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G10 12/11/22

Elamparo, Jochelle G. Quiz #1


Activity: Understanding The Characteristics of Relationships

Directions: Read and analyze the situation below. Answer the questions that follow.

1.What is the story all about?

• The story is about a family with members too many for what they can
provide. The protagonist, Joel, was the oldest child in the family. Thus, he
carried a lot of responsibilities. With his perseverance and his family’s
coordination, they’re able to conquer their difficult life.

2.What are the characteristics of the people involved in the story?

• Joel is responsible, has integrity, has perseverance, and resourceful. Joel’s

mom and dad are also responsible, and hardworking like him. They do
their best to provide the needs of the family. Joel’s siblings are compliant
and responsible.

3.How did the story describe a firmer relationship among the family members?

• The story effectively described the family dynamic. They had a firm rela-
tionship because it is shown that they understood their situation. Instead
of being agitated and lost, they found strength from each other which
helped them build a sturdy foundation for their family amidst tough
times. All members took their roles with responsibility and gratefulness.

Activity: Fill in the blanks with correct answers.

1. Family relationships
2. Firmer and Gentler Family Relationship
3. Parent-children relationship
4. Sibling relationship
5. Children
Give the ACRONYM of PLANS for firmer relationship
P lan for the future together.
L isten and learn from each other.
A lways communicate efficiently.
N urture trust and respect privacy.
S eek guidance and strength from above.

Let’s Assess What You Have Learned

Test I. Write Fact if the statement is true and write Bluff if the statement is false.
1. Fact
2. Fact
3. Bluff
4. Fact
5. Fact
6. Bluff
7. Bluff

Test II. Choose the best answer and write the letter of your answer in your paper.
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. B
15. A

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