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LESSON 8: ROCK FORMATION The layers (strata) are formed from the accumulation,
compaction, and cementation of sediments over a period
TYPES OF ROCKS of time. Most fossils are found in these layers. Young
rock layers are found at the surface and older layers
Rocks & Minerals below.
-It is a natural substance composed of solid crystals of
different minerals that have been fused together into a Rock Cycle- is a group of changes. Igneous rock >
solid lump. They help us to develop new technologies and sedimentary rock/ metamorphic rock. Sedimentary rock >
are used in our everyday lives. Our use of rocks and metamorphic rock/igneous rock. Metamorphic rock
minerals includes building material, cosmetics, cars, > igneous or sedimentary rock.
roads, and appliances.
1.IGNEOUS ROCKS – formed through solidified Igneous Rocks form when magma cools and makes

molten rock. It can be classified into extrusive (volcanic) crystals. Magma is a hot liquid made of melted minerals.
formed at surface of the Earth and intrusive (Plutonic) It can form underground, (cools slowly) or it can form
formed deep on Earth above ground. (cools quickly).When it pours out on
Earth's surface, magma is called lava.
Example: Basalt, Pumice, Granite, Gabbro, Obsidian.
On Earth's surface, wind and water can break rock into
2.SEDIMENTARY ROCKS – formed when
a pieces. They can also carry rock pieces to another place.
combinations of rock fragments, seashells, fossils, and Usually, the rock pieces drop from the wind or water to
chemicals are compressed in layers and hardened. make a layer. After a long time, the sediments can be
cemented together to make sedimentary rock. [igneous >
Example: Conglomerate, sandstone, limestone, shale, sedimentary]
Baked rock does not melt, but it does change. If it has
Mountains made of metamorphic rocks can be broken up crystals already, it forms larger crystals. Remember that a
and washed away by streams. New sediments from these caterpillar changes to become a butterfly. That change is
mountains can make new sedimentary rock. called metamorphosis. Metamorphosis can occur in rock
when they are heated to 300-700 degrees Celsius.

3. METAMORPHIC ROCKS – formed when other

rocks are changed by heat, pressure, and chemical Mountains made of metamorphic rocks can be broken up
reaction. and washed away by streams. New sediments from these
mountains can make new sedimentary rock.
Example: Marble, Slate, Gneiss, Schist, Phyllite
Sedimentary rock layers contain information about the
Stratification– Process in which sedimentary rocks are relative ages of events and objects in Earth's history.
arranged in layers due to crystal movement, displacement Rocks form from sediments that fall to the bottom of
of soils, and distortion of terrain. The layers of stratified lakes, rivers and seas. Over time, the sediments pile up to
rocks differ from one another depending on the kind, size, form horizontal layers of sedimentary rocks. Bottom layer
and color of their sediments. older, top layer youngest.
LESSON 9: EARTH MATERIALS & PROCESS 3 major kinds of unconformities:

Geologists determine the relative ages of rocks and other 1.Nonconformity- horizontal layers of sedimentary rocks
structures by examining their places during a sequence. If overlie older igneous or metamorphic rocks. When
a layer of rock is offset by a fault, which may be a break horizontal rock layers are exposed and eroded, and new
in the Earth’s surface, you recognize that the layers had to horizontal layers of rock are deposited on the eroded
be there before a fault could cut through them. surface it develops disconformity.

Relative dating employed to arrange geological events, 2.Angular unconformity- when new horizontal layers of
and the rocks they leave rock form on top of older rock layers that are folded by
behind, during a sequence. The reading is called compression.
stratigraphy (layers of rock is called
strata). Relative dating doesn't provide actual numerical 3.Disconformity- when horizontal rock layers are

dates for the rocks. exposed and eroded, and new horizontal layers of rocks
are deposited on the eroded surface.
ROCKS • Absolute Dating- achieved using historical records and
through the analysis of biological and geological patterns
• The Principle of Superposition: sedimentary rocks are resulting from annual climatic variations. It is also
laid down in a sequence, one on the top of another, with
a known as numerical dating, to offer rocks an actual date,
the youngest being at the top. or date range, in the number of years.

• The Principle of Horizontality: sedimentary rocks are Scientists prefer the term chronemic/calendar dating
laid down in flat because using “Absolute” implies unwarranted certainty
(horizontal) layers, although these can later tilt and fold. of accuracy.

• The Principle of Lateral Continuity: Isotopes- important in all techniques for absolute dating,
layers of rock extend sideways within the same order. A these are atoms with chemical elements having different
later event, like a river cutting, may form a gap, but you forms.
can still connect the strata.

Different elements are used for dating because they have

PRINCIPLE OF LATERAL CONTINUITY different decay rates. The process of the breakdown is
called Radioactive Decay and involves atoms breaking
Unconformity- a gap in the rock record caused by down into their atomic or molecular particles.
erosion or pause in deposition.
LESSON 10: INTRODUCTION TO LIFE SCIENCE Stanley Lloyd Miller ( American)
● March 7, 1930 - May 20, 2007
Life-Any system capable of performing functions like ● A chemist who made landmark experiments in the
eating, metabolizing, excreting, moving, growing, origin of life by demonstrating that a wide range
reproducing and corresponding to stimuli. of vital organic compounds can be synthesized by
fairly simple chemical processes from inorganic
From the result of their experiment, they found that 15%
Alexander Ivanovich Oparin (Russian) of the carbon in the system was inorganic compounds that
● March 2,1984 - April 21, 1980 had formed in the system. This conclusion proved that

● A soviet biochemist notable for his theories about inorganic molecules could be formed from inorganic
the origin of life. molecules.
● Studied biochemistry of material processing by
plants and enzyme reaction in the plant cell. ● 25 amino acids ( the main ones being glycines,
alanine, and aspartic acid)
John Scott Haldane (Scottish) ● Several fatty acids
● May 2 1860 - March 14/15, 1936
a ● Hydroxyl acid
● A psychologist famous for intrepid self ● Amide products
experimentation which led to many important
discoveries about the human body and the nature The common ancestors of all life Prokaryotes:
of gasses. -Most assume that this common ancestor was prokaryotic,
meaning it did not have a nucleus. There was a scarcity of
OPARIN-HALDANE HYPOTHESIS oxygen during the early Earth so the ancestral cell must
PRIMORDIAL SOUP THEORY also have been anaerobic which means capable of living
without oxygen.
-This hypothesis suggested that if the primitive
atmosphere was reduced ( as opposed to oxygen rich), Evidence on the first form of life:

and if there was an appropriate supply of energy, such as

lightning of ultraviolet, then a wide range of organic 1. Fossils
compound might be synthesized. - One of the strongest piece of evidence that shows
many life form existed in Earth in the past 3.5
1953 billion years.
Exp: bone, shell, plant and footprint fossils.
Harold Clayton Urcy (American)
● April 29, 1893 - January 5, 1981 Rise of Eukaryotes
● A physical biochemist played a significant role in -Nucleus is not often preserved during fossilization; the
the development of the atom bomb; but may be cell was eukaryotic. These eukaryotic cells are generally
most prominent for his contribution to theories on larger than the prokaryotic cells. A cell wall with complex
the development of organic life from non-living patterns, spines, or spikes probably belonged to a
matter. eukaryote.



Karyon = Nucleus Karyon = Nucleus 1.Molecules- Chemical structures that are composed of 2 or
more atoms.
Originated about 3.5 Originated around 1.2
billion years ago billion years ago
2.Organelles- These are parts of the cell which are responsible
Primitive forms Advance forms for function & integrity. Some are membrane bound while
others are not.
Unicellular Multicellular
3.Cells- The basic working and structural unit of an organism.
Developing Nucleus True nucleus present Different cells work in different organs. They are structured

according to function. Organisms can either be single-celled or
Small in size Large in size
multicellular in nature.
Non-bounded membrane Membrane-bounded
4.Tissues- Cells grouped together and perform specialized

7 basic characteristics of life: 5.Organ- This is a body part or a part of an organism which is
1. Nutrition
a made up of a group of tissues. An organ functions specifically
2. Reproduction in a body.
3. Excretion
4. Growth 6.Organism- The individual living species. Each thriving
5. Movement plant/animal is an organism.
6. Respiration
7. Sensitivity 7.Populations- Group of species living in a specific area.
Exp: Crabs living in a coastal area.

8.Communities- Variety of species inhabiting a specific

area.This is the combination of different populations.

9.Ecosystems- The biotic & abiotic factors in an area. This

includes not only the interaction between living things but also
between living and nonliving.

10. Biosphere- livable parts of the earth.

(spaces in land, water, and air.)

(1665) Robert Hooke published Micrographia, a book

describing organisms viewed under the microscope. The
invention of the microscope led him to the discovery of the cell
. While looking at cork, He observed box-shaped structures,
which he called "cells". This discovery led to the development
of classical cell theory.
The generally accepted portions of the modern Cell CHLOROPLAST-Found only in plants, site of
Theory are as follows: photosynthesis

• The cell is the fundamental unit of structure and VACUOLES- Large storage sacks found mainly in
function in living things. plants
• All organisms are made up of one or more cells.
• Cells arise from other cells through cellular division. CELL WALL-Structure in plants made of cellulose that
is outside of the cell membrane
CYTOSKELETON- Long protein filaments in the
NUCLEUS-Regulates all cell activities cytosol that support the cell.
CELL MEMBRANE-Is made out of phospholipids and

proteins Evolution- scientific thought that would explain or make
sense of all the organisms now. Fossil records show that
MITOCHONDRION- Site of cellular respiration "power
organisms have been evolving for billions of years now,
and that this accounts for the vast diversity and variation
LYSOSOME-Suicide Sacks that contain digestive enzymes of organisms in the past and present.


a (1800s,The Father of Evolution) Charles Darwin
Ribosomes, transports proteins and other materials published the book, "The Origin of Species", which
expressed two main points.
ribosomes, stores proteins 1) "contemporary species arose from a succession of
ancestors that differed from them". This is what we call
GOGI COMPLEX (APPARATUS)- Processes and packages
descent with modification and accounts for the dual
nature of life's unity and diversity.
NUCLEOLUS- Dark spot of chromatin in the nucleus where
ribosomes are produced 2)Second, that “natural selection is the primary reason
for descent with modification”.

CYTOPLASM- Colloid that contains water and nutrients and

supports the organelles Natural selection
Darwin's theory of evolution states that species with
ORGANELLES- The parts of a cell with a particular inherited traits are more likely to survive and reproduce
function than those who are not. This is because the environment
constantly selects for the production of traits from
PROKARYOTIC- Cells with no true nucleus and no
random variant traits naturally occurring within a
membrane bound organelles
EUKARYOTIC-Cells that contain a true nucleus and
membrane bound organelles This is a requirement for organisms to perform life
processes like growing, reproducing, moving, and other
CENTRIOLES-Only in animal cells, aid in cell division intracellular processes. A characteristic common to all
forms of life is the need for energy - this is how an
RIBOSOMES- Produce Proteins organism spends its energy.
Sun- primary source of energy in the environment. All Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) makes copies of specific
organisms rely on the sun's energy input to survive. regions of sequenced DNA for any scientific investigation
Autotrophs or producers are photosynthetic organisms. These including forensic analysis and medical testing.
organisms are able to harvest sunlight to create their own food.
This process is called photosynthesis.
The chemical energy in the form of food molecules will then be
passed by plants and other photosynthetic organisms to other 1. Plant Genetic Modification
organisms that are not able to produce their own food. The Easiest method of plant genetic modification used by our
organisms receiving the energy from producers are called wandering ancestors and until today, is simple selection. That
consumers, while the organisms receiving it are called is, a genetically heterogeneous population of plants is
producers. inspected, and "superior" individuals. Plants with the most
desired traits are selected for continued propagation.

Genetic Engineering- ( aka Genetic Modification) - process of ex. Production of pest-resistant plants
changing an organism's genome using biotechnology, discusses ex. Increase of crop production
basic concepts of GE and identifying some of the Genetically
Modified Organisms/GMOs. 2. Animal Genetic Modification
Modern breeds of livestock differ from their ancestors as a
Biotechnology- use of biological techniques and engineered result of breeding strategies.
organisms to make products/plants and animals that have
desired traits.
a Established and emerging biotechnology in animal
agriculture include:
DIFFERENT PROCESSES assisted reproductive technologies;
use of naturally occurring hormones, such as recombinants, and
• Restriction Enzymes biotechnologies to enhance reproductive efficiency without
Cutting of the DNA strands into fragments. Creates DNA affecting the genome; and biotechnologies to enhance
fragments with sticky/blunt ends that can join with other DNA expression of desirable genes.
ex. Increase of milk production per cow
• Gel Electrophoresis ex. Double production of eggs in chickens
Separates DNA fragments by size; studies DNA fragments of

various sizes. 3.Genetic Modification of Microbes

Food, wine, bread and cheese are common examples of ancient
• Recombinant DNA Technology Combination of a DNA foods that depend on microbial ingredients and activities.
fragment with the DNA from another source also called Microorganisms play an important role in food production and
exogenous DNA. can produce enzymes and other metabolites used in the
production and processing of food. They are also involved in
• Gene Cloning food spoilage and decomposition.
Production of large numbers of identical recombinant DNA
molecules. Create large amounts of recombinant DNA to be ex. Increase microbe-dependent-food production
used in genetically engineered organisms. ex. Increase human immunity/ resistance to
• DNA Sequencing
is used to identify the DNA sequence of cloned recombinant
DNA molecule to further study and errors in the DNA
sequences to predict the function of a particular gene and to
compare to other genes with similar sequences
from different organisms.
-One of the main reasons why scientists conduct Genetic
Engineering (GE) is to provide and sustain humans with a Organ system-a group of organs that work together to perform
better quality of life. a certain function in an
organism’s body.
1. Makes agricultural practices much safer by reducing, if not
totally eliminating the use of pesticides. Disorders of the Organ Systems

Purpose:This creates greater yields since farmers will no • Skeletal System

longer spend extra money for pesticides leading to improved Osteoporosis – This disorder is prevalent in the elderly. The
growth rate of crops and consequently create better food bone loses calcium and becomes
products. GE allows specific traits to be developed for plants thinner, resulting in the loss of bone tissue.
and animals.

2. Improve resistance to diseases and even stop genetic • Nervous System
diseases in humans. We already have genetic testing in place to Alzheimer’s Disease – This disorder impacts mental functions
test for certain cancers. and memory. It is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder
that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and,
Purpose: (GE) could be used to help treat or cure people who eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks.
are born with genetic disorders. Different tools of genetic
engineering could produce novel medical treatments like • Respiratory System
vaccines, insulin, and even hormone treatment. It also allows
a Pneumonia – is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or
us to be proactive more often against pathogens that can have both lungs. The air sacs may fill with fluid or pus (purulent
life-threatening characteristics. material), causing cough with phlegm or pus, fever, chills, and
difficulty breathing. A variety of organisms, including bacteria,
viruses and fungi, can cause pneumonia.
• Circulatory System
1. Amount of diversity that is available is limited. The industry Stroke – A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of
will focus on the product or organism that performs well. your brain is interrupted or reduced,preventing brain
tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells
begin to die in minutes.
2. Prone to technological abuse. Currently, we have laws and

treaties in place to prevent genetic engineering abuse but that • Urinary System
doesn't mean abuse on its use will not occur Kidney Disease – This is a disease of the kidneys where
they are damaged and can’t filter blood properly. Kidney
3. The GE process can only be copyrighted in the US. That disease can cause waste to build up in the body, leading to
makes the rule more profitable for sepsis.
organizations to study DNA manipulation instead of working
for the good of humanity.

4. It can bring difficult legal liabilities with unintended

consequences/ Seeds and crops also can be patented. (GE)
create a barrier against disease and harsh environmental
conditions, but they also extend the resilience of plants and
animals. The changes made are not permanent and more
modifications are required over time because nature eventually
adapts. This brings issues for farmers who encounter GMOs on
their land due to unintentional spread.
ORGAN SYSTEM PARTS/ ORGAN Control physiological
processes such as digestion,
Circulatory System Heart, Blood Vessels & circulation etc.
Reproductive/Endocrine Manufactures cells that
Digestive System Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, System create and support new life.
Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Regulates hormones and
Small & large intestine. relays chemical messages
throughout the body.
Lymphatic System Spleen, Lymph Nodes and
Vessels, White Blood Cells, t Respiratory System Provides oxygen and gas
and B cells. exchange between the blood
and the environment.
Muscular/Skeletal System Skeletal Structure ( Bones &
Cartilage) and Muscles Urinary System Filters wastes, toxins, excess
water and nutrients from the

Nervous System Brain, Spinal Cord and circulatory system
Peripheral Nerves.

Reproductive System Reproductive organs &

Endocrine Glands such as Mechanical digestion- Chunks of food are broken into
the Hypothalamus, Pineal, smaller pieces.
Thyroid, Pancreas and
Chemical digestion- Large molecules like proteins and
starches are broken into simpler units that can readily be
Respiratory System

Urinary System
Nose, Trachea, Lungs and

Kidney, Bladder, Ureters and


Mouth > stomach > (liver & pancreas adjacent to

Urethra stomach) > small intestines > large intestine

Small intestine- major site of chemical digestion, carried

out by enzymes released from the pancreas and liver. The
Circulatory System Transports nutrients, gasses small intestine is also the main site of nutrient absorption;
(oxygen and carbon dioxide) molecules like sugars and amino acids are taken up by
hormones, and wastes cells and transported into the bloodstream for use.

throughout the body.

Digestive System Convert air, food and water

into building materials for
living tissue. Breaks down
food, absorbs nutrients and
eliminates wastes.

Lymphatic System Destroys and removes

invalidating microbes and
viruses. Removes fat and
excess fluids from the body.

Muscular/Skeletal System Provides structure and

mobility and even controls
the movement of materials
through some organs.

Nervous System Relays electric signals,

directs behaviour and
movement, and helps

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