, I can’t go to the party. How many kilos of bread did you buy for the week end? Why don’t you eat
more? There are a lot of sandwiches on the dish. He works a lot, he is never at home. A lot of people came but they
didn’t spend much money.

T, F, F, F, T
Tom didn’t want to buy a traditional dictionary. He didn’t find a lot of expressions in the bi-lingual dictionary.
He didn’t spend much time in front of the monitor. He didn’t understand the exact meaning of the expression.
He didn’t like to look up the new meanings from the dictionary.


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