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MatchCard Science© Force and Motion - 6

Define speed, velocity, momentum, and acceleration.





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MatchCard Science© Force and Motion - 6
Define speed, velocity, momentum, and acceleration.
Use a toy car to compare speed, velocity,
momentum, and acceleration.
Discuss the velocity if a car went 50 mph in one
direction for 2 hours, then turned back for 30
minutes. Compare speed and velocity. Think of
Make up word problems with the speed of a car. an airplane that travels in 3-dimensions.

Amount of distance in a given time
Rate = distance
r= d/t “60 mph”


Speed in a specific direction

"North at 15 mph "


Power of a moving object to keep moving

Mass X Velocity

The change in speed over time

Measured in meters per second per second

Change in speed
Time……. "6 m/s/s"
What would cause more damage – a small car or a Example: Your toy car is going 5 meters per second for 2 seconds,
large truck going 25 mph that hit a building? then 10 meters per second for 2 seconds, then 15 meters per second
Discuss momentum and the formula to calculate it. for two seconds. What is the acceleration?
F&M - 6 Information Pieces
To Make Your MatchCard more
Amount of distance "60 mph"
in a given time
1. Put the student MatchCard
Speed in a specific direction "North at 15 mph"
F&M-6 F&M-6
and instructor MatchCard
Power of a moving object to keep
Mass X Velocity back to back in a clear
F&M-6 F&M-6
plastic page protector.
The change in speed over time Change in speed
F&M-6 2. Laminate the information
F&M-6 pieces. Or you can make
Rate = distance Measured in meters per second
them sturdier by covering
time per second
F&M-6 the paper with transparent
r= d/t "6 m/s/s"
tape prior to cutting the
F&M-6 F&M-6
pieces out.
3. For more ideas on how to use
the MatchCards, and for
keeping a notebook for
review, see the Instructor’s

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