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Topic 1: Describing a newspaper or magazine you enjoy reading.

- What kind of newspaper or magazine it is

+ Daily Sport newspaper

+ Especially, kinds of football newspaper

- Which parts of it you read

+ International football section/part.

+ Such as: English Premier League, (UEFA) European Champions League and sometimes:
Euro Cup and World Cup.

- When and where you read it

+ When I have free time, it usually occurs in the early mornings, exact 6:00 to 6:30 a.m.

+ Generally, I read it on the Internet through my laptop (wireless or LAN network).

+ However, I sometimes read it at coffee shop or buy a newspaper to read.

- Explain why you enjoy reading it

Many reasons involved:

+ I’m keen on football since I was only a child. It is my hobby and I think it is obvious a
favorite sport for many people in Vietnam, especially men.

+ Reading this newspaper help me enhance knowledge about not only football but also culture
and society all over the world.

+ Entertainment value.

+ a popular topic to dicuss with my friends for fun.

Follow-up Questions

1/ Which do you find more interesting, newspapers, magazines or books?

It depends on their quality. In other words, which I am interested much or little is dependent on
its content and format. Sometimes, a few titles or stories are exciting for me to choose a product.

2/ Do you find browsing the Internet for news and information very useful?

Of course. However, it is in a relative level. We can find out many general news and
information around us but they are not specific details. I think so.

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3/ Who do you usually spend your spare time with?

It depends on. When I live in another province which is far my hometown, I spend my free
time with my friends or colleagues. However, if I stay at home, it is obvious that I often spend much
time with my family including my parents, my younger brother and me.

4/ Would you prefer indoor hobbies or outdoor activities?

If I can choose, I will get both. It is difficult to get only one. For instance, I am not only keen
on sports on TV but also passionate to play outdoor sports.

5/ Is there any kind of entertainment you don’t like?

Well, actually, there are a few kinds of entertainment I am not keen on. For instance, I do not
like K-pop music and some Korean romantic movies. Sorry if I just collide somebody’s favourite
things. It is only my opinion.

Topic 2: Describe a friend that you like spending time with.

- When and how you met

+ His name ‘s Vu who was my classmate at university.

+ The first time I met him 8 years ago when I went to our class and sat next to him.

+ We talked with each other about study backgrounds, hobbies and study methods.

- How often you see this friend.

+ At present, it is relativey frequently.

+ In fact, he has become my superior in our company which was established by him (a founder)
in Tra Vinh Province

- What kind of personality your friend has.

+ Diligent and talented ; + Kind and friendly

+ Modest and honest ; + Respect other people

+ Ambition to get success and promotion in the job.

- And say why you like spending time with this friend.

Many reasons involved:

+ We have the same hobbies such as enjoying easy listening music and football.

+ In particular, I’m keen on his character. For instance, he is good at his major but he is very

In brief, I have admired him and he is clearly my best/close friend.

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Follow-up Questions

1/ What qualities help you to have good relationships with your friends?

In my opinion, some qualities as friendly, kind and generous are key for me to get good
relationships. Also, punctuality is an important quality.

2/ Do you think it is better to have a large group of friends or a few close friends?

Maybe, many people prefer to have a large group of friends and this is popular. However, I am
quite keen on a few close friends because of their advantages.

For instance, it is easier for me to remember appearances and understand characters of a few
friends. Also, it avoids so many ideas for a small issues.

3/ Have you got any long distance friends? How do you keep in tough with your pen pals?

+ Well, it is certain that I have many long distance friends. They may be friends at university
coming from many different places in Vietnam. Also, I have some oversea friends in my relationship
from work and study.

+ For pen pals, I have kept in tough with them by E-mail, social network such as facebook and

4/ What are your expectations of your friend?

There are many factors involved. For normal friends, I almost do not expect many things from
them. However, for close friends, I hope that they are always honest and respect for me. Of course, I
hate abuse of trust in friendship.

5/ What do you do to maintain a friendship?

There are many different ways depending on actual condition. However, the main way to
maintain a friendship is honesty, trust, patience and faith/ loyalty.

Topic 3: Describe somewhere that you like to vist.

- Where the place is

+ Dalat City in Lam Dong Province.

+ A famous landscape in Vietnam.

- When you visit the place

+ Prefer to visit this place in Summer.

+ Ever went to there 15 years ago when I was a child.

- Who you visit the place with

+ In the past: with my family, including my parents, my younger brother and me.

+ In coming years: hope to visit Dalat city together with my family once more.
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- Explain why you like the place

Many reasons involved:

+ Peaceful sights.

+ A lot of beautiful landscapes: Than Tho Lake, Bao Dai Palace, Love’s valley, museums and
flowers, so on.

+ Fresh and cool atmosphere.

+ Friendly and hospitable people.

Follow-up Questions

1/ What is something you would never travel without?

It is certain what I would never travel without is money. If I have no money, I never travel to
any place. There are many difficulties when I travel with empty pocket.

2/ Who is the first person you would call or e-mail after arriving somewhere new?

It depends on. If I travel to a friend’s hometown, I will call him or her after arriving. When I go
to a relative’s house far from my home, it is obvious that I will call my mother first.

3/ Would you prefer to go to a place where there are a lot of people or to a place where there are few

This is an interesting question. To be honest, I like to go to a place where there are a lot of
people in happy feeling. However, I prefer to go to a place with few people when I am in negative

4/ What is the most interesting gift or souvenir you bought while you were on a journey?

Oh, this is also a dependent answer. If I have a tour to a beach, I will bought some souvernirs
belonging to this place. By contrast, it may be anything from forest, river, commercial centre and
something like that.

5/ Would you rather visit foreign countries or travel within your own country?

If I can choose, I like both. However, I prefer visiting foreign countries than travelling within
my country. The main reason is that I have never gone to any foreign country and I have strong
aspiration to travel oversea.

Topic 4: Describe an enjoyable event you experienced when you were at school.

- When it happened

If I remember exactly:

+ It was a football tournament about classes in my faculty.

+ When I studied at An Giang university 8 years ago.

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- What was good about it

+ I had a good chance to be satisfied with our favourite sport.

+ Widen relationship through games.

+ Practise team’s mental and exercise.

+ Entertain.

- Who was there

+ I was a member on probation in 15 players of my class’s football team. There were 12 teams
in this tournament, organised by my faculty’s leader.

+ This occurred about 2 months, from October to December in 2005.

- What made it enjoyable

Although it was an annual tournament, I was impressed by this event in 2005. The main
reasons is:

+ I was the only time when I joined in my class’s football team.

+ I presented in the final of the tournament about 10 minutes and our team won this.

+ It was a great honour to get a sport trophy at university.

+ Becoming a champion in sport’s tournament brought me unforgettable feeling and memory.

Follow-up Questions

1/ Do you think planned events are more enjoyable than events that aren’t planned?

Every things have 2 sides which is positive and negative.

Planned events help to organize better than events that are not planned, and easier to get
success. However, in some events for children or new things, this should not be planned in advance.

Also, enjoyable thing of an event depends on many factors including types of event, organizers
and attended people, and so on.

In brief, It depends on.

2/ What do you think was the most important event last year?

I ask permission to divide important events into many different fields.

+ For political event, it may be about East Sea conflicts.

+ For environment and natural resource, it is about Hydroelectric Plant 6A in Dong Nai

+ Meanwhile, in Sports, Spain football team won Euro Cup again was a great event.

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3/ Many people think that photos are the best way to remember special occasions. Do you agree?

+ It is certain that I agree with this viewpoint/idea/opinion. However, I want to add that a video
clip is better.

4/ What was the most meaningful event that happened to you?

+ Well, it was my graduation ceremony/day at university. Maybe, it will be my wedding day if

it occurs in coming years.

5/ What important event are you looking forward to?

+ I never stop to think about graduation day for Master course. This has been my dream since I
was a child. Also, as mentioned, a wedding is worthy to look forward.

Topic 5: Describe a gift you bought for someone.

- When it was

If I remember exactly:

+ It was a cell phone, exactly model Nokia 6300.

+ I bought it 5 years ago.

- Who you bought it for

+ I bought it to give for my mother.

+ I used money which was from scholarship for 5th position in my class at university.

- Why you bought it

+ This was a gift for her birthday.

+ I wanted to show my gratitude to my mother who bore and raised me from a child to a mature

- And say how you felt when you gave the gift.

There was much emotion when I gave the gift to her.

+ I felt that I made a meaningful thing.

+ A happy feeling to see her mother’s smile.

+ In fact, I cried at that moment. This was the first time I gave a gift to my mother.

Follow-up Questions

1/ What gift will you give your boyfriend/ girlfriend for their birthday?

Well, it is more likely that the gift will be a teddy bear/ bear toy. The second choice is that I
will buy a birthday cake and organze a party for her. However, it is only future. Now I am single.

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2/ Is there a special gift to get?

I think a special gift is a mental gift. We can bring receivers a happy news or love’s letter,
something like that. This is my opinion.

3/ Did you ever get a gift you didn’t like?

In my memory,it is few. I respect any gift and who give a gift for me even if the gift is only a

4/ How do you thank someone who gave you a gift?

With the most simple way, I usually say “thank you” when receiving a gift. In another way, I
can help or give a present for them in another occision in my possibility.

5/ What are the times of the year that you give gifts?

I think that it depends on events in that year. For instance, if I graduate with high result, I will
receive many complients. For me, say “congratulate” or encouragement me is a gift.

However, it is more likely that my birthday is a day when I have a good chance to give gifts
from someboday. Who know about that!

Topic 6: Describing a subject you liked or disliked at school.

- What the subject was

I was keen on many subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, History and so on.

But the most favourite subject I liked was Mathematics, including algebra and geometry.

- When you first studied the subject

+ I approached Mathematics when I was only a pupil of 1st class in primary school.

+ It was an unforgettale memory when I learned the first lessons about plusing and minusing
simple numbers and differentiating between rectangles and squares.

- Where you studied the subject

+ As I mentioned, I started studying Mathematics in 1st class.

+ From primary school to university, I received much knowledge from many good teachers and
solved many mathematic exercises.

+ Also, I studied this subject through Internet and reference books I bought or read in libraries.

- And explain why you liked or disliked the subject.

+ This helps us practise intelligence and mind.

+ Get much fun when I solved a puzzle.

+ Support other subjects and daily life.

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Follow-up Questions

1/ Do you think it is important for students to like the subjects they study? Why/Why not?

As far as I concern about this, it is very necessary. The main reason is that passionating a
subject is a key to study that subject well. If it is so, they can research and practise ardently.

2/ What are the main factors that influence young people’s choice of subjects at university?

In my opinion, the main factors include:

+ Popularity of that subject

+ Teachers’ possibility and experience in a faculty.

+ Useful things from that subject bring in near future.

3/ What are the advantages of studying at university?

Many advantages including:

+ Get much knowledge from experts and talented professors.

+ Widen relationship with many friends from a lot of place.

+ Attain a degree as evident to own level.

+ Have a good chance to find a job.

4/ How can education at secondary school be made interesting for pupils?

It can spring from new things for a child in the age of 12 to 15. Pupils can study interesting
knowledge in Physics, Chemical and Geography which do not teach in primary school.

Also, it is more likely that there are more entertainment activities and movements.

5/ Is it a good idea to live with your family when you are studying?

I think that it is a good idea for pupils and students from primary to high school. They should
be advise much by their relatives at this age.

However, when studying at university, this is not so necessary for mature people.

6/ Compare your experience of education to your parents’ generation.

There are some difference between two generations.

+ In our parents, there are less education centre and it is difficult for previous generation to
study conveniently. For example, they had to move a far distance to go to school.

+ Now, many things are more convenient, from facilities to teaching staff.

Also, there are more majors to be suitable with the modern life.

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However, there are similarities about education order from primary to high school, even Doctor

7/ Do you think your country has a good education system?

Well, it is puzzle for our government and educators nowadays. Our country has a worse
education system than many countries in the world. This leads to bad quality labour as actual state.

However, recent reformation results have shown remarkable steady advances in education.

Topic 7: Describe your favourite type of weather.

- What the type of weather is.

If I remember exactly:

+ In Northern Vietnam, there are 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

+ Meanwhile, it has 2 seasons in Southern Vietnam, including Dry and Rainy seasons.

I was born and become mature in Southern area and I’m keen on Rainy seasons.

- How often you experience this type of weather.

+ I often experience this weather in my hometown. The rainy season lasts for 6 months here.

+ It usually begins from annual May to Novemver (yearly).

- What you like doing in this weather.

+ In the past, I liked bathing under rain. This is also the season of flood and fishery, and I can
go fishing.

+ At present,I still go fishing in the rainy season. When it rain, I usually see rain and listen to a
song belonging to easy listening music of Singer Truong Vu.

- And explain why it is your favourite type of weather

This weather is good for relaxing.

+ I like this weather because it is cooler than dry season.

+ Also, seeing rain is my hobby because it makes me remember many memories.

+ In additon, I can save eletricity for turning on my fans or air-conditioners.

Follow-up Questions

1/ Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?

It is sometimes. Also, this depends on area on my country.

Actually, big storms only occur in Center of Vietnam. Meanwhile, flood in Northern and
Southern Vietnam does not usually affect significantly.

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2/ Do you think weather affects the way people feel?

As far as I learned about this, I believe that. For instance, if you live in extreme area, you face
with dangers every month and become punctilious. By contrast, when you live in peaceful and well-off
area, you become luxury.

3/ Where do you get your weather information?

I follow weather forecast on television and Internet everyday. I think this way is best to know
about weather around me, from internal weather to world weather.

4/ What do you like doing when it’s hot/cold/wet?

+ When it is hot, I am keen on staying at home or office and turning on fans. Obviously, if
there has spare time, I will go to sea to relax.

+ For cold or wet weather, it is necessary for us to wear heavy coats and sit next to fireplace.
Especially, I like drinking a cup of coffee at this time.

5/ What time of year is the best weather where you live?

My answer is not true for all people in my hometown. To be honest, it is the rainy season
which has the best weather in my place. At this period, it is cooler and fresher.

Exact from May to November yearly.




- Do you work or study?

I includes both at this time. At present, I have worked as a contributor in environmental

company and studied Master course in HCM City.


- What are you studying?

I took entry exam for Master programme and passed this in April, 2012. For a year, I have
studied environmental management and natural resource at Industrial University of HCM City. This
program lasts for 2 years.

- Why did you choose that subject/course?

I decided to choose this program because of many possible reasons.

+ The first reason is that I can widen my knowledge about major during the study period.

+ Also, a better chance to get a good job after graduation is the second reason.
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+ Finally, Master degree has been my purpose since I was a child.

- What do you find most interesting about your course?

There are many exciting things about my course. However, if I must choose the most
interesting things, I will answer that it is “enhancing my major”. For example, I have learned many
useful subjects and assignments which help me practise and improve my ability in environmental field.

- What do you hope to do next?

After graduation, I hope that I can get a better job to work. Also, improving my English level
will be my next goal. In other words, I have 2 wishes for a better job and advanced English.

- What are your ambitions for the future?

It is probable that I have many plans for my future. My ambitions are for studying higher and
teaching. To be more specific, I look forward to get Doctor degree and become a lecturer at a
university or college.

- What are the advantages of studying instead of working?

In my point of view, studying helps us get knowledge faster than working does. You can be
conveyed useful lessons from experienced people instead of undergoing. Also, when you try to solve a
problem in study, it is less pressure than working.


- Can you describe your job to me?

Well, it is certain that I’m OK to introduce my job to you. I specialize in environmental impact
assessment and wastewater treatment. To be more detailed, I receive and complete environmental
procedures for factories and propose solutions to solve pollution, especially wastewater treatment.

- How long have you been doing it?

I have started doing this work for 3 years and I feel more confident than myself in the past.
However, I am not an export in this field and need to learn about it more and more.

- Why did you choose to do that job?

This is a long story and it is relatively difficult to tell all things about it. I encountered many
obstacles/ troubles/ barries 3 years ago and cannot study higher at that time. Therefore, I decided to go
to Tra Vinh province and apply for a job in my friend’s company. This is the main cause leading to my

- What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?

In my view, my work brings me a lot of interesting things. Firstly, it is propriate with my major
at university. Secondly, it is a dynamic work and not require fixed time. In addition, I have good
chances to enlarge relationship with many people such as customers, partners, government officers and
so on.

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- And what things don’t you like? Why not?

The things I dislike about my work are not many. These include tricks which was used by some
partners. To be honest, I cannot study to become similar to them even if these tricks get lots of money
and benefits.

- What are your plans for the future?

It is probable that I have many plans for my future. My ambitions are for studying higher and
teaching. To be more specific, I look forward to get Doctor degree and become a lecturer at a
university or college.

Learning English

- How long have you been learning English?

If I remember exactly, I have been learning English since I was an eight-year child. In other
words, my English study time lasted for 18 years and this is not short.

- What do you find difficult about learning English?

It cannot be denied that there are many difficulties in learning English. In particular, I cannot
pronounce some vowels and consonants exactly. Also, listening skill is a challenge for me to improve.
In addition, vocabulary limitation becomes a problem.

- What advice would you give to someone starting to learn English?

As far as I am concerned about this, beginners should learn about pronunciation and intonation
first. This helps them to speak English well and it is a basis to listen exactly. For reading and writing,
beginners need to watch movies and news in English as well as training to write English email or story
everyday. These are good ways to have advanced English level based on my experience and

- Would you like to learn another language in the future?

It is probable that I choose “yes” for this answer. Foreign languages or ethnic group language
are good for us to communicate with many people from different cultures. We can find out new things
from the wings “language”.

Free time

- What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

It depends on its length. If I have a little time in the evenings, I choose to listen to music for
relaxing purpose. If it is more time, I can go out and drink some coffee with my friends. For many free
days, I can travel to some beautiful landscape in Mekong Delta, in Vietnam.

- How much time do you have each week for doing these activities?

I am busy for work and study, so I only have some evenings for doing some above/ mentioned
activities. I guess it is about 20 hours a week. These are not much but it is necessary for me to reduce
stress and get energy/motivation to work and study.

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- Why do you like doing these activities?

Actually, there are many causes involved.

+ Listening to music is not only a popular way but also a useful solution to relax and reduce
pressure from working hard.

+ Meanwhile, going out for coffee party is an idea which is not bad.

+ And travelling to far places? This is a good way to reduce boredom when everything around
me became so familiar.

- How did you start doing these activities at first?

+ I would like to say that these activities did not have to my habit when I was a child. These
began from the time I studied at university and have continued to maintain/ hold.

+ Because of living away from home, I listened to music to reduce sadness in the first days at

+ Then I got acquainted with many classmates and we went to coffee shop to talk or discuss
about topics belonging to society, education and family.

Gradually, these became my habits/ routine.

- Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why?

+ It is shortcoming if I forget to mention the favourite hobby - watching football.

+ I am keen on this sport because my local has a strong traddition of football. The first time I
watched a match was 20 years ago and it impressed me strongly.

- How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years?

There were a lot of changes in way people spend their free time over the years.

+ In the past, people tended to gather their family members and friends for a talk or a party at
home. Also, going fishing and singing folk songs were their favourite activities in leisue.

+ Nowadays, many people, especially young people, prefer to go to bars or organize luxury
parties in lavish hotels/ resorts.


1. Describe a party

- What is the party?

In my opinion, a party is a gathering of people who have been invited by a host for the
purposes of socializing, conversation, or recreation.

- Why was the party held?

There are many possible reasons:

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+ The party bring to an occasion to make friends, widen communication as well as sharing
sadness and happiness in the life.

For example, it is a chance to congratulate promotion, graduation or good harvest for farming.

+ Also, it can reduce stress after working hard and make our life less boring.

- Who attended the party?

+ People attend the party are diversified. They may be friends, relatives, productors and clients,
colleagues and so on.

- What did you do for that party?

The party can be organized at home or restaurants or eateries, so on. It based on condition. The
normal party may only be for eating some typical food and drinking some beer. However, this includes
music and song’s programme for big parties.

2. What do you do every day?

- Where you live.

It is not simple to explain clearly.

+ My hometown is Dong Thap province, beloging to Mekong Delta, in Vietnam. This place is
where I was born and became mature.

+ However, at present, I have spent much time to live in HCM City to study Master course for
one year.

+ Other time I live in Tra Vinh Province to work as a contributer in an environmetal company
and visit my family.

- What your job is.

I studies about environmental technology at university and now I specialize in environmental

impact assessment and wastewater treatment. At present, I have worked as a contributor in a company
in Tra Vinh Province. This is an unofficial work because I want to spend much time to study in Ho Chi
Minh City from Friday to Sunday every week.

- How early you get up.

Well, to be sincere, I usually stay up late to solve my work and study and so I only get up early
when it is an important occasion.

Generally, I get up at 6:30 a.m. However, it is sometimes 5 o’clock.

- How you get to work.

I can get to work about from 8 to 10 hours a day. This may be at inside or outdoor office based
on work requirement. It is mainly about environmental procedures and wastewater treatment.

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If I am not pleased with my work effectiveness in working hour, I will bring work to boarding
house or somewhere like that to repair and complete it in the evening.

- Other things you do during the day.

Sometimes, there are some appointment of partners. I may meet them at their company, a
coffee shop or eatery to reach an agreement.

- What you do after work.

After working hard, I’m quite keen on listening to music, especially some favourite songs.
However, it is not all. I also go to coffee shop with my friends or watch football as possible.

- What you do at weekend.

It is certain that I spend much time to watch football on television at weekend, especially
English Premier League. It may occurs in an eatery or coffee shop with my friends.

3. Describe a practical skill you have

- What the skill is

+ Drawing pictures based on simple materials.

- How often you use it

+ It depends on. It may be twice a week or three times a week.

+ When I feel alone, I find happiness in drawing.

I can draw by pencils, coloured pens or another materials from paint and many kinds of ink.

+ Also, I think that I may attend some drawing/painting competitions if these are organised in
my hometown.

- Who taught it to you and explain why the skill is so practical.

+ I learned it when I was a ten-year child. At that time, I joined a gifted club in my local.

+ It took me much time to learn and practise because I did not have gifted ability of drawing as
other members in the club.

However, based on patience and passion, I improved step by step and feel proud about the skill.

4. Describe an important decision that you made

- What the decision was

+ Continue studying to Master Course.

It was a decision which was not only difficult but also necessary for me.

- How you made your decision

+ I thought about this in about a week after finding about enroll information on the internet.
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+ I listened to myself and decided to register for enroll pre-Master Class.

- What are the results of the decision were and explain why it was important.

+ After review major knowledge about one month, I took entry exam and passed.

Now, I have studied in Master Course for a year and feel pleased with this course.

+ It was important because studying Master course was my dream when I was a child.

Although my family and I have encountered difficulties about school fees, we believed it can
be solved to complete this course, and get a better job after graduation.

5. Emails

- How often do you use Email?

+ It is obvious that I use Email by computer or phone everyday.

Mainly for checking new mail and sending mail to another person for my work and study.

- What do most people in your country use email for?

+ In my opinion, they use email to send and receive information from another person.

+ They may be friends, customers and providers, teachers and students, so on (etc).

- What are the advantages of Email? Are there any disadvantages?

+ There are many advantages of E-mail. It is obvious about its convenience and speed.

For intance, it only takes us some seconds to send a letter to a friend or a partner in far distance,
even all over the world. Email can also contain a big number of files. We almost do not spend money
on E-mail.

+ However, anything has 2 sides. E-mail also has some disavatages.

For example, our information from e-mail may be abuse by some bad hacker. In addition,
network may encounter some errors and it affects significantly to our work and study effectiveness.
We also receive some garbage letter from advertisement system and this may make us uncomfortable.

- Do you think that email will replace letter-writing?

I agree with that. With its convenience, e-mail will almost replace letter-writing.

However, as far as I concerned about this, letter-writing has still had a place to use, such as
using in love’s letter and remote places.

6. Friends

- How much time do you spend with your friends?

It depends on. At present, I am busy with my study and I only meet them in my leisure/ spare
time. However, for best friend, it may be once a week.

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- What do you usually do with your friends?

+ For my normal friends, I usually go to coffee shop with them to talk together.

+ For my close friends, I choose to watch football or go to an eatery.

+ Also, we can play chess or play football/badminton.

- Do you prefer spending time with your family or friends?

It is real that I am far from my family and it is difficult for me to spend much time with them.
However, if I can choose, I prefer spending time with my family. The main reason is that I feel cosy
when I am beside my relatives.

- Is friendship important to you?

+ Believe me or not, friendship is very vital for me. Unless it is, the life is boring for me.

“A friend does not need to give us benefit, he or she only need to our friend”. This is difficult to define

7. Computers

- How often do you use computers?

+ It is obvious that I use computers everyday through wireless or LAN network.

- In what ways do people use computers in your country?

+ Surf web to update news.

+ Listen to music and play game (entertainment).

+ Study and work.

+ Communicate with their friends or relatives.

Something like that.

- How did you learn to use a computer?

+ I know about a computer when I was a ten-year (old) child. My aunt was the first person
instructing me to use a computer such as typing, keyboard fuction and accessing internet.

+ After that, I learn more about it through books, internet and my teachers from secondary
school to university.

- How much have computers changed your life?

+ It is certain that my life has changed much since I contacted with computers.

It has helped me widen knowledge about many fields such as my major, culture, sport, love and
so on.

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Although computers has some drawbacks, I think they have brought the good things to my life
and it is my opinion.

8. Going out in the evening

- How often do you go out in the evening?

+ It is dependent on.

I am busy with my study in the evening. If I have much free time in the evening, I will go out.
However, I think that it is no more three times a week.

- Who do you usually spend your evenings with?

It is not clear. I may spend my evenings with my friends or myself. You know? All Things are
not absolute.

- When you go out in the evening what do you usually do?

If I go out with my friends, we can go to coffee shop to drink some beverage and talk together
or watch football on cable televisions at weekends.

On the contrary, if I am alone, I will walk around a big park or go to a river side for seeing its
flow as well as the current of time.

- Do you think there is enough to do in the evening in your city?

Oh, of course. It is obviously simple for a bustling city as HCM City. Evening activities here
can last for many hours, even extending to 3 a.m.

9. Describe a shop that you like.

- Where the shop is

+ There are may shops in HCM City but in particular I am quite keen on the shop near my
boarding house in Tan Phu district, HCM city.

- What type of shop it is

+ This is a coffee shop which name is “Thatched house” coffee shop. The shop not only has
wide and well-aired space but is decorated like as a countryside in miniture.

- How often you visit this shop

+ I usually visit this coffee shop with my friends. It is about 3 times or 4 times a week.

Nevertheless, I went to this shop alone in a few times. It is not frequently to come there alone.

- What you like about this shop.

There are many things involved. The first thing I like about the shop is peaceful atmosphere
here. It is not noisy and bring me enjoyable feeling. The next thing I would like to say that the price is
cheap but its quality is rather good. For instance, you can have a nice cup of coffee with only 15,000
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10. Describe a library that you have visited.

- Where the library is located

+ The library in An Giang university at the center of Long Xuyen city, belonging to An Giang

- What you use it for

+ Look up books for my major as well as using free computers and Internet.

+ A peaceful place to learn by myself.

- How often you visit this place

When I studied at An Giang university, I visited the library about 3 hours everyday. However,
after graduation, I did not return this place.

- What special features it has.

I think that it has much convenience to widen knowledge. There were useful facilities for study
in it, such as a lot of computers, a variety of books, headphones and projectors.

11. Describe some important advice you received.

- Who gave you the advice

+ I received the important advice from my father when I prepared to start my study at
university 8 years ago.

+ He is a good father and always concern with his children.

- What the advice was

+ He told me a story about his own life.

After he graduated at university, he took a job in Dong Thap Province in a government office
although he had a good chance to study higher. He ignored that chance.

He tried to get much money but he felt regretted about his ignored chance.

+ So he encouraged me to study higher, Master course or Ph.D.

+ He supposed that “Efforts are more important than natural talent”.

- Why it was important.

+ Because this was an advice from my father.

+ Showed me direction to strive for mastery.

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- How this advice helped you

+ In long term of study at university, I must encounter (with) many difficulties and barries,
however, I overcoame these challenges.

The main reason for my success was his advice.

His advice helped me recognize his great belief for me and it was obvious motivation.

+ Moreover, I never gave up because I believed him that “talent and dream can be created by
attempt, not only good luck and nature.

12. Describe an important letter you received.

- When you received this letter

+ It is a handwritten letter sent through post office 3 years ago, exactly 37 months ago.

+ It came from my previous girlfriend.

- What the letter was about

+ Believe it or not. My previous girlfriend and I separated because of disagreement of


+ In the content of the letter, she said about misunderstanding because of different life

She felt sorry because of betraying me to choose another man.

She hoped that we were still friends.

- How you felt when you read it

+ The letter moved me to tears.

+ Many memories returned in my mind.

- Why it was important.

+ It is a long time which I had a rancor with her .

+ However, after reading the letter, I figured out some issues and sympathize with her.
Therefore, I called her to forgive her.

+ Now, we became normal friends and not enemies.

13. Describe a gift or present you have received.

- What the gift was

+ It was a new cell phone, model Nokia 6300.

+ Its appearance was nice with the silver cover and screen.

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- Who gave it to you

My parents bought this cell phone and present me in my 20th birthday 6 years ago.

This was a wonderful gift for me.

- Why they gave it to you

They wanted to wish me a happy birthday.

Also, they can contact with me easier.

- How you felt when you received it.

+ An indescribable/ indefinable feeling.

+ This feeling included some happiness, worries and pride.

+ Believe me or not. At that time, my cell phone had a high value and it might become a target
of criminals.

14. Describe something you bought which you were not happy with.

- What the thing was

+ It was a water heater.

The main reason I bought it was that I am quite keen on instant noodle. And I needed a
machine to cook this food fast.

- Where/ When you bought it

+ I decided to buy it six months ago and where I bought was a supermarket near my boarding
house in HCM City.

- Why you were not happy with it

+ After I used it about one month, exactly 8th time, it was gone out.

+ Water in a heater was still cool although I plugged it in about an hour.

+ It was guarantee in 3 weeks, and I felt unconfortable to buy a bad-quality product.

- What you did about the situation.

+ I throw it away into garbage can/ rubbish bin.

+ After that, I bought a stove to replace previous water heater.

Now, I am pleased with the stove.

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