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Sesi Perbincangan

Persediaan SPM
Kimia Kertas 2
(Bahagian A, B dan C)


liquid and gases

Cecair dan gas
444 0 C

Heat energy is absorbed

to over come the attraction force between the particle / molecule
Tenaga haba diserap
Untuk mengatasi daya tarikan antara zarah/ molekul
the number of proton in a nucleus atom
Bilangan proton didalam nucleus atom

Nucleon number
Nombor nukleon
Y and Z have different number of neutron / nucleon number.
Y dan Z mempunyai bilangan neutron yang berbeza/ nombor nucleon

Carbon 14 – to estimate the age of fossils and artifacts

Karbon-14 – menentukan usia fosil dan atrifak

2.8.5 / 2,8,5

Pentitratan/ titration
Peneutralan/ neutralization
Fenolfthalein/ phenolphthalein
Alkali Mengesan kehadiran ion OH –
Alkali To detect for the present of OH - ions
Larutan merah jambu terbentuk
Pink colour of the solution is formed

Larutan merah jambu bertukar menjadi larutan tanpa warna

Pink colour of the solution change to colourless
Pink colour of the solution change to colourless
Larutan merah jambu bertukar menjadi larutan tanpa warna


2KOH + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2H2O

2KOH + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2H2O

Number of mole of H2SO4 = 20 x 0.15


= 0.003 mol
1 mol of H2SO4 à 2 mol of KOH
0.003 mol of H2SO4 à 0.006 mol KOH

Molarity of KOH = 0.006/40 x 1000

= 0.15 mol dm-3
1. Hydrochloric acid is monoprotic acid, sulphuric acid is diprotic acid
asid hidroklorik adalah asid monoprotic, asid sulfuric adalah asid diprotik
2. The concentration of hydrogen ion, H+ in sulphuric acid is twice
compare to concentration of hydrogen ion, H+
in hydrochloric acid solution.
Kepekatan ion hydrogen, H + didalam asid sulfuric adalah dua kali
ganda berbanding kepekatan ion hidrogen, H + di dalam asid hidroklorik
Chemical Formula that shows the simplest ratio of atom of each
element in a compound
Formula kimia yang menunjukkan nisbah teringkas bagi setiap atom
didalam satu sebatian

To produced hydrogen gas

Menghasilkan gas hidrogen
Zink metal/ logam zink

Collect the gas into a test tube/ kumpulkan gas menggunakan tabung uji
put the burning wooden splinter into the test tube.
Until no ‘POP’ sound produce
Masukkan kayu uji menyala kedalam tabung uji
Sehingga tiada lagi bunyi ‘POP’ terhasil
To ensure the copper is not oxidized// to ensure the
copper is not react with oxygen gas
Memastikan kuprum tidak teroksida// memastikan
kuprum tidak bertindak balas dengan gas oksigen

Repeat heating, cooling and weighing process until

constant mass is obtained
Proses pemanasan, penyejukan dan penmbangan diulang
sehingga jisim yg tetap diperolehi
Lead(II) oxide /silver oxide
Plumbum(II) oksida/ argentum oksida

Magnesium is more electropositive than hydrogen // Magnesium is

higher than hydrogen in reactivity series
Magnesium adalah lebih elektopositif berbanding hydrogen//
magnesium lebih tinggi daripada hydrogen dalam siri kereaktifan
2.1 / 2,1



When the proton number increases, the number of valences electrons

also increases
Apabila nombor proton bertambah, bilangan elektrovalens juga akan
The nuclei attration also increases
Tarikan nucleus terhadap elektro valens juga akan bertambah
Covalent compound
Sebatian kovalen
Low melting and boiling point
Takat lebur dan takat didih yang rendah
Copper(II) carbonate
Kuprum(II) karbonat
1. Flow the gas through lime water
Alirkan gas kedalam air kapur

2. Lime water turn cloudy/milky/chalky

air kapur menjadi keruh/kesusuan/kekapuran

CuCO3 → CuO + CO2

Cation/Kation : Cu2+
1. Add solution Z into the test tube
tambah larutan Z kedalam tabung uji
2. Add sodium hydroxide solution
tambah larutan natrium hidroksida
3. Blue precipitate formed
mendakan biru terhasil
Anion : SO42-
1. add solution Z into the test tube
Tambah larutan Z kedalam tabung uji
2. add hydrochloric acid
tambah asid hidroklorik
3. add barium chloride solution
tambah larutan barium klorida
4. White precipitate formed
Mendakan putih terhasil
Porcelain chips / concentrated H2SO4 / concentrated H3PO4
serpihan porselin /H2SO4 pekat/ H3PO4 pekat
Propanoic acid
Asid propanoik

Purple colour turns colourless

Warna unggu berubah menjadi tanpa warna
Propyl propanoic
Propil propanoat

Sweet / fruity smell

Manis/ bau buah-buahan
1. Add bromine water /tambah air bromin
2. into two test tube containing an alkene and alkane respectively
kedalam dua tabung yang mengandungi alkena dan alkana masing-masing
3. alkene react with bromine water / colour changes /brown to colourless
alkena bertindak balas dgn air bromin/perubahan warna/perang kepada tanpa warna
4. alkane shows no changes
alkana tidak menunjukkan apa-apa perubahan
1. Add / pour acidified potassium manganate (VII)
tambah/tuang kalium mangganat (VII) berasid
2. Into two test tube containing an alkene and alkane respectively
kedalam dua tabung uji yang mengandungi alkena dan alkana masing-masing
3. Alkene react with KMnO4 / purple colour decolourised
alkena bertindak balas dengan KMNO4 / warna unggu dinyahwarnakan
4. alkane shows no changes
alkana tidak menunjukkan apa-apa perubahan
1.Sebatian X yang ingin disediakan ialah butil butanoat yang berperisa nenas
compound X to be prepared is pineapple flavoured butyl butanoate
2. Sukat asid butanoic dengan menggunakan selinder penyukat
measure butanoic acid using a measuring cyclinder
3. Tuangkan kedalam bikar
add in to a beaker
4. Sukat butanol dengan menggunakan silinder penyukat dan tuangkan kedalam bikar yang sama
measure the butanol using a measuring cylinder and pour into the same beaker
5. Kacau larutan campuran
stir the mixture
6. Tambah asid sulfuric pekat
add concentrated sulphuric acid
7. Panaskan larutan campuran
heat the mixed solution
8. Sukat air suling dan tuangkan kedalam bikar yang berlainan
measure the distilled water and pour into different beakers

9. Titis larutan campuran kedalam bikar yang mengandungi air suling

Drop the mixture into a beaker containing distilled water

10. berbau manis buah-buahan

smell sweet smell of fruit


H Cl H Cl n

Chloroethene // Vinylchloride
1. Acid rains/ hujan asid
2. Produce toxic gas / acidic gas
menghasilkan gas beracun/ gas berasid

Reduce / recycle / reuse / burn in incinerator

Mengurangkan/kitar semula/guna semula/bakar dalam iniserator
Oxidation/ pengoksidaan

Fe2+ à Fe3+ + e-

Green solution turns to brown / yellow

Larutan hijau bertukar kepada perang/kuning
Add sodium hydroxide solution to the solution
brown precipitate is formed
Tambah larutan natrium hidroksida kedalam larutan
Mendakan perangterbentuk

From electrode carbon X to Y

Daripada elektrod karbon X ke Y
(b) Referring to the reaction that takes place at the electrode carbon Y and electrode carbon X:
Merujuk kepada tindak balas yang berlaku pada elektrod karbon Y dan elektrod karbon X :

Oxidation/pengoksidaan: Fe2+ à Fe3+ + e-

Reduction/penurunan: Cr2O7 2- + 14H+ + 6e à2Cr3+ + 7H2O

Pt/C (s) |Fe2+ (aq) |Fe3+ (aq) || Cr2O7 2- (aq) |Cr3+ (aq) | H+ (aq)| Pt/C (s)
@ Pt/C (s) |Fe2+ (aq) ,Fe3+ (aq) || Cr2O7 2- (aq) ,Cr3+ (aq) ,H+ (aq)| Pt/C (s)
Accidified Potassium manganate (VII)
Kalium mangganat(VII) berasid

To allows the movement of ions between the two solution

Membenarkan ion-ion bergerak melalui dua larutan
Perwakilan ringkas Sel Elektrokimia // Notasi Sel

Sel elektrokimia boleh diwakili seperti berikut:

Elektrod (p) | Elektrolit (ak) || elektrolit (ak) | elektrod (p)

Terminal negatif Terminal Positf
[Anod] [Katod]
Titiam garam atau pasu berliang

Zn Cu
Sel elektrokimia boleh diwakili dengan notasi sel seperti berikut:
Zn (p) | Zn 2+ (ak,1M) |KNO3(ak)| Cu 2+ (ak,1M) | Cu (p) CuSO4 (aq)
ZnSO4 (aq)
Half equation oxidation/setengah persamaan pengoksidaan: Fe à Fe 2+ + 2e
Half equation reduction/ setengah persamaan penurunan:Ag + + e à Ag
Overall ionic equation/persamaan ion keseluruhan: Fe + 2Ag + à Fe 2+ + 2Ag

Eo cell = E0 katod – E0 anod

Eo cell = E0 Ag – E0 Fe
Eo cell = (+0.80) – (-0.44)
Eo cell =1.24V
Electrolysis process
Proses elektrolisis
Carbon electrode or copper is used
Elektrod karbon atau kuprum digunakan

Electrolytes are industrial wastewater in the electro-agglomeration process

Elektrolit merupakan air sisa industri dalam proses elektro-pengumpalan

[3 marks]
Refrigerator/peti sejuk Open kitchen cabinet/suhu bilik
Low temperature/ suhu rendah High temperature/ suhu tinggi
Low bacteria activity/ aktiviti bakteria High bacteria activity/ aktiviti bakteria
berkurangan meningkat
Bacteria produces small amount of toxin Bacteria produces big amount of toxin
Bakteria menghasil jumlah racun yg kecil Bakteria menghasilkan jumlah racun yg tinggi
Low rate of reaction High rate of reaction
Kadar tindak balas yg rendah Kadar tindak balas yg tinggi
number of mole of HCl used = MV / 1000
25 × 0.1 / 1000 = 0.0025 mol

2 mol of HCl → 1 mol of H2

0.0025 mol of HCl → 0.00125 mol of H2

Number of mole of H2 produced

½ × 0.0125 = 0.00125 mol

volume of H2 gas
= 0.00125 × 24 dm3
= 0.03 dm3 /30 cm3
Average rate of reaction for Experiment B
Kadar tindak balas purata bagi eksperimen B
=30cm3/20s /1.5cm3s-1

Average rate of reaction for Experiment C

Kadar tindak balas purata bagi eksperimen C
=30cm3/15s /2.0cm3s-1
Rate of reaction between Experiment A and Experiment B
Rate of reaction for experiment B is higher than experiment A
Kadar tindak balas bagi eksperimen B lebih tinggi berbanding eksperimen A
Kinetic energy of the particles for experiment B is higher than experiment A
Tenaga kinetic zarah bagi eksperimen B lebih tinggi berbanding eksperimen A
Frecuency of Collisions will increase
Frekunsi perlanggaran bertambah
Frequency of effective collision between H+ ion and magnesium atom increases
Frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan antara ion H + dan atom magnesium bertambah
Rate of reaction between Experiment B and Experiment C
Rate of reaction for experiment C is higher than experiment B
Kadar tindak balas bagi eksperimen C lebih tinggi berbanding eksperimen B
Total surface area for reactant particles in experiment C is higher than experiment B
Jumlah luas permukaan bagi zarah bahan tindak balas dalam eksperimen C lebih tinggi
berbanding eksperimen B
Frecuency of Collisions will increase
Frekunsi perlanggaran bertambah
Frequency of effective collision between H+ ion and magnesium atom increases
Frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan antara ion H + dan atom magnesium bertambah
Size/Saiz Size/Saiz
Total surface area per unit volume Temperature/ Suhu
Jumlah luas permukaan per unit isipadu
Concentration/ kepekatan
Temperature/ Suhu
The kinetic energy of particles Catalyst/ mangkin
Tenaga kinetic zarah-zarah
Concentration/ kepekatan
The number of particles per unit volume
Bilangan zarah per unit isipadu
Catalyst/ mangkin
an alternative route for the reactant particles with a lower activation energy
Laluan alternatif bagi zarah-zarah bahan tindak balas yg mempunyai tenaga
pengaktifan yang rendah
// lowering the activation energy for the reactant particles
merendahkan tenaga pengaktifan bagi zarah-zarah bahan tindak balas
Reactant particles/ zarah bahan tindak balas

HCl (aq/ak) + CaCO3 (s/p) à CaCl2 (aq/ak) + H2O (l/ce) + CO2 (g)

The ionic form of this reaction is/ persamaan ion bagi tindak balas ini:

H+(aq/ak) / Cl-(aq/ak) + CaCO3 (s/p) à Ca 2+(aq/ak) / Cl –(aq/ak) + H2O(l/ce) + CO2(g)

Spectator ions

Reactant particles/ zarah bahan tindak balas:

H + ions and CaCO3
Reactant particles/ zarah bahan tindak balas

HCl (aq/ak) + Mg (s/p) à MgCl2 (aq/ak) + H2 (g)

The ionic form of this reaction is/ persamaan ion bagi tindak
balas ini:

H+(aq/ak) / Cl- (aq/ak) + Mg (s/p) à Mg 2+(aq/ak) / Cl - (aq/ak) + H2 (g)

Spectator ions

Reactant particles/ zarah bahan tindak balas:

H + ions and Mg atoms
Diagram 9.1/Rajah 9.1

(a) (i) State the electron arrangement, group and period of nitrogen atom in the Periodic Table of Elements
Nyatakan susunan electron, kumpulan dan kala bagi atom nitrogen dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur
[2 marks]

Susunan electron/electron arrangement: 2.5/ 2,5

Kumpulan/group 15, kala/period 2
Diagram 9.1/Rajah 9.1

1. Dua atom nitrogen masing-masing berkongsi tiga pasang electron

two nitrogen atoms each share three pairs of electrons
2. membentuk ikatan ganda tiga didalam molekul nitrogen, N2
forms a triple bond in the nitrogen molecule, N2
Diagram 9.2/Rajah 9.2
Fluorine NItrogen
Hidrogen Hidrogen


datif +
Lone pair
of electrons

or H N H
Positive charge Negative charge
because only because the hydrogen
hydrogen nucleus has has left its electron
moved to the behind
+ -

Cl H Cl

Lone pair dative
ammonia acid
of electrons bond

Ammonium chloride

1. Basahkan hujung jari dengan air liur/ wet your fongertips with saliva
2. Daya tarikan antara atom hidrogen dalam molekul air dengan atom oksigen dari molekul air
yang lain membentuk ikatan hydrogen
The attraction between hydrogen atoms in a water molecule and oxygen atom from other
water molecules forms a hydrogen bond
3. Selulosa didalam kertas mempunyai atom hidrogen, H yang terikat dgn atom oksigen, O
Cellulose in paper has a hydrogen atom, H bound to an oxygen atom, O
4. Molekul air, H2O pada jari yg basah akan membentuk ikatan hidrogen dengan selulosa di dalam
kertas. Dengan itu, kertas akan melekat pada jari
Water molecules, H2O on wet fingers will form hydrogen bonds with cellulose in the paper.
with that, the paper will stick to the fingers
Contoh situasi dalam kehidupan seharian/ examples of situations in daily life:
1. Memudahkan menyelak muka surat buku/ Make it easy to flip the pages of a book
2. Memudahkan jurukira wang bank menghitung wang kertas dalam jumlah yang banyak
Make it easy for bank tellers to count banknotes in large amounts
1. Electrolysis is process of chemical changes
elektrolisis ialah proses perubahan kimia
2. when the electric current is passed through molten
or aqueous ionic substances
apabila arus elektrik dialirkan melalui leburan atau sebatian larutan ion

1. type of electrode used/ jenis elektod yg digunakan

2. concentration of solution/ kepekatan larutan
3. The E0 value in the electrochemical series
nilai E0 dalam siri elektrokimia
hydroxide ions, hydrogen ions, magnesium ions, chloride ion
Ion hidroksida, ion hydrogen, ion magnesium, ion klorida

Set A
Cathode/katod: Cu 2+ + 2e à Cu
Anode/anod : Mg à Mg 2+ + 2e
Set A
Cathode/katod: Brown solid deposited// blue solution paler
pepejal perang terenap/ larutan biru menjadi pudar
Anode/ anod : magnesium electrode become thinner
elektrod magnesium semakin nipis
Hydroxide ions/ ion hidroksida

The E 0 value of chloride ions is more positive than hydroxide ions

Nilai E 0 ion klorida lebih positif berbanding ion hidroksida
1. Product formed :oxygen gas
hasil terbentuk: gas oksigen
2. collect a gas using test tube
kumpul gas menggunakan tabung uji
3. put in glowing wooden splinter into a test tube
masukkan kayu uji berbara kedalam tabung uji
4. a glowing splinter light-up
kayu uji berbara menyala
Ramalkan hasil yang terbentuk dikedua-dua elektrod

Anode/anod : oxygen gas/ gas oksigen

Cathode/katod : copper solid deposit / pepejal kuprum terenap
1 Aspirin is acidic / aspirin adalah berasid
2 relieve fever /menghilangkan demam
3. treat arthritis disease / merawat penyakit radang
4. to prevent the heart attack/ mengelak serangan jantung
5. overdose can cause stomach bleeding and can be death.
berlebihan akan menyebabkan pendarahan usus dan boleh menyebabkan kematian
Silica /SiO2
Silika /SiO2
Type of glass Uses
Laboratory glassware
Fused glass
Telescope mirrors
Optical fibres
Electrical bulb
Soda-lime glass Mirrors
Glass container
Lead crystal glass
Art objects
Laboratory glassware
borosilicate glass
Automobile headlights
Glass pipelines
1. soft water does not contain Mg2+ and Ca2+ ion
air lembut tidak mengandungi ion Mg2+ dan Ca2+
2. hard water contain Mg2+ and Ca2+ ion
air liat mengandungi ion Mg2+ dan Ca2+
3. detergent does not form scum in hard water
detergen tidak membentuk kekat dalam air liat
4. soap form scum in hard water
sabun membentuk kekat dalam ir liat
5. soap molecule consists of hydrophobic and hydrophilic part
molekul sabun mengandungi bahagian hidrofobik dan hidroflik
6. hydrophobic part dissolve in oil
bahagian hidrofobik larut dan minyak
7. hydrophilic part dissolve in water
bahagian hidrofilik larut dalam air
8. during rinsing the oily stains is washed away
semasa membilas kotoran berminyak akan disingkirkan
9. cloth in experiment II /detergent is cleaner than cloth in experiment I
pakaian dalam eksperimen II/detergen adalah lebih bersih berbanding dalam eksperimen I
10. detergent in hard water is more effective than soap
detergen dalam ir liat lebih berkesan berbanding sabun
Type of chemical reaction/jenis tindak balas kimia
Diagram 9.1 : exothermic reaction
Rajah 9.1 : tindak balas eksotermik.
Diagram 9.2 : endothermic reaction.
Rajah 9.2 : tindak balas endotermik

Energy content of reactants and products

Kandungan tenaga bagi bahan dan hasil tindak balas :
Diagram 9.1 : The energy content in the reactants is higher than the energy content in the products
Rajah 9.1: kandungan tenaga bagi bahan tindak balas adalah lebih tinggi berbanding kandungan
tenaga hasil tindak balas
Diagram 9.2 : the energy content in the reactants less than the energy content in the products
Rajah 9.2 : kandungan tenaga bahan tindak bals adalah kuran berbanding kandungan tenaga didalam
hasil tindak balas
Formation and breaking of bonds
Pembentukan dan pemecahan ikatan :
Diagram 9.1 : The heat energy released to form a bond is higher than the heat energy absorbed to
break a bond
Rajah 9.1 : tenaga haba dibebaskan bagi membentuk ikatan adalah lebih tinggi daripada tenaga haba
yg diserap bagi memutuskan ikatan
Diagram 9.2 : The heat energy released to form a bond is less than the heat energy absorbed to
break a bond
Rajah 9.2 : tenaga haba dibebaskan bagi membentuk ikatan adalah kurang daripada tenaga haba yg
diserap bagi memutuskan ikatan
(b) Based on diagram 9.1, calculate the change in temperature of the solution if
excess magnesium powder is added to 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 copper(II) sulphate
[Given that Specific heat capacity of solution : 4.2 J g -1 oC-1]
Berdasarkan rajah 9.1, hitungkan perubahan suhu larutan jika serbuk magnesium
berlebihan ditambahkan kepada 50 cm3 0.1 mol dm-3larutan kuprum (II) sulfat.
[Muatan haba tentu larutan : 4.2 J g -1 oC-1]
[4 marks]

1. Number of moles of CuSO4 = (0.1)(50) // 0.005 mol


2. Heat change, mcθ = 169 x 0.005 J // 0.845 kJ // 845 J

3. mcθ = 845 J
(50)(4.2)θ = 845 //
θ = 845 .
= 4.02oC
Materials/Bahan :
sodium hydroxide solution//potassium hydroxide solution,
hydrochloric acid/ nitric acid/ sulphuric acid
Larutan natrium hidroksida// larutan kalium hidroksida,
Asid hidroklorik/asid nitric/ asid sulfurik
1. 50 cm3 of 2 moldm-3 sodium hydroxide solution is poured into a plastic/polystyrene cup
50 cm 3 larutan natrium hidroksida 2 mol dm -3 dituangkan kedalam cawan plastic/ polistyrina
2. 50 cm3 of 2 moldm-3 hydrochloric acid is poured into a plastic/polystyrene cup.
50 cm 3 asid hidroklorik 2 mol dm -3 dituangkan kedalam cawan plastic/ polistyrina
3. The initial temperature of the solutions are measured
suhu awal larutan diukur
4. The hydrochloric acid is then poured quickly into the sodium hydroide solution.
asid hidroklorik dituangkan dengan cepat kedalam larutan natrium hidroksida
5. The mixture is stirred and the highest temperature reached is recorded.
larutan campuran dikacau dan suhu tertinggi tercapai direkodkan
Initial temperature of sodium hydroxide solution
Suhu awal larutan natrium hidroksida = T1 0C.
Initial temperature of hydrochloric acid
Suhu awal asid hidroklorik = T2 0C
Highest temperature
Suhu tertinggi = T3 0C

Average temperature of acid and alkali
purata suhu bagi asid dan alkali = (T1 + T2)/2
= ToC
Increase in temperature/ peningkatan suhu = (T3-T) = Ø oC

Heat released in the reaction/ haba yang dibebaskan dalam tindak balas
= (50+50) x 4.2 x Ø
= P J // P/1000 kJ
Number of mole of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid
bilangan mol bagi natrium hidroksida dan asid hidroklorik
= 50 x 2
= 0.1 mol

Heat of neutralization/ haba peneutralan, êH = P/1000 kJ

0.1 mol
= -Q kJmol-1
Logam P = Cu Logam Q = Zn

1. Larutan kalium heksasianoferat(III) berfungsi mengesan kehadiran ion Fe 2+

potassium hexacynoferrate(III) solution is to detect for the presence of Fe 2+ ion
2. kehadiran ion Fe2+ dikesan dengan kehadiran warna biru dalam larutan agar
the presence of Fe 2+ ions was detected by the presence of blue colour in the agar solution

3. Paku besi/Fe berkarat dalam Eksperimen I kerana kehadiran ion Fe2+

iron/Fe nails rusted in Experiment I due to the presence of Fe 2+ ions
4. Dalam eksperimen II,Paku besi/Fe tidak berkarat, Logam Zn lebih elektropositif daripada besi/Fe
in experiment II, iron/Fe nails do not rust, metal Zn is more electropositive than iron/Fe
Logam P=Cu Logam Q=Zn

5. Kehadiran ion hidroksida dikesan oleh fenolftalein dan menghasilkn warna merah jambu
the presence of hydroxide ions is detected by phenolphthalein and produced a pink color

6. Apabila ion Fe2+ dan ion OH – bergabung akan membentuk ferum(II) hidroksida , Fe(OH)2
when Fe2+ ions and OH – ions combine to form iron(II) hydroxide, Fe(OH)2
7. Ferum(II) hidroksida dioksidakan kepada ferum(III) oksida dan bertindak balas dengan oksigen
diudara untuk membentuk ferum(III) oksida terhidrat/karat
iron(II) hydroxide is oxidized to iron(III) oxide and reacts with oxygen in the air to
form hydrated iron(III) oxide/rust
8. Menggunakan logam korban/pelindungan korban
using sacrificial metal/sacrificial protection

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