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It’s almost December - which means the last month of Q4 and of this year.

As we move into
December, the IBM Ambassadors have planned a series of activities to get us into the
holiday spirit!
We’ll start with setting up the Christmas tree in the collaboration area (5th floor, the Bridge
1) on 6 December, as no winter celebration is complete without one. All the details will
come on Slack - so pay attention to that, as well as from your Ambassador representative.
Next, we’re bringing back a much-loved activity: Secret Santa [insert EC link]. Looking
forward to exchange gifts with you and to see many happy faces around the Christmas tree,
as music will play in the background, in the sound of our laughter and gift unwrapping.
Santa’s little helper here is Roxana Ciupariu, so please contact her if you have any questions.
Finally, we’ll have surprise gifts in the office, in the week of 12-16 December - stay close to
our #general Slack channel for more details.
As the year’s end draws closer, we can take a minute to reflect how 2022 has been for all of
us. We celebrated 10 Years of MSC Bucharest and had some fun in the office during
SkillXplore and the MSC Office Olympics. We had the opportunity to engage into insightful
discussions during the TED sessions, but we also indulged into gifts from the Ambassadors
and gave back to the community through various interactions with NGOs in Romania. It’s
been a great year and I’m looking forward to an even better 2023!
This December, bring your holiday cheer to the office.

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