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Midterm Exam

John Ralph S. Luceño March 15, 2022 (2:15-5:30)

1. Make a timeline on the different phases or stages of globalization. Discuss your

timeline incorporating the following concepts: meaning of globalization, solid, liquid and
gaseousness metaphors, heavy, light, weightless, types of flows, hard wired. Examine and
present the continuities and discontinuities of those items that propelled the movement of
Globalization refers to intensification of trans-border interconnectedness in all
sphere’s economics, environmental, cultural, political, and society. In another term,
globalization is the connecting individuals, communities, technologies, businesses, and
the government around the world. Theodore Levitt defined the term of changes in social
behaviors and technology that allowed companies to sell the same products around the
world. We acknowledge that globalization is very important because of this we
understand the changes and the flows of our daily life and businesses. Globalization
also captures the result that how increases the communication, transportation, and
information technologies that we used nowadays. Globalization is a transplanetary
process or set processing involving the liquidity and the growing multidirectional flows of
people, objects, places, and information as well as the structures they encounter and
create that are barriers to those flows. The globalization is analyzed through conceptual
metaphors such as solid, liquid, gaseousness, heavy, light, weightless, types of flows,
and hard wired.
Solidity refers to the persistence of barriers that prevented free movement of
object, people, and information in the era. Although the solidity persists it is fluidity that
is more characteristic of the global age. Liquidity refers to the ease with which a security
or an asset can be converted into cash at market price. Liquid is a degree to which a
security can be quickly purchased or sold in the market at a price reflecting current
value. Lastly, the liquidity is an increasing ease of movement of objects, people,
information, and places in the global age. Gas is the one of the most fundamental states
of matter. If the process of liquid was increased, they tend to turn into gases. The flow of
information in the global age closely approximates this characteristic of gaseousness.
The new liquids and gases are being created both constructive as well as destructive
The heavy, lights, and weightless is the three metaphors of globalization.
Historically, they are the movement from that which is heavy to that which is light and
most recently to that which approaches weightlessness. Flow is referring to movement
of people, things, information, and place due in part, to the increasing porosity of global
There the types of flows within the international economic exchange are trade
flows, human capital flows and the capital flows or investments. Mainly flows has taking
place to satisfy material demands ranging from raw materials to finished goods and all
the intermediate goods in between.
Hardwired proposes that globalization is originated from the basic motivation of
the people to seek a better life. According, to Chanda, globalization is hardwired into the
people is not the one accepted here, since we argue that we are now living in the
distinctive global age. And Chanda focuses on the four types of aspects of globalization
that relate to the basic argument for a better life. There are the four key aspects of
globalization, trade or commerce, missionary work or religion, adventures, and conquest
or politics and warfare. For example, humans are wanted to travel faster than by
horseback or wagon they began building railroads.

2. Discuss how the Covid 19 Pandemic revealed about the realities of

globalization? Proceed your discussion about the pros and cons of globalization in such
situation or context, and how it can work to promote the common good and welfare of
In the covid pandemic happen, they affect the globalization flows and all
segments of the population and are destructive to many people or members of those
social groups in the most vulnerable situations, including students, workers,
businessmen, poor people, older people, etc. They are disappointed because their
income, budget, and jobs it was lost. If we discuss about of the pros and cons of
globalizations there are many differences about of economics, political and cultural.
The pros and cons of globalization in pandemic days, it generally makes the rich
is become rich and the poor become mired in poverty. If we talk about of pros and cons,
all rich have a technology using in the business and school and the poor was stopped to
work and, in the school, because they are no have a gadgets and technology to use it.
Globalization is supposed to be about of free trade, but in the reality of the situation of
pandemic is that only true globalization was affect of the time of pandemic. What if I
work to promote the common good and welfare of humankind, I will do the best of it to
help the poor person and stay at home for the good health.
3. Present the debate on the major ideas of neo-liberalism and Marxist theories
related to globalization. What are the major critiques against them? What are their
similarities and differences? What are the best features and worst scenarios when these
concepts are applied? Use specific examples to prove your arguments.
Polanyi was believed that collective planning and control would produce more
freedom, more freedom for all, and then available in the liberal economic system.
Polanyi hopes that society and the nation-state but have been rendered far less
powerful in the new global age, and especially with the new global economy.
Neoliberalism refers to the economic and political policy model that emphasizes
the value of free-market capitalism, and while seeking to transfer control of economic
factors from the government to the private sector. Neoliberalism was criticized for
limiting social services, exacerbating economic inequality, and overly empowering
corporations. Examples are the correctional system in the form of private prisons, and
interstate highway system construction.

Dismantling of
the Social Sate

Culture of Self-Interest
Standardization Neoliberalism

Neo-Marxism isn’t really one single ideology, but more of a reevaluation of

Marxist ideology. Keep in mind that Marxism is really no more than a “way of which to
see the world” and is more concerned with understanding the root causes of social
problems rather than an ideology of a ruling party. So, the difference between a
government run by a Classical Marxist and a Neo-Marxist would boil down to the Neo-
Marxist taking a less rigid and more modern approach to analyzing a situation than the
Classical Marxist, and would likely incorporate ideas such as Feminism, Queer rights,
and Core- Developed country relations.
4. Using a diagram or cognitive mapping present the key concepts of the
dependency theory and world system theory. Incorporate the ideas of imperialism,
colonialism, post-colonialism and related concepts. Explain your diagram and relate
your argument to globalization. Provide examples to substantiate your answers.

Physical Takeover of a
Power Projection Nations Resources



Economic and Political Permanent Settlement

Domination of People

Viewing others as Study of the cultural

POST-COLONIALISM legacy of Colonialism
sympathetic objects
and Imperialism

Globalization is defined as a trans planetary process involving increasing the

liquidity and growing multidirectional flows of information, places, objects, and people.
Globalization is inherently multidirectional with global flows moving in innumerable
directions. All the other processes are more unidirectional that flow from well-defined
points. Therefore, globalization will discuss the fundamental transformations in the world
economy, politics, and culture in the dialectical framework that distinguishes and
processes between imperialism, colonialism, post-colonialism, and related concept.
Imperialism is a method of extending a country’s powers and influence through
diplomacy or military force. Imperialism was well known as a practice of foreign rule in a
context of subordination and hierarchy, which can eventually lead to the formation of an
empire. Imperialism always involves the use of power, whether military or economics or
some subtler form, imperialism has often been considered morally reprehensible, and
the term is frequently employed in international propaganda to denounce and discredit
an opponent’s foreign policy.
Colonialism is involving more formal mechanisms of partial political control over
another country, exploiting it economically, and occupying it with settlers. The one of
difficulties in defining colonialism is to distinguish it from imperialism. The legitimacy of
colonialism has been a long-standing concern for political and moral philosophers in
Western tradition. Colonialism is to describes the prosses of the country’s settlement
and political control over the rest of the world.
Postcolonialism goal is to combat the residual effects of colonialism and
imperialism on cultures. Postcolonialism is also a set of theories regarding art and
culture dealing to colonialism problems.

5. Discuss comprehensively by citing examples the major ideas of economic

globalization taking into account the economic development after World War 2, the
Bretton Woods and what are its implications including the IMF and World Bank, GATT,
TRIPS, TRIMS, WTO, end of Bretton Woods and rise of emerging economies, Multi-
National Corporations and Americanization, Race to the Bottom and related concepts.
Conclude your answer how a developing poor country can compete with developed
advanced countries in the context of globalization, and how cultures of poor countries
can be protected by the dominant culture of those who dictate the free market

The globalization process of which an increasingly free flow of ideas, good

services in the people, and capital lead to the integration of economies and societies.
Also, it’s often viewed as an irreversible force, which is being imposed upon the world
by some countries and institutions such as IMF, and the World Bank, GATT, TRIPS,
TRIMS, WTO. IMF believes that globalization has a great potential to contribute to the
growth of essential to achieve a sustained reduction of global poverty.

The Bretton Woods, IMF, and World Bank, GATT, TRIPS, TRIMS, WTO, have an
important role to play or make in globalization. They were created in 1944 to help
sustain and restore the benefits of global integration, by promoting international
economic cooperation. The Bretton Woods Institution has a fulfilling objective in the
culture of consensus- building, which is based on mutual respect and trust among the
180 countries and their governments that make up their membership. IMF was focused
on the functioning of the international monetary system and promoting sound
macroeconomic policies as a precondition to sustained economic growth. The World
Bank concentrated on long-term investment projects, institution building, and
environmental, social, and poverty issues. The IMF and The World Bank have come
under criticism for furthering the neoliberal agenda.
If we are connecting Polanyi and Marx, Polanyi is the “fictitious commodities”
which is essential of the emergence of the “disembodied” economy, and Marx’s has
counterpart the commodity fetishism. It is an aspect that capitalism was converted
human beings into mere “things” that we should be opposed to. The IMF believes that
the economy was growing in the only way to improve living standards in developing
countries, and that is the best achieved in globalization. However, it recognizes that
while much progress has been made in globalization better, much work still lies ahead.

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