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Guidelines in Conducting Online


1. The SFC Christian Character Weekend can be conducted online in this time of pandemic due
to restrictions in the physical gathering.

2. The SFC Covenant Orientation Weekend is a pre-requisite retreat to taking the Christian
Character Weekend.

3. It is recommended to schedule the retreat in 3 consecutive nights starting from Thursday,

ending on Saturday, or at least finish the whole retreat within two weeks.

4. A maximum of two (2) talks per day are allowed. Duration must be 2 hours to 2.5 hours only.
Below is the suggested schedule.

PART 1 (DAY 1)
No. of
From To Activity
6:30 7:00 Gathering/Teaching of Songs/
Introduction and Reminders
7:00 7:20 Worship 00:20
7:20 7:30 Orientation and Prologue 00:10
7:30 7:40 Group Activity (Exploring Emotions) 00:10
7:40 8:15 Talk 1: Our Emotions and Our Character 00:35
8:15 8:30 Reflection and Journaling 00:15
8:30 8:35 Screen Break 00:05
8:35 9:10 Talk 2: The Character of Humility 00:35
9:10 9:25 Reflection and Journaling 00:15
9:25 9:30 Closing Prayer 00:05
PART 2 (DAY 2)
No. of
From To Activity
6:30 7:00 Gathering/Teaching of Songs/
Introductions and Reminders
7:00 7:20 Worship 00:20
7:20 8:00 Talk 3: The Character of Courage 00:40
8:00 8:15 Reflection and Journaling 00:15
8:15 8:20 Screen Break 00:05
8:20 9:00 Talk 4: Righteous and Unrighteous Anger 00:40
9:00 9:15 Reflection and Journaling 00:15
9:15 9:20 Closing Prayer 00:05
PART 3 (DAY 3)
No. of
From To Activity
6:30 7:00 Gathering/Teaching of Songs
Introductions and Reminders
7:00 7:20 Worship 00:20
7:20 7:55 Talk 5: The Character of Surrender 00:35
7:55 8:15 Healing Activity 00:20
8:15 8:20 Screen Break 00:05
8:20 8:55 Talk 6: A Heart Attuned to Christ 00:35
8:55 9:10 Reflection and Journaling (My letter to God) 00:15
9:10 9:30 Sharing 00:20
9:30 9:35 Closing Prayer 00:05

5. Since the retreat will be conducted online, the speaker will be given 30 to 40 minutes to
deliver the whole session. The speaker should be mindful of the allotted time and keep the
session concise and creative without sacrificing the content.

6. It is highly encouraged to keep the maximum number of participants to 25.

7. Keep in the mind the following Code of Conduct in attending an online retreat:
a. Like our regular retreat, block off your schedule and focus on the online activity.
b. Prepare yourself for the event.
i. Dress appropriately.
ii. Prepare a dedicated table, set up a small altar, and bring your Bible,
journal, and pen.
iii. Remove anything that can distract you or take your attention away from
the event.
iv. Close all non-essential laptop or smartphone applications.
v. The use of earphones is highly encouraged to keep your focus on the online

c. Be punctual. Join the online session on-time.

d. Turn on your video throughout the duration of the online event. Likewise, put your
microphone on mute at all times, unless it is your turn to speak.
e. Don’t just watch. Listen attentively and be involved!
i. Write down talk highlights and reflection notes in your journal.
ii. Participate during sharing. Ask questions.

f. During praise and worship, you are encouraged to stand, raise hands, sing, and

8. The service Team except the team leaders should turn-off their video whenever each talk
begins. Inform the Speaker to set-up his zoom to hide non-video participants. Explain this set-
up to the participants to encourage them to turn their videos on at all times.

9. Each part must be closed with a simple prayer and 1 fast song. No need to have a closing

Team Composition

1. Team Leaders
a. A brother and a sister must be assigned to lead the online retreat.
b. Must be SFC leaders who have attended the Christian Character Weekend and are
living out the Christian characters – emotions guided by the Holy Spirit, will
submitted to the Father, and a heart attuned to Christ.
c. Shall be responsible for providing overall guidance on the conduct of the retreat.
d. Must go over the outlines and understand the sessions by heart. They need to be
ready in case any speaker encounters technical difficulties.

2. Zoom Master/ Technical Head

a. Must be SFC leaders who have technical know-how on using online facilities and
b. Must have strong internet connectivity and use desktop or laptop computers in
the duration of the retreat.
c. Shall be responsible for setting up the meeting room and the breakout rooms.
d. Shall facilitate the admission of participants and muting of microphones, if
e. Shall be responsible for playing reflection songs during the personal reflection part
of the retreat.

3. Music Ministry
a. At least one member of the music ministry who can play the guitar and teach songs
while gathering the participants.
b. Shall be responsible for leading the singing of songs during worship.
c. Shall be responsible for playing specific reflection songs during the personal
d. May also serve as keyboard warriors during session proper.

4. Facilitators/ Moderators
a. Shall serve as the emcees or moderators in the duration of the retreat.
b. Shall be responsible for introducing the speakers, facilitating plenary sharing, and
providing guidance during session dynamics.
c. Shall be responsible for keeping track of the schedule and monitoring adherence
to the allotted time for the sessions, sharing, and other activities.

5. Prayer Warriors
a. Shall be responsible for continuous praying throughout the duration of the
retreat. Prayer must be focused on the service of the team members, the speakers
and their delivery of the talk, the worship leaders and their exhortation and
prayer, and the smooth flow of the program.
b. Shall be assigned in a separate break-out room.

Important Dynamics (Refer to the Suggested Schedule)

1. Group Activity
a. A brief introduction is advisable if participants come from different chapters.
b. Allow the participants to share with each other their life experiences. Summarize
the brief sharing:
i. What was the dominant feeling or emotion felt by the participants?
ii. How did they face such feelings?

2. Exploring Emotions
a. Emotions can influence the way we think, speak, and act. Show short clips/videos
that can induce different emotions (inspiring, sad, joyful, angry).
b. Ask the participants what they thought of doing while watching those videos.

3. Healing Activity
a. During the healing activity, after the Character of Surrender, some participants
may become too emotional, the household head must be prepared with measures
in order to manage the emotions of the participants and provide comfort,
especially if a participant breaks down.

4. My Letter to God
a. Ask the participants to write a letter to God, sharing everything about the
experiences and realizations from the Christian Character Weekend and their
plans after the retreat.

5. Personal Reflection
a. Sufficient time (at least 15 mins.) must be allotted for personal reflection.
b. Reflection songs may be played, but there shall be no other activities on screen so
it may also serve as screen break.
c. A relaxing photo may be shown on screen during personal reflection (e.g. beach,

6. Speaker
a. Speakers profiles are provided in each session’s outline.
b. Selection of speakers should be done prayerfully. Selected speakers shall be
notified in advance in order to give them enough time to prepare for their
respective talks.
c. Team leaders shall communicate with the speakers and provide reminders
regarding the session.

7. Small group sharing

a. Must be done in breakout rooms.
b. Randomly group participants into 4-5 members, different from the previous

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