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Name: Lengie G.

Grade & Section: 10 Proverbs
Subject: English
Teacher's Name: Ms. Jocel C. Cabardo
"What others think of me"

Growing up, keeping a reputation is one of my top priority considering that I'm a daughter of an
educator in our place. I should be a reflection of her, a decent woman that sprouts classiness and
elegance. As far as I can remember, I am always judged by people for the way I dress up. They always
say that I don't have any respect for myself just because of the way I present myself to other people. Dr.
Seuss once said, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and
those who matter don't mind". They got the wrong idea of me, I know for a fact that I am a decent
woman regardless of the way I look.

First, I dress up differently because that's how I show love for myself. It doesn't give a right for
other people to mock and judge me. It doesn't mean I'm letting other people to sexualize me. I dress
according to my moods and feelings. Just because sometimes my clothes are a bit revealing, it doesn't
give you a right to disrespect me.

Next, my character is not based on how I look. I am a kind person, respectful and compassionate to
other people. This is just the way I present myself and I know I bring no harm to other people. The way I
dress is none of your business. And lastly, this is a way to flatter myself and not to impress other people.

People's judgements left a scar in me. It put me in a situation where I almost let them get into my
way. But I realized that what they are saying is none of my business too. My body, my choice. As long as
I'm not hurting other people, I'm fine. People have no right to dictate me on how to dress up. I know
what I'm doing, I dress accordingly and accurately. This is what makes me happy and I don't need
validation from other people. So yeah, the way I dress is not a reflection of who am as a person.

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