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Case Study 5

Kundiman Communications Corporation: Mr. Lonely

I. Introduction

Being allocated to another working environment is helpful for the development of a worker as
an expert. New work environment gives new freedom to new encounters however being allocated to
lead that new climate is irrefutably better. Beside benefits, this new experience has a drawback
particularly for amateurs. In cases like this looking for guidance from a specialist is required.

II. Background

Asking for advice is an effective strategy not only when we are facing a difficult task. In one
study, researchers Katie A. Liljenquist and Adam A. Galinsky had MBA students engage in a simulated
performance review. When those playing the role of a junior manager received a surprisingly negative
performance review and asked for advice on how to improve, those playing their bosses considered
them to be more likable and competent than those who did not ask for advice. Similarly, Liljenquist and
Galinsky found that when facing conflict in negotiations, asking your counterpart for advice increases
perspective taking, thus leading to quicker and more likely resolutions of the conflict.

Another unfounded assumption is the fear that we will ask for advice and the person will refuse,
leaving us embarrassed. Research by Frank Flynn and Vanessa Bohns suggests that we tend to grossly
underestimate how likely others are to agree to requests for assistance. In their studies, Flynn and
Bohns instructed participants to ask favors in campus settings after estimating how many people they
thought would comply with their requests. The type of favors included borrowing strangers’ cell phones
in order to make calls back to the experimenter, soliciting individuals to fill out questionnaires, and
asking students to help them find the campus gym and walking with them for at least two blocks
towards the gym. Participants estimated that they would have to ask 50 percent more people than they
actually needed to ask. (Brooks & Gino 2014)

III. Evaluation of the Case

On account of Engr. De Guzman who is simply allocated to head the recently fabricated telecom
office in Antipolo, Rizal, having no involvement with selecting qualified people is an issue. Moreover, he
doesn't have data on the number and nature of the situation to be made. After some time, he likewise
contemplated whether he could persuade the top administration to move a portion of his colleagues to
his office. The said activity can surely assist him with changing the new work environment yet over the
long haul the motivation behind the new chance probably won't be completely acknowledged in light of
the fact that there is an inclination that he may depend on them in specific positions. Likewise, being
away from the safe place is a decent method to improve development.

IV. Proposed Solution/Changes

Engr. De Guzman should initially counsel his associates on the appropriate treatment of his new
task particularly their involvement with selecting. He needs to sort out himself the number and the idea
of the situation to be made by appropriately going through human asset arranging and make plans for
enrolling. Since he has long stretches of involvement with specialized viewpoints choosing the best up-
and-comer ought to be passed judgment on dependent on that experience.

V. Recommendations

It is mentioned that he has no experience in recruiting people then it is safe to assume that he
has an insufficient level of communication skills and being assigned as the head improvements in
communication skills is required. Doing the said assignment independently without relying directly on
acquaintances for success is also recommended because it might affect his next promotion.

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