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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of City Schools
Panal, Tabaco City


(Scientific Method)
Name: __________________________________ Section: ____________
General instruction: This is your worksheet for Monday and Tuesday (January 9 and 10).
This activity should be encoded (Arial 12, 1.5 line spacing, normal margin and justified)
in long bond paper. The file should be submitted on or before January 11, 2023 12NN on
the link that will be sent in your Research group chat.

Scientific Method (Learning Competency SSP_RS-SM-IV-s-u-22)

1. Observing
2. Identifying and formulating a problem
3. Collecting relevant information about the problem/topic
4. Formulate hypothesis
5. Designing an experiment
6. Experimenting
7. Gathering data from the experiment
8. Organizing experimental data
9. Analyzing and interpreting data
10. Making a conclusion
Task: Make a scientific report using the abovementioned steps on how to remove a stain
on a white cloth using homemade materials only. Make sure to follow safety precautions
while doing the task. Please also include documentations that will be attached in your
scientific report.

• Completeness and Quality of the Scientific Report (50%)
- The scientific report has an objective, methods, results, conclusion, and
- The scientific report adheres to the standard of technical writing.
• Scientific Skills and Attitudes were used while performing the activity (30%)
- Appropriate scientific skills and attitudes were evident on the methods and data
gathering process.
• Format and Punctuality (20%)
- The given format was followed and the output was submitted on time.

Prepared by:

Kent Lexinn Ian M. Cantal

T-III, Science Department


Nestor B. Brito
HT VI, Science Department

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