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Task Performance

Scenario 1: The Restaurant

You are a manager of a restaurant. It was Saturday evening, and the restaurant is full of
customers. There are even other customers who are waiting to get seated. One of your staff,
Raphael, called your attention that Bea (another staff) is taking too long talking to a customer
every time she serves them. Because of this, other employees take time to talk to their
customers as well, so they’ll serve less people. This caused a delay in the service. When you are
about to call the attention of Bea regarding the matter, you’ve noticed that her customer is one
of your VIP customers.

QUESTION 1: How will you manage the conflict in this situation?

As manager, the first thing I'm waiting for is Bea and one of her VIP clients to get rid of her. Then
I turn her bee's attention to me, approach her and talk calmly and personally. Discuss and
explain any relevant discrepancies and explain the impact on the performance of other
employees. Increase it then suggests the correct course of action to avoid or prevent a
recurrence of this scenario. I will also file a dispute to make all employees aware of this issue.

QUESTION 2: How will you build an effective team after this incident?

After the incident, as manager, I will build an effective team by building leadership by promoting
integrity and transparency in the restaurant. and build relationships with each employee. We
build relationships of trust and loyalty among our employees. By sharing information among
employees and expanding the breadth of the organization, it promotes teamwork and promotes
team spirit and cooperation among employees. Finally, set ground rules for your team by
establishing team policies, promoting team values, and bringing order to your group.

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