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Activity 01 Use information Systematically

Name: Darlyn Rose A. Santillan HST 2 – BATCH 4

Make a Research paper about the History and Development of Information
Follow this format for your Research paper:

● Introduction
● Body
● Conclusion and
● List of citations
The history that led to the development of IT as it is known today goes back to
millennia. But the term information technology is a relatively recent development.
The phrase first appeared in a 1958 Harvard Business Review article which
predicted its future effects, titled Management in the 1980s: “Over the last decade
a new technology has begun to take hold in American business, one so new that its
significance is still difficult to evaluate … The new technology does not yet have a
single established name. We shall call it information technology.”

When we think of information technology (IT), we think of computers and the

internet. Even kids cannot imagine that there was a time without computers, cell
phones and other mobile devices. We use it everyday and we feel that we cannot
live without it. We communicate with others using cell phones, chat rooms, forums
and email. We use the internet for research, entertainment, communication, work
and school. In today’s modern time, kids don’t have to go to the library to find
information and to do their homework. They conveniently have constant access to
the internet in their own homes. Likewise, businesses use computers and the
internet not only for research purposes but also for gathering and storing
information. They no longer have to rely on paperwork, cabinets and books.
However, there was a time when these modern technologies did not exist and
society used other forms of what was the latest technology at that time. In fact,
information technology has been around for a long time and without the evolution
of IT throughout history, it wouldn’t be where it is today and provide us with the
modern technologies that are readily available to us.

In conclusion, information technology has been in existence for thousands of

years and has been evolving since the beginning of time – and it is still evolving.
Human beings have been collecting information in different ways and have
discovered different forms to communicate through the use of technologies.
Information technology has been essential to our lives and has made a huge impact
throughout history. Without it, we wouldn’t be here today with the latest, advanced

Rahul Awati. (2021) A brief history of the evolution and growth of IT.
Admin. (2018) The History of Information Technology: Past, Present, Future.

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