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The Effect of Full Day School in Indonesia

Full day school is a full day teaching and learning process with the application of an
integrated curriculum and is an activity where all children's activities are carried out at school.
However, because this full day school students cannot do things related to activities outside of
school, they will eventually get bored with the learning material given to the teacher during the
day. Even though many full day schools disagree, this program has advantages for students and
parents, the holding of the Full Day School is to overcome educational problems experienced in
the world of Indonesian education.

Some argue that full day school will reduce the time that students spend with their
parents, or socialize within their community. This eventually will lead to students become a shut-
in who only knows how to learn, but does not know how to socialize. However, full day school
program can minimize students’ bad activity outside school such as joining a gang, or going out
till late afternoon. Thoidis & Chaniotakis (2015) explained that full day school policy is imposed
on three environments, namely family, school, and community. It means that students need to
balance their time on each environment. Thus, with full day school, students can spend more
time at school with their friend (community), and when they go home, they can spend time with
their family.

People may feel tired after a couple hours of learning. This also happens to students who
learn in school for a long period of time due to full day school policy. Students feel less
motivated or even stressed after around 8 hours at school. However, according to Basuki (2008)
full day school policy exists so that students can use their time well, thus allowing them to focus
more on their education and development of their morals amongst other things.

Full day school has become problems not only for the students, but also for the teacher.
Not all of the teachers in an FDS School are ready to control and monitor their students for the
whole day during the teaching and learning period. But FDS school policy in Indonesia is
implemented because of the satisfactory learning outcomes. This will lead to some achievement,
and help Indonesia to be able to compete in the field of education internationally.
In conclusion, school is very important, but the students also needed time to rest for at
least half a day. This will have a good impact on students, so that students can develop their
other abilities, such as art or sports, outside of school.


Wicaksono, Anggit (2017). Fenomena Full Day School Dalam Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia.
Jurnal Komunikasi Pendidikan.

Direct Quote -> (Sukur Basuki (2008: 5) mengemukakan bahwa dalam rangka memaksimalkan
waktu luang anak-anak agar lebih berguna, maka diterapkannya sistem full day school dengan
tujuan pembentukan akhlak dan akidah)

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