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in Professional Development
Darlyn Rose A. Santillan HST 3A – Batch 4

Every person has their

own types of learning
or study types that
make them intelligent.
Intelligence 8/10 It may be through
editing videos, songs,
learning from
teachers, reading
books, and
newspapers. We are
intelligent in our own
As a person I have so
many flaws or
physical qualities that
Confidence 6/10 I am not satisfied or
not proud of. There
are things that make
me doubt my physical
traits that’s why I
rated my confidence 6
out of 10.
As a person with INTP
personality with more
on the introverted
Social Skills 5/10 side, social skills are
really not my thing. I
value my personal
space more and I
usually enjoy my time

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