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Kota Surabaya 

adalah ibu kota Provinsi Jawa Timur yang menjadi pusat pemerintahan dan

perekonomian dari Provinsi Jawa Timur sekaligus kota metropolitan terbesar di provinsi tersebut.
Surabaya juga merupakan sebuah kota yang terletak di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia.
Surabaya juga merupakan kota terbesar kedua di Indonesia setelah Jakarta. Kota ini terletak
800 km sebelah timur Jakarta, atau 435 km sebelah barat laut Denpasar, Bali. Surabaya terletak
di pantai utara Pulau Jawa bagian timur dan berhadapan dengan Selat Madura serta Laut Jawa.

The city of Surabaya is the capital of East Java Province which is the center of government
and economy of East Java Province as well as the largest metropolitan city in the province.
Surabaya is also a city located in East Java Province, Indonesia. Surabaya is also the
second largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta. The city is located 800 km east of Jakarta, or
435 km northwest of Denpasar, Bali. Surabaya is located on the north coast of the eastern
part of Java Island and faces the Madura Strait and the Java Sea.

1. Tari Sparkling Surabaya

Tarian ini bernama Tari Sparkling Surabaya karena terdapat harapan bahwa di dalam

kelincahan dan keindahan tarian ini menggambarkan jati diri serta semangat masyarakat
Kota Surabaya yang selalu bersinar.

Surabaya Sparkling Dance

This dance is called the Sparkling Surabaya Dance because there is hope that in the agility
and beauty of this dance it will depict the identity and spirit of the people of Surabaya who
always shine.
Lontong Race
This culinary consists of rice cake, fried tofu, bean sprouts, lentho, fried onions, chili sauce, and soy
sauce. Well, how to present it is also quite easy, you know!

First of all, the lontong is sliced, and given pieces of fried tofu and a squeeze of some lentho.

Lentho is shaped like hard tempeh made from tolo beans which are boiled and mashed.

The dough is given grated cassava, soy sauce, and egg white, then fried until dry.

This is the hallmark of Lontong Balap.

Then, the racing lontong is even more delicious because it is served with half cooked bean sprouts
which are very large portions.

After that, Lontong Balap will be given enough sauce, fried onions, soy sauce and chili sauce.

Well, the racing lontong sauce is made from a mixture of broth, special spices, and fried onions.

If you want to try this delicious dish, try visiting some popular places, such as Lontong Balap Pak Fat
or Lontong Balap Cak No.

Kuliner ini terdiri dari lontong, tahu goreng, tauge, lentho, bawang goreng, sambal, dan kecap. Nah,
cara menyajikannya juga cukup mudah, lho!
Pertama-tama, lontong diiris-iris, dan diberikan potongan tahu goreng dan remasan beberapa
Lentho berbentuk seperti tempe keras yang dibuat dari kacang tolo yang direbus dan dihaluskan.
Adonan tersebut diberikan singkong parut, kecap, dan putih telur, kemudian digoreng sampai kering.
Inilah yang menjadi ciri khas dari lontong balap.
Kemudian, lontong balap semakin lezat karena diberikan tauge setengah matang yang porsinya
sangat banyak.
Setelah itu, lontong balap akan diberikan kuah secukupnya, bawang goreng, kecap, dan sambal.
Nah, kuah lontong balap terbuat dari campuran air kaldu, bumbu yang khas, dan bawang goreng.
Jika Moms ingin mencoba hidangan lezat ini, coba kunjungi beberapa tempat yang populer, seperti
Lontong Balap Pak Gendut atau Lontong Balap Cak No.

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